The Prince Of Highland Park (13 page)

BOOK: The Prince Of Highland Park
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Evelyn Chapter Twenty-Three

God, where is Ryan? No one has heard from him. It’s been almost three weeks.  I haven’t seen his parents around either so I can’t ask them.  I think I heard that they were out of the country.  I don’t know his friends. I wouldn’t know who to ask if they have seen or heard from him.  I see a friend of his; I think his name is Mitch, maybe I should ask him.  As I’m walking over, I see he’s talking to a couple of guys.  I wait until the guys walks off before I approach him.  “Hi you’re Mitch right?”  I ask making sure I have the right person.  “Yeah that me and you’re Evelyn right?”  He knits his brows as though he’s trying to read me.   Trying not to take his reaction personal, I would be skittish if I was him too.  “Yeah that me, I’m… can I ask if you’ve seen or heard from Ryan?  I’m a bit worried and I just want to make sure he’s ok,” I ramble.  Turning to look at me with intense eyes, he says. “No, I haven’t heard or seen him in a while.  He use to text me that he is ok just taking care of a few things, but I haven’t heard him for a minute now come to think of it, and that’s unlike him.


When I call it goes right to voicemail, I’ve left a bunch of messages for him to call me, but nothing yet,” he finishes looking concern, as though me asking for Ryan gives conformation to what he’s thinking.  “Come to think of it I haven’t seen Chloe either,” he says as if he was thinking out loud rather than talking to me.  When I heard that came out of his mouth I felt like I got punched in the gut.  I need to get away.  Here I’m worried about him and he is probably out doing God- he- knows- what with his ex.  “Ok well I just wanted to make sure he’s ok, but if he’s with Chloe, then he must be ok, no need to tell him I asked for him,”  I say keeping a stoic face, not to give away how hurt I am.  “I didn’t say they are together, I just notice I haven’t seen her either, don’t think anything of it,” he said trying to minimize the blow I just received.


Well I’ll take that information as he is ok; just doing him.  I’m so heartbroken right now, and I need to get away.  I don’t want to bump into him and his faithful followers, so I need to wrap up all I have here, so I can start concentrating on starting school.  Well fuck; thinking about school how am I going to avoid him, we’ll be going to the same school in a few weeks.  This is not going to be good.  I should have followed my fucking head, but instead I listen to my heart and now here I am. 


I feel like a fucking fool.  After his blatant dismissal of me and what we shared, I’m still pinning after him, my heart still longs for him.  I need to get my mind off him along with this mess. Jumping into my car I drive down to the lake, so I could clear my head.  I need to figure out how I’m going to deal with him once I see him again.  I have to make sure that I don’t fall for his charm and bullshit this time.  I don’t even know if I can stand to see him again.  If he is indeed with Chloe, that’s a betrayal I can’t overlook.  If he didn’t want to be with me all he needed to do was say that. I’m not in the business of fooling myself. 


It’s getting dark I need to get home. I got up and head for my car.  Driving home blasting the music hoping to take my mind off Ryan, the sad thing is, he’s probably not thinking about me.  Pulling up on my drive way I see Brent and Julie waiting for me.  I’m not in the mood for company right now, and by the look and their faces I’m not about to get the peace and quiet I was looking forward to.  “Hey guys what are you doing here?”  I ask getting out of my car. I walk up and hug them.  “We just came by to check on you. I’ve been calling you all day. I even called the club and they told me you weren’t there so I was a bit worried,” Brent answers looking at Jules.  This is very odd behavior for him so I know something is going on.  “I’m good as you can see, come on let’s go inside;” I say walking pass them to open the door.  Pulling back the screen door I see a brown envelope wedged between the screen door and the door itself.  It looks to be hand delivered.  Placing the envelope under my arm I open the door, stepping aside to allow Brent and Julie to go in ahead of me. 


“Have a seat guys, I’m just going to change and get comfy,” I said heading to my room.  Taking off my work clothes I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, my signature outfit inside the house.  I walk over to Brent and Jules to see what’s going on.  “So guys, what brought you over? You guys are acting a little weird,” I say looking back and forth between them hoping one of them will start talking.   Jules leans over and hold my hands.  Seeing the confusion etch in my face, she begins, “Did you listen to your messages today?” She asks looking at me.

“No I didn’t, why
, what’s going on?”  I ask sensing I’m not going to like what I’m about to hear.  Pulling my hands away getting ready to stand, because I’m getting real antsy not knowing what’s going on.  “Well detective Mason called he’s being trying to get in touch with you. He left you messages for you to get in-touch with him, when he couldn’t reach you he called me.  He needs to speak with you.  He’s got a lead on your brother’s killer,” she says. 


Picking up my phone I call detective Mason.  No answer at his office so I left a message for him to call me back as soon as he can.  “That’s great news, I never thought they would catch a break because it was a drive by” I say hoping it’s not just a lead, but the actual culprit.  

I hope I hear from him soon,” I say listening to my voicemail. I got six messages from detective Mason, and two from Ryan.  Why the hell is Ryan calling me now after all this time? I guess Mitch finally got in touch with him.  Unless he knew where he was all along and was lying to me? 


Walking over to the table I pick up the envelope and open it. There’s a DVD inside with writing that said to be watch immediately.  I went over to the DVD player and put it in.  Sitting on the couch I press play.  On the screen I see Ryan; he has a cloth on his forehead and his hands tied up with something looking like tape, while he and Chloe are having sex.  Tears comes to my eyes, my chest feel as though it was about to collapse from lack of oxygen.  How could he do this, and send it to me.  So he fucked her.   What he felt the need to rub it in my face to let me know he is not interested in me. Brent moves toward the television to turn it off, but I stopped him. I need to see this for myself.  I need to see with my own eyes that he fucked me over.  Chloe turns around and starts loosening the restraints on his legs. There’s no sound, so I can’t hear what they are saying.  It just look like he is telling her what to do and she is doing it.  I feel Jules hands holding mines, and I can feel their eyes on me.  Unable to take my eyes off the screen as I watch Ryan rip my heart out, throwing it back into my face. I keep watching as if in a daze.  When his feet were loose he starts fucking her.  He fucked her so hard that she flew off his dick as he ejaculates, spewing his cum over to the side.  Then Chloe did a close up, now we can hear her.  “Hope you enjoy the show you slut.  I made this video especially for you, so you see that he is mine and he will always be mine.  Do you need further proof that he doesn’t want you?  You were just an easy fuck for him.  Stay the fuck away from my man,” she smiles as the video ends.  I see Brent and Jules looking at me with concern, pity, anger, all different type of emotions, and I know I need to explain what’s going on here.  At least what I think is going on.


This has to be some twilight shit, why would they want to make a video of themselves having sex and send it to me?  She seems possessive trying too hard to get the message that he is with her across to me.  I assume he told her we had sex, obviously it meant nothing to him, so why go through all this trouble making the DVD. I don’t even understand what’s going on, but I have to try to explain the best I can.  Exhaling I begin “I don’t know what this video is all about.  Ryan and I agree to start seeing each other, but I wanted to keep it a secret for now, because I knew it would get messy at the club when everyone finds out.   From the looks of things I see that he don’t want that anymore and has already moved on, or should I say move back to Chloe.  They dated for a while, however; they broke up almost two years ago.  I don’t know what caused the break-up, but they look to be working it out.  I don’t know why they felt the need to send me a video of the event, but here we are watching the detail of their reunion.” I finish hoping they won’t grill me, because the truth is, I don’t know much else to tell them. 


“What I don’t understand is; if they were going to send me the video why did Ryan call me leaving messages for me to call him back saying it’s urgent?”  I say thinking out loud.  Maybe he changed his mind about sending me the video and wanted to warn me not to watch it.  What other explanation could there be?

Ryan Chapter Twenty-Four


Escaping that crazy bitch took more than I thought I had in me.  If it wasn’t for Mitch I would still be there, tied up
being rape over and over.  After Chloe the first mishap, she left and returned with a gun in her hand.  At that point I knew she was going to kill me if I didn’t do what she wanted.  I already knew what she wanted; she wanted me to get her pregnant.  After that first time when I didn’t cum inside her, she was making it a point to never let that happen again.  She drugged me again, and when I woke up my feet were taped to each post of the bed.   She gave me two more dose of that prostaglandin.  She wasn’t taking any chance of me not getting her pregnant.   After she gave me those shots she left for a few.  When she came back to the room she was wearing a black sheer outfit.  I knew what was about to happen, and I just laid there and accepted my faith.  She stripped and proceeded to fuck me.  I was devastated; I knew there was no way I could avoid ejaculating inside of her this time.  She rode me with determination until I climax.  When that happened, a piece of me broke, knowing that she could get pregnant, knowing that I couldn’t prevent this from happening.


Weak from not eating for a few days, I was ready to give up.  There was no way I was going to survive all this.  I knew I’ve been there for a while, I could see daylight outside and when it got dark, by my count I’d say I was there fifteen days maybe more.   Chloe was relentless. I knew she wasn’t going to give up.  She was determined to get what she wanted, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it.    I hated her; I hated myself for being so weak to let this happened to me.  She got me up holding a gun on me.  I got to take a shower, and eat to keep my energy up (her words not mine).  The process kept repeating over and over, she tied me up, rode me until I cum inside her. 


The last day, thinking to myself I was going to die. There was no way I was going to survive this torture. She got on me did what she did.  I started to feel sick, I was sweating bullets.  As she rode I started to heave, “Please get up, I’m not feeling good, I feel like I’m about to…” before I could finish I started vomiting. She jumped off me trying to get out of the way, but she wasn’t fast enough.


I heard cursing before the door closed.  I prayed that someone would recue me, I kept heaving; nothing was coming up because my stomach was now empty.  I was getting cold and sweating at the same time.  My head spinning and I felt like I was about to die. I knew I was about to blackout, whatever was wrong with me this was it.  I would not make it past this day.  I felt a sharp piercing pain in my side before I blacked out. 


When I finally came around I see lights and I could hear talking.  I hear a voice sounding like Mitch saying, hang in there.  I don’t know where I am, but the darkness takes over once more.  As I try to open my eyes, my eyelids feel heavy and my head is pounding, my throat is hurting from dryness and my body aches all over.  I hear my mom’s voice somewhere off in the distance, they must have come back from their trip in Europe.


“Where am I?” I ask looking around, trying to see where I am.   I tried lifting my head, but the pain was too excruciating.  “You’re in the hospital, let me get the doctor,” I hear Mitch voice.   A short time later a doctor walks in with two men in suits behind him. “Why am I here?” My voice barely a whisper, my throat is so dry.  “I’m detective Mason, and I would like to ask you a few questions if you are up to it,” taking a sip of water I nod my head yes. “Do you remember anything that happened to you before you end up in the hospital Mr. Knight?” He ask take out a notepad and a pen.

“Yes, I remember Chloe and Bryan kidnapping me.  I remember be
ing drugged and …” Tears coming to my eyes, I couldn’t say the words, trying to get myself under control so I don’t lose it.  Swallowing, tears running from my eyes I continued, “I remember Chloe …forcing herself…I remember the room…I remember being held at gunpoint to take showers, and eat…I remember every scream and anger… I remember thinking I was going to die…I remember begging for me life, for my freedom…I remember feeling helpless…I remember every fucking thing before I blacked out and wake up here,” I say getting worked up.


“I know this is difficult for you Mr. Knight, but we have a few more questions we need to ask,” he says. Nodding my head letting him know I was ok.  He continues with his questions, “Do you remember being shot?” The confusion on my face must have answered his question because he continues to his next question.  “What is your relationship with Miss. Henson?” He asks looking at me, trying to read my facial expression. 

“We dated for a while but it ended almost two years ago
,” I answer. 

“Were you still involved with her before these events?” 

“Hell No,” I say shaking my head wondering where he’s going with these questions.    “Where is Chloe?” I ask hoping they have her in custody.  The look on his face and his body language told me I wasn’t going to like his answer.  “Miss. Henson got away before we could apprehend her,” detective Mason informs me.


“What! How did that happen, why aren’t you out looking for her?” I’m shouting with as much force as I can muster ignoring the pain shooting in my head and through my body.  The heart monitor machine is beeping faster due to the rising of my blood pressure.  Trying to get up frantic knowing she’s still out there and afraid of what could happen if I lay here.  I feel the doctor hands on my shoulders holding me down so they can restrain me. When that didn’t work, I hear the doctor dishing out orders to sedate me.   I’m starting to feel my eyelids getting heavy, and body’s relaxing, the darkness taking over. 


When I came to, Mitch was sleeping in the chair by my bed. Moving my hand, to touch his, he stirs. Jumping up he says “Let me go get the doctors.”

“No, not yet;” I say stopping him from going out the door. 

“Where is my phone, I need to call Ev,” looking around to see if it’s by my bed.  “It’s right here,” he says handing the phone to me.  I dial Ev’s number; the phone rings three times, and went to voicemail.  I leave a message asking her to call me, it’s urgent.   Looking over at Mitch I ask “How did you find me. I heard your voice when I was with Chloe?”  Looking devastated he says “I tracked your phone.” 

“How did you know to track m
y phone?” I ask thanking my lucky stars that he did or I might not have been here.  “I called you a couple of times, but your phone kept going to voicemail so I left you a couple of messages.  I didn’t think much of it when I didn’t hear back from you.  I just figured you were out doing your thing.  Anyhow yesterday I saw Evelyn at the club; she came up to me, asking if I’d heard from you.  While talking to her it dawn on me that I haven’t seen Chloe around either, so I got a little concerned.


I knew the both of you would not be together.   I knew how you felt about her, but it was odd that she didn’t come by the club at all. It’s like she fell of the planet when you did.  I didn’t put two and two together until I spoke with Evelyn.  I just thought you were out having fun, trying to avoid your folk, shit like that. After my conversation with Evelyn I got this weird feeling so I got Tom to track your phone and Chloe’s.  When I saw that you both were at the same place I knew something was wrong.  I called the police giving them the location but didn’t wait for them, not knowing if they were going to take me seriously.  I came as fast as I could. When I got there…it…it was…oh Ry. I’m so sorry I didn’t figure it out sooner.  At first I only got text messages from you saying you were ok, so I didn’t think much of it.  I should have put it together.  I should have known that you wouldn’t just disappear without telling me.  When I didn’t hear from you, that should have been the first clue…I messed up, I’m the worst friend, I’d understand if you can never forgive me.  I should have known from the first week I didn’t hear you…I can’t imagine how you…I’m so sorry,” he keeps saying.  From the look on his face what he saw was pretty bad, and will forever be ingrained in his mind, tears running down his face.  Reaching out I touch his hand reassuring him that I’ll be ok at least I hope I will be.  “Thanks…Thanks for saving me.  Thanks for coming for me.” Tears now running down my face, he can’t possibly imagine how grateful I am that he did.  All that other shit about not figuring it out sooner doesn’t matter, I owe him my life. 


“Did you see Bryan or Chloe when you got there?” I ask.   Shaking his head he said “Only Bryan was there, Chloe was already gone.  The detectives have Bryan in custody at the station and he told them everything.  Apparently Bryan been in love with Chloe for years and would do anything for her.  Based on what Bryan said, Chloe was obsessed with you and Evelyn.” Confuse as to why she would be obsess with Ev; when we didn’t start talking until about a month ago.  “Ev, why…?” Seeing that it wasn’t making sense, he continues to fill me in.  “She saw the way you looked at Evelyn after you guys broke up, not the same way you look at Sam or Michelle or any of the girls you messed around with.  She knew you had a thing for her, and wanted to eliminate her.  She blackmailed Bryan in helping her take Evelyn out, but apparently instead of Evelyn they accidentally shot her brother instead.  “What the fuck?”  I say not believing what I was hearing.

“You’re telling me they tried to kill Evelyn before

God…Oh God,” I kept saying.   Picking up my phone I call Evelyn again, which went straight to voicemail.  I leave another message hoping she will call me back.  All I’m thinking is that Evelyn doesn’t know the danger that’s after her and I need to protect her.  “She’s not answering her phone,” I say getting frantic knowing that Chloe is out there. 


“Do me a favor, please go to Evelyn’s house and get her to come here to the hospital.  She is not safe with Chloe on the loose. Please get her here for me, please!” I beg, giving him Evelyn’s address.  Oh no, I would never forgive myself if she gets hurt because of me.  “I’ll go right now and do whatever I have to do to make sure she comes with me,” he says as he walks out the door.  Every time I close my eyes all I see is Chloe on me, I see the determination in her eyes that she will not let me go.  I loved her once, we were going to get married and have a family, then I caught her with Bryan and everything I thought about us was over.  I left, never looking back. Over the months she begged for me to forgive her and take her back. I couldn’t, not after what she did.  I thought over time she would get over me and move on, I thought she did, with Bryan.  I’ve seen Chloe a couple of times at the club.  She seemed to have moved on and doing ok, and now this. 


All this time she’d been stalking me, watching my every move, waiting for the perfect time to strike, and strike she did.  She raped me, trying to get pregnant, shot me, and now knowing that she tried to kill Evelyn before, but instead killed her brother.  Evelyn is going to hate me when she finds out it’s because of me that her brother is dead.  She told me he brother raised her so they must have been close.  How can things go back to being normal after this, how can I be with Evelyn knowing that as long as Chloe is out there she is in danger because of me?  I can’t seem to wrap my head around all that’s going on, it all seems surreal.  The feeling of uselessness is right there mocking me. How could I let this happen to me, how could I let myself get raped?   Rubbing my hands down my face, I know this nightmare is far from over.

BOOK: The Prince Of Highland Park
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