The Proposition (The Plus One Chronicles) (13 page)

BOOK: The Proposition (The Plus One Chronicles)
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Kat walked away, sifting through her keys to find the one to her bakery door while juggling her coffee. She passed by the waiting limo but barely paid attention, instead feeling Sloane’s eyes on her even as he continued his phone conversation. The sun was rising, casting long shadows. The parking lot was on the side of the bakery, with the front of the building facing the street. She had a back entrance, but the front one was safer when it wasn’t full light yet.

A streetlight illuminated the front window of the bakery. Kat stopped, taking it in.
Sugar Dancer Bakery
blazed across the glass in shimmering colors. The beginning S and ending Y curved into the silhouette of a dancer. Every time she saw it, Kat felt that punch of joy.

. She had worked hard, and now she had her own bakery.

It was time to get her ovens fired up. Turning back to the door, she slipped in the key.

A hand landed heavily on her shoulder.

Kat jumped, dropping the travel mug. Her heart shot into her throat. She whirled around and looked at the man standing there.


What was he doing here? It didn’t make sense. The skin around his eyes sagged. Had he slept at all last night? What was wrong with him? Anxiety tightened her chest.

He shifted his hand to her arm. “We’re going to talk, Katie. No interruptions this time. Open the door.”

Her fingers started a numb tingling, and the edges of her vision began to gray. Her hand slid off the keys that hung from the lock.

Drawing in a breath, she told herself to stay calm and in control. “No. Let go of me, David. Now.”

His lip curled with contempt. “Stop being childish. We need to talk about your flashbacks. There are things you don’t understand.” He squeezed her arm. “But you have to tell me exactly what you remember.”

This wasn’t right. Suddenly showing up and demanding information after leaving her alone for years. “I said no.” Her voice was stronger, and a tiny kernel of pride warmed her. “If you have something to tell me, get your hand off me, back up and then I’ll listen.”

He yanked her closer to him. “Get inside. I have no intention of standing out here so your tank of a boyfriend can play hero. Now open the door.”

When a man doesn’t get his hands off you after you tell him to let go, consider him a threat

Sloane’s words echoed in her head and she reacted. She bent her elbow below where David held her. Then she windmilled her arm, breaking the hold and knocking his hand off her.

It worked. Just as Sloane had showed her. Flush with her success, she looked up just as David lunged, grabbing her shoulders.

His pupils were contracted, his breathing rapid. Splotches of color mottled his face. “You have to leave this alone. I’ve been trying to protect you. Keep your mouth shut and accept that we were mugged that night.”

Kat jerked back. Her sense of meager control vanished. Fear exploded in her veins. “Get away from me!” It came out hoarse, and deep in the shadows of her mind, a memory shimmered—a baseball bat swinging toward her.

God, stop!

Consequence, Dr. Burke.

Gray fog ate at her vision, until she could only see through a tunnel. Sludge was rising in her chest, cutting off her air. Buzzing roared in her ears.

David’s mouth moved, but she couldn’t hear him.

Break his hold

Desperately, she honed in on that tiny voice. Made herself breathe, pushing back the thickening panic. Her hands were numb, but she had to try. Bending her elbows, she shoved her hands up between his hands on her shoulders and pushed out to break his hold.

David heaved her back against the door. Dropping his grip to just above her elbows, he pinned her arms so she couldn’t fight him, sending her tumbling down into a vortex of panic.

She would not let this happen. Sloane had told her fighting was as much mental as physical.
Her arms were pinned, so she’d use her legs.
Knee strike.

Balancing on her good leg, she kicked out, aiming for his knee. But she hit his shin. A shock of pain radiated up her leg. Twisting to escape him, she croaked out, “Let go!” Anger goaded her and she kicked out again.

He pulled her forward and smacked her against the wall. “Stop it!” He tightened his fingers around her arms. “You’re not hearing what I’m—”

A roar, low and vicious, cut him off. Before Kat could assimilate that, David was torn from her, lifted and thrown.

She cringed at the sound of him hitting the pavement and crying out.

Sloane’s back filled her vision. He had on the same shirt from last night, only now the seams of the fabric strained at his shoulders as he flexed and shifted.

“You attacked me!” David yelled at Sloane. “I’m calling the police!”

Gulping air, Kat leaned around Sloane’s massive form to see David climb to his feet and wipe blood off a scrape on his arm. Right then, she desperately wished she’d hit him. Wished she’d slammed her fist into his nose and made him bleed. He was whining that Sloane hurt him, when he’d been shaking her like a rag dog, terrifying her. What the hell had happened to him? Before the mugging he’d never slammed her against a wall.

Sloane took a step toward David. “You do that, asshole. I saw you with your hands on Kat. So did my driver in the limo. You’ll go to jail.”

“Me?” David’s face went lax with shock. “I’m trying to help her!”

Sloane’s hands fisted at his sides, and his arms flexed and bulged. Even his forearms rippled. “You shook her. Slammed her against the wall. You’re lucky I don’t break your jaw for that.” Pausing for one beat, he added in a deadly soft tone, “Next time you fucking touch her, I will.”

David stumbled back, grabbing on to a light pole. His eyes were wide, his gaze darting around as if help would appear. Kat viewed it all, sort of like she was watching a TV show. Something flickered in her mind, a picture of another scene. Another time.
Someone grabbing her, holding her like David held the light pole…pain…

Then it vanished and reality snapped back into place, leaving her sweating and dizzy. Her fingers tingled.

Flashbacks of the attack six years ago. Usually they came in nightmares. But she couldn’t grab on to them, they always slipped away.

Movement got her attention. David scurried away and disappeared. Sloane turned and started toward her. “Let me see your arms where he grabbed you, Kat. Are you hurt?”

“No!” Desperate for control, she said, “Stay back.” Everything was closing in on her. The flashbacks, panic, her failure to fight off David, and a vicious ugly rage searing her gut. She hadn’t known just how much she’d come to hate David. Hated that when she’d been helpless, couldn’t remember what had happened the night of the attack, he’d not only lied to her, but to her family. This morning proved it—he was desperate for her not to remember.

And Sloane loomed there, bigger than life, having rescued her again. If he touched her, she would cave in, lose control. Throw herself in his arms, searching for the strength she lacked.

Just the thought of that nauseated her. She’d cease to be Kat, the woman she was fighting so hard to become, and go back to Katie, desperate for any shred of affection.

Sloane stopped a few feet away and held his hands out to his side. “I won’t come any closer. Just tell me if you’re okay.”

His kindness, his understanding, nearly shoved her over the edge. Hot tears threatened, and her throat felt thick. She could so easily dissolve into weakness, letting others care for her, make decisions…

She’d be nothing. Exactly what her family thought she was.

She held on, straightening her spine. “You’re supposed to be teaching me to take care of myself. You don’t fight my battles. That’s not the deal.” She would come to rely on him, and when things ended between them, he’d walk away…

And all the cracks in her would finally break wide open. Unable to handle it, she turned around then stopped beneath a flash of hot pain in her knee. Once the worst passed, she spotted her keys hanging in the lock. Quickly, she opened the door, limped inside, closed and locked it.

Locked Sloane, David and the world out.

Locked herself inside.

Without looking back, she went to her kitchen, flipped on a light and sank down on her stool with her purse still hanging off her shoulder. Trembling, she laid her hands on her stainless-steel work table.

In the comfort of her kitchen, her wild panic calmed and her spinning thoughts slowed. Her chest eased, and her vision returned.

She had failed. She’d let David back her into a corner and then had a full-blown panic attack. Instead of using what Sloane was teaching her effectively, she fumbled the lessons, even using the wrong leg to kick him. Missing her mark.

And worse, so much worse, when she heard Sloane’s infuriated voice and saw David ripped off her, she’d been relieved. Glad.

She’d gotten into this plus-one with Sloane in the hopes of becoming stronger. Learning to take care of herself.

Not to rely on a man. Any man. Ever.

Her phone dinged a text message. Ignoring the persistent throb in her leg, she slipped her purse off her shoulder and pulled out her phone. The message was from Sloane.

I need to know if
you’re okay.

She stared at that text for a few minutes. Finally she typed her answer of,
I’m not hurt.
Her leg didn’t count, that was just part of who she was now. She sent it and wondered where Sloane was. Had he left? Was he sitting out front?

Her phone dinged again.

Kat looked at the return text and blanched. Was this bargain a mistake? Was she really strong enough to handle being possessed by Sloane Michaels? She reread the message:

He touches you again, I’m going to hurt him. While we’re together, you’re mine. I protect what’s mine.

# # #

Thank you so much for reading THE PROPOSITION. I really hope you enjoyed it, but Kat and Sloane’s story isn’t over yet. Look for the next two books in The Plus One Chronicles coming soon!

POSSESSION: Book 2 in The Plus One Chronicles to be released around May 28, 2013

OBSESSION: Book 3 in The Plus One Chronicles to be released around September 24, 2013

About the Author

Jen lives in Southern California where she continually plots ways to convince her husband that they should get a dog. So far, she has failed in her doggy endeavor. She consoles herself by pouring her passion into writing books. To date, Jen has published more than fifteen books, including a fun and sexy mystery series and a variety of contemporary romances under the name Jennifer Apodaca, and a dark, sizzling paranormal series as Jennifer Lyon. She’s won awards and had her books translated into multiple languages, but she still hasn’t come up with a way to persuade her husband that they need a dog.

Jen loves connecting with fans. Visit her website at
or follow her at

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