The Price of Seduction (14 page)

BOOK: The Price of Seduction
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“I’m not talking about a one year contract. The two ladies are keen to work part-time when they return and I want to keep them on if there’s any way I can.
That means there’s a space for a permanent opening here.”

There were many reasons why this would be to
o hard but she stopped herself. It’d be silly not to hear him out. She asked a few more questions, wrote down the details about lunch and hung up the phone.

She’d only me
t John Patterson once before and he’d made a positive impression. She had a good feeling about the job offer and decided to let her instincts be their own judge. Still, she simply couldn’t see herself moving back to Melbourne right now.

Not when she had Conrad on her mind.

Something about him niggled inside and she couldn’t shake it. As much as she hated to admit it, Trevor’s words kept repeating themselves in her mind.

It was typical of
him to play the clever lawyer and raise doubts rather than coming out with the truth. She knew the games he played, knew full well he was an expert at conniving and manipulating and going for his opponent’s weak spot.

Yet even though she knew exactly what Trevor was trying to do, his words kept coming back to her.

Conrad’s very interested in Aboriginal art, isn’t he?

Was it possible Conrad had something to do with blasting the Aboriginal rock art from the stone walls at Il Bosco?

He was used to getting exactly what he wanted. He’d told her there wasn’t anything his money couldn’t buy. He’d said everything had its price. It was what they’d argued about their first night at Il Bosco. The rock art wasn’t for sale but a man with his resources and contacts could pay for experts to steal it.

These were horrible thoughts but she had to know the truth. Only then could she begin to trust

Bree picked up the phone and
dialed Stephanie’s number. She’d met Conrad and knew about the business side of things from working at the paper. Bree explained her concerns.

“I’ve got t
o be honest with you,” Steph said. “I’ve been meaning to call you about this but I haven’t been brave enough.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I don’t like being the bringer of bad news. You know I’ve been working on Il Bosco and the theft of the rock art. ”

hy is that bad news?” Bree wasn’t sure she wanted the answer.

“We don’t have anything definite yet but so far our sources indicate Conrad Savage is more deep
ly involved in this than he’d care to admit.”

“You think… ” Bree couldn’t even finish her sentence.

“Don’t get upset yet. It’s not cut and dried. If it were, we’d have printed the story. I’ll keep you informed. As soon as we have something definite, I’ll call you. But unfortunately right now all our leads are pointing in one direction. Conrad’s.”

couldn’t speak. Her stomach twisted in a knot, her throat constricting. It was one thing to suspect Conrad of ill doing and another to find out her journalist friend agreed with her.

“I’m sorry,” Stephanie said.

Not nearly as sorry as Bree was.

Chapter nine


Bree’s hair whipped across her face as she stared out at the spectacular view from the balcony of Conrad’s Potts Point penthouse.

When she’d talked to Stephanie the other day, Bree had jumped to conclusions and raced ahead of herself. She didn’t
Conrad was corrupt. She had to remember that. She didn’t have anything solid either against or in favour of Conrad’s activities. Besides, Conrad had told her he had nothing to do with the stolen rock art. That must count for something.

It was so hard. She didn’t want to get hurt like she had in the past but it had
already been too late, even before she’d called Stephanie.

Bree was
much deeper in the relationship than she wanted to admit.

She’d had a
relaxing afternoon, a lazy weekend in fact, spending more time than she cared to admit doing little more than staring out at the boats in the harbour.

How long had it been since she’d indulged herself like this? She couldn’t recall. Perhaps she never had.

She felt the back of Conrad’s fingers as he brushed them on her arm, then the firmness of his hand as he stood behind her, gripping her arm more firmly.

“You’ve got goose bumps,” he said.

The warmth from his hand seeped into her skin. “I didn’t realise I was cold.”

“I can take care of that.”

She spun around to face him, determined to tease him in return. “So can I. Quite easily in fact. By going inside to get a jacket.”

She ran inside the apartment and jumped onto t
he leather sofa, knowing he’d follow.

She heard the door sliding
closed, and in one swift movement the sounds of the city were shut out. No more traffic noise, no more people shouting down on the street below, no rush of wind as the breeze shook through the city.

Bree felt the rest of Sydney disappear.

Hearing Conrad’s footsteps on the American oak floor, she waited for him to join her.

“Conrad?” Glancing around, she
saw him hovering behind her on the other side of the sofa and jumped. “You surprised me.”

“I’m not used to chasing women or following them around.”

“You don’t have to chase me. I’m not going anywhere.”

He was looking down at her,
the sofa still between them. Tilting his head closer, he moulded his mouth against hers. Her lips parted. There was instant heat, instant passion. It was always this way with him.

His tongue was soft and warm as it explored her mouth and she returned his passion, her tongue filling the space where his had been. But it wasn’t enough. It was never enough.

Sensual heat gripped her. Already she felt a current of electricity shoot through her.

It was just a simple kiss, nothing more, yet her whole body sizzled from it. A small cry stuck in her throat as she tried to suck in some air but she couldn’t separate her mouth from his. She didn’t want to.

His hand slid down the broad scooped neckline of her top, his touch warm on her skin still cool from the night air. She’d taken to not wearing a bra most of the weekend so he slipped his hand under her top with ease and cupped the fullness of her breast, caressing it gently at first, then massaging it with greater pressure.

Hot fervid desire surged through her body, a sexual current shooting from her nipples down
deep in her belly. She couldn’t breathe any more, couldn’t get enough air.

Pulling her mouth away from his, she looked at him through lowered lids. “What are you doing all the way on the other side of the sofa?”

“Minding my own business,” he replied smoothly.

Bree pretended to be shock
ed. “You’re doing no such thing.”

“Then I’ll
come and take a seat beside you.”

Conrad walked slowly around the sofa, stopping at the far end as he kicked off his shoes. He took another step, then grabbed the hem of his shirt and slid it over his head like a snake shedding its skin.

“You don’t look like a man who’s minding his own business,” Bree said.

His eyes narrowed as he slid onto the sofa beside her. “There’s a particular kind of business I’ve got in mind.”

Hovering next to her without allowing their bodies to touch, he pressed his mouth against her ear, then trailed little kisses down her neck.

“One thing I like about you,” he said, “is how every time we make love, you do it with such passion. You don’t hold anything back. You do it like it’s our last time.”

He’d struck a chord with that observation. “How do I know it’s not?”


“How do I know this won’t be our last time? How do I know if you’ll want to see me again?”

He stopped kissing her but slid his arm around her instead as he sat down properly. “That sounds very serious. What brought that on?”

“It’s Sunday, the end of the weekend. We’ve had a wonderful time together but it might be over.”

“The night will be over soon,” he said, “but that doesn’t mean
be over.”

“We’ve spent all weekend shacked up in your apartment but tomorrow we both have to go back to the real world.”

“The real world’s not so bad. We’ll see each through the week at work.”

“And that’s enough?”

“Unfortunately it’ll have to do for the time being. Until next weekend.”

“And what happens then? Do we have a repeat of this weekend?”

They’d had a magnificent two days cocooned in Conrad’s luxurious apartment, making love whenever they pleased, lounging around for hours on end. They’d slipped down to the small bistro downstairs for a couple of meals, eating in a quiet corner, barely speaking to anyone else. Conrad had whipped up pancakes for breakfast and as she drizzled maple syrup on them, she’d felt it was better than any restaurant or café. It was just the two of them together, her lover preparing her first meal of the day.

But now it struck her
that it was such an artificial environment. They were hiding from the rest of the world. They’d barely spoken to another soul all weekend.

They were in the middle of an exciting, bustling city and they could see it from the balcony but cloistered away in the apartment, they weren’t part of it.

“Would a repeat of this weekend really be so bad?” he asked.

It had been wonderful and perhaps it was too good to be true. Perhaps there was a very good reason why he’d made sure they spent the weekend secluded from the rest of the world.

Trevor had told her she wasn’t a suitable match for him and perhaps Conrad thought the same thing. She was good enough for a sexual relationship. There was no doubt about that but she wasn’t sure he thought her good enough to show off to others around them.

Beautiful though it was,
Il Bosco was a highly remote location, thousands of miles from Sydney. Other people had seen them together but it was hardly a highly public place. Potts Point and Conrad’s apartment might be in the middle of Sydney but they’d spent the weekend as isolated as they’d been at Il Bosco.

The whole time they’d been together, he hadn’t introduced her to any friends, colleagues or business acquaintances. She hadn’t met his family or friends and there was no chance of any paparazzi shots of the two of them together. No one knew there was anything going on between them.

Was he ashamed of her? Did he think her below him? Not good enough to be seen out in public with him?

“This weekend was wonderful, Conrad, but we’ve kept to ourselves. We’ve barely even seen anyone else the whole time.”

“Is that so bad?”

“It might be.”

He shrugged. “Why would you say that?”

“I feel like you’re hiding our relationship,
as if you don’t want it known outside these walls, as though it’s a secret.”

“It’s not a secret. It’s just not common knowledge yet.”

“And why is that? Because there’s something to be ashamed of?”

“Certainly not. You’re a beautiful, intelligent woman and I’m proud to be seen with you.”

“But you haven’t been. No one has seen us.”

pulled her closer. “Bree, I want to keep you all to myself. I don’t want to share you.”

“Going out in public together is hardly sharing me.”

“I wanted you all to myself and I’ve enjoyed every moment but from now on we’ll do it differently.” He sped up as though a light bulb had gone off in his head. “Next Saturday night a colleague is having his fortieth birthday at Frasier’s. It’ll be a big bash and I’ll need a date. If you’re free, that is.”

She smiled
and Conrad continued. “I also think there’s the opera premiere the weekend after that and I’m sure there’ll be something the following weekend.”

“I’d love to. Yes to everything!”

He paused. “It’s still that Trevor Daniels, isn’t it?”

“I told you I never want to see
him again.”

“That’s not what I meant. He said you weren’t good enough for him and you think that by keeping you here at my apartment, I’m saying the same thing.”

Her mouth fell open. She didn’t say anything.

“Do you really think I’m like that low-life piece of scum?
” Conrad asked. “Do you really think I’m as bad as him? That I’d be ashamed to be seen in public with you.”

“Well, we haven’t been seen in public together. What was I supposed to think?”

He pressed his lips upon her forehead. “You’re right. We haven’t. But that will change very soon. Not right now though.”

“And why’
s that?”

He nuzzled his face into the curve of her neck. “Because I already ha
ve plans for tonight and they involve having my way with you.”

BOOK: The Price of Seduction
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