The Reluctant Alpha (15 page)

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Authors: A.K. Michaels

BOOK: The Reluctant Alpha
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Using his claws he slashed across Dupont’s nearest forearm, blood gushing from the wounds to splatter over him. When the Alpha jerked his arm away, Cam took advantage and drove his arm upwards, his claws embedding deeply into the Alpha’s throat. Dupont fell back, both his hands reaching to the gaping wound left by Cam’s razor sharp talons. Cam moved with lightning speed, knocking Dupont over and straddling him to hold him down.

“See you in hell!” Cam screamed as he thrust his claws deep inside Philippe Dupont’s chest, feeling his talons piercing the heart of the Alpha. A killing blow that even a Wolf couldn’t survive. Cam roared wildly as relief flooded his system as he saw the light in the other man’s eyes dim. A look of shock on his face before finally all life left him.

Cam rolled off of him, gasping for breath as he crawled over to Chastity. Her body lay bloodied and broken as he reached over to feel for a pulse. He only just felt it, her heartbeats stuttering in her chest as he picked her up, cradling her in his arms as he ran for help.

Blasting through the doorway he saw his Wolves had taken up defensive positions and the bodies of the guards lay scattered around. “Healer! I need a fucking Healer now!”

A few of the Pack were now making their way outside, fear on every one of their faces. Jinx walked forward, stark naked, towards an older woman. “Who is your Healer?”

The woman shook her head. “She’s gone, she defied the Alpha and the next day she was nowhere to be found. We’ve not had a Healer for over a year. I’m sorry, we can’t help her.”

“Fuck!” Cam roared. “What’s the quickest way back to our Camp? Is it cross country or by road?”

A young boy stepped forward from behind a woman who tried to keep him back, the boy shrugged her off coming to a stop next to Jinx. “I can show you, there’s a short cut, if you take one of the jeeps it takes us almost to your Camp then you can walk from there.”

Jinx turned, spotting a vehicle and running to it to find the keys in the ignition. Cam jumped down the stairs from the cabin, jogging over to join them as the boy got in the front passenger seat. The youngster’s face was white but his eyes twinkled with excitement as Jacob joined Cam in the rear of the vehicle.

“Cam, here, let me have a look, maybe I can help.” Jacob reached for Chastity and Cam’s head turned sharply, growling ferociously at his friend.

“Hey!” Jacob grabbed his hands back. “Sorry, I’m only trying to help.”

Cam’s mind wasn’t working, he was running on adrenaline, fear and something else…a feeling he didn’t recognize but one that would’ve caused him to rip his friend’s throat out. Jinx turned his head and said, “Cam, you need to calm down. She’s in no danger from us.”

“What’s your name, boy?” Jinx asked as the young Wolf gave him directions.

“Me? I’m Johnathan, and I hope that bastard is dead!”

Jacob looked over at the boy. “Language!”

“I don’t care! He was a bastard! He killed my father and many others and he let his men do what they wanted with the She-Wolves. I’m glad he’s dead.” Johnathan looked back at Jacob and Cam, a look of fear flitting across his young face. “He is? Isn’t he? Dead, I mean. He is dead, please tell me he’s dead.”

Jacob turned to Cam, seeing the blood he was covered in. “If the amount of blood that’s on our Alpha is anything to go by then I’d say yes, he’s dead.”

Cam snarled, his eyes locking with Jacob’s. “I’m not Alpha.”

Jacob shook his head. “Whatever, Cam. Now, have you calmed down enough to let me have a look at the girl?”

“How long? How much farther?”

Johnathan pointed out another turn to Jinx, “Not long, we’ll need to stop in a little bit then I’ll show you the trail, it’s only bout ten minutes’ walk once we stop.”

Cam looked back at Jacob. “I can’t, I can’t let you touch her. I’m scared what I’ll do if you even try. Jacob, I’m not in control.”

His PI nodded once. “Okay, we’re nearly there, Cam.”

Cam could sense
feel the damage done to the woman he held in his arms. Her nakedness only partially covered by a bloody robe. Broken bones in abundance and the Goddess only knew what other injuries she had. His beast howled in anguish at the damage done to the white Wolf and he wished nothing more than to join it in its plaintive lamentation.

“She has to survive!”
he thought over and over as they drew nearer to the Clan Camp.

Chapter 1


Cam paced back and forth as the Camp Healer moved her expert hands and eyes over the prone body of Chastity. Her mouth making little noises showing her distress each time she found a new injury. It seemed like forever before she turned to him, her brows furrowed as she spoke.

“She has many broken bones, which I can set, but I have no idea what’s going on inside. I think we may have to take her to a human hospital, Alpha.”

Cam frowned at her use of the word but chose to ignore it. He had far more important things to deal with right now. “Shit, you can’t heal her here or force a transformation so her beast can heal her?”

“No, I’m sorry, I can’t.”

Cam shivered, still naked and covered in blood, as a soft hand touched his arm. Jerking around, he looked down into Rebecca’s serene face. “Cameron, I can help. If you’ll let me?”

Cam looked from Rebecca to Chastity and back again. “Can you?”

“Yes,” Rebecca said, handing him a blanket. “I can heal her broken bones and I should be able to tell if there’s internal injuries that I can heal too. Here, cover yourself, or better still, go and shower. You look like you’ve taken part in a bloodbath.”

He took the blanket, shaking his head. “I’m not going anywhere right now. Not until I know she’s out of danger. Rebecca, do what you can for her, please.”

The Witch inclined her head. “She means a lot to you, doesn’t she?”

Cam looked away, not yet willing to voice his answer. “Just help her, Rebecca.”

“Okay, I’ll do my best.”

Cam heard the Healer hiss through her teeth before “tutting,” obviously put out that magic was going to be performed on Pack land. Cam scowled at her, “Leave, if you’re not happy with Rebecca helping.”

The Healer stepped back, going to stand in a corner of the room, her eyes avidly taking in everything. Cam stood at the end of the bed, the urge to lie down beside Chastity and take her into his arms so great he had to tamp it down forcefully. As Rebecca opened a bag he hadn’t even seen in her hands he prayed she could help.

Cam watched as Rebecca took out several bottles, opening each and placing a little in a small bowl before returning them to her bag. Alien words pouring from her mouth as she chanted over the bowl before finally lighting a match and dropping it inside. The sizzle of the contents burning loud in the room for a split-second before blue smoke appeared, swirling upwards and out of the bowl.

He looked on in surprise, the blue mist following Rebecca’s outstretched hands as she waved them over the prone body on the bed. The smoke drifted downwards until it appeared to seep right inside Chastity’s skin.

Rebecca continued to utter words that held no meaning to him, her hands moving gracefully in the air; as if dancing to some unheard music. The concentration on her face the only sign of the work and energy she was using in her healing spell. Cam could see small beads of sweat appear on the Witch’s forehead and top lip as she continued to work her magic over Chastity.

Cam’s heart beat wildly as Rebecca finally stopped, sagging forward, he rushed to catch her before she fell. He held her upright as she turned glassy eyes up to him. “I’ve done all I can, but there’s a head injury that neither I nor human medicine can cure. It has to heal on its own. Or not.”

As her words hit, he shook his head. “No. Are you saying she may not wake up?”

Rebecca looked sad as she replied, “I’m sorry, Cam. I don’t know if she will wake up. How she was even still alive I have no idea. He just about killed her.”

Jacob coughed gently, “Rebecca, why don’t you let me take you to your room so you can rest?”

Cam handed her over to Jacob. “That’s a good idea, go with Jacob and he’ll look after you.”

After Cam handed off Rebecca to Jacob, he picked up a chair and placed it next to the bed. Sitting down, he took one of Chastity’s hands in his, gently rubbing it as he stared at her beautiful face. Still covered in blood that didn’t take away from her perfectness. A few moments later the Healer tapped his shoulder.

“Alpha, you should go and clean up and get dressed. I want to bathe her and make her as comfortable as I can.”

Cam didn’t want to leave the room but slowly rose, his eyes staying on the body in the bed until the Healer closed the door behind him. His feet seemed to drag as he found his own room, entering the bathroom and turning the shower on full blast.

His mind in turmoil as the water cascaded down over him. Dupont’s blood being washed away to run down the drain. It seemed to take forever before the water ran clear as he laid his hands on the wall, his head hanging down as his thoughts went to the woman in the room next to his.

“What the fuck am I going to do? I don’t want a relationship, I don’t need a relationship! So why the hell does she affect me so?”
he thought more than once. Turning the water off, his mind no clearer, he grabbed a towel.

When he re-entered his room, Jinx sat on his bed, freshly showered and dressed. His friend stared up at him, a determined look on his face.

“Cam, I know you don’t want to hear this now but it’s got to be said.” Jinx stood up and continued, “The Pack needs you. It’s in chaos at the loss of Fearghas and you have to perform the funeral ceremony tomorrow. I’ve spoken to Fergie, or rather he came to speak to me. You have to tell the Pack tomorrow that you’re now Alpha.”

Cam cursed, “Fuck off! What are you talking about?”

Jinx placed a hand on Cam’s shoulder. “I know you’ve never wanted to be Alpha but the goddamn truth is you
an Alpha. Always have been and always will be. This Pack needs you and you don’t have a choice. You
to do this, Cam.”

Shrugging off Jinx’s hand, Cam strode to the wardrobe, pulling out jeans and a t-shirt. “I don’t want it.”

“Sorry, but the Pack is already calling you Alpha and they need you.”

Cam tugged on his jeans as Jinx carried on. “You need to announce it tomorrow and I’ll be right there with you. Don’t think you’re getting rid of me, Sin. Together forever. That’s what we said when we left Scotland all those years ago. Wasn’t it?”

“Yes, but being Alpha wasn’t part of the deal.” Cam scowled, pulling his shirt on and seeing his Clan tattoo as he did so.

“Cam, you can do this. You were
to do this. The Pack couldn’t ask for a better or stronger Alpha and you know it. So, just suck it up big guy, ‘cause you gotta do it.”

Cam’s shoulders slumped, defeat in his body and Jinx pounced. “Good, I see you finally agree. I’ll let Fergie know and we’ll get your stuff moved into the Alpha’s cabin.”

Cam’s head shot up. “Not alone. Chastity comes too and so do you. I’m not staying there on my own.”

Jinx was already at the door. “Okay, I’ll make sure she’s moved too. I presume you want her near your room?”

“Next to it and I don’t want the master bedroom either. I’m not sleeping in my uncle’s bed. Tell Marie she’s welcome to stay. I don’t want to put her out of her home. In fact, insist she stays to take care of the new Alpha or some such nonsense.”

Jinx smiled, “Good idea, I’ll do that. There’s also something else you need to decide on.”

Cam couldn’t help but snarl, “What? You want to know if I want new drapes? New Sofa?”

“Hey, cut it out, Sin!” Jinx spat back, “Dupont’s Pack needs some leadership until it’s been decided what to do with it. So, firstly we need to send at least a couple of our guys to go keep an eye on them and we didn’t find the Witch who was helping him so we need them to find whoever it was.”

“Fuck, I forgot about that.” Cam ran a hand through his hair, frustrated that he’d not thought of this. “Okay, I think Mac and Logan should go. What’s your thoughts?”

“Good choice.” Jinx grinned, “I don’t think you’d get Rory to go anywhere at the minute. He’s totally smitten with Charlotte and Mac and Logan both have cool heads. I’ll tell them to leave tomorrow morning.”

“Okay, now, are you finished?” Cam snapped.

Jinx opened the door shouting over his shoulder, “Yup, for the time being. Remember we’ll be coming to move Chastity soon, so don’t get angry when we show up. Oh yeah, I assume I now hold the position of Beta?”

Picking up a boot, Cam threw it after Jinx’s disappearing head. His friends voice shouting, “I’ll take that as a yes!”

Cam padded back to Chastity’s room, finding her in a soft white nightdress, all traces of blood gone from her and the bed. Now she lay on crisp white sheets, her damp hair lying around her like a blonde halo. He ran a strand of her locks through his fingers as he sat down next to the bed.

Moving the chair slightly so he could stretch his legs out and place his feet on the side of the bed, crossing his arms and letting his head fall back.  Cam’s eyes slid closed and sleep overtook him.

He was rudely awakened when his feet were pushed from the bed, his eyes flying open as a snarl tore from his throat.

“It’s only us.” Jinx held his hands out. “We’ve moved your things and we’re here to get Chastity.”

“I’ll do it.” Cam stood up, gathering the prone body up into his arms, covers included and following his friend on the trek to the Alpha’s cabin.

He knew, without a doubt, that his life was going to change dramatically and he wasn’t sure about any of it. It was the last thing on the Goddess’ good green earth he’d ever wanted. To be Alpha of a Wolf Pack.

Cam pushed the thought from his head as he carried Chastity the short distance to the Alpha cabin. Fergie sat in his wheelchair on the porch, his cousin nodding to him as he arrived. “Evening, Alpha,” Fergie said quietly, emotion thick in his voice.

“Evening, Fergie,” Cam replied just as quietly before heading inside to find where he was going to be staying for the foreseeable future.

Passing by the lounge he caught sight of Marie, her eyes red and her face pale, sympathy welling in his heart for his aunt’s pain. He hoped she could get through the loss of her mate. Some Wolves didn’t, almost as if they wasted away from the loss of their love. Possibly, with Fergie’s help, she’d get through it and out the other side of her grief.

Angel was waiting for him, at the bottom of the staircase. “I’ll show you where to put her and we’ve put you in the room next door. It’s on the opposite side of the cabin from the master bedroom.”

“Good,” Cam said and inclined his head towards Marie. “How’s she doing?”

“Not so good, but we’re hoping after the funeral tomorrow that she’ll pick up.”

“Understandable,” Cam spoke quietly, not wanting his aunt to hear him. “It’s the worst possible loss, the loss of a mate. Or so I’ve heard.”

Angel led him along the hallway, stopping at a room and ushering him inside. “I know, but I’ve never come across it before so I’m not sure what to do for her. I guess just be here in case she needs us.”

“Yes, I presume so.”

“This is all set up for Chastity. The Healer will be in daily to check on her. She did say if Chastity didn’t waken soon she’d need an IV line to keep her hydrated and fed but that’s not something that needs to be done today.”

Cam felt his heart tighten in his chest at the thought of the She-Wolf in his arms not waking soon. It wasn’t something he was prepared to think deeper about at this moment. Far better to believe she was going to sleep tonight and wake up as normal in the morning.

Angel moved the bedding and he placed Chastity on the bed, covering her back up. Cam moved the armchair from the corner to beside the bed and sat down.

“Your room is right next door and if you need anything at all just let me know.” Angel backed out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Cam settled down, making himself as comfortable as he could, because he had no plans on leaving the room or Chastity. He was staying right there until Chastity regained consciousness.




Shelly stared at the two powerful Wolves addressing the Pack. The Wild Ranch Pack, a name she hated with a vengeance. One that that abomination, Philippe Dupont, had insisted the Pack be called. Her heart had soared when she’d heard the unmistakable sounds of a full on fight the day before. Peeking from behind her curtains to see large Wolves attacking Dupont’s guards.

She’d watched every second she could, a glimmer of hope starting to glow deep inside her. As she saw the midnight black Wolf decimate everything in its path and run inside she clapped her hands together in glee. Hoping and praying it would be strong enough to annihilate their despicable Alpha.

An Alpha that beat and tortured his own sister. After all, she and the entire Pack had been listening to him doing it for what seemed like hours. The blood-curdling screams torn from Chastity still ringing in her ears. Could these alien Wolves be their saviors? She’d hoped so with all her heart as she continued to watch the battle.

When it was over she and everyone else slowly emerged, desperate to ensure Dupont and his thugs were dead. As it became obvious they were she, along with every other Pack member, started to hope that their futures weren’t as grim as they’d been only hours before.

They worked together and gathered all the bodies, including their now-dead Alpha, and piled them up. The Pack then collected dried branches, logs and anything else that would burn, placing them around and over the bodies. Almost all of them then lit matches and set the pyre alight.

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