The Return of Jonas (Pearl Vampire Chronicles #4) (9 page)

BOOK: The Return of Jonas (Pearl Vampire Chronicles #4)
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I walked over to Carlos’ bed and leaned down close to his face
. “Carlos,” I whispered, as Matt smirked behind me, he knew me well enough to know what was coming.  “I know you’re hurting right now.  But if you ever do anything that stupid again, the pain that you feel now is nothing compared to the pain you’ll feel when I’m through with you.  Got it?”

He nodded as he tried to smile.  I leaned down and very gently kissed his forehead.  Suddenly there was a quiet knock on the door.  I shot back into Matt’s arms, both of us instantly tense and alert for anything.  “Come in,” I said.

Maria opened the door slightly. “I’m really sorry to bother you, Sarah,” she began, “but Carmela is here with Juan and Sophia, and she’s asking to see you.  If you’re too busy I can ask her to come back later.”

I shook my head
. “No, that’s okay, Maria.  I’m not too busy.  I’ll be right there.”

She nodded and closed the door.  I turned back to say goodbye to Carlos, but he was staring wide-eyed at the door.  “Who was that?” he whispered.

“That was Maria, she’s a nurse here,” I said.

“I hope she’s going to be taking care of me,” he said.

I smiled. “I’d have to see if she’s willing to learn that.  So far, she’s only taken care of humans.  You’re the first vampire patient we’ve had since she started.”

He looked over at me
. “Please check for me? Would you, Sarah?”

Sure, Carlos, but only if you’ll behave yourself around her. Deal?” I said, and he nodded, an interesting and tame response for Carlos that kind of confused me.  I turned to Matt.  “You staying?”

He shook his head
. “I need to go talk to Stefan and Penelope about Jonas.  I’ll bring them back here with me in a little while, okay?”

“You’ll be okay by yourself for a little while?” I
asked Carlos.

“I’ll be fine.  I’m beat.  I want to try to sleep for a bit,” he said.

“Let me know if you need anything, anything at all,” I said, and he nodded.

Matt grabbed my hand and together we walked down the hall.  As soon as we rounded the corner near the waiting room, Juan squealed and ran to hug me.  I scooped him up in my arms
.  “Play now?” he said.

“Of course I’ll pl
ay with you now, Juan,” I said.

Matt smiled and kissed my cheek
. “Have fun, I’ll see you in a bit.”

I nodded and walked with Juan over to the toys.  “Hello Carmela,” I said, “it’s so nice to see you again.  What brings you here today?”

“Well, actually, I have a huge favor to ask,” she said, in Spanish.  “My brother needs my help moving.  Is there any possibility you could baby-sit Juan and Sophia for a few hours today?  My neighbor was supposed to do it, but she’s got a bad cold.  I would be back before five this evening, I promise.”

I had to just stare for a minute.  Was she really asking me to watch her kids?  Me?
A vampire?  She trusted me enough to do that?  “I’d love to,” I said.

“Oh, thank you.  Thank you so much,” she said as she handed me the diaper bag.  “There’s formula, diapers and instructions in here.  Sophia had a bottle right before we got here, and I just changed her, so she should be good for a while.  Juan will let you know when he needs to go.  Thank you so much,” she said as she stood up and handed Sophia to me.

I sat down on the floor next to Juan, with Sophia on my lap.  “Blocks or cars?” I asked.  He handed me a car.  “Cars it is,” I said.  I opened the diaper bag and pulled out a colorful rattle for Sophia.  I kept her occupied with it, while I used my other hand to play cars with Juan. We sat playing for almost half an hour, before Juan got antsy and wanted to do something else.  I knew we had a new kids’ play area outside, with a slide and swings, in the corner, where it was shaded most of the time.  “Would you like to go outside and play, Juan?”  I said, as I bounced Sophia on my lap.  He jumped up and nodded his head.  As we headed outside, I reached out to Matthew,
‘Are you too busy to meet me outside for a little bit?’

Not at all, but I was just going to bring Stefan and Penelope to talk to you, is now not a good time?’
he thought.

Can you ask them to meet us in Carlos’ room at five thirty?  I’m going to be busy until then.’
I thought.

Sure, but what’s up, Sarah?’

You’ll see, just come outside.’

On my way.’

Juan, Sophia and I had reached the play area and Juan wanted me to push him on the swings.  “Just a second Juan, I have someone coming to hold Sophia, then I can push you, okay?” I said.

“Okay,” he said, clearly frustrated.

“How about the slide first?” I said.
“I can help you up there, if you want.”

That brought a smile to his face, and to mine.  He reached for my hand and we walked over to the slide.  I held tight as he climbed to the top, still holding tight as he slid down.  “Wheeeeee,” he squealed
. “Again.”

We moved back around to the ladder.  “Well, this looks like fun,” Matt said, as he joined us.

“Just in time,” I said. “Can you hold Sophia while I help Juan?”

Matt’s face fell “Sarah, I’ve never…
ummm… I don’t know how… uhhh,” he stuttered.  Unlike me, he had never been a parent when he was human – his human wife had died during childbirth and he had been shot while on duty as a cop about a year later – it was then that the Elders had taken him and turned him into a vampire.

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.  “Relax sweetheart.  You’ll do just fine.  And I’ll be right here.  Now go sit on the bench.”

He moved very slowly for a vampire.  He was clearly nervous.  “Hold out your hands,” I said, which he did, and I gently placed Sophia in his arms, who promptly smiled at him.  “See, you’re doing just fine.”

I stood and walked back to Juan.  “Thank you for waiting so patiently, Juan,” I said as I helped him up the slide.  He went down one more time then we moved to the swings.

“Higher,” he kept saying as I pushed him, while keeping one eye on Matt and Sophia.  She was beginning to fuss a little, and I could see the panic forming in his eyes.  “Juan,” I said as he flew back and forth, “would it be okay if my friend Matt pushed you?  He can push you higher than I can.”

ss,” he squealed.

Matt was over to me in a few seconds, handing Sophia to me.  “You did great, honey,” I said, trying to calm him.  “Relax, and don’t push too hard,” I whispered so Juan couldn’t hear me.  I put Sophia up on my shoulder and patted her back.  I got a big burp out of her almost immediately and she stopped fussing.  “That was her problem?” Matt said
. “How did you know that?”

I smiled at him
. “Honey, I didn’t know that.  Usually, when a baby fusses, it’s because of one of four things – they’re hungry, they need a diaper change, they need to burp or they need some love.  I started with the burping, and it just happened to be right, this time.”

Suddenly Juan squealed
. “Mommy!  Look Mommy, look how high I’m going.”

Carmela walked over to us, beaming
. “I see that sweetie.  You’re going so high.”

She took Sophia from me
. “Thank you so much, I really appreciate this,” she said.

“I was happy to do it, Carmela.  Anytime you need a babysitter, I’m available,” I said.  Matt stopped the swing and helped Juan climb out while I handed the diaper bag to Carmela.  We both waved as they started walking towards the gate.  Suddenly Juan dropped his Mom’s hand and ran to me.  I squatted down and he threw his arms around my neck, giving me a big hug.  “Bye, bye, Sarah,” he said.

“Bye Juan.  You be a good boy for your mom.  I’ll see you soon,” I said, trying not to sound choked up.  Matt wrapped his arms around me as I stood up.  “I’m fine,” I said as my head rested on his chest.

“You sure?” he said, clearly concerned.
He knew that even though it had been years, I still felt the loss of my young son as if it were yesterday – and I always would.

I looked up at him and smiled
. “Absolutely.  Although I am missing being with you, it’s been a little while.  But I know Stefan and Penelope are probably waiting for us in Carlos’ room.  I can wait.”

Matt’s eyes darted around the compound, then he looked up and he smiled.  “You’re right,” he said
. “You game for a quickie?”

“Always,” I said.  I definitely liked where this was going.  He tightened his arms around me and crushed his mouth down on mine.  Our tongues danced around each other as I felt us rising off the ground.  His mind reached out to mine, and I gladly let him in. 
‘We need to be quiet,’
he thought,
‘if someone hears us up here, they might come to investigate.’

Up here, where?’
I thought, as I tried to suppress a groan.

The roof,’
he thought, as we touched down.  We quickly moved away from the edges, toward the pillar on the side of the access door.  Within seconds, our shirts were off, his pants were around his ankles and mine were off.  My legs were wrapped around his waist as he held me up, pressing my back against the wall as he pounded into me.
‘Oh my God… I can’t… I can’t… I can’t keep quiet,’
I thought as my climax threatened to unleash.  Just as I opened my mouth to cry out, I managed to sink my teeth into his neck and muffle my scream.

“Sorry about that,” I whispered into his neck afterwards, licking the large bite marks I had left there.

“Dear God, don’t be,” Matt said, as he grinned. “I love it when you can’t control yourself.”

So do I,’
said a sinister voice in my head.

Matt felt me tense up immediately and he looked into my eyes.  I pointed to my head.
“Jonas,” I said.  Matt growled.  We quickly pulled our clothes on and I linked with Matt. 
‘What the hell do you want now?’
I thought.

Jonas thought,
‘just amusing myself while you’re enjoying yourself

Although, if you thought that was out of control, just wait until I get my hands on you.  You’ll be begging me, pleading with me, for more.’

Matt growled again
‘The only begging and pleading will be from you, begging me to let you live, which I won’t.’

Jonas laughed
‘Oh my, but this is too much fun.  The pure satisfaction I’m going to get as I force you to watch me pleasuring your wife is just… oh my… I get aroused just thinking about it.’

Matt was about ready to blow a gasket.  I reached out my hand to calm him as I thought,
‘Pleasuring me? You don’t have the right equipment or technique to pleasure me.  The only reaction you could possibly get out of me is laughter.  Now get the hell out of my head, you disgusting, silly, little man.’

Jonas tried to sound calm, but I could tell
that I had touched a nerve, exactly the reaction I wanted as he thought,
‘Fine, I’ll go now, but you’ll see, Sarah.  One day soon, you’ll see.’

“I am going to kill that asshole,” Matt said through gritted teeth.

“You and me both, baby,” I said, then I turned his face to mine. “This one’s going to be tough.  You’re reaction is just what he’s looking for.  He obviously wants you so furious that you can’t think straight.  We, no,
, have to find a way to not let him get to you like that.”

“That easy for you so say, Sarah.  I just got you back, not just physically but your heart too, and now he’s talking about trying to mess that up again,” he said.

I stepped back and glared at him.  “I cannot believe you just compared this to what happened with Carlos.  If you honestly think that someone I despise can force themselves on me and I’d fall for them because of that… then you must not truly believe that I love you, which means that you’re not over what happened before and you might never be.  I can’t spend the rest of eternity swimming upstream, Matt. Am I fighting a losing battle here?”

The panic was in his eyes instantly
. “Oh shit, no.  I didn’t mean it like that. I know you love me and I know you’d never fall for him Sarah.  I just meant that if he did get a hold of you and did the things he’s talking about doing… well… it would probably mess both of us up, to say the least.”

“Then we’ll just have to make sure that never happens, won’t we?” I said.

He nodded and pressed his forehead to mine.  “I’m sorry, Sarah,” he said. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I said as I brought my mouth to his and kissed him.  “Now, let’s get back to work, okay?”
He nodded and we rose into the air and lowered ourselves into the back corner of the yard, where we wouldn’t be noticed.  We clung to each other as we walked inside and into Carlos’ room.  Stefan and Penelope were already there – they were two of the original Elders, but they had helped us and I knew in my heart that they were good people, so we had asked them to join us – and they were now part of my cabinet.  “Hello, all, sorry we’re late” I said.

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