The Pussy Trap (38 page)

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Authors: Ne Ne Capri

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: The Pussy Trap
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“Awww. Baby, that’s good,” he said, trying not to seem distracted.


“Are you getting any rest?”


“When I can. You know I don’t sleep well when you’re not in my arms.” Terrance shot back.


“You always talk mess when you’re thousands of miles away.”


“Well, I’ll be there soon. Then I’m going to sit down for a little while. And you can sit on my lap.”


“I can’t wait. Love you.”


“Love you more. I’ll call you later.” He disconnected the call.


Star reached in the envelope and pulled something out then threw the rest on the bed. She headed to the closet to pick out an outfit for tomorrow. She was planning on showering and going straight to bed. She had a big day ahead of her. Picking up the remote, she turned on Floetry’s “Feelings,” put it down and walked over to the closet. When she opened it, she was met by KoKo and her six-inch blade. She stuck it right into Star’s stomach right under her rib cage.


KoKo stuck her several times then stepped out the closet. Star fell back into the dresser holding her stomach. “Ce’Asia . . . Why?” she mumbled.


KoKo was shocked as hell. “What did you call me?” she asked with anger in her voice.


Star coughed up blood and tears were coming out her eyes. KoKo looked at her with her evil eye. Star cried as she again yelled out, “Why!”


“Ask your punk ass boyfriend why he killed my husband,” KoKo said, leaning in to her.


“Ce’Asia I was looking for you.”


“Why the fuck was you looking for me? And how do you know my name?”


Star lifted her arm and passed her what she had been holding in her hand. KoKo took the balled up item and opened it. KoKo’s heart started to race as the words left Star’s mouth. “He wanted us to be close. He wanted us to be close,” Star said with the last energy she had left in her little body.


KoKo fell back as she saw the two little girls sitting on the man’s lap. One was definitely her and it appeared that the other girl was Star. She looked on the back. Written in black ink: ‘Daddies Girls.’


KoKo grabbed her chest as she thought. Oh shit! Did I just kill my sister? Her adrenaline started to rush. She got hot and sweat beads dotted her forehead. Quickly, she pulled herself together and looked for the mail she heard her going through and stuffed it in the bag she had with her. She made sure she didn’t leave anything behind. Then she left the apartment leaving Star to die alone.


When KoKo got to the car, she was sick. She drove a while then got out the car and leaned up against it and tried to take some deep breaths. It didn’t help because she started to throw up. She bent over, put her hands to her face, and cried, “Oh God, please not now.” Getting up, she got back in the car then drove to the airport. The pilot was waiting when she arrived. With the plan already started, she got on and sat down.


“Bring me a bottle of Patron,” she said to the stewardess. The woman hurried and brought her the bottle and a glass and set it down. KoKo pushed it aside, opened the bottle, and took it to the head. Tears cascaded down her face. She reached in her back pocket and opened the envelope, which read Roberson’s Private Detective Firm. It appeared that Star was tracking down her family. Inside the envelope were all kinds of documents. From original adoption papers and the names of each of their parents and right in the father section on both of their birth certificates was Malik Briggs. KoKo’s stomach started turning.


Taking the bottle to the head again, before KoKo knew it, she had drank it almost to the bottom. She stared at the picture of her and Star and their dad. Then the various photos of her from her junior high school yearbook. “Damn!” KoKo yelled as she hugged the bottle and cried. She had never felt bad after killing anyone, but this shit right here was definitely going to haunt her for the rest of her life.

Daddy’s Home



Terrance stepped off the plane and grabbed his cell phone, which was his practice as soon as he got in town. He kept calling Star, but her phone kept going to voice mail. He was getting worried, and instead of heading to Monica’s to pay his respects, he grabbed a cab and went straight home.


When he got to the apartment complex, he saw her car parked outside and was hoping that she was sleep. He parked the car and headed into the building bypassing the elevator. Taking the steps three at a time, he reached her place and put his key in the door and opened it yelling, “Star, baby, Daddy’s home.” Everything seemed to be in order until he reached the bedroom door. Her feet were visible. Immediately, he started breathing heavy.


“Oh God . . . No! No! No!” he yelled and fell to his knees crawling up to where her head was. Terrance cried like a baby as he cradled her in his arms. “Who did this to you? Baby, you can’t be dead!” he yelled as he held her tight, hoping for just a small sign of life. He looked at the dried up blood on her shirt and hands and knew that his prayer to see her speak or smile would never come to pass. He called 9-1-1. When the ambulance arrived, he was in a daze. Thoughts of his mom and now the reality of what misfortune had taken Star’s life accompanied by the feeling that this was all his fault had him all fucked up. The cops were trying to ask him questions, but he couldn’t hear or think. He watched as they put her lifeless body on the gurney and covered her up. Then he broke down and fell to his knees crying and saying her name. Two cops and the EMS worker tried to console him, but it only made it worst.


It was about two in the morning and Mrs. Pearl was waking up and heading to the kitchen to take her medicine. When she got to the refrigerator, she could hear what sounded like crying. Looking into the living room, she saw Terrance sitting on the floor in front of the couch in the dark. She got close to him and could see he was sitting there with a bottle of Vodka in his hand with tears running down his face. She turned on the dim light.


“What’s wrong, chile?”


He could barely get it out. “They took my heart.”


“What you talking ‘bout, son?”


“They killed her.” Tears streamed down his face like a leaking faucet.


“Killed who, baby?” She sat down, put her hand on his head, and began to rub it.


“Somebody killed Star.” Saying it only fucked with him more.


“Oh no. Not that sweet baby.” She placed her hand over her mouth as she said the words.


Terrance put his head down on her leg as she continued to rub it. Mrs. Pearl now had tears in her eyes.


“I’m cursed. They should have killed me when they killed mommy.”


“Don’t you talk like that, chile. You were a blessing to me. The son I never had. Things are rough right now, but we will get through it.” She tried to comfort him.


“I want to believe that,” he said, but the darkness was far more powerful than the light she was trying to shine into the hole in his heart.


“Don’t worry, son. We will get through this. Look at it this way, your mom gets to meet her after all. She’ll look after her,” she said then smiled.


Terrance looked up and tried to muster up a smile. Mrs. Pearl was always looking at the glass as half full.


“You are all I have left.”


“Baby, you have a whole life ahead of you. Take that love and hold it dear. Don’t worry, God will send you someone to give it to.”


Just as the words left her mouth, he thought about KoKo. He didn’t know if she was the one to give it to, but after he put Star to rest, he was headed in her direction. He and Mrs. Pearl sat up until 4 a.m. She had fallen asleep with her hand on his head. Terrance sat up, pulled the small cashmere throw off the couch, and covered her up. He kissed her forehead then left.



Times Up



“Ring . . . Ring . . .”


“Hello,” KoKo answered half asleep.


“Hey baby. Did I wake you?” Terrance asked in a very desperate voice.


“Nah. I was just laying here. Are you all right?” KoKo tried to sound concerned.


There was a brief pause. The silence was eerie. Terrance said, “I need to see you. I think if I could get into your arms shit might be a’ight for a minute.”


“Awwww. Well, bring KoKo that chocolate and I'll see if I can heat it up.”


“A’ight. I'll see you in about thirty minutes,” Terrance shot back.


“Nah, give me an hour. I want to give you a night to remember,” KoKo said, trying to stall. She knew it would take her at least an hour to get from Kayson's to the apartment she had set up for when Terrance was in town.


“I'll see you then,” Terrance said before hanging up.


“I can’t wait,” KoKo said. She hung up, jumped in the shower, and threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt plus her boots and a cap. Then she grabbed the bag she had been waiting to use. Full of the things she was going to use to make Terrance regret ever walking into her and Kayson's life.


As KoKo pulled up to the house, she quickly ran a check list through her mind to make sure she had everything she needed to successfully pull off her mission. She got herself together, exiting the vehicle and making sure to look around for anything out of order. Once she was inside the house, she locked the door and set up her traps. When everything was ready, she jumped back in the shower, oiled her skin, and put on a hot pink lace bra and matching thong then covered herself with a short, silk robe. After brushing her hair into a neat ponytail, she scented her skin, brushed her teeth, and then waited.


Terrance pulled up fifteen minutes later. He walked up the stairs and rang the bell. KoKo took a deep breath in an effort to calm down because at this point her blood was boiling. Tonight would be the first time she saw him since she had gotten final confirmation that he was responsible for Kayson's death. The thought of the night she lost Kayson accompanied with the reality that she had taken her sister’s life because of the very muthafucka on the other side of the door had KoKo's hands sweating. Her heart raced and her body slightly trembled with each step. The bell rang again. She was stuck between the thought of making him suffer or just opening up the door and blowing his head off.


Calm down, KoKo. Stay focused. Stay focused. Kayson’s voice sounded in her ears. “Create the illusion, baby. And at the moment of comfort, take that nigga's life.” She took another deep breath, reached for the doorknob, and then cracked the door. Terrance stood with his head down and his hands at his side. He slowly looked up as she opened the door and tried to muster up a half smile.


“Damn, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” Terrance said, moving toward KoKo and looking good as usual. The only thing different was he had lost a little weight. A pain was in his eyes that he could not hide and KoKo damn sure couldn't miss it. She put her arms out and he walked right into them and held her tight.


“Awwww. Baby, let KoKo take away the pain.”


Little did he know she was going to take more than just his pain. “I need you,” Terrance said as he squeezed tighter. The emotions inside him began to run high and he could no longer hold back. Tears ran down his cheeks.


KoKo noticed the change in his breathing and she pulled back and looked into his eyes. Taking both his hands, she placed them on each side of her face.


“Baby, what's wrong?” she asked, trying to sound sincere.


Terrance looked down and then back up at KoKo. “They killed her,” he said as a couple tears rolled down his face.


“Killed who, Terrance? What are you talking about?” KoKo managed to say as a sinking feeling developed in the bottom of her stomach.


“Star,” Terrance said, bringing up his hand to wipe his face.


“Oh my god,” KoKo said, covering her mouth.


“I know this shit is way out of line to come to the arms of the woman I side with for comfort, but I needed to be somewhere that didn't hurt.”


“No, baby, it’s all good. Come on in and sit down. Let’s talk about it.” She shut the door and locked it, took his hand, and led him to the couch. “Do you want a drink?”


“Yeah, I'll take one,” Terrance said as he sat down.


“So what happened?” KoKo asked, standing at the bar pouring him a double shot of Grand Marnier.


“I still don’t know. I came home and she was dead in our apartment.”


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