The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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What do you mean?

I ask, turning toward the stove to start warming the skillet.

Beck and Addie have been together forever and ever. They talk about the future and it

s obvious that they want to be together, but he

s afraid to propose. It

s silly, really. Especially considering the
amount of sexual tension in their relationship. I mean, I respect their decision to wait

but they wouldn

t have to if he just married her already.

She has a point. Beck and I have had more than one conversation about his future with Addison. I don

t understand it, but he

s sure that he doesn

t want to be with anyone else while, at the same time, he

s afraid to propose. I

m not even sure he understands his fear well enough to explain, which is why I can

t argue against Claire

s statement. Though, I

m suddenly struck by how perceptive she is, knowing Beck wouldn

t open up to her about his thoughts on the matter.

As for you and Ave,

she continues,

you guys are obviously into each other.

I turn to say something but she holds up her hands, signaling me to keep my mouth shut.

It doesn

t matter what you say. Your actions speak so much louder than your words. So do hers. Which is why I can sit here and say that regardless of how much or how loud you deny your feelings to me, I know you are both crazy about each other.

I open my mouth to respond, but no words come out. She lifts a single eyebrow at me and I turn away as I start grilling the first sandwich.
Claire-2. Grayson-0

I kind of assumed Avery had a crush on me almost since the first time we met. It was a guess based off of how easy it

s always been for me to make her blush. Beck doesn

t have the same effect. At the same time, I never really chalked it up as serious. She

s not an overly flirty person. I know when a girl is really into me

not to be arrogant, but I

ve had a pretty successful football career for the past seven years, which ultimately leads to my pick of females. When a girl wants to get my attention
she will.
Chicks have been throwing themselves at my feet since I hit puberty. I came to learn that they were more interested in my body than anything else, but for a while I could tolerate that truth. Avery has never put herself out there like that. That

s one of the reasons I like her so much.

It wasn

t until
started liking
that I really began to notice that our feelings are mutual. I remember exactly when it hit me that she had my heart. It was the beginning of fall semester

just this past August. I had officially become CSU

s starting quarterback and I was pretty excited about it. I told everyone and made them all promise to come to our first home game. Avery had been to a game or two before, but she never really got into it. Then, the week before the season opener, she came over and told me she was ready to learn football. She said if she was going to start coming to every game, it was time she knew what she was watching. I can

t help but smile now in remembrance. She had brought a book

Football for Dummies

and it was filled with sticky notes. She made me sit down with her and answer all of her questions and explain the things she didn

t understand. We talked for hours. When she hugged me goodbye that night, I swear she walked away with my heart.

She waited for me after that game. I spotted her as I was coming out of the locker room. Despite the fact that we had won, I played a pretty mediocre game

but she was so excited for me. She had all of my stats recorded in her phone and she was rattling off numbers with this adorable grin on her face. I wanted to kiss her right then and there

is Avery. She

s never going to be the girl who throws herself at me. She

s the girl who will tell me when I play a crappy game but still manages to point out all the things I did right. She

s the girl who will take something she

s not particularly interested in, and find the part that she can relate to

for her, football is about numbers

in order to share it with me anyway.

More than that, she

s also the girl who will study with me

study. She

s the girl who will sit up and watch movies with me when I can

t sleep or I need to get away from the sexcapades that are happening on the other side of my bedroom wall. She

s the girl who will invite me over to play games when she

s all alone in her apartment and she just wants some company. She

s the girl who decided that she was going to call me
was not a suitable nickname for me, in light of the fact that my hair is too brilliant and my smile is too bright

her words, not mine.

Avery cares about me in a way no one ever has before. Even though we

re just friends and we

ve not had a conversation about being more, she

s never given me any less than her whole self.

Basically, Avery Jade Grant is the girl of my dreams

if only I deserved to be the man of hers.

Before I head down for my study date, I swap Addie

s skirt and my cowgirl boots for a pair of jeans and some flip-flops. I extend an invitation to Sarah to join us, but she declines on account of she has no intention of filling her afternoon with homework and she thinks Sonny and I should have some alone time before movie night. I roll my eyes at her but I secretly

or possibly not so secretly

appreciate her decision to stay home. Since Sonny is expecting me, I only knock twice before inviting myself inside. The guys

apartment has a floor plan almost identical to ours; while the decor and the clutter is a reminder that this is the home of three college boys, it

s still cozy and welcoming. I slip my feet out of my shoes as I

m greeted by Sonny and Claire.

Hey, guys,

I reply, dropping my study materials on the couch before heading to join them in the kitchen. Claire appears as if she just woke up and for a second I

m jealous at how hot she looks. My jealousy is soon replaced with amused appreciation

is exactly the right word. Not cute, not adorable, not beautiful

just hot. When I reach her and give her a hug, she squeezes me right back and then I occupy the barstool beside hers.

What are you guys talking about?

Nothing, really,

answers Grayson as he hands Claire a sandwich. She grins at him as she accepts his offering and thanks him when her first bite sits steaming on her tongue.

Did he tell you about movie night, tonight?


she hums, directing her attention to me.

Pizza and a movie tonight. You and Jack must come.


m in,

she agrees with a nod.

Since we did what he wanted to do last night, he has no choice but to do what I want to do tonight,

she says with a wink.

Is that so?

Sonny and I turn our attention behind me at the sound of Jackson

s voice.

Jack and Claire, ladies and gentleman

hot in the morning, hot in the evening, hot just about all the time.
Seriously, though, Jack rounds out the count to three, making this apartment some sort of unbelievable haven of attractive men. You

d think after three years of being in a group with these guys that I would be over it, but I

m not

and I hope I never am; God

s work should be appreciated always!

Jack is Sonny

s wide receiver and he

s built like a statue. He

s five-eleven with milk chocolate colored skin and muscles for days

triceps, biceps, shoulders, and have I mentioned his washboard abs? He

s got a few tattoos, too, on each of his upper arms and one on the back of his right calf. It would be appropriate to say that I

ve seen way too much of his body. He

s got a bad habit of walking around without a shirt on first thing in the morning. Or, rather,
mornings which are sometimes
afternoons; at least on the weekend.

As he makes his way to the kitchen, he scrubs his hand across his head

which is covered in the thin layer of hair. He

s got his glasses on, proof that he just rolled out of bed, the only time I ever really see his dark eyes behind those frames.


re staying in this evening. Movie night,

says Claire. Knowing that he

ll come straight to her, she doesn

t even bother to look back at him. Sure enough, he keeps walking until his chest is pressed against her back. He drapes one arm around her and she leans against him as he lifts his hand, signaling me to give him a high five.

I smile as I acquiesce.


s up?

Babe, are you walking around half naked right now?

Claire protests before he has a chance to answer me.

Go put a shirt on.


re wearing it,

he whispers before kissing the space below her ear.

You say that as if this is your

She playfully taps his cheek before she turns and then stands. She holds up her sandwich and he takes a bite just as she begins to head back to his room.

Come on. There

s a lady present

you need clothes on.

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