The Reluctant Mate: (Book 13, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas) (9 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Mate: (Book 13, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)
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Chapter Eleven

“Crap!  Jolene dug around her purse. “I think I left my phone at work, I need to go get it.”

Reid quirked an eyebrow.  “Can’t you survive until Monday?”

Why exactly she was letting him drive her car, she had no idea, but he was and she kind of enjoyed it.  Going to the store together, it felt kind of domesticated and…
.  The phone, however, was non-negotiable.

“No, it’s my phone, I use it for everything, it has all my apps – my Tap Zoo is on there!”

He snorted and pursed his lips in disapproval, muttering something about consumerism and silly games.

“Don’t you have apps?” she asked tartly.

“I still have a flip phone,” he told her proudly.


“And proud of it.”  He smirked and heaven help her she giggled like a school girl.

“You better swing by my office.”

“You’re serious?”

“Of course I’m serious!  Drive, drive, drive!”


Jolene flitted through the building, ignoring the rumbling of her empty stomach and trying not to smile too much.  Every moment with Reid was fun and easy.  How long had it been since she had felt so happy? 
Had she ever?

She must have looked so sappy.  If she were anyone else, she’d want to slap herself.

Jolene made her way into her office and found her phone where she left it on her desk.  She was about to leave when she heard muffled sounds coming from the mayor’s office.

Her wolf growled.  She sniffed and she eased up at the familiar scent.

The mayor in the office on a
?  He rarely even showed up on Fridays, never mind weekends.

Her eyes widened as she heard a moan and a cry.  Was someone else in there?  No, she would be able to scent them.

She considered leaving, a selfish part of her wanted to run back out to where Reid was impatiently waiting for her.  She’d barely been able to get away from him in the first place.  But she couldn’t. 
Damn conscience

She tapped on the door and entered.


He looked up at her through hazy eyes. 
He was drunk

“Are you okay?”

“Go away, fucking shifter,” he slurred, without much conviction.

Her wolf snapped but Jolene pushed forward into the room.  “George, why don’t I take you home?”

There was another cry and the word ‘no’ over and over.  Jolene realized it was coming from the computer. 
Yuck – was he watching porn?

She was about to leave when she heard a familiar voice.  She came around the desk, ignoring George’s feeble attempts to swat at her.  She gasped as she looked at his computer screen.

Yep, there was the mayor’s eighteen-year-old daughter with Bryce.  He was taking her from behind while she cried out in pain and told him to stop.  He snarled at her that she ‘asked for it’ and then smirked at the camera.

Jolene slammed the laptop shut.  “George, what…”

“He told her he loved her,” sobbed the mayor.  “He seduced my innocent little girl, and taped it while he took her virginity.  She wanted him to stop but he wouldn’t.  Now he wants me to give him money or he’ll post this online.”

“George, I’m so sorry.”

“Fucking shifters!”

“No, George,” she snapped with the fierceness of her animal. “Bryce is an asshole – we’re not all like that.”

She knelt down next to his chair and he sighed before noisily blowing his nose.

“He really hurt her,” he ground out.  “And I can’t do anything about it.  Lara just wants to forget it – she’d die if that video was released to anyone.  And I have to see that asshole walking around town like nothing happened – he even dared to come up and talk to her the other day, chatting about the fucking weather – like it was the most normal thing in the damn world.

“What about the Alpha?  Have you thought about talking to Adam?”

“Bryce said the Alpha knew.”

“That’s not true,” said Jolene firmly.  “He’d never allow Bryce to treat a human girl this way – Adam’s mate is human, members of our pack are human – he would never be so unfeeling.  George, we have to tell him.”

“But Lara…”

“Adam will sort it out.  We can’t risk him doing this to another innocent girl.  Please?”

He looked at her warily, but eventually he nodded.

“It’ll be okay, George.”  She slipped her arm around his shoulder in a comforting, friendly way.  “It’ll be okay,” she soothed.

“What the fuck is going on?” roared Reid, storming towards them.  “Get your hands off her!”

Great freaking timing

Chapter Twelve

Adam glared at the wolf in the cell.  Bryce gave him a defiant scowl.

“You crossed a line,” snarled the Alpha.

Bryce jutted his chin, but he couldn’t hide the faint smell of fear he emitted.  He was a strong wolf, but he wasn’t an Alpha.  He sure did try to act as he was, though.  “It was consensual – she wanted it.”

“She was barely eighteen, and she told you to stop,” said the Beta, Alec, shaking his head in disgust.  “And blackmailing the mayor?  You’re so far over the fucking line you can’t even see it anymore.”

“Give me ten minutes alone with him,” growled Cain, the bear shifter and Carly, the Omega’s mate.  He cracked his massive knuckles.

The bear wasn’t the easiest going male but had calmed a little since mating Carly and becoming a sheriff’s deputy.  However, to say that his mate’s previous relationship with Bryce angered him was to say that hell was a little hot.  And Bryce went out of his way to antagonize Cain.

Bryce smirked.  “Jealous, bear?  Don’t you measure up for Carly?  Does she still make that cute little sound when she comes?”

Everyone inhaled, waiting for Cain to go ballistic.  Reid pulled Jolene behind him, taking a protective stance.  He hadn’t been back in town long, but bad news like Cain travelled fast.

But then, apparently hell did freeze over.  Instead of all out fury, Cain’s grimace turned into a grin.  “Like you know what she sounds like when she comes.”  He snorted and sauntered out of the room.

“That was unexpected,” whispered Jolene from her place behind Reid.

Adam surveyed Bryce, grimly and somewhat disappointed that Mt. Cain wasn’t going to explode.  “We found the video; it’s been deleted from your computer.  Have you given it to anyone else?  Have you made any copies?”

Bryce gave him a defiant look, and Adam’s eyes filtered to amber, the air rippled with his Alpha power as he tried to force Bryce into submission.  All the wolves in the room groaned as they felt tendrils wrapping around them, forcing them to submit.

Eventually, panting, Bryce gave in.  He canted his head, baring his neck in submission.  “I didn’t make any copies,” he hissed, not wanting to speak but unable to stop himself.  “I only sent it to the mayor.”

“You’re banished,” snarled Adam.  “You have thirty minutes to collect your belongings under the supervision of the Beta and the Chief Enforcer, and then you are gone.  You are never to return to Rose, or contact any pack members again.”  He stood back.  “Get him out of here.”

Alec and Acksel, the Chief Enforcer, led the quiet wolf away.  Bryce sneered at everyone, refusing to look apologetic, but some of the arrogance had gone from his swagger.

Adam rubbed his chin.  “Thank you for bringing this to my attention,” he said to Jolene.

“Ding dong the bastard’s gone!” she said, trying to lighten the mood.

Adam gave her a rueful smile.  “Yes, I can’t deny that it’s a relief.  Shame we didn’t charge him.”

“George didn’t want to drag his daughter into it.”

“No, I can’t blame him.”

“Maybe he’ll be a little warmer to shifters from now on.  He thought you knew what Bryce was doing to him.  No wonder he’s been such a tool.”

“He should have said something,” growled Adam.

“Too proud, too scared,” she muttered.

Adam grunted.  “I’ll talk to him.  Let him know what happened.  Let him know his daughter’s safe.”

“Please tell him Reid’s sorry for threatening to punch him,” she said in a scolding tone, eyeing the wolf who was still trying to stand in front of her protectively.

Reid shrugged unapologetically.  “It looked like he was trying to grope you.”

Adam’s lips twitched, almost like he was going to laugh.  “Sure.  Jolene can you…”

Reid growled and put an arm around her waist, splaying his hand on her hip.  “Jolene’s done enough today; she hasn’t even eaten breakfast yet.”

Adam cocked his head at the younger wolf, his face worryingly blank.  Jolene squirmed as her wolf whined uneasily.  She had to admit his tone was a little on the sharp side.  She had to fight the urge to cringe away from her Alpha’s interested look as he took in Reid’s fierce countenance and his hand on Jolene.

After a seemingly interminable few minutes, Adam actually smiled.  “Quite, right.  Make sure she’s taken care of.”

Reid nodded and led her away.  She thought about objecting to the males, but her wolf chuffed at her to relax.  Yes, it was girly and silly, but she liked being looked after for a change.  It wasn’t something she planned on letting happen often, but once in a while couldn’t hurt.

Oh, she needed to get out more.


“You really didn’t need to buy all this food,” said Jolene, trying to be admonishing but actually hiding her smile.

She’d tried to pay, but he refused.  He was determined to take care of her, and it warmed her heart.

Reid waved away her concerns.  “I figured I’d eat most of it anyway.”

“That’s true, gotta keep your energy up,” she teased but then blushed as soon as she realized the sexual connotations of what she’d said.  Reid grinned; he wasn’t going to disagree with that.

They’d enjoyed a late breakfast at the Honeypot Diner, and after they had been shopping and Jolene had run errands, all of which he had insisted on accompanying her to.  Now, she insisted on making him a late lunch.

“What can I do to help?” he asked, looking a little awkward in the kitchen.  Yes, kitchen cupboards were one thing, but he looked very ill at ease with anything else that went on in there.

She laughed as he tried to relax by leaning against a cupboard and knocked over the spice rack.  He pouted which just made her laugh more.

“I guess Norma didn’t encourage you to cook.”

“More like roared if anyone tried to do anything in there other than grabbing a drink from the refrigerator.”  Reid rolled his eyes.  “She doesn’t even let us wash the dishes – she says we do it wrong.”

“Lucky for you, I don’t have that problem – once we’re done, the dishes are all yours.”

“You’re too kind.”

Jolene gave him a martyred look.  “Yes, it’s a curse.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” he murmured softly.

Their eyes met for a few seconds, and her wolf howled before she lowered her eyelashes.  “What do you say to chicken subs and sweet potato fries?”

“Sounds good.”  His stomach rumbled in agreement.

“You’d eat anything.”

“There is that.”

“Back in a second.”

Jolene disappeared upstairs.  The phone rang, and Reid considered answering.  Honestly, he didn’t want to talk to anyone, or to allow anyone to ruin their day.  It had already been eventful enough.

He let it ring out.  As she came downstairs, the answering machine cut in.

“Jolene for fuck’s sake,” yelled Mark.  “I’m not playing around you bitch; I need money...”

Jolene sucked in a breath as Reid angrily grabbed the receiver.  “Never call here again!  You do, and I will fucking kill you!”

He slammed it down, panting as his wolf snarled.

“I’m sorry you had to hear that,” she said slowly.

His eyes flashed to the amber of his wolf.  “That fucker threatens you, and you’re sorry?  Fuck, Jolene, how long has this been going on?”

Jolene gave him a sheepish look.  “I don’t know, a few months… maybe a year.”

“A year!” he exploded.

“I told the Alpha, he threatened Mark, I got my number changed, and somehow Mark found out and got my new number.  After that, I didn’t bother telling the Alpha.  Honestly, it’s more annoying that anything else.”

Reid paced the room, trying to hold back his restless beast.  The idea of Jolene being in danger was abhorrent.  He knew her marriage ended; he just had no idea how bad it must have been. 
But then, you weren’t there, added his wolf, nastily.

Reid ignored his guilt.  “What the hell does he want?”

Jolene rolled a shoulder and started pulling ingredients out, unconcerned by the phone call.  “Sometimes he asks me to go and live with him.”

Reid growled as his wolf snarled.  “You didn’t agree to that did you?”  He’d tie her to the bed before he allowed that.

Jolene arched an eyebrow.  “Would I be here if I had?”


She sighed.  “Sometimes he just wants money, but given that he’s the one who ran up my credit cards, I don’t have anything to give him.”

“Jeez Jolene, why haven’t you told anyone?” he snapped in frustration.

Jolene gave him a long look before her cheeks flushed.  “I don’t know… embarrassment.”

Reid’s brow creased.

“Look, I married the idiot, and the marriage started failing within a month, and yet I never tried to get out of it.  I was too ashamed that I’d rushed into marriage with a man who was using me to fund his gambling addiction.  Okay?  I was dumb and too ashamed to admit what a huge mistake I made.  I just… I just want him to go away.  I want to forget it ever happened.”

Her voice quavered toward the end and Reid was in front of her instantly, not touching her, but standing inches away.

“It’s not your fault,” he rumbled, trying to soothe her.

“It is my fault.”

“You didn’t know what he was like.”

“Exactly!” she scoffed, looking down.  “I didn’t know – I didn’t take the time to get to know him.  I was so despondent after Beau dumped me… I just rushed into it; I didn’t want anyone to think I was some loser pining away after Beau.  And you!”  She looked back up with anger in her eyes and slapped his arm.  “You left town!”

He looked at her quizzically, and she threw up her hands, groaning.

“You left me all alone with these mad wolves without so much as a goodbye, so yeah I was feeling abandoned, and I desperately wanted someone to care.”

His wolf grumbled in agreement.  “But, you had Kim.”

She looked at him with watery eyes.  “I love Kim, but she’s not you.  I needed you, and you left.  Don’t leave again.”  Her eyes pooled with need and dare he hope, want.

Barely a second passed before the words, “I won’t” escaped his lips.  His beast roared, both pleased and sad, at the rawness in her face.  He wrapped his arms around her, crushing her to him.  “I won’t.  Never again.”

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