The Queen Revealed (24 page)

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Authors: A. R. Winterstaar

BOOK: The Queen Revealed
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General Ohrig dropped his head in his hands and rubbed his face muttering what sounded like curses. Adele could almost see the steam coming out of his ears and she sought to calm him. “Look, Ohrig, I think the Prince is just lonely, politically he…”

“As lonely as a Toothless Viper in its nest,” Ohrig barked rudely.

“What?” Adele was getting irritated with Ohrig all over again when she had been trying to be nice.

“A Toothless Viper is a serpent who cannot hunt because he has no teeth to catch prey, but he builds a nest underground in exactly the same way as a mouse does,” said Ohrig, his eyes narrowed in anger. “He slithers into the hole and lays at the bottom and waits. Until one day a little mouse comes creeping along, looking for a safe place to sleep without having to build a nest of its own. The viper waits while the mouse sniffs about, then waits while it eats the seeds in its cheeks. The viper waits while the mouse climbs into the hole. It waits while the mouse crawls all over it and scratches it with its tiny claws. The viper waits until the mouse lays itself down and falls asleep. All this time, the viper has not moved, not twitched, not a breath had passed its thin lips, until it is sure that the mouse is completely vulnerable and then… CHOMP!”

The General clapped suddenly making Adele jump in her seat and glare at him. She had received his message loud and clear.

“I think we are done here,” she snapped.

General Ohrig did not apologize but got up and headed for the door. Adele wanted to scream with frustration! She couldn’t stand having Ohrig just walk away like that when they should be working together on finding out about the Prophecy, not arguing like children. She needed his help and as crazy as he made her she trusted him.

“Then what would you have me do, Ohrig, when I’ve already accepted his invitation?” she asked and couldn’t keep the plaintive note out of her voice.

Ohrig had his hand on the doorknob, but turned to hit Adele with the full force of his icy glare.

“The only advice I can give you, Your Majesty, is to let me do my job guarding the Viper’s nest and stop acting like such a bloody mouse.” Then he turned and left, shutting the door behind himself with a slam that made Adele flinch.

She got up and fought the urge to kick the door behind her angry General. He had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. None at all!

Adele grabbed the tiny embroidered bag containing her lipstick and silk handkerchief and roughly pulled the strap over her wrist. She was going to dance with Rainere tonight, at least a hundred times, and she hoped the General watched that! Adele left her bedroom and slammed the door herself out of sheer pique.

*              *               *

Natalie poked her head into her mother’s bedroom. She was supposed to be in bed next door, but couldn’t get to sleep with all the noise in the hallway, and doors slamming.

She saw no one was in the room and stepped inside heading straight for the tray of makeup on the dressing table.

Natalie loved make-up. The feel and smell of it were just so nice. She painted her lips with a bright-pink lipstick brush, and then dabbed some on her cheeks for good measure. Picking up the large fluffy powder puff, she covered herself in a vanilla-scented cloud. But the powder made her sneeze and she dropped the puff on the floor, sprinkling the carpet with white dust. Natalie knelt down in a panic and tried to wipe the dust away under the dresser. Her hand hit something and she pulled it out from under the table leg.

Natalie could see right away that the little box was something special. The sides of the box were shiny like glass and it was all black with no pictures at all. She shook it at little and didn’t hear anything rattle inside. She turned the box over looking for an opening and saw right away that there was a tiny little button, perfectly flat, in the center of one side. She used her little pinky to press it down and the top of the box slowly creaked open on its stiff hinges.

Inside the velvet lined box Natalie saw something that made her gasp. She reached in and pulled out the beautiful necklace. It was very tarnished and old, but the green gem glowed as if it had a fire inside.

A noise outside the door made Natalie jump and she heard Siobahn call her name. She quickly shoved the necklace into the pocket of her dressing gown and pushed the little black box back under the dresser. She would ask Mummy later if she could keep the necklace. Mummy had so many, Natalie was almost positive that she wouldn’t miss this one.

Quick as a wink, Natalie ran to the door of her mother’s bedroom and stepped out into the hall before Siobahn came calling again.


Chapter Thirty- Four

“Time Travels Backwards as Well as to the Side”

“I give you - our secret passageway!”

Bertie gave a dramatic flourish and grinned proudly at the crowd of people surrounding him in the dim light.

Adele stared at the Prince of Belvoir, utterly gobsmacked. It was the morning after the Ball celebrating Rainere’s win, and her awful argument with Ohrig, and she was standing in the middle of a dusty basement under the laundries of the Manor. Her entire QG were pressed in around her, as well as her children, Tilburn and Lady Olivia. The three nannies and Pere Raven were peering in from the doorway. Prince Rainere stood close by Bertie’s shoulder, towering over the smaller prince.

“This tunnel is very special as it leads to a portal on the very edge of the Belvoir boundary. It is said that the portal opens directly into the dungeons of the Grey Palace. The portal itself is fuelled by a very powerful spell and it still functions today as it has done for hundreds of years!” said Bertie giddy as a schoolboy, as he gleefully explained the history of the tunnel to his silent audience.

“You see; this tunnel was used mostly during the time of King Rainov the Cruel. After the Grey Palace Massacre, we had lots of refugees flooding through here seeking asylum in the Magic-free Belvoir Estate. Of course in those days we would have had guards posted around the clock, but our honorable Prince Rainere is a very quiet neighbor and such precautions aren’t necessary now.” Bertie grinned at Prince Rainere.

“What’s a massacre?” asked Natalie but Adele shushed her quickly.

General Ohrig and Captain Lucky both stepped forward to examine the entrance to the tunnel. It had been lined with rough stone blocks and had wooden supports holding up the walls. The floor was dry, natural dirt packed tight. The tunnel was tall enough for a man to stand straight, and for three to walk side by side and it was very dark.

“We’ll need lanterns,” said Captain Lucky and Bertie told QG Bear where to find some in a nearby storeroom.

“Do you think it will be safe for the children to travel through this Magic portal?” asked Adele anxiously.

Bertie looked to Prince Rainere for the answer.

“The Magic is quite safe, Your Majesty,” said Rainere, nodding at Adele. “I will give everyone my personal protection as we pass through the portal. The Magic, though strong, is essentially secure. As long as I am touching the portal at all times no harm shall come to anyone. I imagine my ancestors had no wish to injure the refugees as they escaped the Grey Palace.”

There was a moment of awkward silence as the small crowd politely avoided making eye contact with the grandson of Rainov the Cruel. Bertie coughed breaking the tension.

“Err… quite, Your Highness,” he replied non-comittally.

QG Bear returned and made his way through the crowded room with the handles of several lanterns in one hand and Charlie’s arm in the other.

“Your Majesty,” said the big Guard. “I found the Royal… err… Escort hiding down here. Did you want to take him with us?” QG Bear looked to his General for confirmation that he had properly maintained the secret of Charlie’s existence and was confused by Ohrig’s glare and QG Owens’s muffled snigger.

“Not escort, QG Bear, Charlie is an
-voy,” said Captain Lucky covering the gaff with some quick thinking and a fake laugh, but the damage was already done.

“Hey, it’s Cheeky Charlie!” said Natalie before Adele could do anything but blush furiously. She had no idea her children had met Charlie before.

“Hello Charlie, want to come to the Grey Palace with us?” Aaron piped up. “It’s not scary you know.”

Charlie muttered something incomprehensible and yanked his arm out of QG Bear’s meaty grip. His gaze flicked from Adele to Prince Rainere as he addressed her.

“I beg your pardon, Your Majesty, but I was just down here looking for you when your QG found me…” he drifted off.

Adele was completely mortified. She gave Rainere a quick glance and her stomach dropped when she saw his frozen expression as he stared at Charlie, his dark eyes hooded. Charlie dropped his gaze to the floor and groaned quietly.

“I can hold your hand, Charlie,” said Aaron kindly, misunderstanding the groan and taking Charlie’s hand in his own. “It’s fun there, I promise!”

Adele peered into the tunnel entrance now lit by lanterns. A shiver ran down her spine as she was vividly reminded of walking into the Holy Caves of Sandar. Her brain tried desperately to come up with an excuse to back out of the situation while not humiliating Rainere any further, but it was impossible. He had invited her and she had accepted, to refuse now would shame him horribly.

“Your Majesty?” Her Majordomo gently touched her shoulder. Adele turned and saw that Tilburn was white as a sheet. “If you don’t mind, I might remain here at Belvoir. I am so very sorry, but I have a rather big problem with small spaces. I just can’t… er-herm.” Tilburn pulled at the tight collar of his jacket, and Adele saw the sweat streak down his temple.

She grimaced sympathetically. “Of course, Tilburn. In fact, anyone who is feeling nervous about the tunnel and the portal please feel free to remain at the Manor.” She looked about and saw quite a few relieved faces.

“I’m definitely coming, Your Majesty,” said Lady Olivia. “It is such an honor to be included in the Prince’s invitation. I wouldn’t miss this chance for all the world.” She smiled at Prince Rainere and bobbed a curtsey, but Rainere didn’t spare her a glance. He was staring down into the tunnel as if he wanted it to swallow him. Adele was almost surprised that no one else had noticed the change in the Prince’s mood, but she didn’t look at General Ohrig. If anyone could pick up on the tension it would be him.

“No time like the present!” said Pere Raven cheerfully and stepped into the mouth of the tunnel. “This will be a story to tell our grandchildren about.”

The priest’s words seemed to stir Rainere from his frozen state and, with a gesture, he motioned the group forward and strode off down the dark tunnel, his lantern swinging about with his long strides and throwing yellow splashes of light on the walls. General Ohrig jostled his men into formation and the rest of the party hurried to catch up with him. Adele swung a whimpering Stella up into her arms, pleased to see Lady Olivia take Natalie’s hand. She glanced behind and was disturbed that of all the nannies, only Siobahn was left to help. Aaron allowed Siobahn to scoop him up and Adele forced herself to smile at the young woman. Things had been strained between them ever since Adele had caught Siobahn in the garden with Benjamin and Adele didn’t know how to make it any less awkward as Siobahn couldn’t even hold her gaze.

As their small party walked down the dark tunnel the smell of damp soil pervaded the air. Adele tried not to think of the weight of all that earth above pressing down on them. But it must have been on everyone’s mind as the entire group was silent except for the squeaks of the swinging lanterns and Stella’s whimpering.

Sooner than she thought it would be, they reached a glowing green wall. Adele could see the sparkles around the edges of the portal glitter and flash, though the door itself looked like a dirt wall. She felt a thrill of excitement at seeing living Magic.

Natalie edged up beside her mother. “Cool!” she whispered. Aaron joined them and took Adele’s hand.

Rainere had put his lantern down and stood next to the portal. “Your Majesty, I will place my hands into the portal and that will be enough to take you through to the Grey Palace. Please step through as quickly as possible and don’t look back, but wait for me on the other side. No more than three shall pass at a time.”

“Alright, everyone hold hands,” instructed Adele and with a quick glance at Rainere she pulled her children in and through the portal.

It was dark on the other side, but the air was fresher. Adele barely had time to step out of the way before General Ohrig and QGs Bear and Owens joined them. They were quickly followed by the rest of the QGs with Pere Raven, and then Captain Lucky escorting Siobahn and Lady Olivia through. Prince Rainere stepped through a moment later with a very pale Charlie.

Adele looked about in wonder as green flames sprang to life on sconces around them. The lights illuminated the cavernous underground chamber and continued around the curved walls to show the doorways of at least a dozen other portals. The ceiling was so high it reached up into darkness, and the walls were vaulted with stone ridges, like an enormous ribcage. There were large, chunky, black pebbles underfoot and a long loop of railway track lay bouncing and jittering on the ground. Adele soon saw the reason for the movement as a carriage came tearing down the track like a train, only to lurch to a stop directly in front of Rainere. The door to the carriage opened and Grotto stepped out and bowed low to Prince Rainere. “Master, you are returned. Welcome home.”

He gave Adele only the most perfunctory of bows and a sneered “Your Majesty” making her QGs bristle at the insult.

“If Your Majesty and the children would like to accompany me in the carriage, with the ladies, to the top of the palace first, then the carriage will return to pick up your men-at-arms and the Envoy later,” said Rainere and his tone was acidic on the word ‘Envoy’.

Adele felt a jolt at his words, but it was energy that coursed through her and not anxiety. She felt…amazing! The lethargy and nausea that had plagued her constantly at Belvoir Estate had completely passed and she felt like her old self again. She smiled at Rainere even though she knew he was furious with her at the idea that she had taken a teenage lover. It was just so wonderful to be well again!

Adele was so distracted by her return to health that she didn’t even notice how angry General Ohrig was at being separated from her in the Grey Palace and she didn’t see his thunderous expression when Grotto held up his hand to physically stop the General from squeezing into the carriage.

In all the fuss of settling the children and fitting everyone in, Adele was surprised to find that Lady Olivia had taken the place next to the Prince and had squeezed Natalie out of the way. Though it was nice that Lady Olivia didn’t share the fear of the Prince that everyone else did, it still made Adele uncomfortable to have a much younger, and very beautiful, woman gushing at Rainere and casually touching his arm where it rested against hers.

The journey up to the palace was very fast and Adele couldn’t even see the track that they travelled on. She just knew that they were lurching up and around lots of stomach-bending twists. The children were delighted and laughed as they were thrown about the carriage. Adele held onto Stella for dear life and tried not to notice Lady Olivia falling against Rainere and giggling her apologies.

When the carriage finally slowed to a stop, a grim faced servant opened the door for them and everyone stumbled out onto the platform, admiring the grand chamber they had arrived in.

“Portal Station. First Stop,” read Adele on the stones engraved on the wall above an enormous archway. “Oh, I see! It’s like a giant train station!”

She could see at least four other carriages like the one they had arrived in, on different tracks leading to different tunnels. More archways lined the platform, but these were dark and empty. They walked across the stone platform and through the biggest archway, lit by the green-flamed sconces, which took them out to a corridor.

Prince Rainere had only led their little party a few steps before Natalie boldly stepped in front of him and raised her arms. The Prince looked down at the little girl before him and a flash of confusion crossed his face.

“Pick me up,” demanded Natalie giving Rainere her best smile. “Please.”

“Natalie!” Adele was shocked by her daughter’s cheekiness but Prince Rainere bent down and picked Natalie up under her arms, holding her suspended in the air as she kicked her dangling legs and giggled. Aaron and Stella giggled too.

“Is that long enough, Your Highness?” asked Prince Rainere.

“Yes, it is,” interrupted Adele. “Natalie, stop it right now!”

“No, you have to put me in your arms,” giggled Natalie ignoring her mother. “I want you to carry me.”

Adele could feel Siobahn’s horror poking her like a stick in her back as the young nanny whimpered in fear for the little girl.

Prince Rainere swung Natalie around and cradled her in his arms like she was made of crystal.

“Yes, like this,” nodded Natalie, satisfied. “Mummy, look! I’m Sleeping Beauty.” Natalie dropped her head back and pretended to snore loudly.

“Who is Sleeping Beauty?” asked Rainere staring down at Natalie with something like wonder on his face.

As Natalie explained the story of Sleeping Beauty to the Prince, Adele followed behind feeling relieved that Rainere seemed as charmed by her precocious little girl as he had last time he had seen her, and also despite the fact that he was angry with Adele.

As they continued down the corridor more sconces burst into flame and lit their way, extinguishing themselves again when the party walked past. Adele flinched as a movement from above caught her eye. She almost called out to Rainere, but she stopped herself just in time when she saw that the large bird glaring down at her was made of stone, and his glittering eye was a polished jewel. Her gaze travelled down the corridor and she saw there were a hundred more like it lining the walls. She let her breath go in relief and pointed them out to Stella and Aaron, whose eyes widened in shock as hers had.

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