The Relic (11 page)

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Authors: Maggie Nash

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: The Relic
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Breathing out on a sigh, she turned back to the wall. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

Vince locked his hands and gave her a hitch up to the first step. If she ignored the cuts and grazes on her hands, it wasn’t as bad as she had feared. Finally making it to the top of the wall, she reached over to grab hold of some roots and used them to anchor her while she hauled herself over the edge of the pit.

Straight into the path of one of the guards.


It was the quiet one and he appeared unarmed so she sprung into action, her Tae Kwon Do
training taking over. She kicked his knee out and heard a crack as he fell. He had to be in horrible pain, but somehow he managed to stand again, so her foot did some more damage, this time to his gut. He howled and fell to his knees. She pushed him to the ground, muffling his cries as his face met the dirt. After pulling his arms behind his back, she grabbed some vines from the side of the path and tied his hands.

“Incoming prisoner, Vince,” she called as she rolled the guard over the side of the pit.

Not waiting to check if he survived the fall, she grabbed the ladder from the side of the clearing and lowered it for Vince to climb out.

“Hurry up, Stone. That one made so much noise, the others will be here any second.”

Vince hauled himself over the top seconds later, and together, they sped out of the camp and into the jungle.

It seemed like hours before they stopped running. They’d heard Thornton’s men shouting and a few gunshots, but somehow, they’d managed to evade them. It had been easy. Too easy, but Magda didn’t have time to ponder on that. She was worried about the man next to her. Vincent was grabbing his chest all the time now and his breathing was very shallow. He was very pale beneath his trademark tan, and sweat had completely soaked the singlet he wore. Cuts and grazes marred his muscular arms and several of them continued to bleed.

“Let’s find somewhere to rest until daylight,” she said, cocking her ear for any sound of their enemy approaching.

Vince stopped walking and drew in a long breath before talking. “Good idea, Mags, but I’d love to clean up a bit first. I’m covered in dirt and sweat. I’m sure I can hear a stream or a river. We need to drink too.”

Listening again, Magda caught the sound of running water a short distance in front of them. “Yes, well, I wasn’t going to say anything, but quite frankly, you stink!”

Vincent didn’t even react to her teasing. Not even a smile, let alone a smart remark. Jeezus, he must be in a bad way.

“Fine. Just lead me to the water and I’ll clean up.”

Magda moved ahead in the direction of the water. The jungle sounds of the animals were muted just before dawn, so as they drew nearer the sound magnified and she realized it wasn’t just a stream, but a waterfall they were hearing. Minutes later, she pushed the vegetation aside enough to let Vincent through to find a small beach at the side of a large pool. Facing them was a waterfall flowing into the pool, the fine spray hitting their faces from where they stood.

“How beautiful,” said Magda as she joined Vincent on the sand.

Vincent pulled the singlet over his head and proceeded to unbuckle the belt of his khakis. “Yes, it is, and right now, I am going to jump in and get cleaned up.”

Magda saw the pain on his face as he bent to pull his pants off his leg. She moved closer and placed her hand over his. “I’ll help you. Your chest must hurt like hell.”

He winced as she dragged one leg out of the pants. “That’s not the only place that hurts.”

“Oh, poor baby.”

She lifted his other leg and removed his blood-stained pants and his boxers. Her eyes watered as she came face to face with the bruising on his torso and legs.

“Jeezus, Stone, you must be in agony.”

“It looks worse than it is.”

She quickly shed her clothes and took his hand, leading him to the water. “Yeah, sure it is. You don’t have to be brave for me, Vincent. I am more than capable of looking out for both of us, and I am not about to crumple in a heap.” She stopped walking and placed her free hand on his beard-roughened cheek. She looked into his beautiful eyes which could not hide his physical pain.

“Let me look after you just this once.”

A spark of desire flared in his eyes as he disengaged from her touch and lay back in the pool, floating in the waist deep water. “Sure, Mags. Do your worst.”

She smiled. He could be such a little boy sometimes, but it was part of his charm. “Give me a minute to clean myself up and then I’ll be free to concentrate on you. Okay?”

He winked as he lay there suspended just under the water’s surface, the water swirling patterns over the contours of his firm muscular body. “I’m counting on it.”

A wicked part of her personality took over as she ducked into the water, completely submerging herself before rising out, smoothing the water out of her eyes and her hair back. She let her head drop back slightly pushing her breasts forward and thrusting her erect nipples close enough to Vincent’s face she could feel his hot breath brushing against her wet skin.

The sight of his thick erection making an appearance above the waterline urged her on to continue playing. Bringing her hands to her breasts, she cupped them then slowly worked her fingers toward her nipples, squeezing them gently at first, then increasing the tension on their sensitive tips. Despite the chill of the water, her body heat intensified when she looked down and caught Vincent’s eyes on her. He devoured her, but it was her face he was concentrating on, not her body. Never before had she seen such passion from just a look. It made her want more. More than she knew he could give her, but if this was all she could get, then she would take it.

Slowly, she smoothed one hand across her belly and over her mound. She cupped her sex and pushed gently with the heel of her hand. Sliding her index finger into her folds, she felt heat. When Vince was around, it didn’t take much for her to be on fire.

Vincent’s voice rumbled deep in his throat. “Magda…”

He was definitely forgetting about his injuries, so her plan must be working. She smiled to herself, feeling more confident by the second.

Step one down, time for step two

Abruptly she removed her hands from her body and cupped some of the cool water of the pool, pouring it over her head and letting the cool fluid trickle over her face and breasts before slowly shaking her hair back and forth.

Vince groaned and his gorgeous erection rose even higher in the water.

She took a step closer to him, placing one hand on his forehead and another on his thigh. Their eyes met and stuck a light deep down in her soul. Her mouth went dry, and she licked her lips. She wanted to do this for Vincent. It felt right and it felt good.

Smiling, she bent over and kissed him gently on the lips. “Your turn now.”

She began a delicate trail with her fingers along his body, rubbing dirt off his muscles and dribbling water over his cuts. She reveled in his quick intake of breath as she moved down his abs and skimmed across the soft dusting of hair that led to his magnificent cock.

“Jeezus, Mags, I’m going to either float upwards or sink to the bottom of the pool if you keep this up.”

Moving past the danger zone to his thighs, she chuckled at the comical look of disappointment on his face.

“Just a few more minutes, lover boy.”

She worked her fingers down to the end of his toes and stopped to kiss them one by one. Vince nearly sank there and then. If she hadn’t steadied his hips, he would have. Well tough shit! He liked to fuck with
brain as well as her body, so now it was time for payback.

“Turn over, Stone, and keep that head up out of the water. I don’t want to add CPR to my attentions just yet.”

He laughed as he rolled over in the water. “I don’t know, Mags. Mouth to mouth could be kinda fun, don’t you think?”

The muscles of his gorgeous arse contracted as she slapped her hand across both of his buns.

“Ouch, what was that for?”

“What? Not into kink? I thought you got off on that stuff?”

He growled.


“I’ll show you kink!”

There was a large splash of water, and in the blink of an eye, she found herself being dragged by her arm out of the water and on her way back to the beach.

“What about your injuries?” she squealed, as she tugged against the firm grip he had around her wrist.

“What freaking injuries?” he shouted as he completed the short distance to the shore.

He set her down on the soft ground carefully but the gentleness was short lived when he immediately pinned her down with his body covering hers, and that enormous erection stabbing her belly. The look in his baby blue eyes was pure predator as he scooped up her wrists with one hand and drew her arms above her head.

She now knew what a native bride felt while waiting to be taken by her chief. Her whole body quivered in anticipation of what was to come. With her heart pounding and her breathing erratic, she waited for his next move.

His pupils dilated even further as his eyes met hers and fused with them. The hunger in his eyes was almost tangible. This was about raw sex. It was the burning flame between them, and it was possession. His possession of her body.

And she was more than willing to let him take what he wanted.

His eyes never left hers as his free hand began a slow trail of exploration starting from her hip and finishing at that sensitive area just below the curve of her breast. The soft touch of his long fingers sent shivers through her whole body. She sighed as her mouth opened and she arched her body, thrusting her breasts closer to him, begging him to touch them.

“You are mine, Mags. Mine to do with as I please.”

“And just what did you have in mind, Stone?” Her voice cracked as she spoke. She hardly recognized that low breathy and sexy sound coming from her own body. What was it about this man? He drove her crazy but he also knew all the right buttons to push.

His deep, sexy laugh added another ten degrees to her body heat. “You’ll have to be patient, Mags. All good things come to those who wait.”

“Well then, whatever the good thing is, get on with it!”

He leaned forward and blew on the buds of her nipples, making them pucker even more than before “Or was that—all comings go to those who are good?”

Very funny
. He had her pinned down, turned on and ready to erupt and he was cracking jokes?

He dipped his head again, this time to lave his tongue around a sensitive areole.


He nipped gently on the engorged tip, sending the equivalent of lightning bolts to her clit in a heady mixture of pleasure and pain. He kissed her breast, soothing the spot where his teeth had grazed. Their eyes met as his lips once again teased her skin, working their way up one kiss at a time toward her heated face. Letting go of her hands, he cupped her face, leaning all his weight onto his elbows. Those beautiful blue eyes darkened as his pupils dilated.

He didn’t say a word.

He didn’t have to.

The feelings she longed for were all there in his face. God, she hoped she was really seeing them and not projecting her own wishes.

But it felt very much like it was real at this moment in time.

Her breath caught as he moved in closer. His breath smelled of fruit, and that other ingredient that she knew to be his own unique taste.

His lips teased hers with a soft touch. His eyes closed as he came close again and covered her mouth with his while he teased and tantalized her. Moving with firm purpose, he sucked on her lower lip, scraping his teeth gently across her plump skin. His magic tongue slipped in as their breath mingled. He gently stroked her mouth, sending tingles straight through her chest to squeeze her heart. Moaning, she clamped her hands on his shoulders, her fingers itching to dig into his firm skin, but mindful of his injuries, she contented herself with just keeping a firm hold.

The kiss continued for what seemed like an eternity, but it would never be enough. When Vincent drew back, they were both panting, desperate to draw in air before they began round two. Bringing his head close again, he kissed her once more on the lips then moved on to her neck, nuzzling in the hollow just above her shoulder. His hot breath tickled, setting off another set of shivers, and her body reacted by arching slightly. Her pussy burned for his touch.

“Vince, please touch me.”

She felt his smile against her skin as he continued to rub his nose against her neck.

“All in good time, woman. We can’t rush things.”

Oh God, if he didn’t make a move soon, she would jump him, and that wouldn’t be good for his bruises. “Fine,” she said on a strangled sigh. “Hurry!”

Just so he knew how serious she was, she arched her hips against his cock and slipped her legs around his thighs, trapping him against her dripping folds.

His cock heated and throbbed against her belly and Vincent ground his hips even closer against her and growled in her ear.

“You don’t play fair, Mags.”

She giggled as she lightly walked her fingers down his back to his firm buttocks and squeezed. “All’s fair in love and war, Vincent. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that?”

“Oh yeah,” he said in that deep, raspy and sexy voice of aroused man that she loved to hear. “And here’s another one for you. To the victor go the spoils!”

He pushed back onto his knees and slid down her body, his face zeroing in on her damp curls. He pushed her thighs farther apart and spread her open with his thumbs. It made her sweat, watching his eyes heat while he stared at her most intimate place.

“So beautiful, Mags. I love your cunt.” His next words were lost as he latched his mouth onto her exposed clit, sucking and nipping at the same time.

“Oh God!”

The muscles in her legs contracted as she fought the urge to stretch them out and ride through the orgasm that was building fast.

A long finger slid inside her as his mouth continued its assault on her clit and she moaned. Nothing had ever felt as good as this. The sensations built quickly and she was getting closer and closer to the edge when he stopped.

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