The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (61 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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Right now, that

s all I want: to figure things out, find my way, and end this
time in my life.

Admittedly, distractions are so incredibly welcome, these days.



m not in this alone. Yes

God is my new true north. But I don

t know what that means. It sounds good on paper


but when being with Addie was my end goal, it seemed easier to fit pieces together. She

s just more

God is

. I go to church, I read my Bible, I pray

but what more does He want? Trust?

Well, I broke up with my girlfriend

which is the hardest thing I

ve ever done in my life

because I thought that

s what You wanted

does that not speak of my trust? Now what?

Great. Now I

m throwing temper tantrums at God. God!

Like Addie said, so many questions and no answers. While avoidance might be childish, there's only so many times I can ask Him,
What now?,
before I need to give my mind a break.

But my frustration
this morning
was twofold. Me dealing with me and my own spiritual issues is one thing

but Addison? I could tell she was upset this morning. She wasn

t even sitting next to me and I knew. I
. How could I not, after five years? I can sense her, feel her, read her

I love her more than I love myself, so of course I know when she

s upset. But I couldn't do anything about it. Not to mention, I could only guess it was about me, about us, and that

s what kills me. I don't actually
and I

m in no place to ask her. Sure, yeah, friends talk about what they

re going through and we

re friends

but our boundaries

How is it that work went by so quickly? Can I go back?

I blow out a sigh as I turn my car off. Apparently, now that I

m home from work, I

ll have to find another way to clear my head as the agonizing analytical side of my brain has been reawakened on my short fifteen minute drive. I need Jack. And video games. And maybe a beer.

I race my way to my apartment, as if I can beat my thoughts there and lock them out. When I open the door and find Avery and Grayson on the couch, I cough out a laugh because I have no words to describe this moment. I

m in a bad mood and there they are, just as perfect as everyone imagined they would be.

Dammit, Beck. Get over yourself.

Hey. Are you going to come in? You do live here, you know,

teases Avery in greeting. She

s sitting at one end of the couch with her feet resting on a folded up blanket atop the coffee table. Grayson has his head in her lap and his arms are wrapped around her like she's a pillow

which, in this case, I guess she is
. He

s sleeping while she absentmindedly combs her fingers through his hair.

Hammy? Are you okay?


I mutter, finally closing the door behind me.


she retorts with a smirk.

Want to talk about it?


I bite.

I actually don

t even want to
about it.


She offers me a sad smile and I feel bad that she

s inadvertently become the target of my frustration.

How about we talk about something else?

she asks, hopefully.

I nod as I make my way to the fridge, praying I can at least have one of the three things I am craving. I sigh in relief when I spot my favorite beer in the door.

What do you want to talk about?

I ask, popping the cap off before making my way over to the armchair.

How about next weekend? You

re going home, I presume? For Father

s Day?


Do you, maybe, want to carpool?

I groan, throwing my head back against the cushion behind me.
Me in a car with Addie for two hours? Yes, please. But can I not escape her for just ten minutes?

Sure. Yeah. Why not?

Geez, Hammy, don

t sound so excited,

she scoffs.

I roll my head to the side so that I can look over at her. I can tell that she regrets starting up a conversation with me. I have to tell myself, again, to get over myself.


m sorry. Can we


can we
talk about anything that has to do with Addie?

I wasn

t trying to bring up AJ. I was actually hoping that riding down with you would make Sonny less nervous about spending the weekend with us and our parents.

And now she has my attention
. I had no idea he was planning on doing that. Usually, when I head home, he comes with
It never fails that we end up at the Grant

s residence at some point or another, but this is different. Why he

s nervous, though, I

m not sure. Everybody loves the guy. I sit up straight as I lift my eyebrows in amusement.

He knows he

s already met them, right?

She giggles and the light her smile returns to her eyes is all the proof I need that I

m forgiven for taking my poor attitude out on her.

Yes. He

s convinced that it doesn

t mean a thing since he met them as my friend and not my boyfriend.

Well, he has a point,

I agree with a shrug.

But he

ll be fine. I didn

t know he was planning on going.

We just talked about it today. I

m not sure the next time I

ll be home. I

ve got pit orchestra coming up in a few weeks and so my weekends will be pretty busy. He

s got football, so the middle of the week won

t work. Plus

maybe it

s silly

but I just really don

t want to go without him

I don

t know, though

do you think it

s too soon? Too soon to introduce him as my boyfriend? We

ve only been together for a few weeks.

I chuckle as I shake my head at her.

No. It

s not too soon. Nothing you two do can be considered
too soon
. You

ve been a couple in the making longer than some dating relationships ever last.

I suppose,

she says sheepishly.


s not all I

m worried about, though.

She pauses, dropping her eyes to look down at the man in her lap.


m really close to my parents

to lots of my family, really

and that

s not something he

s used to. I know I asked him and he agreed

but I just don

t want him to feel pressured to go. It

s also Father

s Day. He says it

s fine and he doesn

t care, but maybe I

m being selfish. Do you think I

m being selfish? Do you think I

m making a mistake?

As I sit and watch her, it

s as if I can see the wheels turning inside of her head. If I don

t stop her soon, she

ll have uninvited him before he wakes up and he

ll have no idea what happened.


I lean toward her and reach out to tip up her chin so that she

s looking at me.

He would do anything for you and he would never think of it as a mistake. If he really didn

t want to go, he wouldn

t have agreed. Besides, it

s your mom

s birthday weekend, too, and he knows how much that means to you.

I guess. I just don

t want to push anything onto him that he doesn

t want, you know? I know he

s not used to family celebrations.


s seen his fair share of family events at my house over the past couple of years. Besides, just because he

s not used to it doesn

t mean he doesn

t want it. He wants
and that includes your family. He knows that.

Yeah. You

re right.

She relaxes at my reassurance, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Speaking of my mom

s birthday

are you going to stop by? I know she

d like to see you.

I pull away from her and tug a sip of my beer from the cold bottle in my hand.
Me in a house with Addie and my second family for an hour? Yes, please.

I don

t know, Ave. I

d like to. But

Addie wouldn

t object. Sorry to bring her up!

she cries, pulling her fingers from Grayson

s hair and holding her hands up in surrender.

But it

. So

use her as an excuse and just say you

ll come. Besides, your parents will probably be there. It

d be stupid if you didn

t come.

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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