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Authors: Jessica Hickam

The Revealed (35 page)

BOOK: The Revealed
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“Tell them that would be a
bad idea,” my father says darkly.

I shake my head. “I’m not here to play the messenger. I’m here to say goodbye.”

My father’s eyes narrow, but he doesn’t respond.

“The Revealed have given me a purpose. I can do something good with them. I know you don’t understand, and I’m not asking you to yet, but please just know I have to do this. I’ll be okay. They need me and the people here need you. I never belonged in your world, and now I’ve found a place where I do. Someday maybe you’ll understand.”

“They’ve brainwashed you,” he says.

“You have a country to look after now, and I can look after myself. You have bigger problems than your teenage daughter.”

“Don’t go with them,” he says. If the comment weren’t so stern it would almost sound as if he were begging.

“I’ll make you see,” I promise. “They’re the good guys.”

“Lily, I can help you.”

“I love you, Dad.” I turn and walk out.

“Lily!” my father calls after me, but I keep walking. I don’t even hesitate. My life is waiting for me. My life with The Revealed. There is no more time for hesitation.



I drive from the hospital with Rory. We aren’t heading back to the apartment, though. As soon as I left, there’s no doubt my father called for a team to hunt us down. It’s time to get out of the city. From here we’ll head back into the wastelands and on to the coast where the submarine will be waiting to take us back to headquarters.

Cara and Skylar are in the car up ahead with Nero and Zared. We’ll touch base at the rest stop just before the border. We pull out onto the highway and a familiar stretch of land unrolls in front of me. It’s a straight shot to the border from here, and then down until we hit the ocean.

I lean my head against the seat and shut my eyes.

For the next few weeks I will continue training at The Revealed’s headquarters underwater. Once I’ve gained more control over my abilities, I’ll head out with the others on missions. There’s a mission going to China next month. They’ll help plant crops. I plan on volunteering. It’s a perfect opportunity for me to start exploring the world.

I feel Rory veer off the road and my eyes open in surprise. She’s taken one of the exits off the highway.

“Is something wrong?” I ask, staring around the car, wondering what I’m missing. The others didn’t pull off with us. It’s just Rory and me.

“We need to make a stop,” she tells me.

“Do you want me to call the others and let them know?”

She shakes her head. “They’ll figure it out once they realize we aren’t behind them anymore, babe.”

The gas tank is still about three-quarters full, and the car seems to be running fine.

“I didn’t believe you last night on the balcony,” Rory says.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

And then I realize where she’s taking me. She pulls onto a small road. It’s deserted, for the most part. All of the crops were harvested in the last few weeks, and soon the fields will be burned so the colonies can start fresh in spring. Acres upon acres of empty fields stretch out before me, all of them brown and withered.

Rory continues driving deep into the fields almost until the road ends, before she pulls off to the side, driving up a hill. It isn’t until we’re over the hill that I see his car.

The sun is sinking in the sky, touching the treetops, and sending orange rays splashing along the golden-brown fields. His silhouette is outlined against one of the trees, and he has his back to us.

I glance at Rory to say something, but words don’t come.

Rory stays in the car, giving me some time. “Just don’t be long,” she warns. “The others will start to worry.”

I sprint from the car toward him. He hears the car door close and turns. I run into his arms, and he buries his hands in my hair.

“I forgot how good it feels to have you in my arms,” he says, pressing his lips to my neck. “I’m so sorry,” he says against my ear.

“Why are you apologizing?”

“I should have told you about The Revealed before I let them take you, but I didn’t know what to say.”

“I’m the one who should be apologizing. All of this time, all you’ve ever done is look out for me, and I acted suspicious and horrible. I’m an idiot. I shouldn’t have ever put you in danger the way I did by sending you that email. I wasn’t thinking. I just missed you.”

“It killed me not to write you back. I care about you, Lily,” he says. “More than I’ve ever cared about anyone. Don’t ever forget that.”

He doesn’t let go of me, and I realize why.

This is goodbye.

“What about your father?” I ask. “Where did he go?”

“I don’t know.” I can see the shame and disgust in the way Kai holds his shoulders and stiffens against me. “I got home last night and he was packing. He even let go of the staff. He isn’t planning on coming back anytime soon.”

“Good,” I say without thinking. “Are you okay? He says nothing, just holds me tighter. I sigh, shutting my eyes and taking one more moment to enjoy the feel of being with him. “I have to go back.”

“I know.”

“When will I see you again?”

“I don’t know. For now you need to stay with them. People know you’re a member of The Revealed. It’s not safe for you here right now.”

“Come with us,” I beg, taking his hand.

“It doesn’t work like that. You know that. I have to stay here. My mind isn’t like yours,” he runs a light finger over my forehead. “It’s your world. Mine is here.”

“I don’t have to go with them. I can stay.”

“No.” His voice is certain, almost harsh.

Rory honks the horn lightly. Time is up.

I look over my shoulder then back at Kai. “I don’t know if I can do this without you.”

“You have to. This is your chance to prove to everyone that you’re more than just your father’s daughter. You were meant for this.” He pulls me close to his chest again and whispers in my ear, “Someday we’ll take that drive together.”

I nod against his chest.

He takes my hand and we walk back to the car together.

I turn to him, not sure what to say. He stares into my eyes, the green and gold reflecting my own gaze. He cups the sides of my face with his hands and kisses me. One kiss. Our lips touch, gentle at first. He runs a hand through my hair and pulls me closer still. I crush myself against him, lacing my hand around his neck. I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to say goodbye.

And then the kiss is over. The feel of it still lingers on my lips. I know it will fade. I don’t want him to fade from me.

He gives me one more intense look, holding my face with his palms, as he memorizes everything about me as though I’m the most-precious thing in the world. No one has ever made me feel as significant and worthy as I am in his eyes. I will fight to be the person he’s seeing in that gaze of his. Then, he lets me go.

“Wait….” My resolve starts to crumble.

He shakes his head. “I won’t let you change your mind.”

“It’s my choice too.” I look back at the car and Rory, and realize, I can’t have both.

“And your choice is to go with The Revealed.”

He’s right.

My tongue is thick in my mouth so I just throw my arms around his neck and pull him to me one more time. I bury my face in his neck, my lips brushing against his skin, and I feel his pulse in time with mine.

Eventually, he forces our bodies apart, and I can see the strain on his face reflecting my own. If I wait any longer it will only become more difficult.

“Goodbye,” I whisper and walk quickly back to the car.

I slam the door shut and take a deep breath. When I look back up, Kai is already driving away from the fields. I watch his car until it’s out of sight.

Rory nudges me with her arm, guiding me back to reality. “You ready for this?” She smiles, snapping her fingers. “The others are waiting. I just got a call from Skylar. They’re going to meet us at the rest stop.” A flame cracks over her hand. She plays with it between her fingers, letting it dance across her fingertips. “Just because your father’s president now doesn’t mean the problems are over. We’ve still got the rest of the world to deal with.”

I allow myself to grin. This is the first day of a new era. My father is president and the world is a changing place, full of potential and hope.

I hold my palm out, covering my icy hand over Rory’s flame to extinguish it. “I’m in. Only—” I hold out my hand, “I want to drive.”

She grins, handing over the keys. We switch places and head back out onto the highway. I grip the wheel, my speed climbing, letting the world and all its possibilities stretch out before me.


It’s only as I write these thank yous that publishing
The Revealed
actually feels real. It has been quite the whirlwind adventure! And I have an amazing team to thank for every moment along the way. We’ve come so far together, and the future only looks brighter.


First and foremost, I have to thank my publisher SparkPress, the BookSparks imprint, and founder Crystal Patriarche, who has been so much more than a publisher. She’s been there since before the beginning of this novel and mentored me all the way through. Every success with
The Revealed
is because you believed in it and me, Crystal. This novel wouldn’t have happened without you. I can’t wait to see where the series takes us!


Thank you to my dad for telling me, “Just publish the dang thing.” And my mother for always believing in me. It’s because of the two of you that I have the strength to never give up on my dreams.


Thank you to the rest of the SparkPress/BookSparksPR team: Heidi Hurst, Wayne Parrish, and Erin Holtgreve, and to their web designer Betsy Cohen for my fabulous author website. The dedication and time you put into this project mean so much to me. Thank you to Maya Rock for giving me the feedback I needed to make the novel stronger. To Jess Riley for making the book sparkle. To Chase Oliver for making the symbol come to life. To Julie Metz for a cover that makes me hope people will judge the book by it.


Finally, to Mr. Don Scott for giving me the creative writing assignment in fifth grade that started this whole crazy passion of mine. You are not just an amazing teacher but an amazing man, who has continued to inspire me to this day. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.






Find out what’s next for Lily in
The Enraged
book two of
The Revealed

Coming soon from SparkPress.


About the Author

After graduating from Arizona State University in 2011, Jessica relocated to Los Angeles where she now works in the entertainment industry. From acting to working on the Paramount feature
Star Trek Into Darkness
, her experiences have only reinforced her love for living in other worlds—whether they be from her own imagination or someone else’s.
The Revealed
is her first novel.


Connect with Jessica at:

BOOK: The Revealed
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