The Return (18 page)

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Authors: Sean M. Campbell

BOOK: The Return
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As the last of the Calin staggered and burnt to ashes, I strode back towards the burning house and drew in my magic to cool it. As the flames and heat dissipated into the night I strode in, looking for any signs of life. It was useless -- they were all dead. My mind reeled. Why would the mage kings do this? Why would they send the Calin against a simple farming family trying to force a living out of the soil of the plains? As my body came down out of the battle lust, another lust started to fill me. I fought against the inevitable tide my magic brought on. I had done this before. I had fought down the guilt and the residual power that ebbed and flowed through me, finding an outlet. As I came out of the farmhouse back into the bright daylight, I saw the others waiting to put some distance between us and this tragic destruction. My mind could not find any answers, as I climbed on to Reaper’s back and started forward. I had burnt up so much energy that my body was crying out for release.

As the group joined me, I saw the face of a young girl riding in front of Tia. She was maybe six or seven years old. Her hair was wet from the water her mother had dumped on the blanket to save her. I started to fall into the lead position of the group when Likka spoke to me in my mind. I quickly extinguished them by clamping down on my magic, which only made other things worse. I rode for a few minutes getting myself under some semblance of control, then fell back until I was riding next to Tia and the young girl. “Hi, little one! What is your name?”

“Myka, sire.”

“My name is, Rhys, and I am not a noble, so you may call me Rhys, if you like.”

“Thank you, Rhys.”

“These ladies are my friends and traveling companions. The lady holding you is Tia, and beside her over there is Mieko. The two ladies bringing up the rear are Taina and Laina. The lady in front is Beth and the wolf you see running along with us is named Likka. She is very friendly.”

“These ladies look like kitty cats.”

“They are from the far east, and they are called Phelony. They are descendants of the great hunting cats. They make very good friends. Do you have any relatives that live in this area?”

“No. My mom and dad are all the family I have. Are they going to be OK?”

“Was that your mom and dad in the house with you?”


I fought the tears back as I tried to keep my voice from breaking. “Your mom and dad died trying to save you little one. I am so sorry.” Myka buried her face in Tia’s robe and started crying. “Tia, do you mind holding her? She seems comfortable with you. I will take her if you need me to.”

“I can hold her, sir. The little miss has had a very bad day, and needs the comfort of a female.”

“Thank you. You are one of a kind Tia.” I leaned over and kissed her, to a look of total astonishment from her.

We rode for a few more hours, Myka crying softly into Tia’s robes. I called a halt as the sun touched the horizon to our west. I told Tia to just hold Myka as we made camp. I looked at Likka, “You might as well change; she is going to be traveling with us at least till I can find a safe place for her.” Likka nodded and stood up as a woman and I heard Myka gasp. At least she was paying attention to her surroundings now. Once the tent was set up, we built a small fire, more out of habit than need, and sat around it for a while as Mieko and Laina disappeared into the tent. “Tia, will you take Myka into the tent, and see if you can find her some clothing. Hers are a little strong right now.”

Tia smiled and held out her hand to Myka who had just been sitting there staring at me, and trying not to look at the fire. They walked into the tent, then Myka stumbled out backwards and fell on her butt with a gasp. “What is it?”

“It’s my tent, little one.”

She shrank back away from me. “Are you a Mage?”

“Yes and no. I am a Warmage.”

“Like the legendary hero Rhys…” Then her eyes opened wide in astonishment, wonder and fear all at the same time.

“Just like him, Myka, and like him I think it is time to end the Mage Kings rule.”

Tia had come back out and looked down to Myka. “Miss, let’s see if we can get you cleaned up a bit and maybe something to wear before dinner.”

Myka took Tia’s offered hand, got back to her feet, and they disappeared into the tent. As they left, Likka spoke to Beth and I, “Can you both hold on until after dinner? You both were using awfully strong magic back there.”

Beth and I both nodded and kept our distance from each other. There was no telling what would happen if one of us touched the other right now -- we were both pretty charged up. What did catch my attention and add to my problem was watching Beth, eyeing the other ladies almost as much as she was me. I had a lot of practice fighting these feelings, but Beth had experienced them only one time and we knew the results of that. I looked at her. “Beth, you were pretty upset last time, I think I can siphon the extra energy off to relieve you, if you don’t want to do what is on your mind.”

“And where would that leave you, Rhys?”

“I would have both of our needs, but I have fought them many times before.”

“Then I will need to learn the same control you show, even if these are truly the most intense feelings I have ever felt. Besides, I have to admit, it is a lot of fun working it off.”

“It would be a lot more fun remembering it. Try to maintain control as long as you can. The longer it takes to build to your first climax, the better the relief is, and it is so much better in the end. It took me a long time to learn that. I’ve nearly killed some of the girls before that.”

“What did you do after that, Rhys?”

“I fought the feelings for a long time afterwards, and would not touch anyone until they had worn off.”

“How long does it take?”

“Depending on the power, it can take a month or two.”

She was quiet for a long time, until Mieko stuck her head out of the tent to tell us dinner was ready. We all gathered around the table and waited for Tia and Myka. When they entered, Myka was wearing the remains of someone’s robe that had been cut shorter and rough stitched to make it fit without the girl just disappearing into it. Her hair was wet, indicating that Tia had introduced her to the showers. But the thing that drew my attention was that she was actually smiling just a bit.

Myka was astonished at the food on the table. She said she had not had meat since the spring planting, and that had been at least four months ago. “Well, then, I guess you should get an extra helping,” I said, as I slid another slice of the roast onto her plate. She giggled and began to eat the way that little girls do. She would eat a mouthful and talk for five minutes, then eat another mouthful and talk some more. I had forgotten what children were like around the table, and I was delighted to see the ladies responding to her so well.

After dinner, I headed to my room to shower and get cleaned up. I saw Beth and Likka following me, so I left the door open and walked towards my bathroom. I was naked within seconds, then I climbed into the shower and let the hot water run all over me to wash the day's grime and smoke away. Beth and Likka joined me, and in my current state just the knowledge of their presence was getting a reaction out of me.


Chapter Six



I wiped the water out of my eyes to see Beth reaching towards my chest, with a soapy cloth. Her touch set me on fire, and caused my passion to start becoming evident. Likka’s soapy cloth started caressing my back, causing me to moan softly into the steamy air. The two ladies washed me from the top of my head, to the bottom of my feet, kissing each area they cleaned. They were causing my control to be tested to the limits. When Beth kissed and licked my manhood, as Likka pushed her tongue into my back door, I was hard pressed not to explode in Beth’s face.

They took their time but did not try to push my limits, each little fairy light kiss or tickle of the tongue was an exquisite agony to my control. By the time Beth and Likka stood up, I was on fire and desperate to make love to one, or both, of them. They moved me under the shower head and rinsed off any remaining soap, with the touch of new lovers exploring each other’s bodies. When they had me clean to their satisfaction, I took the cloth from Beth and started to wash her with Likka’s help. From hair to face, from neck to shoulders I worked my way down her angelic body, her hands twitching and desperate to grab me.

She managed to keep control of her lusts and passions, as I caressed and washed her. From stomach to waist, from her hips to her womanhood, I caressed and washed. I trailed kisses and light nibbles behind my cleaning, tasting and smelling her soft scent. Likka and I timed our touch and with a flick of tongues both back and front Beth’s knees nearly buckled from underneath her. After she recovered, we continued to wash her all the way to the bottoms of her dainty feet, then rinse and kiss, caress and taste. Beth was left moaning, her eyes smoking with passion. Then Beth and I both smiled as we turned to face Likka with grins of pure evil on our faces. Likka may soon regret joining us for this!

My first touch on Likka’s head was as soft as an angel’s kiss, as I began to wash her clean. I let my passion burn as my lips found her, and Likka moaned into my mouth. As we kissed I washed her neck and shoulders, then moved my lips to the freshly cleaned areas. Our kisses and nips, on her so pale skin, made her moan and whimper in delight. As I ran my cloth across her breasts, she quivered and vibrated against my hand and I knew she was coming close.

I suckle here, a nip there, and then I took one of her sensitive tips into my mouth and suckled until she moaned loud and strong. She began to tremble and shake. Then she screamed out as I nipped her gently, on the tender flesh in my mouth. We continued to wash our way down as she recovered from her orgasm. When we reached the level of her womanhood, the touch of the cloth in our hands had her panting and the kisses had her moaning.

From behind Beth buried her tongue into Likka’s rosebud, as I sucked in the focus of her pleasure and nipped at the very tip of it. No build up preceded the orgasm that ripped through Likka’s body. She went from slightly tense to full explosion with no warning. Likka’s legs almost buckled. I supported her until she recovered. We then continued to wash slowly down her body until she was clean. We rinsed her well from head to foot as she leaned against my chest.

I stepped out of the shower and extended my hands for the lovely ladies, to steady them as they stepped out. Then we began the drying of each other; first Beth, then Likka, lastly me. I could see Beth struggling to maintain control as we touched and caressed each other. It was a battle she was on the verge of losing. “Trust me Beth, the battle is worth the winning, in the end.” We walked to the bed each holding hands and I guided Beth back onto the quilt to lie on her back.

I straddled over her on my hands and knees and began to kiss her making sure only our lips and tongues touched, pin pointing the sensation to a single group of nerves. As she began to pant from our kiss, I moved down to kiss that sensitive skin right behind her ear, Likka followed suit and kissed the hollow of her throat. Listening to the music of her moans and whimpers, I kissed my way around the front of her neck, and across her upper chest. I was very careful not to touch those delightful mountains, and the peaks they held high.

Likka followed my lead by continuing to tease and taunt Beth, until she was nearly in tears. Beth reached for my head to try and guide my lips to her tender breasts and whimpered when I would not be guided. “Trust me Beth.” I whispered, as I moved down to kiss her flat stomach and tease the little indentation of flesh in the middle. I worked my way downward further and kissed and licked the small hill that rose above her womanhood.

This taste of her flesh made her moan out loud and again reach for my head. Again I resisted. I could see her resolve and will power beginning to slip, as the animal looked at me from behind her smoky eyes. “Just a little longer Beth, keep it at bay just a little longer.” I moved between her legs and placed my face at the location. She was panting for it, but I still would not give her release. I licked the plain of skin on either side of her womanhood, without touching the petals of that delicate flower. My kisses caused her to moan and jerk with each little touch of her sensitive skin. I continued to lick and tease until she was on the very verge of an orgasm; from just the touches of my lips and hands on her skin.

With the skill born of practice, Likka and I timed our invasion perfectly. Likka took in the peak of one of her mountains and sucked hard, as her hand pinched the other. The middle finger of one of my hands slid slickly into her rosebud as far as it could go, as two fingers of the other hand slid into her sopping wet womanhood. At the same time I sucked the center of her pleasure into my mouth, and nipped at it lightly. She arched her back up off the bed, picking Likka up with her, and locked into that position as her nectar exploded into my face and drenched me.

Again and again she sprayed me as her orgasm locked her into a state of rigor. After almost a full minute she collapsed onto the bed quivering and moaning. Little spasms rocked her as she orgasmed again and again. For twenty minutes she lost the ability to think or make any intelligible sound, as she quivered and spasmed through waves of pleasure so intense that they were the only thing keeping her conscious.

As the echoes of her orgasm slowly faded and her body relaxed, she looked at me with a smile in her eyes. “Oh My God, Rhys, how do you do that? I did not think it was even possible to make an orgasm last a full minute, let alone go on for that long. Back home we could make a lot of money if you would let me rent you out.” She smiled at me devilishly.

Likka looked down at her. “Now it is Rhys’ turn and if you thought you were drained now, wait till he lets himself go.”

Beth looked up at me with a small amount of fright in her eyes. I leaned in and kissed her, “Are you alright? I can still restrain myself if I need to.”

“After what you just made me feel I am a little frightened. Last time we tore at each other pretty hard for hours. If you do that now I no longer have the magic high to ride out and help me withstand it.”

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