The Red Moon: Moon Rising (15 page)

BOOK: The Red Moon: Moon Rising
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same thing I did last night. I pictured that I was holding fire in my


hands, and as I concentrated I could feel the weight of the fire in
my palms again. When I opened my eyes I had a small flame


growing within the palms of my hands.


I bent down and reached out, I put my hands on the wood that


sat together in a pile, and the wood began to burn. I could feel the


fire growing and burning hotter and hotter, soon the fire was


burning bright and hot. I closed my eyes again and felt the fire


getting smaller as I stood back up. When I opened my eyes again


the flames in my hands sizzled out. "Wow, that was awesome."


Tucker said, with his wide eyes trained on my hands.


"Does it hurt?" He asked very intrigued. "No actually it


doesn't; it just gets heavy, that's all." I replied, with a smile.


air around the camp grew warm again as the sun of the day began


to rise. "Hey where is everyone?" I asked, finally taking notice that


no one else was around. "Uncle Tom came earlier and took


everyone to the field. But I had to stay here; I don't know why, but


he said I had to." He said as he walked over to the tent, and


disappeared inside.


"Grandpa, where's grandma?" I asked, remembering that she


wasn't in the tent when I came out. "Um I don't know, I think she


might have gone for a walk in the forest again; you know her,


she's probably looking for herbs or something." He laughed.
know which way she went?" I asked looking around. "Um, I think


she went that way." He said, pointing toward a very small path that


sat between a bunch of overgrown shrubs and small trees, that


surrounded the camp. I hurried off to find my grandmother.


"Grandma." I called out, as I walked down the narrow path. I


touched every single shrub that grew close to the path, every tree


that I passed I touched; I remembered as a kid my grandmother


said that by touching the plants around you; you are absorbing


their energy as they absorb yours. For a minute there I forgot what


it felt like to walk through the forest and really appreciate every bit


of nature that surrounded me. The feeling of freedom to lose


yourself in this vast forest was tempting. With every tree that I


touched I could sense it's age and its memory that flowed through


it, right down to the aged roots that dug deep into the damp




Soon I reached a clearing that opened up right before a small


drop off, that spilled over to the lake which sat at the bottom of the


Weeping mountains. I looked over and noticed a small waterfall


that flowed into the lake. Through the light mist of water that


floated upward because of the wind; I could see a small bird


fluttering around in the mist, wetting it's small wings. The bird
began to fly toward me slowly, flying against the wind.
"Mia." I


heard a small voice say. Wait; what. I thought to myself, as I


squinted my eyes, looking at this small bird as it perched itself on


a little branch just above me.


"Mia." I heard again. "Are you talking to me?" I asked,


surprised at the thought, that a bird could really be talking to me.


"Mia; yes I'm talking to you." The small bird said, this time I was


sure that it was talking to me. I fell back a little totally surprised,


that it was really a bird that was talking to me.


"Hi Mia." The bird said. "I'm Wing, and I've been sent by the


gods to help you." It said, looking at me like a bird would; twisting


and turning it's head back and forth. "Hi Wing. I'm sorry but this is


weird; I can't believe that I'm talking to a little bird." I said, with a


smile looking at this little bird stretching its wings to dry.


"I'm hear to help you." Wing said followed by soft chirps. "How


will you help me." I asked, still bewildered by the fact that I was


talking to this little bird. "I can see farther than any of you can." It


said, as it fluttered its wings.
“Besides, we'll rely upon each other


a lot in the future.
But, it's ok if you don't believe, because you will


believe soon.”
I said stretching it's wings before it fluttered it's


"Mia, who are you talking to?" I heard a voice say from behind


me. "Jon." I said, stumbling at the sound of a voice. "Sorry, I didn't


mean to scare you." He said, catching me from falling. "You


startled me, that's all." I said with a smile. "Did you see that bird?"


I asked, looking around for Wing. "No, I didn't see a bird but I did


hear you talking to someone." He said, looking around at our




"I guess I was just talking to myself for a few minutes there." I


laughed. "Um, your grandmother and Uncle Tom is looking for


But I am glad, that I finally have you away from everyone


else." He smiled. "Huh, so am I." I said, stepping closer to Jon,


slowly running my hands under his baggy shirt and around his


waist, pulling his warm defined body closer to me; as my fingers


softly touched his bare back. He stepped even closer, with every


touch. "So I guess we get a few minutes alone huh." He smiled,


looking deep into my eyes.


"Yeah; I guess we do." I said, leaning in to kiss him; he kissed


me back. We stayed there locked in a passionate kiss, leaning our


bodies closer together. Running our hands over each other,


touching every definition that our fingers could find.
"Hey; grandpa said to go find you, and I guess I found you


both." Tucker said loudly, trying his best to scare us, as he


stepped into the clearing. Jon and I jumped a little at the sudden


"Wow, this is a nice view." He said looking over the


drop off, then at the waterfall that flowed over the cliff just a few


yards away.


"The wind here is nice." He continued. Jon and I just stood


there enjoying the feeling of having the both of our arms around


each other. "Come on lets get back, before they send someone


else to find us." Jon said with a smile. "Yeah; your right." I agreed.


"Come on Tuck, lets go." I said, turning with Jon to follow the long


path back to camp. As we walked slowly down the path, Tucker


hurried pass us. "You guys are slow." He said, as he brushed up


against me hurrying along.


As his shoulder brushed up against my arm; I began to feel


funny; I looked at him as he hurried on down the path.


eventually disappeared beyond the part of the path that we could


see. I felt very weird; my head felt lighter and I began to get dizzy.


I started to see pictures flashing like blurred photo's in my mind. I


stopped walking; grabbing on to Jon's arm to stop myself from


"Are you ok." He said, grabbing a hold of me. "I don't know." I


said looking at him; but I continued seeing these blurry pictures


flashing in my head. "What's wrong?" He said, looking at me.


my legs began to fell weak, I slowly fell to my knees.


said trying his best to hold me, as I slid out of his grip.


The pictures became more fluent and I could see the pictures


more clearly. I could see James, my mothers new husband. Why


was I seeing James. Why could I see him clearly. "Mia." I could


hear him saying. Then I got a glimpse of my mother walking


through the forest, touching the trees and shrubs as she walked


through; and as she touched them they would die, turning black


and withering away into ashes. I couldn't understand why I was


seeing this.


"Mia." I heard James voice again, this time it was much more


closer, like he was standing right next to me. "Mia, I'm coming for


you." He said, and now it sounded like it was right in my ear, as I


began to feel his presence next to me. "Aah." I screamed out.


"Mia, Mia." Jon said shaking me.


I quickly snapped out of it, no longer seeing the pictures that I


saw. I stood up freaked out; and shaking, I felt beyond scared and


held Jon's hands tightly. "Jon, I think something bad is gonna
happen; I think I had a vision. I saw my mother and James." I said,


with a quivering voice.


"Come on we gotta get you to your grandmother." Jon said,


helping me up as we hurried back to camp. "What else did you


Jon asked, as he guided me along the path. "I could see


my mom, and she was walking through the forest touching things


and when she touched them, they would die and turn to ashes." I


said, quivering at the thought of what I saw. "Mia, what if they're


the one's that we would have to fight. What are we gonna do?" He


asked, as we got closer to the camp. "I don't know." I replied.


The light of the day dimmed, as we got closer to the camp; we


could smell the smoke of the fire burning and we could hear


people talking. This time it was more than just those that was


already at the camp. "Who is that?" I asked, looking over at Jon as


I slowed his steps. The air around the camp seemed different, it


seemed so heavy, like a thick fog was approaching, it grew a little


colder with every step that we took as we got closer to the camp.


We stopped to see if we could get a glimpse of who was now




"Mia, I know that you're there." I heard a man say. Jon and I


stepped out of the tree line that crowed over the small path. "So I
see you've met wing." Elder Wolf said, turning toward me with a


little bird sitting on his finger. It was the very bird that spoke to me


"That's the bird that I was talking about." I told Jon,


stepping closer to the group of people that gathered around the


fire. I looked around and noticed that Tucker wasn't there.


"Did you see Tucker?" I asked, looking over at grandma. "No;


he went to look for you." She said, suddenly looking rather


She walked over to grandpa and whispered something to


He disappeared slowly, onto the path that Jon and I just


came out from. I looked around at everyone who was now quite


and staring at me. "What?" I said, annoyed with everyone's


questionable glare.


"Mia, we are here before the third day because we needed to


warn you; the darkness that once invaded these lands is back."


Elder Wing said, as the little bird flew over to his shoulder.


bird seemed to be whispering something in his ear, but all we


could hear, were little chirps. "So Wing tells me that you can hear


him." Elder Wing said, staring at me with a smile.


"So; Lana I see she's starting to understand what she will


need to do." He said looking over at grandma. "Yes Elder, I spoke


with her and she knows, who she is but I'm not sure if she totally
understands it.
However, whether or not she understands won't


matter soon." Grandma said, with a sad look on her face, as she


looked over at me.


Suddenly we were all shocked to hear a loud screaming from


the forest. Grandma ran off into the direction of the screaming, as


did uncle Tom and Elder Wolf. My dad was walking toward the


crowd from the entrance of the camp as everyone ran off, and he


followed. "Boy's I think you should follow too." Elder Wing said,


nodding toward Steve and Jim who was sitting around the fire.


"You too." He said, now looking over at Jon.


Everyone left the camp leaving me and Elder Wing standing


there quietly. "I'll go and check on things. Hi Mia." The little bird


said, as he flew off into the forest. I quickly looked at Elder Wing


with a bewildered look on my face. "Ha, ha, ha; you heard that


huh?" Elder Wing laughed. "Um; yeah I did. So, he talks to you


too." I said, sitting down on the edge of a log. "Yup, it's been that


way for years." He smiled sitting across of me.


"So, my little friend said that he watched you collapse as you


and your boyfriend were walking back to the camp. Are you


He asked, staring at me. At first; I felt very reluctant to


tell him what I really saw.
On the other hand I was afraid to lye to
him; It felt like if I lied he would know. So I told him the truth. "Yes,


I did collapse but I'm feeling better though." I said breaking my


gaze from his eyes. "Do you mind sharing what happened?" He


said starting to move closer to me.


"Um; I don't really understand what happened. But I did see


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