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Authors: Alora Kate

The Price We Pay (22 page)

BOOK: The Price We Pay
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Chapter 22 - Latch & Marvey




Marvey was released and it was up to me to keep her safe. I did the best thing I could; I drove her out of town to a smaller suburb and got us a hotel room. When we leave tomorrow, I’ll drop her back off at the hospital so she and Harper could be together when they went back into protective custody. They wanted to keep Harper one more night just to be on the safe side and Jaxon wasn’t leaving her.

We told Gabe we put the investigation on hold, and we tried but we weren’t successful. Too many people involved and our handlers wouldn’t let us.

Tomorrow night we’d end the investigation. Hopefully, it went our way and we’d take down the largest MC club in the state. I wasn’t sure how Carlos Jr fit into the club but I’m assuming it didn’t matter if he was a biker or not. He took their leader out and was making new rules.

Tomorrow night would hopefully put an end to our crazy lives and we could try to find some normality.

“This room is nice,” Marvey said tossing her bag on the king size bed. She ran her fingers against the white blanket before pressing her hand against the matching white pillows. “Not as fancy as the last one but it’ll do.”

She checked out the bathroom and then came back and sat on the edge of the bed. “One bed?” she questioned. I heard the smile in her voice even though she wasn’t smiling.

I slipped my boots off, then reached behind my back and pulled my t-shirt up and over my head. “Shower first.”

She stood and pulled her shirt off, showing me her black lacy bra. “Sounds like a good idea.” She turned towards the bathroom, and unhooked her bra and dropped it on the floor. I scrambled to pull my jeans off, then my boxers and socks.

I heard the shower turn on, and basically ran the two feet to watch her get naked.

She bit her lip and slipped her pants and underwear off. We stood naked for a few seconds admiring each other’s bodies before she said, “I’ve never had sex in the shower.”

“Fucking serious?”

She pulled the curtain back. “I have no reason to lie to you.” She stepped in, I followed.

I wasted no time picking her up and slamming my lips to hers.

Our kisses were in sync given the force behind him. My body hummed with anticipation, and I made sure she knew I was ready for her.

I started to push in and she sucked in a breath of air, causing me to stop. “You good?”

“Yes,” she said softly, holding me tight.

“I won’t drop you.”

“Good.” She slammed her lips to mine and I filled her. Christ, I could live in her all day, being wrapped by her, held by her, and feeling loved.

It’s just sex, Latch.

Her words bounced around in my head making me fuck her harder.

Just sex.

I went as fast and hard as I could.

Just sex.

I wasn’t sure if it was just sex anymore or if there was something more to it.

I pulled out the moment I started to come and grabbed my cock and finished the job. I was so caught up I didn’t even know if she came or not.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered, lowering her feet.

“Why?” she panted and clung to me. “I need a few minutes to steady myself.”

I turned so she was under the water and I could feel her wince when it hit her back. I glanced down at her back and saw that the tile had dug into her back.

“I’m an idiot.”

“It’s fine. I’m fine.”

She pulled her hair out of its ponytail and we finished our shower without another word.

I was a jackass.

A fucking jackass only thinking about himself.

I sat on the end of the bed with just my boxers on and my head in my hands. I had too much shit on my plate, but it was slowing getting knocked off. I just had to get through tomorrow. One more day.

Then a vacation, and hopefully Marvey was included. I knew she’d been fired from her jobs so that was a plus for me, but not for her. I had no idea if the drama of the last two weeks were what attracted us to each other or if there was more there for us. I tried once to have a real relationship but with my job, it just didn’t work out. Marvey was different but still, I doubt she’d put up with it for long. Especially with what just happened in the shower.

I already managed to fuck it up.

She came out of the bathroom and stood in front of me. I refused to lift my head, so she wiggled her toes and I could hear her trying not to laugh. She started moving her feet like she was dancing and it made me crack a smile.

I looked up, she looked down.

She was wearing one of my white t-shirts and I could see her hard nipples poking out.

“My back is just fine.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me,” she teased, then picked her foot up and put it to my chest. “Seriously, don’t be so hard on yourself, Dedrick.”

I froze. My eyes might have gone wide. I’ve only heard my real name once these past two years and it was just the other day.

“Do you trust me?” she whispered.

I nodded without hesitation.

“I’m not going to say anything.”

I nodded again and she dropped her foot and climbed onto my lap. My hands went to her waist and I felt her bare skin against me.

“How about I fuck you this time,” she whispered into my ear playfully.

I laid back so she could do just that.




Last night and most of today were spent in a hotel room. Just Dedrick and I. I told him I wouldn’t use his name until it was safe but it didn’t mean I couldn’t think his real name. It was like we had been on one long date. We had pizza delivered to the room late last night and then he ran out this morning for breakfast. We talked about Randy, what was going to happen tonight, but we didn’t talk about us. He felt bad for the shower thing, but I did have an orgasm in the shower prior to him coming and my back didn’t hurt until afterward. I wasn’t sure why he was letting it bother him, so I coaxed him back in the shower late last night and made sure I bent over.

I lost track of all the sex we had and I knew if we were going to keep seeing each other that I had to get on the pill. I haven’t decided yet if I wanted kids or not. Yes, he was pulling out but that doesn’t mean I still can’t get pregnant.

I made sure all my shit was in my bag and followed Dedrick out to the van. Yes, we were still using the creepy black van.

“You’ve got to get a new van,” I said when he opened my door, thankful that the sun wouldn’t be shining in my eyes.

“It’s just until this case is done,” he bit out.

“My bad,” I muttered, stepping up into the van.

Every call he took today put him more on edge. I was trying to give him his space and I guess I should have just kept my big mouth shut.

He started the van and I was dreading the next hour until we got to the hospital. I tried to turn the music on and he grunted, so I sat back in my seat. One thing I’d have to get used to was his attitude.

“We have to talk,” he finally said.

I sighed, “About what?”


“What about us?” I asked, rolling my head towards him. “We’re headed back to the hospital so Harper and I can be locked away in another hotel. We’ll have to sit and wait for you to show up alive. We’ll have to pray every five minutes that you and Jaxon are alive and safe.”

I said way too much and it was clear because he was about ready to tear off the steering wheel. His jaw was tight and he wouldn’t even glance my way.

“Not my fault your attitude rubbed off on me,” I muttered and looked back out the passenger window.

“I meant
,” he ground out. “Like after this shit is over with.”


“You don’t have a job,” he started and I returned to glare at him. “You have nowhere to live.”

“Just rub it in why don’t you!”

“I’m not rubbing it in! Just listen to me.”

“Oh, I’m listening to you,
. I heard every word you said.”

“I’m trying to ask you something!”

“No, you’re not! You’re reminding me of how much my life sucks. And as much as it hurts me to say this, or even think it, Sofia will take care of me.”

He said nothing.

“So there!” I yelled back. “I’ve got myself a sugar momma.”

I slumped back in my chair only to hear him laugh at me. “Wouldn’t you rather have a sugar daddy?”

“No! Men are stupid.”

He didn’t hesitate, “Yes we are.”

“Glad we agree on something.”

“Are you done with your fit yet?”

“Are you done with your attitude?” I shot back.


I turned in my seat to face him. “I know tonight is stressful and you’ve got a lot on your mind, but so do I. I might not ever see you again but to bury you next to Randy, and I’m trying to keep a positive thought about this. You have to stay positive.”

I waited for a reply. And waited. A few minutes before we got to the hospital, he pulled over and parked the van alongside the street. He got out, walked around the van, and opened my door.

“Get out.”

“You can’t do-”

“Just get out,” he said with a smile this time. Maybe this was part of the plan? I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out of the van.

He pushed me against the van and slammed his lips to mine. He devoured me, and slipped his hand up my tank top and cupped my breast. I moaned into his mouth and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

The blaring of a car horn jolted us apart. “I wish you could fuck me right now,” I panted, pulling down my top.

He ground himself against me, showing me how hard he was.

“I feel like I was a dick to you last night.”

“Why’d you think that?”

“The shower thing,” he said dropping his eyes

I pushed his chin back up. “I’m not complaining so drop it.”

“Right.” He cleared his throat. “I want you to go on vacation with me.”

“Oh,” I said reaching down, grabbing his ass. “Why didn’t you just ask?”

He put his forehead to mine. “I was trying to.”

“You,” I gave him a quick kiss, “suck at it.”

He chuckled, stood back, and adjusted himself.

“This relationship thing isn’t something I’m good at.”

“I can tell but don’t worry, we’ll figure it out.”

He glanced towards the hospital. “We better get going.”

We got back in the van and headed to the parking garage of the hospital.

“I’ve needed a vacation for the last four years, so when this shit is done tonight, I say we just go for it,” he suggested pulling into a parking spot.

“Where do you want to go?”

“Anywhere but here,” he chuckled, shutting the van off.

“I’ll go anywhere but here,” I said climbing out of the van.

We made our way into the hospital and saw Harper’s door was open so we walked right in.

“It’s one more day,” Jaxon said to her while sitting on the edge of her bed. She was dressed in a blue t-shirt and jeans.

“Where did you get the jeans?” I asked tossing my bag down on the chair.

“Laken brought them to me but they couldn't stay, she had to deal with the detectives again,” Harper replied putting her arms out for me to hug her, so I did.

“I’m so glad you're safe,” I whispered into her ear and tried not to look at her funny. Her eye was black and blue, swollen, and she kept trying not to wince at every move she made.

“Randy’s with my brother.”

“Of course, he is,” I said with a smile and sat on the other side of her.

“Seriously Marv, I saw him. And my brother.”

I wasn’t going to make her feel crazy or delusional, so I just nodded at her words.

She read me all too well, though. “Jaxon thinks I’m crazy also, but they were there.”

“Where?” I asked.

“I died!” she yelled and tossing a hand in the air, only to pull it back at her side. “I fucking died. I saw them, they talked to me. It was like we were in the clouds or just in the air itself, it was weird. And white. It was so white!”

“I told you I believed you, Harper,” Jaxon said standing from the bed. “We need to get going.”

“I don’t want to go!” she yelled back and crossed her arms over her chest while shoving her feet under the hospital blanket.

“I don’t want to go either,” I told her while I stood and grabbed my bag. “But the guys have to take care of work Harper, you know they do. I’m here for you.”

Chapter 23 - Harper & Jaxon






I liked Marvey and totally agreed with her. I wasn’t very religious, but after what I experienced I knew I was going to Heaven. Randy and Harry were waiting for me. They saved me, they made my heart beat again.

According to the doctor, I flat lined twice. Normally they wouldn’t let a patient leave the next day but I was wide awake, had my memory, and felt as normal as I could. My face was nasty, my chest had burns on it from the Taser Arsen used on me, but here I am. Alive.

I feel like I’ve been reborn. Given a second chance and I wanted to make the best of it this time.

There were things I’d change and do differently. One of them was going to be going out with my friends. And dating Jaxon. I wasn’t going to open myself up and go all in with him.

But we still had one night to get through.

Everyone else could kiss my ass.

Everything happens for a reason and everything that has happened to us were meant to happen. Even Randy.

“We have to finish what we started, Harper.” I turned to Jaxon at his words. He was so handsome. He was with me when I woke and has been apologizing ever since. I stopped telling him it wasn’t his fault hours ago because he just wouldn’t have it.

“Marv and I are just worried.”

Maybe I’ve just been blowing everything up or out of proportion, but since I woke up yesterday my brain’s running a mile a minute. So many things I want to do and say. So many things to deal with like my parents and the scars on my body. My muscles ached, my eye was throbbing and now Jaxon was taking off again to work.

I wanted to be selfish just once and keep him all to myself.

“I need a fucking vacation,” I muttered dropping my head into my hands being careful of my face. I ran my hand through my blonde hair and snapped. “I want my hair back! We need to stop somewhere, I don’t care where, but I’ve got to get this shit out of my hair!”

“Thank fuck,” Jaxon muttered then winked at me.

He wanted the real me.

Marv slid off the bed and backed away slowly. “You okay, Harper?”

“I need a vacation!”

“Okay,” she said, nodding her head, “I understand.”

“I need a girls’ night,” I continued. “You’re my girl, Marv. And Sofia. And that Laken chick.” I added Laken’s name because she was Jaxon’s sister. I’ve only met her the one time but I liked her and she was going to be in my life more.

“Right there with ya, babe,” she replied, holding onto Latch’s hand, cocking her head to the side, studying me.

“I’m not going crazy, Marv!” I ripped the blanket off me and got out of the stupid hard hospital bed. “I’m just done.” I tossed my hands in the air. “I want to leave.” I glanced at Jaxon. “Please Jax,” I begged, “I want to leave.”

He stood. “Then we leave.”

We had to anyway so this was just a benefit to the guys. They had one last job to do and I didn’t want to think about it. I didn’t want to think about anything that’s happened the last two weeks. I just wanted to sleep. Sleep would be nice without being drugged or knocked out.

But I needed to do my hair.

And make a list.

I needed one of those bucket lists.

Latch and Marvey said they’d meet us outside and Jaxon shut the door after they left. He stood in front of me and held my hands up between us. “You okay?”

Looking into his intense eyes, I nodded.

“I care about you, Harper.”

“I care about you, Jaxon.”

“Wherever you want to go, I’d like to tag along.”

I smiled and he leaned down and gave me a nice soft kiss. “Please be safe tonight,” I whispered against his lips.

He kissed me again and whispered, “I will.”




“It’s the smallest device I can get a wire into,” Gabe said handing me a glossy black pen that he expected me to keep in my pocket during our meeting.

Carlos Jr sounded like a punk ass kid with too much fucking power. And that punk ass kid wanted our operation to spread up into Canada in a two-day window. Unreal.

“I thought you were a pro?” I asked, shoving the pen into my white t-shirt pocket that was under my black leather vest.

“You could wear glasses,” he snapped, “but that’s a dead giveaway since you’ve never worn them before.”

“True,” I muttered adjusting my vest.

“Boooooooooys!!” Tristain came strutting into the back room of Gabe’s office where he stored all of his guns and gear. “I want to ride along,” he confessed, starting down Gabe. “It’s about time I learn
aspects of the job.”

“Girl, you’re wearing four-inch gold stilettos,” Gabe said shaking his head. “Hell no.”

Tristain rubbed his chin, clearly deep in thought. What about, I had no clue; it could have been about margaritas for all I knew.

His face fell and he choked up when he said, “I
wear boots.”

Everyone laughed and went back to what they were doing.

“Fine!” he said raising a hand in the air. “I’ll sit in the van. Coordinate and shit. Tell all your fine asses what to do. Kind of like what I do now.” He smirked at Gabe.

“No,” Gabe said pointing back to the door. “You’ll be much safer here.”

“Your customers are rude as hell,” he snipped to Gabe.

Gabe flicked his eyes to Tristain’s footwear before smirking at him. “My customers pay for those fancy fucking shoes.”

He looked down and admired his shiny heels and decided they were worth it. “Fine, but I’m having a drink before I turn the phone back on.”

“That’s your area of expertise, you do what you think is best as long as the job gets done,” Gabe reminded him while he walked away.

“I’m the best at what I do,” Tristain yelled over his shoulder, then slipped out the door.

“What’s the deal with him?” I asked. We all grabbed some black duffle bags and headed out the door. Latch’s uncle was meeting up with us, along with the FBI and DEA. They allowed Gabe and a few of his men to help out with the takedown because they trusted us. Plus, Gabe wanted to get back at the people responsible for what happened to Laken and her cousin, Edgar.

“Tristain is never up for discussion,” Gabe grumbled. We tossed the bags into the two SUVs, and Latch and I got on our motorcycles and followed them to our meet with the rest of the crew.

We had to meet Carlos Jr and Keylan at a new spot, which I’m sure was Carlos’ doing. We knew Keylan’s regular warehouse space, the surrounding areas, and the best ways in and out of it, but now we were going in blind. Our handlers went over the plan with Latch, Gabe, and I, and we all agreed on what would happen. But nothing ever happened the way it’s supposed to so we would have to make our own plans if shit went sideways.

Latch and I drove miles out of the way and looped back around the city, just to be on the safe side. We pulled up outside a warehouse with five levels and a parking garage attached to the north end of it.

“Christ,” Latch muttered getting off his bike.

“We’re about to step into the lion’s den,” I tried to joke but Latch just continued to stare at the building. He was looking for extra men, and to make sure the plan we’d reviewed earlier was still available to us. Old buildings like these tend to fall apart or get vandalized and the city doesn’t update their plans when that happens.

We couldn’t communicate to anyone; I just had the microphone in my pocket, hidden under the weight of my vest. They were recording everything in a van about a mile away and we had to trust in that. Our last undercover gig was recorded and went down without any casualties. But this job was much more in-depth. Latch and I have lied, and done many illegal things to get to where we are today. It wasn’t just us, we had people backing us and working behind the scenes to make it all look good to Keylan and the club. Most of it our handlers knew about.

“In and out,” I said.

“Alive,” Latch added, and we made our way into the building. We didn’t see Keylan’s bike or the town car, but I knew it could be in the parking garage or out back. We had no idea where we were going, but we walked in what we presumed was the front door. The first floor was all open except for the beams holding up the floors above it. Litter lined the floor, the walls were falling apart, and all the windows were either broken or missing. Dark graffiti covered the walls, with various gangster tags and elaborate pictures.

“Isn’t it marvelous?” Carlos asked coming around one of the far beams. He held a hand up, “Don’t forget about the frisk, boys.”

We stopped in the middle of the room and watched Keylan walk to us and pat us down. We were both armed but when Keylan felt my gun, he didn’t say or do anything. His hands just kept on feeling the rest of my body down to my ankles and then he went to Latch.

Keylan walked back towards the bar and I shot Latch a wide-eyed look, and he shrugged it off with an eye roll.

Something was up with Keylan.

“Come,” Carlos waved, “have a drink.”

A dilapidated bar stood in the corner, the wooden top bowed and warped from neglect and misuse. Keylan had a blue cooler he popped open and handed us a beer.

“I’d offer you a chair but as you can see…” Carlos stared at the spot where barstools should be. “Anyways, I bought the place.”

“Congrats,” I said opening the cold beer.

“It’ll be a night club in a few months.”

“A few months?” I asked inspecting my surroundings again. “Looks like it’s about to fall down.”

He went over and slapped his hand on one of the beams, grinning. “Sturdy enough, boys.”

Drink the beer.

Do your job.

“VIP tickets for you boys,” he announced to the empty room. “The whole fucking place will be VIP!”

I wonder how much crack he smoked today?

I glanced at Keylan who was leaning his elbows on the broken up bar, drinking a beer. He shrugged a shoulder, telling me that he didn’t care. He does whatever he wants to do anyway.

“About Canada.” Latch finally broke that barrier.

“Keylan said you’re more of the businessman of the duo,” Carlos commented, going back behind the bar and standing next to Keylan. He put his hand on Keylan’s shoulder and Keylan went to pull something out of his pocket. I saw Latch tense up out of the corner of my eye and was worried about what he was going to show us.

Keylan pulled out a piece paper that was folded up and handed it to Carlos without moving. He looked bored out of his mind leaning on the bar, drinking his beer.

Carlos shook the paper at Latch and made him come to him to get it.

“What is it?” Latch asked opening it up. He only needed a second to read what was on it before he took a few steps back and handed it over to me.

“That’s what we need to make this year, boys.”

I crumpled up the piece of paper and shoved it in my pocket.  I was sick of him calling us

“You couldn’t have just said it?”

“I’m not stupid,” Carlos told us, grabbing a beer. “You think I talk about my business out in the open?” He opened his beer and chucked the top across the room. “Think I’m going to tell the world my secrets? Let the enemies know my plans so they can sneak in? I’m not my father!” he roared. “I’m not fucking around with this shit. Change is a coming boys!” He stopped long enough took a long pull of his beer and Keylan glanced at him.

“Times are different now. My father kept his work like it’s the nineties. It’s not the nineties anymore, boys.”

Keylan rolled his eyes and went back to drinking his beer. I got the impression that he was sick of listening to Carlos talk and I felt the same way. I didn’t care to hear this speech about his father, I needed to hear more about Canada. We had to have some kind of evidence recorded so we could take him down.

We needed something.

Anything at this point.

“So we move into Canada.” I heard Carlos say pulling me back from my thoughts. “Go big!” He tossed his hands in the air. “Or go home!”

Keylan finally moved.

He pulled the glock out from the back of his pants.

Latch and I both went for our guns.

Carlos still had his hands in the air.

Keylan pointed the gun at Carlos and when he dropped his arms, he dropped his head bringing his eyes to Latch and me.

“What the fuck?” he spat turning to Keylan who had his gun pointed right at his forehead.

Latch yelled at Keylan to put the gun down.

Keylan smirked and pushed the gun to Carlos' forehead. “You're worse than your father.”

He pulled the trigger.

It happened so fast, but time felt like it stood still. Blood splattered everywhere. The beer bottle dropped and broke on the ground, the glass echoing behind the gun shot through the building.

Latch yelled again for Keylan to put the gun down which he did, with a smile on his face. Latch and I took a step towards him but he didn’t care. He grabbed another beer.

BOOK: The Price We Pay
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