Read The Price of Pleasure Online

Authors: Connie Mason

The Price of Pleasure (18 page)

BOOK: The Price of Pleasure
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His gaze slowly rose to meet hers. As if spellbound, Fleur gazed back at him. Reed pushed the pistol aside. A smile in his voice, he said, “Be careful with that; it might go off.”

Fleur gasped and released her grip on the pistol. “Reed! What are you doing here?”

Reed rose, took the pistol and candle from her hands, and set them on a side table. “Do you think I’d let anyone else come for you?”

A tremor ran through her. “How did you know?”

“Porter told me you were in danger and that it was time for you to leave.”

Fleur stared at Reed as if he were an apparition. “I never expected to see you again.”

“Are you sorry?”

“Sorry? No, how could I be?

“It was foolish and dangerous of you to return to Devil’s Chateau,” Reed scolded. “You tempted fate one time too many.”

“I intended to leave after rescuing Doctor Leclair. I knew how much he helped you and wanted to get him out of there for you. And I succeeded.”

“While I appreciate what you did for the good doctor, placing yourself in danger was foolish.”

As if in defiance of his words, Reed’s arms went around her, pulling her against his hard body. His lips came down on hers. Fleur felt as if she were sliding into an inferno, one she had never expected to feel again. His heat enveloped her thinly clad body; passion soared between them. It had always been like this with Reed, tense and volatile.

Reed’s hands slid through her hair, loosening her braid and sending a shiny mass of black curls tumbling over her shoulders. He plunged his fingers through the silken strands, holding her head steady while he plundered her mouth. Fleur flung her arms around his neck, clinging to him fiercely, returning his kiss with every ounce of fervor she possessed.

Fleur broke off the kiss. “Not here.” Grasping his hand, she led him down the dark hallway to her bedchamber. Once inside, they began tugging haphazardly at their clothes, turning and twisting in a dance of uninhibited desire.

He watched her with heavy-lidded eyes as she unbuttoned his jacket and pulled it down his arms. Reed drew off her dressing gown and tugged at the ribbon closing the neckline of her nightgown. It slid down her arms; she shrugged and it slid down her hips to puddle around her feet.

Fleur waited impatiently while Reed finished undressing. By the light from the dying fire, she studied his nude form.

“You’ve gained weight,” she said, eyeing him with an assessing look.

“I’m nearly back to where I was before my imprisonment.”

Reaching out, she ran her hand along the muscles of his upper body, enjoying the feel of his lightly furred chest. “I imagined how you would look once you regained your health and strength, and now I know. You’re magnificent.”

He looked into her eyes then, and Fleur saw desire flare in their silver depths, burning hotter than any fire. She shivered, unable to look away.

“I have lain awake thinking about making love to you every night since I left France. I’ve missed you, Fleur.”

Fleur’s breath hitched, then came out in a long sigh. “I’ve missed you too.”

Slowly he slid his hands down her arms, his eyes lingering caressingly on her breasts. His fingers followed the direction of his eyes, lightly brushing over the lush curves. “You’re more beautiful than I remembered.”

Her nipples tightened in response, growing harder with each touch, each clever movement of his fingers. It seemed like forever since she had felt Reed’s hands upon her. When he cupped her breasts in his hands, his thumbs stroking over her nipples, her body thrummed with pleasure.

Bending down, he kissed the tender curve of each breast, and then his mouth found her nipple, suckling her, arousing her until her knees trembled. As his mouth moved from nipple to nipple, she wanted it to go on forever, but she wanted him inside her more. She wanted everything, all of him at once, easing the ache inside her that his departure had left.

As if aware of her need, he eased a hand between her legs, separating and caressing. She moaned, moving against him in response. “Take me to bed,” she gasped against his ear.

His reply was to scoop her into his arms and carry her to the bed. He lowered her onto the mattress and followed her down, his body covering hers. At the touch of his flesh, she arched up, pressing her hips against his. She felt his rigid sex throbbing against her stomach. She opened her legs and invited him inside.

“Not yet,” Reed said as he scooted down her body, his mouth poised over the wet heat between her thighs. Then he lowered his head and tasted her.

A moan ripped through her, turning her core to molten fire. Hunger for this man gathered hot and deep inside her, then shot like a lightning bolt through her body. She wound her fingers in his hair, holding him against her as she writhed beneath the wet lash of his tongue. She gave herself up to his passionate onslaught, surrendering willingly, eagerly to the power and strength of his body and her own desire.

“Reed!” His name was torn from her throat as he thrust his tongue inside her. When his thumb found the swollen bud above her cleft, she exploded. He crawled upward immediately, covering her mouth with his to catch and muffle her cries.

Fleur tasted herself on his tongue, mingled with his own special taste and scent. She climaxed again and again, until she had nothing more to give. Or so she thought until Reed lifted her knees, spread them and thrust his throbbing sex into her quivering center. Her muscles clenched around him.

Reed was so hard he ached. When he finally entered her, his relief was so immense he nearly ended it then and there. But he held on, determined to bring Fleur to the pinnacle again before he allowed himself the release he craved. He hadn’t had a woman since Fleur; hadn’t wanted one. But now she was beneath him and he wanted the pleasure to go on and on.

But as with all things, it had to end. He held on long enough to feel her fingers dig into his back, hear her call out his name as she reached that wondrous place where only lovers dwelt. And then he joined her, soaring to the skies as he emptied himself inside her.

Bloody hell, how could he have lived this long without truly understanding how deeply the bond of mutual desire could affect him? Or was it more than desire he felt for Fleur? He pushed aside the answer as he collapsed beside her, the air forced from his lungs in breathless gasps.

“God, I missed you,” he said when his heart slowed to its normal beat.

Fleur turned toward him, resting her hand on his cheek. “I find that hard to believe. London must be filled with women eager to wed an earl.”

“Indeed, but I find myself bored with the lot of them. I used every trick I knew to avoid marriage-minded mamas. Although I must admit, Grandmamma isn’t happy with me. She is eager for me to provide an heir to the earldom.”

Fleur turned away, well aware that she could never give Reed the heir he needed. Bearing Reed’s children was not in her future. She was barren.

Reed cursed, realizing why Fleur had suddenly gone quiet. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” He turned her around to face him.

“No need to apologize; I’m just overwhelmed to see you here.”

Reed could tell she was lying but didn’t press her. “It’s almost dawn; Lisette will be up and about soon. She shouldn’t find me in your bed.”

“She knows about us. Nothing gets past Lisette. Don’t leave yet.” She reached for him. “There’s still time.”

Reed couldn’t have left had he wanted to. The scent of their lovemaking filled his nostrils, provoking him in the most primitive way. He wanted her again. Now, before the household awakened and necessity parted them. He pulled her against him. She went willingly into his arms. But when he rose to mount her, she pushed him down and straddled him. Then she proceeded to arouse him with her hands and mouth to unparalleled heights of erotic pleasure.

Reed was nearly insensate with need when she finally lowered herself onto his engorged sex. She brought her mouth to his and swallowed his groan, much as he had done with her, and then she began to move. In a burst of renewed energy, Reed grasped her hips, pounding inside her, raising and lowering her to meet his thrusting loins. They came together in a thunderous blaze of glory, subsiding only when she collapsed against him, her cheek pressed to his heart.

They fell asleep, bodies melded, hearts entwined.

Reed awakened to daylight filtering through the narrow window. Damn, he’d overslept! As gently as possible, he lifted a sleeping Fleur off of him and placed her on the mattress, drawing the covers over her naked body. Then he arose and pulled on his clothes. Moments later, he stepped into the hallway, quietly closed the door and bumped into Lisette. Though her eyes were hooded, he knew what she must be thinking.

“I was wondering when you’d awaken. Come into the kitchen. Your breakfast is ready.”

“You knew I was here?”

Antoine told me, but the array of weapons on the parlor floor would have given you away in any case.” She glanced at the door. “Is Fleur still sleeping?”

Reed nodded.

let her sleep. She has not been resting well since you left.”

With those words hanging in the air, Lisette turned and walked away. Reed knew she expected him to follow her to the kitchen, and he did. Antoine was sitting at the tablewhen he arrived. He sat down, and Lisette placed a fluffy omelet and slice of fresh bread in front of him. Reed glanced at Antoine before digging in.

“Does Gaston know I’m here?” he asked around a mouthful of egg.

Antoine answered. “He is keeping watch even as we speak.”

“So you think the danger is great enough for a twenty-four-hour watch outside the cottage?”

Antoine popped the last of his bread into his mouth. “We have not been happy with the situation since the countess returned to Devil’s Chateau for Doctor Leclair.”

Reed agreed. “Perhaps you should get a few hours’ rest. Tonight could be a long one.”

Antoine nodded his compliance and left. Lisette poured herself a cup of tea and sat down opposite Reed.

“You are upset with me,” Reed said.

“Not upset,
just worried about
ma chère petite.
What are your intentions toward Fleur?”

Their gazes met and held. “I mean your mistress no harm. Fleur is an adult. We enjoy each other; I will not abandon her.”

“Will you marry her?” Lisette shot back.

Taken aback, Reed stuttered, “I-I . . . It’s complicated. I need an heir.”

“And Fleur has told you she cannot give you one.”

“She believes it is so. Do you know something she does not?”

I am not a seer. I believe, however, that a woman is not always at fault for failure to conceive. Make of that what you wish.”

“What are you two talking about?” Fleur asked from the doorway.

Reed looked at her and smiled. Despite the shadows beneath her eyes and the unrelieved black she wore, she was lovely. “Nothing of importance. Sit down and have something to eat. You’ll need strength to get through the rest of the day and night. Have you packed?”

Fleur smiled her thanks as Lisette placed a plate of food in front of her. “Our last communiqué from Andre warned that we are under suspicion and should be prepared to leave at a moment’s notice. There is little I wish to take with me. I’ll have a small casket containing my jewelry but little else. Andre said someone would come for us, but we didn’t know it would be you.”

He touched her hand, feeling it jerk beneath his fingers. He smiled. He wasn’t the only one who felt the jolt of awareness that passed between them.

“I am familiar with the cottage and surrounding area. The decision to come was an easy one. We’ll leave after dark. Do all of you, including Doctor Leclair, intend to travel to England?”

“I can answer that for myself,” Doctor Leclair said from the doorway.

Reed stood and greeted the doctor warmly. “I thought I’d never see you again,
mon ami.

“You are looking well,” Leclair answered, giving Reed a measuring stare.

The last time Reed had seen Leclair, the doctor had been wan and emaciated, though he hadn’t been beaten and tortured as Reed had been.

Leclair greeted the women and took a seat beside Reed. “As to your question,
mon ami,
I intend to remain in France. Since I am officially buried in the graveyard outside the prison walls, I will not be pursued. I hope to join my daughter and her family in Provence, in the south of France. Antoine and Gaston have agreed to take me as far as their village south of Paris, and I will make my way from there.

“Times are difficult. I can set up a small practice in my daughter’s village and help with their living. My son-in-law has been reduced to working in the fields to support his family, and I wish to help out.”

“Am I to understand that neither Antoine nor Gaston will travel to England with us?”

“They both wish to remain in France,” Fleur answered. “They will take us in the wagon to the cove, then continue on to their village.”

“What about you, Lisette?” Reed asked as Lisette placed Leclair’s breakfast before him.

BOOK: The Price of Pleasure
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