The Power of Twelve (6 page)

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Authors: William Gladstone

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Sagas, #Fantasy, #Epic, #Visionary & Metaphysical

BOOK: The Power of Twelve
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Harold guffawed. “All our universes. Come on, Number Two. That seems a bit of an exaggeration. Even if things mess up in a universe or two, that should not impact all of the universes. Aren't you overstating the gravity of the situation?” he asked with his ever-beaming smile.

“I know it seems improbable, but William the Pen has reported to me that the Collector of Data has found a toxic interruption on Earth 769 in Universe 769 that is polluting the balance and weave of the timeless time of the creation and expansion of the universes. If it continues, it could leak and contaminate all beings in all universes simultaneously,” the Thirteenth Apostle explained with a slight expression of panic in his eyes.

“Bloody hell,” exclaimed Madman Michael. “Why haven't you brought this directly to the attention of The One?”

“That is exactly what I did, but Max—I mean, The One—seems to feel that this is a matter that I can handle on my own. I fear he is wrong, and that is why I have convened the Council. I need your help. I am not really certain what steps to take.”

Sophia gestured to the Thirteenth Apostle and spoke ever so softly. “This is truly a serious issue, but there is a solution. I suggest we
each meditate and take a walk in the gardens. The solution will come to us and we can reconvene refreshed and focused.”

“Excellent suggestion,” confirmed Karl and Lily, as the Twelve descended the spiraling stairs toward the gardens below.

EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL than the gardens were the beaches below the property. Many believed that the beaches of Naranjada were the most spectacular in the entire universe. Because Naranjada was a planet of advanced consciousness, the majority of sea and land creatures that inhabited the planet no longer required nutrition from living sources but could capture all they needed from the air and water itself. As a result, countless varieties of birds, fish, seaweed, coral, and other life forms cohabited in harmony along the coastal margins.

From the garden, Mother Magnificence looked down upon the beach below and contemplated the incredible beauty that lay before her. The waves were orange, but the orange whitecaps created a stunning contrast to the deeper orange of the vast sea before her. The constant motion, the breaking of the waves and thunder of the water crashing on the rocks below, created a meditative state that had her wondering if all this beauty could possibly be destroyed by some random events occurring on an obscure planet in Universe 769.

Freddy the Freeroller came up behind Magi and voiced her very thought. “Seems unlikely that this stunning beauty can be impacted by anything occurring in such a distant galaxy.”

“Yes, it would be such a pity,” Magnificence murmured back.

“And no doubt I would be the one they would all blame,” Freddy confessed.

Magi turned in surprise. “Why would it be your fault?”

“I did an experiment, you see, trying to accelerate the consciousness on Earth 769,” Freddy explained, “and I am afraid it is not working out.”

“You did what?” Magi questioned in disbelief.

Yet she shouldn't have been surprised. Freddy was always trying out new experiments. “I wanted to see if I could plant an avatar on Earth 769 to prevent the destruction of that planet. This was about forty-nine years ago,” he said, pointing out that he had seen the growing problem a long time ago. “It seemed like an excellent idea at the time. How was I to know that the wrinkle in the weave of time would create a ripple through which this failed experiment could pollute all of the known universes?” Freddy said sheepishly.

“Oh, my,” Magi exclaimed. “You must let the entire Council know the details of your experiment. Perhaps it will be possible to correct whatever has gone wrong and prevent this impending catastrophe.”

“Of course. That is exactly what I plan to do,” he said. A new glint entered his eyes. “But I wanted to ask you to support a rather outrageous plan that I have been contemplating since learning of our dilemma.”

“I have always supported your experiments no matter how unconventional they have been. Your curiosity has always kept the universe interesting.” And, after all, if he created the problem, she thought, he would know better than anyone how to correct it. “I think the entire Council will agree. You may have gone too far this time, but if your plan can bring a resolution—no matter how outrageous it might be—you will have my support,” Magi reassured him.

When the Council reconvened, Freddy spoke first.

“Many years ago, before we could be certain that The One's plan to incarnate as Max would, in fact, prevent the destruction of planet Earth, I decided to conduct an experiment on Earth 769. As you know, Earth 769 is identical to the original Earth in almost every detail. I saw what was happening and thought it would be valuable to plant an avatar on Earth 769 to see if such a being could avert the coming disaster on that planet. My idea was that if I were successful there, then I could implement a similar plan for original Earth.”

“What type of avatar did you send, and how did you send him?” asked Karl the Kingmaker, alarmed to hear this news. “I have had my own experiments going on with Earth 769 for thousands of years. You should have told me what you were doing.”

“I had no idea you were also experimenting,” Freddy commented, and then continued, “I decided there was enough time to let biological processes take hold, so I had a couple in Germany birth a child they ended up naming Otto. I implanted in Otto the ability to communicate directly with me at any time. As a young child he found this somewhat confusing, and, having access to the information that I was able to give him, he started to realize that—on a fundamental level—he was not a human at all.” He chuckled at this notion, and Harold the Hilarious broke out laughing. “I taught Otto how to heal any illness and how to manifest any physical or emotional desire. As he grew to adulthood, he developed an elite following on his planet, healing the most important members of royal families and the new aristocracy of corporate managers of large multinational corporations. In so doing, he became a hidden resource that these managers would call upon, not just for individual healings but increasingly for manipulating the business environments in which they acted so they could amass excessive wealth.” Freddy frowned at this perverse turn. Once again, he had not thought through the possible consequences of one of his ideas. “Otto never realized that he was in fact supporting the Illuminati on Earth 769 and not the general populace. I knew I could not let this continue, so I implanted in Otto the idea that the secret information and powers that I had given to him could, in fact, be developed by every single individual on planet Earth 769. I had him write a book, which he entitled
The Book of the Dream
. I thought that by making this book public, I could enable the general population to prevent the domination of the planet by the few who might eventually destroy it instead.” Freddy made an exasperated sound, as this idea too had gone sour. “Unfortunately,
The Book of the Dream
has had unintended consequences. The Illuminati are now using these powers for their own ends, but the general population continues to ignore the book. In their ignorance, they are forfeiting their ability to counteract the insane greed of the Illuminati bent on controlling this planet.”

Freddy paused, letting everyone know that this part of his explanation was over. They all knew that he was never satisfied with the status quo. They also knew he had begun the experiment with altruistic aims.

“Anyway,” he went on, “none of this would have mattered if not for the random weave in the wrinkle of time throughout the universes that is allowing this virus of total greed and control to infiltrate all known universes and planets at this time. My initial research indicates that we are experiencing the simultaneous ending of millions of 26,000-year cycles throughout the universes.” He noticed the Thirteenth Apostle nodding in agreement. “So, as a consequence, this unique occurrence just happens to be coinciding with this virus of greed and has created a leakage that is endangering all of creation. With my luck, it is happening when the normal boundaries between universes are not holding.”

“OK, Freddy,” interjected Terry the True. “We get it. This is not all your fault. There was no way you could have foreseen the breakdown of the boundaries that would normally have contained this problem. Still, you should have realized that giving sacred information and power to random beings was never intended. The intensity of such greed and power can only lead to unintended consequences. In this instance the misuse of power by relatively highly evolved beings on Earth 769 is actually exacerbating the fissure in the weave of the universe.”

Freddy was penitent. “I realize this now, but what are we to do?”

“Seems simple enough to me.” Karl the Kingmaker smiled. “We undo the experiment and remove this knowledge from planet Earth 769.”

“And how do you propose we do that?” asked Caleb. “Things are never that easy to undo, and it seems to me it may already be too late.”

“It is never too late,” commented Sophia with one of her rare comments.

“That is true,” added Lily. “As long as there is life, there is hope.”

“Yes, and this could be our greatest adventure yet. A chance to really make a difference,” Abigail stated almost joyfully. “Let me volunteer to contact this Otto and see what I can do to change the calculated outcome of doom. I am happy to even incarnate on Earth 769 to see what must be done.”

“Why, this is exactly the solution I had envisioned!” shouted Freddy, relieved that Abigail grasped the possibility of direct intervention with Otto on Earth 769.

The Thirteenth Apostle contemplated what Abigail and Freddy were suggesting. He realized that he had to remain on Naranjada to monitor the activities for the rest of the universes and to be available should The One wish to communicate with him. Certainly he could not go to Earth 769 himself. Abigail was fearless and competent in all she did. This struck him as an ideal solution.

“Yes, let us allow Abigail to incarnate on planet Earth 769. However, we have very little time, so we must investigate what existing being she might become on Earth 769 so she can act immediately,” the Thirteenth Apostle proclaimed. “It is time to vote.”

Despite some grumbling from Caleb that the plan would not work, the motion gained twelve ayes and the resolution was passed.

Abigail had incarnated on many planets in the past to handle emergency situations, but the stakes had never been so great. Before leaving the council room, the Thirteenth Apostle took Abigail aside and cautioned her, “I know you are fearless, but please be careful. If you are not able to avert the disaster, you must abort your mission and return at once to Naranjada. If you are in a human body when Earth 769 destructs, you yourself will die. You will not be able to return in any form.”

With kindness in her eyes, Abigail informed the Thirteenth Apostle, “Please do not worry for me. Much more is at stake than just my eternal spirit. I relish the opportunity to make a difference. It is why I have volunteered.”



ILLIAM THE PEN PROVIDED Abigail with a dossier on which the name Barbara Marx Hubbard appeared. “I believe this is the ideal human for your mission,” he told her as he handed her the file.

Abigail sat down to read it immediately. Barbara Marx Hubbard had been born in 1929 to the most successful toy magnate on Earth 769. Her father spoiled her with toys from the day she was born. Every toy manufacturer on the planet would send samples of their dolls, action figures, board games, Mr. Potato Heads, and similar inventions of distraction, soliciting him to manufacture, distribute, and sell them to the masses. “What a delightful childhood this Barbara Hubbard had. I think I am going to enjoy being in her body,” Abigail remarked to William the Pen, and kept reading.

Her father would take the toys to Barbara and let her play with them to determine which toys he thought would be commercial successes. Barbara had no idea until she was almost ten years old that other children did not have such an abundance of toys. When she did learn about the relative lack of not just toys but true material necessities for the vast majority of those living on her planet, she was appalled. Barbara had a built-in social conscience, and she
dedicated herself to trying to help others alleviate what she felt were the societal imbalances.

Abigail nodded vigorously upon reading this. Yes, this was certainly a body she could inhabit.

Barbara married, raised children, and led a normal life, but she continued to focus on her larger mission. In time she was able to attract the attention of the leaders of the space program, the medical advisors to the government, and other luminaries as she shared her vision for what she saw as an emerging universal human. This being had a higher state of awareness than the usual focus on survival and material comfort. Plus, this being felt connected to all intelligence throughout the universe, not just on Earth 769.

“Wow. This is quite an amazing woman. I almost feel as if she were my sister,” Abigail commented, very pleased with William the Pen's choice.

Barbara, now in her eighties, was more active than ever. She had been working with Randall and Gayle to develop Project Wake Up. Her goal was to create a self-sustaining communications hub that would allow continued communication of “practical solutions” that would benefit all seven billion souls on Earth 769.

Her personal and planetary birthday party on December 22, 2012, had been a major success, but Barbara had not foreseen the goals of the Illuminati to take control and the inadvertent contribution being made by
The Book of the Dream
, not for the betterment of all but for the personal greed and control by the 319 families of the Illuminati.

As Abigail completed reading the file, William the Pen remarked, “That brings you up to the present moment in Barbara's life. Is she agreeable to you?”

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