The Progeny (The Progeny Series) (18 page)

BOOK: The Progeny (The Progeny Series)
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pulled her to him with possessive arms, an aching in his lips, hungering for the touch of hers.
was what his heart yearned for. His gaze scorched her, smoldering intention into her.

e froze, her gaze fixed on his pale stare.

He guided her back toward the bed, her feet stepping with his, their
hearts beating eerily in sync.

fell back against the bed, while his arms directed her to the center. She continued staring, her gaze unmoving, her lips an equal participant in the passion playing out between them. Ten seconds was all he needed to undress them, leaving their bodies heated and grinding against one another.

The crimson blazed in
front of his vision. He wanted her and was ready to cement their love, to make her his.

Trepidation was a thing of the past. She knew what he was and somehow still wanted him. H
e dropped his head onto the pillow to conceal his blood red gaze.

His voice was
rough and husky—he’d never imagined such a sound could come from his lips. “I know you
this is what you want, but are you sure? I want you to be so sure about this. Once I’ve made love to you, I can’t take it back. I want you. I swear to you there is nothing else I want more. I
want you, if you’ll regret this tomorrow. I couldn’t live with myself if you
regretted this.”

“I’ll never want anyone more. The sky could crash down around me and I wouldn’t care
, so long as your arms were the last things I felt before I died.” She tightened her arms around his neck. “I’m not disillusioned about what I’m doing and I can deal with the consequences of my actions. I want you, more than I want to live or breathe.”

He grazed her neck with his tongue, picking up traces of her delectable essence. His lips deluged her soft skin with careful kisses, his finger exploring her with a gentle urgency.
Her opening was tight and only allowed the tip of his finger entrance.

auna moaned, her neck craning back and exposing the constant thump of her carotid.

The craving sparked in him, his fangs paining beneath
the gums. He wanted another taste of her.
No. You can’t bite her again. Get control of yourself.

“Do it,” she moaned.


“If it pleases you
, then do it.” She brought her neck back to his mouth. “Bite me, Ascher. I want you to.”


Shauna smoothed her hands along his chest, his stomach—stopping before they reached his shaft. She seemed unsure.

After his curt reaction to her exploring his body, the night before the blow up, he didn’t blame her.
Craving her touch, he grabbed her hand to place it on his steel stiff shaft. He wanted her to discover every part of his anxious body. The softness of her warm hand felt good—too good as it stroked, played with and explored every inch of him.

The fire in his throat blazed, causing his thirst and desire to ignite. He wouldn’t be able to keep control much longer.

Her lips journeyed to his neck. Sucking. Licking. Kissing. The relentless stroking of her hand in a steady, unchallenged rhythm mocked his control, making him vulnerable, his body feverish with yearning.

“Do it,” she whispered, again. “I want you to.”

“Shauna,” he groaned, his face pressing in the pillow. “I shouldn’t—”

“Don’t hold back
, you won’t hurt me. Bite me. Come on, Ascher, do it.”

Insane amounts of pleasure coursed his body, bringing countless sensations—fire
, thirst and the yearning to be inside her.

Another flick of her tongue, in just the right spot
on his neck, was all it took. Fangs sprang from his gums, their intentions obvious. His body reacted with a climax that bubbled up and burst from him, bringing release but crushing his control. It was too much pleasure for his body to endure. He finally experienced the implausible feeling of a climax given to him by the woman he loved.

It was a first for him.

He searched along her neck for the spot, the precise place that the flow was heaviest. Locating it, he sank his fangs deep. A satisfied moan escaped her lips as her eyes rolled.

Continuing to
rub, play with and manipulate her clit with his fingers, his thirst subsided as the warm deliciousness of her blood flooded his mouth. His thirst quenched, a sexual hunger now plagued his yearning body. Ascher was drowning, deluged by pleasure with his arms full of her exquisite figure. This feeling was like none he’d ever experienced. Her body bucked against his fingers, but the tightness remained insistent in preserving her virginity. Her shallow breaths quickened, the moans deepening in intensity.

This time, it was easier to disengage his fangs.

Pressing against her virgin barrier caused him to stiffen. She was so wet and his climax did nothing to quell the desire for her. Ascher wanted more and he had so much more to give, as much as she needed. Engaging her in a deeper kiss, he slipped his tongue into her mouth, stroking her tongue with his. It was the first time he’d kissed her

Her response was immediate,
as she pulled him closer.

With d
emanding arms, Ascher lifted her hips up to him, preparing for their first time. Tingles joined the burn coursing inside him. Sweeping her neck with his tongue, his mouth glided along her carotid, the sensations relaxing her rigid body.

He froze.

“What’s wrong?” she questioned without opening her eyes. “Why are you stopping? Don’t stop—you can't stop. We’re so close!”

A hurried knock came on his door. The banging threw him into full pan
ic mode.

Ascher's body

She startled.
“Ash, what’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure.” He pulled the sheet around her. “Cover yourself.”

The door flew open and Quinn flitted into the room, his face horrified and his eyes reflecting half-red and half-pale blue.

“Ascher, you have to come quick. It’s Tristan
. He’s gotten worse.”

Frustration and rage spewed from Ascher’s clenched teeth.
“Damn it!” He swore more and seethed with fury, grabbing his clothing and flying out of the room with his brother.

Seventeen ~
The Shifting


Shauna dressed and hurried down to the basement. She found Tristan in a near comatose state and Ascher hooked to a weird contraption, a needle piercing his arm. His dark and viscous blood whizzed from his body into tubing that connected to a needle in Tristan’s arm.

Quinn met her at the door.

“What is he doing?”

“He’s giving Tristan an infusion of his blood.”

“And that will help?”

“It’s probably the only thing that
work at this point. I’ve tried everything else.” He swung his somber gaze down. If he could have flushed red, she was sure that he would have. “I’m sorry I interrupted the two of you.”

“Don’t be. Tristan’s well-being is so much more important.” She stared at Ascher as
the blood drained from his body, his pale complexion leached transparent. “He said something about Italy to Kara. What was that about?”

“Two years ago, right after Tristan changed Kara
, the three of them went to Italy for the summer. The first two years of a newborn’s life are the most turbulent. They’re the most uncontrollable and the most vulnerable. Kara burned with thirst and managed to sneak out of the villa one night. She attacked a shepherd’s flock, bleeding ten of his sheep to death. The shepherd fired three shots. One got her, but she made it back to the villa. She was barely alive, and Ascher fed her his blood until she was better. He saved her life.”

“That’s why Tristan feels indebted to him.”

Quinn nodded.

“Can I ask you another question?”


“He went completely bonkers when I asked him to change me. What do you think would happen?”

Quinn stared off into space for a second before he answered her. “I’m apt to believe that he’d just create another half-bloodling, like himself. That’s only my assumption and Father refuses to discuss it with us. He’s convinced that Ascher changing anyone would create an abomination.”

“He already thinks of himself as that, anyway.”

Ascher wavered then fainted as the blood continued to flow from his arm. Quinn assured her that he was fine. After disconnecting the needles and sealing his wound, Shauna followed as he carried Ascher to his room, laying him across the bed.

“He’ll be out for a couple of hours. When he wakes, he’ll be raging with thirst. I suggest that you pack some
stuff for tonight.”

After s
he and Quinn gathered her things, Shauna leaned over and kissed Ascher’s cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”

Quinn walked her three doors down to a guest room. He sat her bag on the floor then opened the heavy draperies, letting in the bright sunshine.

“You humans like the sun, right?” he teased.

She gave him a half smile as she appraised her new surroundings. The room
, decorated in soothing shades of blue, was much smaller than Ascher’s suite. The bed was huge, too big for her to sleep in alone, and made of heavy, dark wood—it looked to be an antique, given her newfound understanding of their family history, she reasoned that it probably was. The linens were blue and adorned with the same embroidered crest and emblem as the other ones. She shoved her things into the heavy, wooded bureau.

“I’ve been told that you
like the sun. So, what’s your story Quinn? You act all tough, but I sense there’s more to you than a thick outer shell.”

He shrugged. “Not much to me

, come on, that’s not true. I’ve seen how protective you are of your brothers. I even sense that you feel protective of me, as well. So, what gives, Quinn?”

He sat at a mahogany desk, in the corner of the room, the only area devoid of sunlight. “We’re all protective of Ascher. Not that he needs us to be.” He laughed. “That kid has the strongest will of anyone I’ve ever known. The human side must make him stubborn.
He seems to love you quite a bit.” He smirked. “I can’t see why. The whole beating heart, blushing face and warm blooded thing is

She laughed.

“Seriously, I’ve never seen my brother this way about anyone. Everyone forced Ursula on him because we believed that stupid prophecy. He chose

“What was your life like
—when you were human?”

His cold eyes warmed. In that moment, he looked more human. “I was born Quinnetello Rousseau in 1820. I was the first son of Richard Rousseau. I’m a direct blood descendant of Andreas Rousseau, most of us are. I was twenty-three when I was reborn. But I’m sure Ash already told you that.”

She nodded. “Ash told me you changed Tristan.”

“Did he tell you I’m a soulless freak?”

“You really believe that?” She flashed him a disapproving stare. “Do you honestly believe that you have no soul?”

He raised an eyebrow at her. “I vaguely remember a similar talk that we had about
spirituality that ended badly.”

“Sorry about that

“To answer your question, yes, I do believe I’m damned. I’ve done much in my life that’s immoral. I’ve had knowledge of many women.” His face pained. “I had a wife and children once.”

“You did?” Her curiosity peaked and she focused her gaze on his face. “Tell me about them.”

“You’re nosey. Doesn’t it scare you that you’re in a home full of undead blood drinkers, miles away from civilization?”

Shauna shook her head. “Why should it? With those darklings out there, I’m safer here than anywhere else in the world. I only wish that I could say the same about my…”

Quinn gave her a sympathetic glance. “I know you’re worried about your sister. Emotions run deep in siblings, even
siblings. True, I should be his uncle so many times removed, or maybe he should be
uncle.” His humorous expression seemed to falter and change rapidly, and then a warm smile surfaced on his face that reminded her so much of Ascher. “It doesn’t really matter. A brother in blood is simply a brother.”

“Your family?” she snapped

“I was married when I was sixteen. Back then, people married young and there was always the pressure for me to have a son to continue the immortal bloodline. Mary and I had four children—Constance, Molly, Jillian and
finally Alexander.

“I was relieved when he was born. It was a difficult pregnancy for my wife
and she nearly died. Sometimes, I wish that she had. After my father changed me, I wasn’t a good husband. My newfound abilities gave me a vicious temper and wandering eye.

“She eventually left me when she caught me in bed with another woman. When Alex was thirteen, I changed him
. I just couldn’t wait. He was the most difficult newborn I’ve ever seen. Jonas said it was because I changed him too soon. Mary was taking the children away to Spain. She’d met another man and planned to remarry. No matter how long I live, I’ll never forget the looks on my daughters’ faces as they waved goodbye to me.

“I never saw them again
and after a few decades, they were gone. My son lived on. Cursed with immortality and encased in an adolescent’s body forever, he spent his days at Bonheur. He hated me for what I’d done to him. The immortal bloodline stopped with him—until Ash was born. His birth was a new beginning for our family.”

“Where is Alex now?”

“His existence ended in 1903.”

“I’m very sorry to hear that.”

“I often wish that I’d left him human. What advantage did I give him? I changed him before he was able to have heirs. He only lived sixty-two years and that's no existence.”

auna looked in his eyes and saw the human he once was. She saw the love he had for his children and the sadness that his son’s death caused him. Afraid to ask what happened to Alex, she remained quiet in case he wanted to say more. He never did. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air for ten minutes, before he cleared his throat and stood up.

The human warmth drained from his eyes as the vampire coldness returned. “I’ll leave you to your unpacking. Don’t worry about Ascher
; he’ll be fine in a couple of hours.” He turned and left the room.

She felt powerless
, as Ascher was suffering while Katy was alone and frightened.
What good am I?
She thought of Quinn’s children and sobbed until her eyes swelled shut. After that, she had no choice but to sleep.

* * * *

After four hours, Ascher awoke from his slumber. The loud thumping, coming from down the hall, woke her. She looked out of the door and saw their father rushing down the hall to his room.

paused, shook his finger at her while voicing his disapproval. “Now, now Shawnette,” he scolded, while gently pushing her back into the room. “You mustn’t come out now. Ascher is weak and unable to control his thirst. It’s overwhelming everything, even his love for you. You’ll be able to rejoin him tomorrow. I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you and Ascher would never forgive himself if he harmed you. Please bolt your door. Quinn will be back for you after Ascher is settled.”

auna did as she was told, bolting her side of the heavy door. The unsettling clang of metal assured her imprisonment.

The vicious growls and cursing
coming from Ascher’s mouth told the story of his intense thirst, but that wasn’t the most excruciating part. Her heart soared then crashed every time he called out for her. He begged for her, pleading with his brothers to sneak him in to see her. They, of course, denied his requests. She cried because she wanted to go to him and tortured herself thinking that he would accuse her of abandoning him.

They came for her eight hours later—around midnight
, the outer bolt unlocking startling her into forced wakefulness. They’d been so sure that she wouldn’t be able to join him until the next day, but he was obviously a fast healer.

“Shauna, are you awake?”
Quinn whispered.

She unbolted the inner lock and rubbed her eyes as they adjusted to the soft
light streaming into her room.

“He wants to see you now
,” Tristan also whispered.

She wasted no time, throwing on her fuzzy slippers and foll
owing his brothers up the hall. Quinn and Tristan explained that Ascher was not a hundred percent. They urged her to be careful, but Shauna didn’t care about all of that. She only wanted to see him.

Ascher sat on the black sofa, staring into the dancing fire, dressed in more dark clothing. Tonight
, he wore black leather pants and a black turtleneck with a silver zipper. He was her dark angel clad in a black cloak to hide his identity.
Damn, he’s so hot!
Tingles tickled along her skin, coursing the length of her body, sparking her nerves with anticipation.

The glow of red candles
lining the mantle infused the room with a romantic ambience and the sweet scent of jasmine. He hummed along with the music playing as background noise.

Should she make anything
of his choice of candle color?

* * * *

Ascher materialized in front of her. Shauna’s heartbeat was just as familiar as her scent was to him.

She swiped
at her eyes and gaped with shock.

Quinn and Tristan chuckled.

The cautious, restrained movement of his lips told Shauna that he was struggling to keep in control. Seizing her face into his hands, he stared into her dark eyes, whispering things he knew she’d never decipher.

It’d only been mere hours since he’d seen her last, but it felt like years. Any measure of time was too long to separate from her. The
sight of her brought an overwhelming joy that opened the floodgates of his emotions. He kissed her and whispered, “Mon ange, I’ve missed you so very much! Are you well?” He twirled her around and smiled. “You look
well.” He held her tighter. “I love you more than all of the stars in the sky. You have no idea how much.”

Tristan and Quinn gave one another knowing smirks
and left them alone.

“My brothers have become quite protective of you.”

“They’ve been really decent to me. Your father as well.”

moved Shauna over to the sofa to be closer to the fire. “Come love, sit here next to me. I need to talk to you about something very important. Would you like some wine?”

She gave him a disapproving stare. “I don’t drink. You know that.”

“Tonight is a special night and a drink will be in order.”

“I wasn’t aware that it was a special night. What’s the occasion?”

He smiled but ignored answering her simple question. “Wine?”

auna gave him a suspicious stare. “Okay—I guess one glass won’t hurt me.”  He poured her a glass and watched her face light with an unexpected delight. “This is really delicious.”

BOOK: The Progeny (The Progeny Series)
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