The Prince & the Pregnant Princess (10 page)

Read The Prince & the Pregnant Princess Online

Authors: Susan Mallery

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Historical

BOOK: The Prince & the Pregnant Princess
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While she had indicated there are some difficulties with her past, I am not concerned. Once she is my wife, no one can hurt her.”

“All that is well and good,” Hassan said, “but is it enough?”

“What more could there be?”

“You have to make her happy.”

stared at his father. “She will be my wife and the mother of my children.

That is happiness enough.”

Hassan didn’t speak at first. He rose and walked to the window overlooking the garden. “I have found joy with many women in my life,” he said slowly. “But there are only two I have loved. Loving a woman makes things different, for both parties.” He shrugged. “There is a lesson to be learned,
, but you must discover it on your own. I will warn you not to let arrogance stand in the way of your heart’s desire.”

“Of course not,”
said, even as he dismissed his father’s words. He was not being arrogant with Cleo. His plan was logical, containing much sense for both of them. They would marry and she would be happy. It was the natural order of things.

“I wish you both the best,” Hassan said, turning to look at his son. “Cleo is a treasure worthy of a prince. I pray you do not lose her along the way.”

The next few days passed in a blur for Cleo. Dresses were sent for her to try on. She made decisions on flowers and a menu for the reception. On the morning of the wedding, she found herself unable to eat. Instead she huddled in a corner of the sofa and wondered how she’d gotten herself in this situation.

“Knock, knock,” Sabrina called as she entered the suite. “Good morning, bride girl. How are you feeling?”

“Like I want to run for the hills.” Cleo looked up and smiled at Sabrina. “Do you happen to have a map with you so I’ll know what direction to go?”

“Sorry. And speaking from personal experience, you don’t want to head out into the desert by yourself. Bad things can happen.”

Cleo thought about Sabrina’s past and how in her search for the mythical City of Thieves, she’d headed out into the desert and had come home with the love of her life.

“Oh, I don’t know. Some good things happen, as well.”

Sabrina chuckled, then settled on the sofa. She wore jeans and a blouse. Her feet were bare and there were large electric rollers in her hair. She touched her head.

“Ah, the glamour of being a princess. If they could see me now.”

“They’d probably still be impressed.”

Sabrina shook her head. “I don’t think so.” Her smile faded. “You don’t look very happy. You don’t want to marry him, do you?”

“I don’t seem to have a choice,” Cleo said, trying not to sound bitter. “I’m carrying
baby. A little thing like happiness doesn’t seem to hold much weight when compared with several hundred years of tradition.” She sighed.

“Sorry. I don’t want to dump my troubles on you. I actually think
and I could make a success of this if he weren’t so…” She paused.

“Stubborn?” Sabrina offered. “Difficult? Pig-headed?”

“Those work.”

“Look, I know this isn’t what you had planned. It’s not anyone’s first choice.

The good news is
is a decent guy. All my brothers are. You’re going to have to figure out how to bring him to his knees. Once you do that, life will be smooth sailing.”

Great. It sounded simple enough. While she was at it, maybe she could part the ocean or stop global warming. “Do you have any specific ideas on how to do that?”

Sabrina grinned. “No, sorry. I think that’s information you’re going to have to find out on your own.”

Cleo supposed Sabrina’s theory was sound—except for one small problem. Her soon-to-be sister-in-law didn’t know about
claim to still love his late fiancée. Hard to bring a man to his knees when he no longer had a heart.

“I’ll go and let you get dressed,” Sabrina said, rising. “Just call if you need any help.”

“Thanks. I will.”

Cleo watched her go, then settled back into the sofa. The ceremony was at five that afternoon, with a private dinner afterward. No crew of stylists and makeup artists were needed, as her wedding wasn’t going to be beamed across the world and appear on international television. Quiet was better than a circus, she told herself and almost meant it.

She closed her eyes, just for a minute, and found herself dozing off. A soft brush against her cheek awakened her. She opened her eyes and saw
leaning over her.

She hated that her first instinct was to get lost in his dark gaze. Her heart pattered in her chest, her body grew weak, all because he was nearby. Loving a man was simply the pits, she thought, trying to clear her mind as she sat up.

“Is there something wrong?” she asked.

He smiled and sat close to her. “Nothing at all. I simply came by to see my bride.” He kissed her mouth.

The tender caress made her want to cry. For a second she thought about pointing out how seeing the bride before the wedding was bad luck, but then she figured that since they already had so much against them, breaking that one tradition would hardly matter.

“Are you nervous?” he asked.

“No. Resigned.”

“Can’t you be just a little happy that you’re marrying me?”

She could be a lot happy. She could do the dance of joy and exultation if he would just care about her.

When she didn’t answer, he changed the subject. “What about Zara? There’s still time to postpone things.”

Cleo shook her head. “I know she’s going to be upset that she’s missed my wedding, but I also know how much she was looking forward to her honeymoon with
. They’re supposed to have a whole month together. When else is that going to happen in their lives? I want her to have this time, and when she gets home, she’ll just have to be mad at me.”

“As you wish.”

Oh, sure. In that he was willing to be agreeable. But not in the really important stuff.

“What of your belongings?” he asked.

She pointed to the stack of boxes in the far corner of the living room. “They were delivered yesterday.”

studied them. “I thought there would be more. Did you not have your own place?”

“Sure, but I didn’t think we’d have much use for my furniture or dishes. I had a friend pack up my personal things. Everything else has been given away to a women’s shelter.”

She’d also given up her apartment. Even though there were still several months left on the lease, she wasn’t going back. Actually her landlord had been surprisingly understanding when she’d explained that she wouldn’t be returning.

He hadn’t even charged her for the extra months. Cleo wouldn’t be surprised to learn that either the king or
had phoned him first to make sure things went smoothly for her, but she decided the details didn’t matter.

“Will you miss your life in Spokane?” he asked, sounding almost tentative.

“I don’t yet. Ask me in a couple of months.” When the shock of getting married had faded somewhat and she was ready to deal with the reality of life in

“I suspect you will find much to like here,” he said. “And speaking of things to like…”

He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small, black velvet box. “My parents did not have a love match,” he said matter-of-factly. “Their marriage was arranged, and I doubt that either of them was very fond of the other.

However, my paternal grandparents were truly in love.”

He opened the box. Inside was a sapphire ring. “The ring is part of a set,” he said. “My grandfather gave my grandmother a thirty-carat stone for their twenty-fifth anniversary. She had this ring made, along with earrings and a necklace.” He slipped the ring on her left hand. “I should have provided you with an engagement ring before. I’m sorry I didn’t think of it until now.”

She stared at the glittering stone. The ring fitted as if it had been made for her.

sat up and reached for a wooden box on the coffee table. She hadn’t even noticed it. The carved wood looked old, and when he opened it, she saw it had several small compartments, all holding black velvet boxes.

“Here are the earrings,” he said, showing her double drop earrings surrounded by diamonds. As promised, there was also a stunning sapphire necklace.

Cleo fingered the jewelry. She’d worn some pretty impressive pieces during her last visit to
. The borrowed finery had made her feel like a princess.

But it was practically cut glass when compared with this bounty.

“Why do you want me to have this?” she asked.

He frowned. “You are to be my wife,” he said, as if that explained everything.

“My grandmother left me her jewels with the understanding I would pass them on.”

His gaze softened with an understanding that stunned her, he said, “No woman has seen these since her death, Cleo. They are only for you.”

She swallowed against a sudden tightness in her throat. She wouldn’t have thought he was sensitive enough to realize she was worried that
, too, had adorned herself with the stunning set.

“Thank you,” she whispered, overcome more by his thoughtfulness than the gift itself.

He smiled, then bent low and kissed her. His mouth was soft yet demanded that she yield to him. Had she been able to speak, Cleo would have pointed out that she had no plans to resist. Not when it felt so completely right to put her arms around him and feel his body close to hers.

When he parted his mouth, she did the same. He slipped inside her mouth, his tongue gently stroking hers. Shivers of delight rippled through her. Passion flared. They had only made love once since she arrived, and she found herself quickly warming to the idea.

But instead of taking things to the next level,
broke the kiss and sighed.

“I think we should wait until later,” he said, sounding regretful. “Although you continue to tempt me.”

Cleo accepted his decision. Her response surprised her. Had
continued kissing her and maybe started touching her, she wouldn’t have refused him. Even now the wanting seemed to grow inside of her. She knew it was because she loved him. But would her love save her or be her downfall?

“There is more,” he said, returning his attention to the box. “As my wife, there will be many beautiful jewels for you to wear. But this one is very special. It was a gift from Queen Elizabeth, the first one, to the queen of

As he spoke he drew a delicate and beautiful tiara out of the a velvet bag.

Despite the age, the workmanship was exquisite. The white gold encircled the diamonds in a series of circles. Large, pale pearls hung down, swaying as
handed it to her.

Cleo couldn’t believe it. She had joked with Zara about getting a cast-off tiara or two. The elegant head-piece truly symbolized being a princess. She couldn’t believe that
had simply handed her one, especially not one with such an amazing history.

“Is it really that old?” she asked. “Is it safe to touch it?”

“Yes to both. Sabrina is the expert in antique jewelry. Actually the tiara disappeared for a time, taken by someone in the City of Thieves. It was only recently recovered. When I heard of it, I thought you would enjoy having it for your own. Will you wear it today?”

She nodded, because it was impossible to speak.
was showing her a sensitive side she wouldn’t have believed existed. Maybe this marriage did have a chance.

“There are those who say a bride is not to wear pearls on her wedding day,” he said. “That her new husband will make her cry once for each pearl.” He touched the lustrous orbs. “There are nine pearls in the tiara. May I only disappoint you nine times in our long life together.”

Tears filled her eyes. He didn’t say anything. Instead he held her close and for now, that was enough.

The wedding took place in the small chapel in the palace. There was seating for perhaps a hundred, but less than twenty sat in the ancient pews. Cleo paused at the back of the church, more nervous than she would have thought.

stood waiting at the end of the long center aisle. Candles flickered.

There were no windows in the chapel, no stained-glass saints to offer benediction. No visiting dignitaries, no murmuring crowd. She stared at the man she would marry, then started forward when the organ music changed to the wedding march. She walked alone.

King Hassan would have escorted her, had she asked. He didn’t come out and say so, but she knew it to be true. Cleo preferred to go to
on her own. She wanted to remind herself that she was doing this of her own free will. She would not be dragged to the altar.

Her cascade of roses and starburst lilies shook slightly in her hands. Her taffeta dress rustled with each movement. She’d chosen the low-cut empire style from several gowns that had been sent over. The simple lines hid her growing belly. She wore the amazing and unexpected engagement ring
had given her that morning on her right hand. They had picked out simple gold bands for wedding rings. After the ceremony she would switch the engagement ring back to her left hand. Then they would go to the reception.

Cleo didn’t actually mind that the reception would be small. There would be a dinner for those who attended. No crowd of several thousand, no orchestra, no endless pile of official gifts. Her wedding couldn’t be more different from Zara’s, but then, neither could her marriage.

Cleo was determined to make the best of it, for herself and for the baby. A life of unhappiness would surely hurt their child.

So she walked slowly toward the front of the church, prepared to marry a man who would not love her. His tenderness today gave her a small amount of hope. If only she could figure out a way to follow Sabrina’s very sensible advice. But Cleo didn’t have a clue as to how to bring a man like
to his senses, let alone to his knees.

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