The Queen's Captive (56 page)

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Authors: Barbara Kyle

Tags: #Royalty, #Fiction - Historical

BOOK: The Queen's Captive
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Barbara Kyle




The suggested questions are included to
enhance your group’s reading of Barbara Kyle’s
The Queen’s Captive.




  In trying to keep Elizabeth safe from Queen Mary’s wrath, Honor decides to become a double agent. She pretends to be Mary’s spy serving as Elizabeth’s lady, but is actually keeping watch on Mary when she reports to her. Did you feel that Honor was taking on something too dangerous with this scheme? Were the stakes worth the danger?

Given Queen Mary’s desperate need to have a child to be her heir, how did her phantom pregnancy make you feel? Did you think she was honestly mistaken, or willfully deluding herself?

Adam falls in love with Elizabeth almost the first moment he sees her. Later, when he is recovering from his arrow wound, he indulges in an erotic flirtation with her. Did you think this was risky behavior on Adam’s part, since she is so far above him in rank?

Honor watches in agony as her friend George Mitford, condemned to burn at the stake, dies a horrible death. Queen Mary’s policy of burning heretics was cruel, yet it was no different from the policy of other European monarchs. How do you view this aspect of the period—as necessary state orthodoxy, or religious paranoia?

Richard battles Queen Mary’s bills in Parliament, which leads Mary to intimidate Honor. Frightened, Honor tells Richard that they must flee England, and she starts packing. But Richard stops her, insisting that they stay and fight. They argue bitterly about it, and he walks out. Who do you believe was right?

Honor gets deeply involved in the planned rebellion led by Sir Henry Dudley and she asks Elizabeth to give the rebels some financial aid, or at least a word of encouragement. But Elizabeth refuses, fearing it will endanger her. Honor accuses her of being selfish, and they argue. Do you think Elizabeth was being cowardly, or wise?

Grenville arrests Honor and threatens her with torture on the rack unless she signs a statement implicating Elizabeth in the Dudley conspiracy. Honor knows that if she signs, the Queen will execute Elizabeth for treason. She decides to endure the torture. How did Honor’s decision make you feel? Was she right to protect Elizabeth?

Frances Grenville is so obsessed with Adam Thornleigh that she blackmails him into agreeing to marry her. Otherwise, she says, she will turn in his stepmother as a convicted heretic. Did you feel any pity for Frances?

Adam finds Elizabeth preparing to flee England to avoid her sister marrying her to a foreign nobleman. Adam gladly offers to take her on his ship, and they set out together. When they stop for the night, they become lovers. In your view, was Adam being irresponsible, or can he be forgiven for hoping that “love conquers all”?

Grenville has tortured Honor and kept Richard in a dungeon for months. When they are back home following their ordeal, Richard tells Honor that he’s had enough, so he’s going after Grenville—it’s kill or be killed, he says. Honor dreads that this can only lead to Richard’s death, and again they argue. Did you think Richard was right?

After Grenville abducts Richard and burns down the Thornleighs’ house, Honor decides to confront Grenville, and kill him. How did Honor’s attack on her enemy make you feel? Was she justified in committing murder?

KENSINGTON BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018

Copyright © 2010 by Barbara Kyle

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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ISBN: 978-0-7582-6258-5

Table of Contents


1. The Tower

2. The Bargain

3. The Gatehouse

4. Neighbors

5. The Captive Princess

6. The Rosary

7. In the Presence of the Queen

8. The Queen’s Summons

9. The Queen’s Child

10. News

11. The Princess’s Defender

12. Allies and Enemies

13. Smithfield

14. Commons and Lords

15. Discord

16. The Jaws of Victory

17. The Plot

18. Blood and Treasure

19. The Queen’s Net

20. The Tower

21. Lord and Master

22. Adam’s Bargain

23. Homecoming

24. Princess at the Threshold

25. The Royal Commoner

26. In the Presence of the King

27. Battle Lines

28. Midsummer Day

29. Midsummer Death

30. A Plea to the Princess

31. The Making of a Queen

32. From the Ashes

33. Colchester Jail

34. Two Ships

Author’s Notes

A Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions

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