The Preacher's Son #3: Unbroken (Erotic Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: The Preacher's Son #3: Unbroken (Erotic Romance)
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The last time we'd done this, I'd taken his cock in my hand and guided him into me. This time, I waited for him.

He caressed my spine from the nape of my neck down to my tailbone, cupped one half-globe cheek of my ass in his large hand, then ran his other hand from my breast along the curve of my side to my hip, gripping the other cheek. The satin-wrapped iron of his cock was pressed in the crease of my ass, and he used his hands to spread my cheeks apart, clutching his cock in one hand now and tracing down the split line to my essence-slick slit, immersing himself into my pussy again. I gasped as he thrust into me, once, hard, and then pulled out slowly and softly.

His hands gripped my hips and pulled me backward onto him, into his hips; I shrieked as he plunged deep enough to grind his hips against the muscle of my ass, lifting up on his toes and driving deeper. Climax rose up within me like a surging floodtide, washing through me. He pulled back, adjusted his grip on my hipbones, his wide hands spanning my waist, and then thrust in, fully and slowly. When he was inside me to the hilt, he continued to thrust, rising up on his toes, his entire torso, lifting my ass higher with his hands, driving so deep I couldn't even gasp. I was fully supported by only his cock and his hands, my mouth quivering wide in a silent scream.

He pulled out, holding me aloft for a heartbeat, and then let me go so I fell onto his cock. He slammed into me with an upthrust, and I came with a blinding burst of light behind my eyes, a convulsive clenching of my muscles around his cock. He growled deep in his chest, coming at the same moment as me, gushing hot seed into me, thrusting hard and fast, coming with each plunge, not giving me time to fall back down before pushing back in.

Just when I thought I couldn't come any more, any harder, Tre snaked his hands between my belly and the car hood and down to my pussy, his fingers finding my clit and circling it gently as he continued to drive into me, more softly now. Aftershocks turned into a third orgasm, this even more violent than the last, my scream of raw ecstasy sending birds winging up into the sky.

Tre scooped me up with one arm under my legs and the other under my shoulders. He set me directly into the bucket seat of the car. I slumped back against the leather, panting and limp, sated into immobility.

Tre gathered our clothes and slid into the driver's seat, slumping back as I had.

"God...damn, Tre," I said, breathless still, "just...damn."

He reached over and took my hand, kissed the back of it. That action had my heart clenching.

"It wasn't...too hard was it?" he asked. "I'm always worried I'll hurt you doing it like that, but I just can't help myself, once I get going."

"Tre, do you trust me?" I asked.

He wrinkled his brow. "Yeah, but—"

"Then trust me." I mirrored his action from a moment before, kissing the back of his hand. "Did it sound like you were hurting me? Or did it sound like the best sex I've ever had?"

A hesitant grin curled one side of Tre's mouth, and I couldn't help but kiss the corner as it lifted.

"It sounded like the best sex you've ever had," Tre said.

"Damn straight it was," I said. "Although I can think of a couple other times with you that might rival it for the actual 'best ever' slot."

Tre slid his jeans on and pulled his T-shirt over his head, and I began dressing as well.

"I guess I just worry I'm gonna like, totally lose it sometime and really hurt you," Tre said as he started the car and took us back out onto the highway.

I sighed in exasperation. "Tre, let it go. Seriously. You're not going to hurt me. I'm not some delicate little flower that's going to bruise at the slightest touch. I like it rough. Not all the time, of course. Sometimes I like it sweet and gentle. So, for the love of God, quit apologizing and acting like you're some...ravaging brute, or something."

Tre laughed. "Okay, jeez, I get it." He grinned at me. "I could be a ravaging brute, though, if that's the kind of thing you're into."

I made a face of mock fear and pretended to huddle against the car door. "No, Mister Ravaging Brute, don't ravage me! I'm afraid of your monster cock!"

"You'd better be afraid! You've unleashed the beast, baby, and you're about to be ravaged!"

I cackled. "But you just did! Can't an innocent damsel get a break from all this ravaging?"

"No," Tre said, stabbing the air with his finger, "no breaks for you. All ravaging, all the time!"

"All the time?" I pretended to swoon. "I don't even get to sleep?"

"Nope. I'll ravage you in your sleep too. I'll even ravage you in the bathroom."

"Well, you've already done that, at least once," I said, with a lecherous smile.

"Hmmm," Tre put his finger to his chin, "So, I've ravaged you in the bathroom, in a bed, bent over a bed, on a couch, in a car—or, well, sort of—and on a car...I'm not sure there's anywhere left."

"Well," I said, "I can think of a few places."

"Oh yeah? Like where?"

"An elevator," I said. "Or a changing room, or on a boat, on an airplane, in the water...ummm...where else can you have sex?"

"You mean where can you that you shouldn't?"

I lifted an eyebrow at him. "Well, kind of, I suppose. I can't see a problem with having sex in public places, as long as you don't get caught. I'd imagine it would be kind of a rush, now that I think of it."

Tre made a face that told me what he was going to ask next. "Have you ever done it in those places?"

"Haven't we already had this conversation too?" I asked. "But, if you must know, no, I haven't. Not in any of those places. Actually, just now with you on the hood of the car was the first time I've ever even done it outside."

"Wanna try?" Tre asked.

"Try what?"

"All those places." He glanced at me, and I realized he wasn't kidding.

I stared at him. "Are you serious?"

He nodded. "Totally serious. It was for real hot doing it with you on the car, outside."

"You want to have sex with me in a public elevator? And you wouldn't be completely and totally horrified if someone walked in on us?"

He shrugged. "It would be embarrassing, sure, but like you said, it seems like it would be a rush."

"You're serious?"

"Why not?"

I shook my head. "I just didn't think you'd...I don't know. I guess I thought you'd be more conservative, for some reason. "

"Well, I guess you really did unlock something inside me," he said, putting his hand on my knee, his voice more serious now. "I mean, I just can't get enough of you. Even when I just had you, I want you again."

"Right now?"

"All the time," Tre said.

I put my hand on his leg and slid it upward, touching the zipper of his jeans. "It doesn't seem like you want me right now," I said.

"Well, keep on touching me. You'll see," Tre said, smirking.

I opened his pants and revealed his semi-erect cock, watching him through lowered lashes as I traced light lines on his firming flesh with my fingertips. I used only my fingers on him at first, sliding and twisting, rubbing in circles around the crown, tickling the fine hairs on his tightening sack, stroking the muscle just behind his balls and spreading the leaking clear fluid of his pre-come. He was fully erect again in no time. I unbuckled and leaned over him, touched my tongue to him.

He smelled and tasted of our combined essences, a strong musky flavor that was totally different from his usual clean male taste of salt and skin and man. It wasn't unpleasant, only different.

I wanted to do this differently than usual. Instead of taking him into my mouth, I added my own saliva to the juices smeared on his length, caressing him in a smooth, circular, rolling motion with my hands. When he began to roll his hips in time with my pumping, I paused with one hand to cup and squeeze and massage his engorged head with my palm. I licked the very tip of his cock with my tongue, kissing the side of it, all the while stroking his base with a fist, bringing his hips to a rocking rhythm again.

I ceased moving my hand once his motion started to become desperate, working his tip solely with my tongue, sliding it around the groove under the head, taking only the first inch into my mouth and sucking gently. I glanced up at him as I took him sideways into my mouth so his cock bulged out my cheek; his fists gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white.

I felt the tires buzz on the rumble strips at the road edge. "Eyes on the road, Tre," I said.

"Can't help it," Tre said through gritted teeth. "Watchin' you put my cock in your mouth is hot."

"Then pull over," I said, moving my hand on his length. "Wouldn't want to get in  a wreck. That'd put a damper on our plans to have sex in public."

He pulled the car to a stop on the side of the road, watching me as I bobbed my lips around his first inch of hard, throbbing flesh. "Does that mean we're doing the sex-in-public list?"

"Mmmm-hmmmm," I hummed my affirmative response, and Tre's eyes fluttered at the vibrations.

An idea struck me, and I had to stifle my grin of anticipation. I had a feeling he'd be a little...surprised by what I was about to do, and I didn't want to give away my plan.

I continued to work his base with one hand and his pulsating head with my mouth. My other hand cupped his balls, massaged them, and then slid down farther to his taint, pressing in circles. He moaned and rocked his hips, and this time I didn't pause, but I did slow down my ministrations. I didn't want him to come, not yet.

My middle finger slid from his taint inward, and now Tre's eyes flicked to me in surprise and not a little consternation. "What—what're you doin', Shea?"

I smiled and licked his cock from base to tip, stretching him away from his body and stroking him with my fist, moving my finger closer and closer to my goal. Tre's eyes widened and his body went still as I found the tight hard knot of muscle and pressed, lightly at first. His eyes were locked on mine, his nostrils flaring and his mouth pressed in a thin, flat line.

"Trust me?" I left my finger in place, but didn't press inward, yet.

"I trust you all right," Tre said, "But—"

"But what?" I slowed my strokes on his cock as he began to near climax.

He hissed in frustration. "I don't know. I guess I never thought—"

I sped up incrementally and applied a tiny bit of pressure with my finger. "You did it to me, and I enjoyed it. A lot."

A little more pressure, and my fist moved faster. Tre closed his eyes and let his hips roll, driving his cock into my mouth. He wasn't objecting anymore, so I pushed in farther, slowly and carefully. His mouth split in a gasping 'O', and his body curled in even as his hips rocked faster. He was close, now. I let him thrust his length into my mouth, caressing his base in blurring rhythm, pulsing my middle finger deeper by subtle increments up to the first knuckle.

Tre's forehead was resting against the steering wheel between his clenched fists, fluttering his hips frantically, gasping, "Oh god, oh god, oh god."

I bobbed my head, taking him deep and then almost out, pausing with the tip between my lips to suck until my cheeks hollowed. Tre's teeth clenched and ground together audibly, and then he spasmed, arching backward without warning. I moved with him, sucking his head furiously and moving my fist along his length as fast as my hand would go, pulsing my finger back and forth. His entire body was rigid in the driver's seat, his face thrown back to the sky, his breath stuttering.

And then he came. Oh, my lord. He came so hard his seed shot down my throat before I had a chance to swallow, and then again. I kept sucking, kept sliding my hand on him, and he kept coming until I lost count of how many times he spurted thick, salty heat into my throat.

At long last his body went limp. At that moment, I heard the unmistakable and heart-stopping whoop-whoop of a police cruiser's siren behind us. I swore, and zipped and buttoned Tre back up as hurriedly as I could, then dug my cell phone out of my purse without sitting up. I waited until I heard the clip of the officer's boots. Before I sat up, I wiped my face clean on my sleeve.

Tre was limp, sweating, and panting. He turned his head on the headrest to regard the jowly, overweight officer. I sat up, clutching my cell phone.

"What exactly is going on here?" the officer demanded, his voice gruff and low.

"I dropped my cell phone," I answered. "It slid beneath his seat so far we had to stop to get it." I held up my phone.

The officer eyed Tre, who was slowly regaining composure. "Then what's wrong with him?"

"He's been a bit under the weather recently," I said. "Bit of a stomach ache, low fever. It's been coming and going, you know how it is. He'll be fine for a bit, and then it hits him again."

The officer didn't look like he believed me, but he seemed to realize he didn't have much choice. "Hmm. Well, move along. If the boy ain't feelin' good, you best get him home. Behind the wheel of a car ain't the place for him if he's sick. 'Specially one this expensive."

The officer's radio crackled at that moment, and he gave us both one last resentful, disbelieving glare before going back to his car.  Tre's hand clamped around mine.

"Go, Tre," I said. "Drive. Slowly."

Tre nodded, once, a jerk of his head, and then pulled the car into gear. He slipped out into the lane and added speed slowly until the cruiser was out of sight.

"Holy shit," Tre breathed, and then laughed, an edge of hysteria to his voice.

"Holy shit is right," I said. "That was a close one."

He glanced at me, grinning. "Yeah it was. I thought he was gonna arrest us for sure."

I squirmed my hand out of his and touched his zipper. "And what'd you think about what I did?"

Tre shook his head. "I didn't know it was possible to come that hard. I mean, I thought I was going to actually explode right in half." He shifted in his seat. "I wasn't sure at first, about...where you put your finger. I'm still not sure how I feel about it, in some ways, but—"

"You liked the end result, though, right?"

He shook his head again. "It was unbelievable."

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