The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (109 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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m on my feet in a fraction of a second. I don

t even have to think twice about it. Even if I wanted to, I couldn

t. There

s only room for two thoughts in my head just now. One

my Grayson
, is drunk! Two

where are my shoes?

Text me the address. I

m on my way.

I end the call before she can respond. I slip on the first pair of shoes that I can find, throw on the nearest warm cover-up I can reach, snatch up my purse, and then I

m out the door. I

m halfway to my car when it dawns on me that I might need help. If Claire called me to come get Sonny, it means he

s so far gone that they don

t want to have to worry about him for the rest of the night. I have
no idea
what he

ll be like intoxicated.
No one does!
I turn back to our building and find my way to the boys

apartment. I bang my fist against the door as loud as I can and wait.


s freezing. When I look down at myself, I realize I

m in a pair of pink running shorts, a white t-shirt, and an olive green wool cardigan

the one with the tan elbow patches. I also notice that I

m wearing two different color Toms on my feet just as Hammy answers the door.



s drunk. We have to go get him.

As the words pour out of my mouth, my worry seems to become more tangible. I

m mad at him, yes. I

m afraid that we might break up, yes. But none of those things are important right now because above all else, I love him; furthermore, I

and if he

s drunk, then something is

We have to go. Please. Come. Now.

He disappears for a second and then hurries his way out the door, locking it behind him.


ll drive.

We run to his vehicle and hop in. I barely have time to fasten my seatbelt before he

s speeding his way out of the parking lot. I appreciate his sense of urgency, even more so knowing that it comes from his own love for Sonny. He understands, without a single explanation, that we

re both needed in this moment. When the text from Claire comes in with the address of our destination, I rattle it off and he simply nods, needing no further directions.

Upon arrival, Hammy parks illegally in front of the fire hydrant that

s located just in front of the frat house. Before I open my door, I can

t help but groan as I assess the two story residence we

re about to walk into. People are

How are we going to find him in there?


ll split up. Whoever finds him first will send a text. They don

t call him Big Red for nothing


ll find him.


I murmur, my gaze still concentrated at our destination across the long stretch of lawn.


s go, Ave.

I climb out of the car obediently and we hurry our way inside. It

s even more crowded than I thought possible. Hammy gives my shoulder a squeeze to catch my attention; when he

s got it, he points to the set of stairs that

s immediately to the left of the door. When I look up, I see what appears to be a loft at the top

just like everywhere else, it

s filled with a crowd. I nod at him and then he

s gone. As I make my way further inside, I keep my eyes open for Claire, Jack, and Sonny. I figure if I can find any of them, I

ll be able to leave with who I came for.

Just beyond the stairs there

s a sitting room. It doesn

t take long for me to decide that Sonny

s not in there. I peek inside of the dining room, where there

s a bunch of people playing drinking games, and don

t see him there either. I walk through the kitchen and that

s where I spot Claire. I call for her and she turns to find me.

Thank god! You need to get him out of here,

she insists, taking hold of my hand as she drags me out of the kitchen.


s he doing? Is he that bad?


s that
. He

s too sad to be drinking. He started while I wasn

t watching. I didn

t think he would, so I wasn

t worried about it.


s sad?

A small part of me is glad to know that I

m not the only one; but a bigger part of me is surprised.
If he

s so sad, why didn

t he just come talk to me?
The damaged state of our relationship suddenly feels more real than it did a half an hour ago

and it was bad then!

Babe, are you kidding?

she asks, stopping dead in her tracks. She shakes her head at me before she continues.

When are you two going to learn that you

shut each other out when you

re fighting? When things between you guys are good, you

re shitting rainbows and then something bad happens and you self-destruct! He loves you

of course

s sad, you haven

t spoken in days.

All at once it hits me

this is my fault. I should have listened to Addie and I didn

t. He told me to call him and I refused. My stubbornness drove him away and now he

s here

Take me to him.

Without another word, she leads me into the den on the other side of the kitchen. When I see him, my stomach drops. He

s sitting on a couch with Jack and another teammate

I can

t remember his name

and he

s sandwiched between a couple girls. Actually, three

if you count the one sitting on his knee. They

re talking

Sonny and his entourage of women

and Jack and the other guy are caught up in their own conversation. He

s not touching the girl who

s practically in his lap, and it appears as though she

s using him more for a chair than anything else, but she

s too close for comfort and my temper flares back up at the sight of them.

I drop Claire

s hand and storm across the room. He doesn

t notice me until I

m standing right in front of him

but when our eyes meet, his face falls.

Let me guess,

says the pretty brunette on his knee.


My mouth opens to deliver a response, but then my curiosity about
she knows who I am silences me.


s here to break up with me,

slurs Sonny. He

s speaking to the brunette, but he

s looking right at me.

I don

t like the sound of his voice


s different when he

s drunk. My already shredded heart aches a little bit more at his words. I know that feeling; after the letter

after three and a half days of nothing

that feeling. The man in front of me is hurting.
Forget the brunette on his knee, I should be more worried about the cup in his hand
. And his eyes. The melancholy look in his eyes kills me.

Well, if you

re going to do it, then do it! Put me out of my misery,

he mumbles.


of booze to help me forget after you leave

just like Patrick.

All the air rushes out of me in a sort of reverse gasp.
Did I do this? Have I broken him? I thought it was the other way around!
I rake my fingers through my hair and try to pull myself together. I discard my confusion as I stare at Sonny. I need to get him out of here. Right now, that

s the only thing that matters.


m here to take you home, Sonny.

I don

t want to fight anymore.


Sonny, just get up. Let me take you home.

If it

s over, I want to stay here. Jack can take me home.

I sigh, extracting my phone from my pocket. I

m too little to drag him out of here, especially if he

s unwilling, so I send Hammy a text informing him of our location. I return the device to my shorts and try again.



re going home.

I direct my attention to the brunette, who hasn

t budged.

Could you please move? We

re leaving.

Hey, Little Red!

I turn at the sound of my nickname just in time to see another player, whose name I don

t remember, approach. I can smell the alcohol seeping through his pores and I wonder when he started drinking and how much he

s had so far. He drapes his arm across my shoulders and I cringe when he leans down to whisper in my ear.

Word on the street is, you

re about to be on the market.

What? Get off of me.

I try and shrug him off, but he

s hanging on me like he

s using me to hold himself up and he

s too heavy.

Oh, come on. Big Red

s been telling anyone who will listen that his sexy little lady is about to leave

em. How about a dance?

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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