The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (82 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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We have


she stutters.


s my birthday. Don

t I get a say?

I reach up to sweep her hair out of my way and I can hear her breathing become irregular.
She drives me insane when she does that, but I love it

I love that we
feel it and that we effect each other the way we do. It makes me want her
so badly

When she ducks her head, I know what she

s after and I don

t refuse her. As soon as our lips meet, I know she

s mine just as much as I am hers. I roll us over, clearing a space for us as I do, and prop myself on my elbows above her. She runs her fingers through my hair and I free a moan into her mouth. She pulls me closer in response. I lower myself down a little more, supporting myself on one elbow as I free my other hand to explore her body. I start at her knee, which is bent at my side, and slowly feel my way up her thigh. When I get to the hem of her tank top, I sneak my fingers underneath the fabric, desperate with the desire to feel the warmth of her skin against mine. She gasps at the contact, stealing a mouthful of my breath.

I pause, gently gripping my hand around her waist as I rub circles on the side of her stomach with my thumb. I enjoy her kiss and the softness of her body and the fragrance on her skin. Her fingers trail their way from my hair, down my neck, across my shoulders and along my arms. As she glides her hands back up my arms, she pushes up my sleeves, massaging my triceps as she ascends. Her touch is like heaven and I swear she was made just for me.

Anxious to continue my own exploration, I kiss her deeper still and continue to feel my way up. When my fingers graze their way over her bra she pulls away from me with a start. I yank my hand back immediately and frantically search her eyes, wanting to make sure she

s okay.


she breathes as she stares up at me. She shakes her head and then covers her face with her hands.

Sorry! I didn

t mean to kill the moment. I just


I just

You don

t have to explain, it

s okay,

I tell her, kissing the backs of her hands.

She uncovers herself, revealing her rosy cheeks.

I couldn

t think. I honestly believe you just kissed every thought out of my head and I didn

t want to


I chuckle, bringing my lips to her forehead.


s okay.

I smooth down her tank top and then lay on top of her, resting my head just below her chin. I definitely need a minute to cool down before we do anything else.

Just hold me for a minute.

Aww, my hottie likes to cuddle.

Damn straight.

I grin as she giggles.

So, we really do have other plans today.

Like what?

Like shopping,

she chirps as her fingers tickle my back.


I will my eyes to stay open so as not to get lost in her delicate caress.

Mmhmm. You, my love, are getting a new birthday outfit.



t try and argue. I won

t listen. It

s tradition. We

ll get dressed up for your birthday dinner

just you and me, Hottie

then it

s party time!

I lift my head from her chest and bring my eyes up to meet hers.

I don

t need

La, la, la, la, la!

she sings loudly.


I mutter with a playful scowl.

Happy birthday to you,

she sings louder.

Happy birthday to you!


I chuckle.

Happy birthday dear Sonnyyyyy


She squeaks and squirms as I begin to tickle her.

Stop, stop, stop,

she insists through her laughter.


ll stop singing!

Will you stop buying me presents?

I ask, pausing my attack as I wait for an answer.


how about I promise that after today I won

t buy you any more presents until Christmas?

A wicked grin spreads across my face as I shake my head at her.

Not good enough,

I say as my fingers go back to work.


One year anniversary!

I stop immediately, my smile slipping as I let her words sink in. Just the idea of celebrating a year gone by with the girl in my arms makes my heart swell. I

ll probably never appreciate birthdays the way that she does, but I will
appreciate her and how she

s forever changed me. Marking time with her will constantly be something worth celebrating.


I agree with a nod.

Perfect. Which means we

re going shopping now!

I guess,

I grumble as I lift myself up. When I

m on my feet, I reach for her hands and help her up, too. As she grabs her purse, I remember about the trash

the card in the trash

and I decide to take it out on our way to the car. I don

t even think twice about it. I don

t have to. Whatever is inside isn

t important to me.

Hey, what are you doing?


m just going to take this out.


no. You can

t do that,

she tells me, shaking her head to emphasize her point.

Why not?

I ask, confused by her flustered state.


because it

s your birthday,

she stammers.

You can

t do chores on your birthday. Here
She reaches for the fuzzy dice, still on the bed, and hands them to me.

Take these and put them in your car. I

ll take the trash out.

Ave, it

s fine, I can

I insist,

she declares, snatching the bag out of my hand.


ll meet you at the car.

Before I can argue, she

s out the door.






s almost ten o

clock and if there was anyone in the pub

s bar that

here for Grayson

s party, they

re either gone or they

ve now joined in on the festivities. I

m pretty sure I

ve never seen this place so crowded or so loud! Sarah and I have actually snuck away from the group a couple times to help Marla and the other waiters on duty deliver orders. It

s insane

and just as grand as Avery imagined.

Needless to say, the
six dozen
funfetti cupcakes that Sarah, Claire, and I frosted earlier today are now just a memory.
Or acting as a sponge in the stomachs of those who are drinking to their heart

s content.

Birthday shot!

I don

t know who just called out the demand, but I can

t help but giggle as I look over at Grayson. He

s sitting at a table in the middle of the room, looking more comfortable and happy then I think I

ve ever seen him. He

s wearing a new outfit that has

name all over it. The light weight, crew neck sweater he

s got on is green

like spring grass

and brings out his eyes. It hugs him all over and he

s got the sleeves pushed up over his forearms. His jeans are a dark washed blue, which provide the perfect contrast to
birthday gift to him

a pair of tan cordones Toms. When I told Avery about my idea for his present, she
. I knew she would, seeing as she owns about six pairs herself.

Of course, the best accessory Gray is currently wearing is my sister. She

s perched on one of his legs, his arms wrapped around her loosely. Tonight, she

s wearing a white sleeveless, collared-shirt dress. It

s short and cinched at her waist and she looks absolutely adorable. I love the way her long, dark, mane stands out against the fabric. She's let it grow longer this summer, so it's almost down to her waist. With her green crocheted Toms, the two of them look like they were made for each other.

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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