The Private Club (3 page)

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Authors: J. S. Cooper

BOOK: The Private Club
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“Yeah, I’m the smart one.” Nancy shrugged. “Maria was the beautiful one. My parents always used to thank God that I got the brains and she got the looks.”

“But you’re beautiful.”

“Not when compared to my sister.” She smiled at me softly. “Maria was the kind of beauty that could sink ships. My dad used to say they should have named her Helen.”


“Like Helen of Troy.”


“Yeah, my dad is...” She paused. “Or rather
, was, a very funny man.”

“I’m sorry he passed away.”

“It’s okay. My mom warned him about the food he used to eat.” She shrugged and looked down. “He had a heart attack. My mom blames the steaks. I blame my sister.”

“Your sister?”

“He was never the same after she left.” She looked back up at me. “I think she broke his heart.”

“I don’t understand why he didn’t look for her.”

“She got engaged.” Nancy sighed. “They all had an argument. My dad thought she chose the fiancé over her family. Well, I don’t think she did.”

“Whoa, what?” I jumped down from the bed. “What do you think happen

“Well, the guy she was dating, he seemed to


Nancy and I both jumped as we heard the loud knocks on the door.

“Hello?” I called out timidly and shook my head at myself. Since when had I become scared of a few loud knocks?

“Are you girls up?” Patsy’s voice called through the door.

,” I called back and watched as she walked in. She looked her age this morning. She had no makeup on and her hair was in rollers. She was also wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants and looked very unglamorous. She grinned as she stared at Nancy and me and the shock in our faces. “We all look normal at some point in the day.”

“You look very beautiful
,” Nancy squeaked out and I nodded.

lie, girls.” She looked us over. “You both need to get ready so you can meet the other new recruits and some of the staff.”

“Do we learn about the positions today then?” I spoke up, curious as to when we were going to find out what our actual jobs were to be.


“Will we see Greyson? I mean, Mr. Twining?”

“No, he doesn’t have much to do with the girls.” She shook her head and frowned at me. “Mr. Twining is the owner of the club. He has much more important things to deal with.”

“I understand.” I blushed, feeling embarrassed.

“Will I get to meet him?” Nancy spoke up, and I could tell that she was wondering if Greyson was the man her sister had dated. In fact, I was starting to wonder that myself.

“If you make it past the three days.” Patsy turned around. “Now
, go shower and get ready. We have a long day ahead of us.” She strolled out of the room. “Meet me in the courtyard in an hour. You’ll see the other girls there as well.”

“Okay.” I nodded
, and Nancy sat on her bed. “I wonder how many other girls are here.” I looked at Nancy and she shrugged.

“Who knows
?” She jumped up. “I’m going to go shower. Coming?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I’m going to have a quick look around first.”

“Wow.” Her eyes widened. “Really?”

“Really!” I laughed. “I want to figure out where I am and what’s going on.”

“You’re brave.”

“Aren’t you here to figure out what happened to your sister?”

“Yeah, but I’m going to build up to it. What if you see Greyson? Won’t you be scared?””

“No.” My heart beat fast and I looked away.

“I’d be so scared to see him. He’s so handsome and strong. He makes my legs shake.”

“Yeah, he is a bit intimidating.” I gave her a weak smile.

“Good luck, Meg. I could never do what you’re doing.”

“Then I guess you’re lucky you’ll have my help.” I smiled. “Let me go now, before I chicken out.”

“See ya, Meg.”

“Thanks.” I gave her a quick smile and hurried out of the room
, my brain turning everything over. Something didn’t seem right, and I wasn’t sure what had my brain whirling.

I hurried down the cold hallway and
quickly turned the corner. I paused as I saw two men talking hurriedly at the other end of the corridor. I walked quickly to a door and pushed it open so I could hide. For some reason, I knew that it would be a mistake to have the two men see me. I leaned against the door and tried to control my breathing. And then it hit me.

Nancy had said that she’d be scared to see Greyson because he was so handsome and strong. But how did she know? From all accounts she had never met Greyson before. She’d even asked Patsy if she would get to meet him. It didn’t make sense that she would ask about meeting him if she had already met him.

Why would she lie? She had either lied to me or to Patsy. Did she know more about her sister’s boyfriend than she was letting on? I rubbed my forehead and looked around the room curiously.

I was in what appeared to be a child
’s nursery. There were cribs and toys, and I shivered at how creepy it was. Everything about this setup was creepy, and I wanted out. I was no Poirot, and at this moment I didn’t want to be one.

I opened the door slowly and paused as the two men walked past the door
, still talking.

“If she figures it out, Greyson and Brandon will be destroyed.”

“Maybe we should help her figure it out then.” The other guy laughed. I peeked through the door to see if I could catch a glimpse of their faces, but their backs were now to me.

“If the truth gets out
…” One of the guys stopped. “This place will blow up.”

“When you play with fire...”
the other guy started, and they both laughed.

“What if he finds out first?”

“Then she’s gone.”

“Like the others.”


“We gotta do what we gotta do.”

They rounded the corner then, and I stood there, rooted to the spot. I should find the exit and run. I should leave and never come back. I should go and call Katie and tell her that I thought Brandon was bad news. Very bad news. But I didn’t. I exited the door and walked back quickly to my room. I hurried into my safe haven and then stopped as I saw who was in the room.

“Good morning, Meg.” His voice was as deep as I remembered it being.

“Greyson.” I nodded, my face flushing red as my eyes stared at him eagerly. He looked like a golden god, all toned and muscular. The tips of his hair were damp, and I realized that he must have just come out of the shower.

“How was your night?” His tone was monotone, but his eyes surveyed me with more interest.


“Good.” He smiled. “Ready for day one?”

“I guess.”

“Don’t sound so eager.”

“Why are you here?”

“Because I own this building and the club?” He shrugged nonchalantly.

“Why are you in this room?” I tried to ignore the stirring in my stomach as I felt his blue eyes staring at my bare legs.

“I came to see you.”


“Because I was passing the room and I wanted to say good morning.”

“I see.”

“Where were you?” He frowned and walked over to me. His fingers ran down my hair and he bent his nose to my neck and sniffed. “You weren’t in the shower.”

“Are you saying I smell?” I glared up at him and ignored the want to run my fingers across his jaw.

“I’m saying you don’t smell like soap.” His lips curled up. “And your hair isn’t wet, which it would be if you had just been in the shower.”

“Your hair is wet,” I mumbled as I stared at his glistening locks.

“I can take another shower if you want

“Why would I want

“If you need a shower buddy. Someone to wash your back.” His eyes twinkled as his fingers ran down my back. “I don’t mind getting wet again.”

“That’s okay. Thanks.” I took a step back and he took a step forward.

“Don’t you like getting wet, Meg?” He took another step towards me, and I stepped back into the door. He placed an arm above my shoulder and pinned me back against the wall. “I’d love to see you wet.”

I blinked up at him, trying to ignore the heat that was rising up through me. I adjusted my legs.

laughed before bending his lips to my ear. “It seems like you’re already a little wet.”

“You’re an obnoxious ass.” I pushed against his chest, but he remained rigid.

“Do you really think so?” His breath was warm in my ear and I closed my eyes.

My body trembled as I felt him push himself against me harder. My nostrils expanded in ecstasy as I took in his scent and felt his warmth against me, warming me up.

“Yes,” I whispered, shivering slightly as I saw the undisguised lust in his eyes. “I thought I told you I didn’t want you to touch me.”

“You lied.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Your lips are lying, but the rest of your body isn’t
,” he whispered against my lips. “You want me to kiss you now.”

“No, I don’t.” I shook my head, my eyes wide. “In fact, I’ve decided I’m leaving the program. I don’t want to work here anymore.”

“What?” He took a step back then and his eyes looked disappointed. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t want to work here
, and I don’t want to put up with you.”

“Liar.” He looked at me angrily. “Did you speak to Brandon?”


“Come and have breakfast with me.”

“No. I’m supposed to meet Patsy and the other girls in about thirty minutes in the courtyard.”

“So you’re staying then?” He cocked his head and stared at me through hard eyes.

“No. But I’m going to go and tell Patsy that I’m leaving.”

“I knew you wouldn’t make it.” He turned away from me.

“Excuse me?”

“Girls like you can’t handle a place like this or a man like me.”

“A man like you?” My eyes widened at his words.

“I was going to train you.” He looked at me again.

“I thought you didn’t interact with the girls.” I frowned, remembering Patsy’s words.

“I do
. In special cases.”

“I’m a special case?”

“You could be.”

“Why did you come to my room, Greyson?”

“Where were you if you didn’t go in the shower?”

“You better leave before my roommate comes back.” I licked my lower lip
, and Greyson and I stared at each other for about a minute without saying a word.

“What is it about you, Meg?”

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. “Don’t leave.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want you to go.”

“You don’t even know me.” I frowned, and for one brief moment I thought that he was going to say something romantic and sweet. I could fully admit that I was a hopeless romantic, and I waited with bated breath for him to tell me something along the lines of “I’ve known you all my life, Meg.”

“I want to make love to you.” His words were rough
, and I swallowed hard as he grabbed my hand and brought it to his erection. “You did this to me.”

“You’re crude.” I pulled my hand away from his hardness and looked up at him in distaste. “This is why I’m leaving.”

“Because you turn me on?”

“No, because you think it’s acceptable to grab my hand and put it there.”

“Put it where?” He smiled evilly.

“You know where.”

“Say it.”

“Against you.”

“Against me?”

“Against your hardness!” I muttered
, irritated.

“Against my rigid, tormented
, hard cock, you mean.” He grinned at me. Then his hands grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. “Don’t be scared to say the words.”

“I’m not scared.”

“Can I kiss you?” He looked down at me and I shook my head. “Please?” His hands grabbed my ass and squeezed. I swallowed hard and shook my head again.

My brain was buzzing with lust and confusion. I could barely form a coherent thought as he held me against him.
This is what sexual tension feels like
, I thought to myself. I’d never felt this way about a man before. Never. Not even the men I had dated for months. Let alone for a man I’d barely known twenty-four hours.

“Will you kiss me then?” His tongue traced the lines of my lips as he whispered against

,” I squeaked out. I gasped as I felt his tongue touch mine for one quick second before he pulled back. “You should leave.”

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