The Reluctant Bride (Montana Born Brides) (19 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Bride (Montana Born Brides)
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He saw Lane talking with his brothers, felt like he should do something, but really just wanted to see Risa.

Sienna’s car pulled to a stop in front of the house and he saw Lane’s nephews spill out of it followed by Risa. She looked at him, frozen where she was, and he knew that he couldn’t let the moment pass.

It’s bad luck to see the bride,” Lane said.

With me and Risa, I don’t think luck is really an issue,” Monty said. He needed to talk to her and reassure them both.

He walked toward her and she ran to him, wearing her jeans and boots and big sunglasses.
She threw herself into his arms and he held her so tightly to him. Knew that he was never going to let her go. He carried her across the yard, away from the workers who were busy setting up the area.

Once they were alone in the shadow of his barn, with the scent of sweet hay in the air and the sound of the horses in the back, he set her on her feet, took in the way she looked with her make-up on and her hair done, and he almost couldn
’t breathe seeing how beautiful she looked.

I’m sorry,” she said, against his neck. “Last night I felt alone and unsure, but this morning when I woke up, I knew there was only one place I wanted to be and that was by your side.”

He kissed her deeply, put one hand on the back of her neck and the other on her waist and held her to him.
When he lifted his head, he stared into her big brown eyes. “I’m sorry, too. I should have just told you I loved you and left it at that.”

I love you too, Monty. Way more than words can express.”

I think the fact that you are here now shows me that,” he said.

Me, too. I was worrying about a lot of things and I realized the only thing I knew for certain was that I wanted you by my side.”

My mom and dad sent us a present,” she said.

How is that even possible?”

They mailed it before the crash and I guess it’s been forwarded a bunch of times before it got to me. I wanted to show you the note and open it together.”

She handed him the note and he hugged her close after he read it.
“I wish they were here with us.”

She nodded.
They carefully opened the package and found that it was a frame, shaped like a weathered old barn. Not red, but otherwise very similar to the house they were going to make into their home.

I guess they knew where we’d end up,” Risa said.

Monty just hugged her closer and kissed her hard and deep.



Chapter Thirteen


Craptastic, Risa thought as she stared at the horse that was looking at her benignly. She swallowed hard, looked at Hudson who held the reins, and then back at the horse.

You don’t have to ride the horse, no one is going to care. It’s your day,” he said.

Hudson was another of the Scott brothers, a rodeo cowboy who spent most of the year on the road, but who had come home this weekend for the wedding.

“I’ll know.”

He laughed.
“Go on then. I’ve got Sunshine and she’s not going anywhere.”

Taking a deep breath, she held the yards of the white fabric of her wedding dress in one hand as she climbed up on the mounting block.
There were two other stable hands who’d come along to help today and they both rushed forward to help her into the saddle. She sat there for a minute once she was up and realized she was holding her breath.

She let it out in one big exhalation and then took a moment to adjust her skirts so that they fell prettily on either side of the saddle.
She was using a sidesaddle for this ride, which had taken some extra training. But like she’d told her trainer, she only planned to get married this once.

I’m ready,” she said to Hudson.

Go let them know, boys. I’ll bring her out when we hear the music start,” Hudson said.

The music started and Hudson led the horse out of the barn, and then stepped back to let her take control.
The sunshine behaved beautifully and Risa felt its warmth on her face and the breeze in her hair as she rode to the block where Lane waited to help her down.

She looked around the yard filled with bales of hay that had been covered in thick blankets and the flowers she
’d designed herself and placed around to make the entire area seem like it was a paradise. But she thought that this valley was the real thing.

She was filled with joy and love as she noticed Monty standing at the front of the aisle.
He’d opted for his Marine Corps dress blues for the ceremony itself and she felt a huge well of pride.

Her man.
Monty. He was a hero to the world, but they’d never really know how much courage and compassion he had inside of him. The world would never know the man she loved, not the way she did. She knew that she’d always be proud of him.

Monty had proven himself to be the real thing, not just the chimera that their first meeting in Vegas had promised.
Seeing their friends and family here today made her realize that she’d never really had any reason to run.

She dismounted, holding her breath again because she didn
’t want to topple Lane over, but Hudson was right beside his brother. With the two Scotts’ help, she managed to get off the horse with her dignity intact.

She smiled at both of them as she stepped onto the ground.
“Thank you.”

You’re welcome,” Hudson said, as he led the horse away and Lane walked up to stand by Monty. The crowd that had gathered got to their feet as Annie, and then Sienna, walked up the aisle followed by Evan and DJ.

Risa knew it wasn
’t possible, but for a moment she thought she smelled her father’s aftershave on the wind and closed her eyes, imagining her parents by her side as she took that first step toward Monty.

The fear that had been an icy pit in her stomach for too, too long melted away and each step she took was filled with more confidence and more love.
Monty met her at the end of the runner and everyone else sort of blurred together. Once she had his hand in hers she never wanted to let go. And it seemed Monty didn’t, either.

They exchanged rings and made their promises to each other.
They’d decided to write them for each other. She pulled out the paper where she’d jotted hers down and looked at it, then back up at Monty.

I never thought I’d find a man who puts up with my crap the way that you can. No matter how far the highway takes me, know that I will always want you by my side. I can’t live without you. I love you, Montgomery Davison. I pledge myself to you for always.”

Monty winked at her as she slipped the ring on his finger.
Then he took a slip of paper out of his pocket and looked into her eyes as he read it.

Risa, no matter how far you run or how fast you travel, I’ll always be by your side. Together we are going to have the best journey of all, as husband and wife.”

He slipped the ring on her finger and she clung to his hands.
The preacher said more words but she couldn’t hear them, only stared into Monty’s eyes until he leaned in and kissed her. She kissed him back, clinging to his broad shoulders, knowing she’d found the one thing she’d searched for all along: a home.

Her home was with this man, by his side for the rest of her days.

He whooped and lifted her off the ground, keeping their mouths pressed together, and she kissed him deeply. He set her on her feet and looked into his eyes and saw the promises that they’d made today echoed there. He wasn’t going to change his mind and neither was she.

Their vows were personal and forever.

Binding them together in a way that both of them needed. Giving them the strength to be the couple they’d both always wanted to be.

They danced their first dance under the stars and held each other the entire night through.
And when he carried her into the bedroom later and he slid into her body, their eyes met and they made personal vows that both knew would never be broken.


The End



Montana Born Brides



The excitement is building in Marietta, Montana, with a series of stories centered around the 100
Anniversary of the Graff Hotel and—as part of the celebration—an incredible Wedding Giveaway.

Available Now


Prequel: Beauty’s Kiss
by Jane Porter

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Book 1: What a Bride Wants
by Kelly Hunter

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Book 2: Second Chance Bride
by Trish Morey

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Book 3: Almost a Bride
by Sarah Mayberry

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Book 4: The Unexpected Bride
by Joanne Walsh

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Book 5: The Reluctant Bride
by Katherine Garbera



Coming S


Game of Brides
by Megan Crane


The Substitute Bride
by Kathleen O’Brien


Last Year’s Bride
by Anne McAllister


Click here to learn about Montana Born Brides releases:



About the Author


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