The Puzzle Lady vs. the Sudoku Lady (3 page)

BOOK: The Puzzle Lady vs. the Sudoku Lady
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The Japanese woman could not have seemed more comfortable had she been in her own living room. “Forgive me,” she said. “We have not officially met. I am Minami, the Sudoku Lady. This is my niece, Michiko. And you are the famous Puzzle Lady.”
Cora stared at her. “What in the world are you doing here?”
“I am on my way to your house when I see you in a police car. I think you may need help.”
“You thought I'd been arrested?”
“I do not know what to think. Your American customs are not the same as ours. Perhaps you use police cars the way we use taxis.”
“Forgive me for interrupting, but I am the chief of police. I still don't know what you're doing here.”
“If you are the chief of police, it is a piece of good luck. Perhaps there is a crime.”
“Why would that be a bit of good luck?”
“I like crime. I am sorry, that is not to say I like it, but when it has happened, I like to figure it out. It is like solving a puzzle.”
“It is
like solving a puzzle,” Chief Harper said. “When you solve a puzzle, no one is dead.”
“Someone is dead? This is a crime scene?”
“Then why is there no ribbon? On American television, when there is a crime scene, there is a ribbon. Or is that just on TV?”
“No, we use crime scene ribbons.”
“But you do not have one. So you are not sure it is a crime.”
“The woman fell and hit her head in the fireplace. She died.”
Minami nodded sagely. “You should arrest her husband.”
Harper's mouth fell open. “Why do you say that?”
“When a wife is killed, it is most often the husband.” Minami indicated Cora. “Has she not told you this? You have the big reputation for solving crime.”
“Do I now?”
“In our country. It is why they buy your book.”
Cora Felton dug her hand into her drawstring purse. Harper wondered if she was going for her gun. Instead, she came out with her cigarettes. She pulled one out, put it in her mouth. On second thought, she offered one to Minami.
“I do not smoke.”
“I'll have one,” Michiko said.
“You will not! Your parents did not let you go with me to learn bad habits.” Minami raised a disapproving eyebrow at Cora. “I am surprised you would be such a bad example. You are supposed to be a role model.”
“Yeah, right,” Cora said, and lit her cigarette.
says it,” Michiko said.
“This is getting out of hand,” Harper said. “Let's take it outside, put up a crime scene ribbon.”
“You will arrest the husband?”
“I already arrested the husband.”
Her eyes widened. “I do not understand. You are not sure it is a murder, and yet you have made an arrest.”
“I arrested the husband for being drunk and disorderly. I arrested him
last night
. He was in jail when she was killed. That's why there is no crime scene ribbon. It was probably an accidental death.”
“Are you sure he did not plan to be arrested? Kill her and then go to jail?”
“I think it's pretty clear that did not happen. As soon as I can confirm it, I'll let him go.”
The Sudoku Lady turned to Cora. “You are busy. Our meeting must be postponed. My niece and I must find a place to stay. We will contact you when this unfortunate incident is behind us.”
Minami backed away, bowing and smiling, and herding her young niece toward the car.
Chief Harper glanced over at Cora. They were halfway back to town, and the Puzzle Lady hadn't said a word. “Penny for your thoughts.”
“Take a wild guess.”
“You're not happy with our new acquaintance?”
“Well, isn't she the most annoying woman?”
“I've met some pretty annoying women.”
“Give me a break. She just wanders into the crime scene and starts poking around.”
“There was no crime scene ribbon.”
“Now you're taking her side?”
“Side? You both have sudoku books. What, it's like who has the best numbers? I thought you only used one through nine.”
“Go ahead, make fun. Here the woman just waltzes in without so much as a howdy-do and starts poking into the case.”
“You find that irritating? I'd be interested to get your opinion on that.”
Cora gave him a look. “Is that irony? Are you trying to use irony on me, Chief? You're not that good at it. You really need symbols. Like on the Internet. Emoticons, so people will know you're kidding. I hate that. Kind of ruins a deadpan, you know what I mean?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Nothing. I'm just talking. Tell me, do you think this is an accidental death?”
“Of course it is.”
“Then why did we just spend forty-five minutes poking around the hearth examining every little thing?”
“I like to be sure.”
“You were pretty sure before Little Miss Sudoku stuck her nose in.”
“I still am.”
“So, what changed?”
“If somebody's going to make a fuss, I like to be prepared. If there are questions, I like to have answers.”
“Did you get any?”
“There's none to get. You know it, and I know it. There's nothing left to do but offer Jason our sympathy and let him out of jail.”
“I wish our Japanese friend could be there. Not that I want to rub it in her face, you understand.”
Chief Harper pulled up in front of the police station, a white frame building distinguishable from the others on the block only by a black-and-white wooden sign that read POLICE.
Officer Dan Finley was reading a magazine, which, at the small-town station, was practically part of the job description. The young officer was a Puzzle Lady fan. He looked up from his desk, said, “Hi, Chief. Hi, Miss Felton. What's up?”
“Listen, Dan. About Mrs. Fielding—”
“Yeah, Ida.”
Dan shook his head. “Terrible thing.” He jerked his thumb in the direction of the holding cells. “You gonna let Jason go?”
“Is he awake?”
“He is now.”
“He had a visitor. I suppose she woke him up.”
Harper's eyes narrowed. “Becky Baldwin? How'd she know he was here?”
Dan waved the questions away. “No, no, not an attorney. At least I don't think so.” He considered. “I suppose she could have been? …”
“Sorry. It just never occurred to me. I guess that's prejudice—”
“Dan! Who was it?”
“Oh. A Japanese lady.”
Harper swore, immediately apologized to Cora.
Cora smiled. “I've heard worse.”
Harper was controlling himself with an effort. “She still here?”
“The Japanese lady? No, she left.”
“Where did she go?”
“I don't know.”
“Find her.”
“Find her and bring her in.”
Dan got up from his desk with a sounds-stupid-but-if-you-say-so attitude. “What if she doesn't want to come?”
“Arrest her.”
Jason Fielding smelled like a brewery. To Cora Felton, who had given up drinking, it was an uncomfortable reminder. His eyes were glassy; his hair was unkempt; there was a stain on his shirtfront from some spilled drink or other. He sat on the cot with his head in his hands, rocking back and forth.
He looked up at them through bloodshot eyes. “My wife is dead.”
It was somewhere between a question and a statement, the diseased ramblings of an alcohol-riddled brain.
“Who told you that?”
Jason fought to focus. “Lady.”
“What lady?”
“Silk. Is she dead?”
“Mr. Fielding, do you know where you are?”
“In jail.”
“Do you know why?”
“Had a drink. Threw a chair.”
“Threw a chair?”
“Think so. Not sure.”
“Hang on a minute, Chief,” Cora said. “Jason. The lady who was just here. The silk lady. What did she want to know?”
“If I was Jason. Course I am. Is she dead?”
“What else did the silk lady want to know?”
Jason furrowed his brow, moaned, said, “Bar.”
“What bar?” Harper demanded.
“What bar?”
“What bar?”
Harper scowled.
“Mind if I step in here, Chief. You're getting in a rut. She asked you what bar you were drinking in?”
“What did you tell her?”
Before he could answer, Becky Baldwin came swooping in. The young Bakerhaven attorney was holding a briefcase. If it had had a number on its side, she could have passed for a
Deal or No Deal
Becky struck a pose, said, “So?”
“Wait in my office,” Harper snapped.
“Wait in your office?”
“Yes,” Chief Harper said. “Why aren't you doing that?”
“While you interrogate my client?”
“Jason is your client?”
“He will be after we've had a little talk. If you'd like to give me a few minutes.”
Chief Harper exhaled noisily. “No, I do not want to give you a few minutes. You're either his attorney or you're not. If you're not his attorney, I'd like you to wait in my office. I'll be right with you.”
“You want to hire me, Jason?”
Jason looked at her. “What for?”
“See?” Becky announced. “He is obviously in need of representation. Have you advised him of his rights?”
“It's a moot point, considering the shape he's in. If a defendant is incapable of understanding his rights, reading them doesn't count. So, which is it? You read 'em and it doesn't count, or you haven't even read 'em?” Becky turned back to the prisoner. “Jason, do you want to hire me?”
“Before he decides, I think you should make it clear that you're an attorney and not a lap dancer,” Cora put in helpfully.
“Jason, have they told you your wife is dead?”
“Lady did.”
“What lady?”
“Silk lady.”
“Great.” Becky turned back to the chief. “I'm going to have to ask you to stop interrogating my client until he's able to understand the questions. Is that clear, or do I have to get a court order?”
“Oh, for goodness' sake,” Chief Harper said. “This is, in all likelihood, an accidental death. The only thing to keep us from proving that is a bunch of attorneys throwing monkey wrenches into the works.”
“Hang on,” Cora said. “Becky's a knockout, but I doubt if she counts as a bunch.”
“I'd like a word with my client,” Becky persisted.
“I haven't heard him hire you yet.”
“He was about to when you interrupted.”
interrupted,” Cora said.
“Stop!” Chief Harper said. He pointed to the prisoner, who now had his head between his legs. “You're driving
nuts, and I
have a hangover. Think how
must feel.”
Dan Finley stuck his head in the door. “Got her, Chief.”
“Great. Okay, you win, Becky. Have a nice chat. We'll be back. Come on, Cora.” Harper held the door for Cora, followed her out. “
is going to be fun.”
The Sudoku Lady batted her eyes at Chief Harper. “You wished to see me?”
“Yes, I wished to see you. You are a visitor in our town. We want to extend you every courtesy. But you cannot come into our police station, talk to our prisoner, and tell him his wife is dead.”
Minami smiled. “Why not?”
“That's not your job. It's my job.”
“I do not mind helping.”
“You are not helping. I told him his wife was dead and he already knew.”
“Then there is no problem. If it is the truth. She is dead, isn't she?”
“Good. I do not mean it is good that she is dead. I mean it is
good that we did not tell him she is dead when she is not. That would not be nice, would it?”
Chief Harper opened his mouth, closed it again.
Cora suppressed a smile.
“That is not the point,” Harper said. “The point is, you can't come in and start interrogating prisoners. You're not an attorney; you're not with the police; you're not a friend. You're not even a U.S. citizen.”
“Only U.S. citizens may talk to prisoners? That is a law I did not know.”
“It's not a law.”
“That is why I did not know it.”
Minami looked perfectly serene in yards and yards of fabric. Her niece looked bored.
“Let me ask you something,” Cora said. “You claim that talking to Jason was perfectly innocent and within your rights.”
“Good. What did he say?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“What did he tell you? What did you learn? Will you share that information?”
“But of course.” Minami settled back in her chair.
“Here we go,” Michiko said.
“Did he tell you he was drinking at a bar?” Harper asked.
“Yes, he did.”
“The Rainbow Room?”
“Yes. Did he tell you that, too?”
“He did not. By the time I talked to him he was confused and disoriented. I only assumed he told you that because it's where my officer Dan Finley picked you up.”
“How did the officer know I was there?”
“He called every bar in town.”
“That was smart. You are good at your job.”
“I'm just one step behind you.” Harper took a breath. “I'm going to have to ask you to cease and desist.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Stop what you're doing.”
“Why? The man was in jail when his wife died. Clearly he did not do it.”
Becky Baldwin poked her head in the door. “Am I interrupting?”
“Yes,” Chief Harper said.
“No,” Cora said. “Come on in.”
Becky swooped in. “How do you do? I'm Becky Baldwin, attorney at law. You must be the woman who spoke to my client.”
“I am Minami, the Sudoku Lady.”
Michiko snorted. “Do you have to say that to everyone? You sound like a superhero.”
“And this is my niece, Michiko. We had a very nice talk with Mr. Fielding.”
“And now you're talking with the police. I'm not sure I like that.”
Harper smiled. “Ah. The silver lining. It would appear Minami has not interfered in my business as much as she has in yours.”
“Plus,” Cora put in, “anything he told her is
a confidential communication.”
“That's a hell of a thing to spread around,” Becky said.
“Why?” Harper said. “Are you advising him not to answer any questions?”
“I don't know what I'm advising him at this point. I'd like to keep my options open.”
“Options? What options? The woman fell down and hit her head. Her husband's drunk and in jail. He has the option of staying
there and sobering up or going home and sobering up. It doesn't seem a difficult choice to me, and I don't see why he needs a lawyer to make it.”
“That's the situation here?”
“Are you prepared to rule it was an accidental death?”
“It's not my place to make such a ruling. That's up to the medical examiner and the prosecutor. At the moment there's no reason to assume it was anything else.”
“If the autopsy turned up a whacking dose of poison in her stomach, would that change your mind?” Cora said.
Harper gave her a look. “Are you trying to make trouble?”
“I'm just trying to clarify things. And I like to give you and Minami something to talk about.”
“We have plenty to talk about, and that's not it. There is no poison involved in the case. I am not
any poison involved in the case, and there damn well better
be any poison involved in the case. If there
any poison in the case, I'm going to want to know why you
poison in the case.”
“I don't suspect poison in the case. That was a hypothetical example. If you want my opinion, this is an accidental death, and we can all chalk it up and move on.” Cora jerked her thumb at Minami. “Of course,
may have other ideas.” She gestured to Becky. “And
may have other ideas. Clearly, they conflict.” She smiled. “Which puts you in the perfect position to do anything you want to. Which is only fitting for a chief of police.”
Harper put up his hands. “Wait a minute, wait a minute. Why is
of this happening? There is no crime here. Much as you might love to drum one up.”
“Me?” Cora said. “I'm not drumming it up. She is. There is one very suspicious circumstance here, Chief, and I hate to spill it in
front of these two women, but they've undoubtedly copped to it anyway or they wouldn't be doing this. Jason has a perfect alibi for the time his wife was killed. Perfect. Ironclad. You couldn't draw it up any better. You're his alibi witness. You and the whole damn police force. If I were going to bump off a husband—and God knows, I've wanted to—I can't think of a better plan than to have him apparently killed at a time when I was in jail. Not that I was in jail that often, you understand, still—”
“Anyway, that's undoubtedly what has attracted these two women to this crime. That and the fact that one of them gets to charge a fee.”
Harper snorted in exasperation.
Cora smiled. “Hope I set everything straight, Chief. Well, gotta go.”
Cora started out. She turned back in the doorway, her eyes twinkling. “You kids have fun.”

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