The Power of Mesmerism (4 page)

BOOK: The Power of Mesmerism
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"Sit down," said Madame G—-, "I wish to speak to you."

She obeyed, evidently frightened at the sight of two strange young

Madame then locked the door, and placing the key on the mantelpiece,
turned to their victim.

"Marie," said she, addressing the girl, "these two handsome young
fellows are going to fuck you. Do you know what that means?"

The poor girl began to sob, and trembled from head to foot.

"Oh! Madame," said she, "have mercy! I am so terrified—pray let me go!"

"No," thundered her tormentor, "I will not. Your screams cannot be
heard beyond this room, and I intend to gloat over your agonies, while
you are tortured by all here. Seize her," she added, addressing Frank
and his friend, who were evidently influenced by the same feelings of
ungovernable lust.

They sprang up and held her fast.

"Undress her."

This they endeavored to do, but her struggles were such that they could
not succeed.

Madame G—- now approached, and seizing her arms, held them as in a
vise, and directed Frank's friend to hold her legs. Frank then tore
open her dress, and throwing her on the floor, they succeeded by their
joint endeavours in tearing it completely off. She was forcibly
divested of her stays, petticoats, drawers, stockings, everything in
fact, till at last she lay on the floor struggling and screaming in a
perfectly nude condition.

"Lift her on the cross table," said Madame.

And with some difficulty they succeeded in extending their victim on
her back, with her legs and arms stretched out on the four branches of
the cross, and securely fixed in that position by concealed springs.

There lay her lovely naked form, every muscle convulsed by fear and
outraged modesty.

Madame G—- then proceeded to suck her breasts and rub her belly and
the inside of her thighs, directing Frank to fondle her cunt. This he
obeyed delightedly, and then proceeded to suck it, causing her to
struggle more and more, as in spite of all her fear and the shock to
her modesty she was becoming excited, and in a few moments gave down a
most copious spend.

This was the signal Madame was waiting for. "Now," she exclaimed, "your
maidenhead shall be broken through—lost and destroyed!"

Frank and his friend stripped themselves to the buff, Madame also
throwing off her only garment.

Acting on her instructions, Frank approached the lower end of the cross
table, and placing himself between the victim's legs, placed the point
of his prick just within the lips of her spending cunt, his friend
taking up his station at the other end of the table with his rampant
fiery cock just above the horrified face.

Madame, for her part, knelt on a prie-dieu, from the back of which
protruded a dildo, which immediately entered her ready cunt to the very
hilt, and leaning forward she recommended sucking and biting the tender
nipples of her victim.

Frank now gave a brutal lunge, and excited to madness by the shrieks of
agony and helpless struggles of the poor girl, was buried in her in a
moment, his ruthless prick breaking or tearing through every maiden
obstacle, till the virgin blood trickled over his testicles and down
the crack of her bottom.

His friend now commenced to frig himself, and Madame G—- was also
pushing furiously backwards and forwards on the dildo, as Frank now
fucked the girl with deep and agonizing insertions of his prick.

The victim fainted from excess of pain and emotion, seeing which,
Madame violently bit her bosom, and she recovered consciousness with a
shriek of anguish, just as Frank spent within her lacerated body, and
his friend inundated her face with the spunk that poured from his
spending prick. At the same time Madame covered her dildo also with a
prolific emission. This only increased the frenzy of her tormentors,
and springing to their feet they eagerly agreed to Madame's suggestion
to flog her.

Having reversed their victim so that she now lay on her belly, with a
concealed dildo of immense size forcing itself up her cunt, they
proceeded with three immense birch rods to carry this into effect,
lashing her bottom, loins, inside her thighs, and even the lips of her
cunt, tightly distended around the huge dildo, till the hue of her skin
was a burning scarlet.

Then desisting, Madame G—- took another dildo, and pulling wider
apart the cheeks of that smarting bottom, thrust it into her convulsed
and agonized bottom-hole with hellish force.

The victim's tortures were almost too great for human endurance.

"Now," Madame exclaimed, with the wild glare of a demoniac, "I will sit
astraddle her waist, and Frank must do so also, facing me."

This was immediately carried into effect, Frank's prick entered the
cunt in front of him with the greatest ease. Their violent up and down
motions caused the dildo buried in the cunt of the almost crushed
victim to fuck her.

"Faster, faster," shrieked Madame G——. "I'm coming—I'm coming—I'm

Their movements were fast and furious, and just as their spunk flowed
with convulsive throbs, Frank's friend thrust two pins into the
quivering buttocks of the victim, causing the most exquisite torture.

She moaned piteously, but this only excited her tormentors' devilish
lusts to a greater extent, and joining each other on the couch, they
enacted every device of lasciviousness, goaded by the spectacle of the
suffering girl.

They sucked and frigged, spending over each other in every direction.
Then getting up, Frank withdrew the dildo from the bottom-hole of the
suffering girl, substituted his prick, which was slippery with
spendings, and commenced to fuck her there, whilst his friend inserted
his under one of her extended arms, so that the point rubbed against
one of the nipples of her bosom.

Madame G—-, not to be behind hand, again seated herself astraddle the
victim's waist, and rubbing her opened cunt in the spendings that still
remained on her back from the previous fucking that had taken place
there, frigged herself thus, as Frank increased her excitement and
pleasure by working his moistened finger in the wrinkled bum-hole she
presented to his view, to her intense enjoyment.

They all spent at the same time, even the victim, who could not resist
the effect of the dildo still within her cunt. She was now literally
inundated with spunk, and utterly exhausted, as the others resumed
their clothes.

It can easily be imagined that this extraordinary adventure corrupted
Frank Etheridge's mind, and his madly lascivious temperament is no
longer a matter of surprise to the reader.

To return to our story. A few days after Frank and Ethel had knowingly
fucked, Mr. and Mrs. Etheridge were obliged to visit London, and the
brother and sister resolved to utilise the occasion.

Frank, during the interim, had succeeded in gamahuching and fucking the
housemaid who had visited his sister in her room on that memorable

He had prevailed on his sister to have her as a bedfellow, and enact
every species of exciting lust and tribadism they could devise.

This was carried into effect, and Frank, from his post of observation
at the crevice, saw them perfectly naked, lying on the outside of the
bed, the housemaid being reversed above her mistress, while they were
literally devouring each other's cunts.

He then descended, and softly entering the room, naked as he was, made
a sign to his sister. She instantly clutched the body of the housemaid
above her, so that she could not extricate herself from the position
she was in.

Frank now approached; and having previously applied oil plentifully to
his prick, he knelt over his sister's face, and with a sudden thrust
forward, buried it within the bottom-hole of the astonished housemaid.

She screamed in alarm, but Ethel, raising her thighs, literally buried
the girl's head between them and effectually stifled her cries.

Frank proceeded to push his prick in and out, as he revelled in this
charming aperture, while his sister, abandoning for a moment the
delicious cunt she was sucking, took his slippery balls in her mouth
and rolled her tongue around them in such an exciting manner that he
spent immediately, his spunk oozing out and flowing over the face of
his delighted sister.

Mabel also emitted at the same moment, so that Ethel was almost choked.

Mabel was now ready enough to join in whatever they wished, and every
species of ingenuity conceivable was brought into requisition, in order
to minister to their mutual gratification.

At last Frank retired to his own room, sleeping soundly till late in
the morning, when he awoke with such an awful cockstand and such a
feeling of insatiable lust that he could scarcely put his prick out of
sight in his trousers and make a decent appearance at the breakfast

He easily persuaded his sister to join him in a warm bath, which Mabel
was ordered to prepare at once, and then when they had entered it she
was to lock herself in Ethel's bedroom so that the other servants might
not by any accident discover what was taking place.

Entering the bath, they lay down side by side, and an exquisite feeling
of languor overtook them.

Ethel's hand wandered over her brother's naked form beneath the water,
and his was not idle.

Then rising, they stood facing each other, and slightly extending her
thighs, her brother speedily placed his erect and throbbing prick
within her. They commenced to fuck gently, fondling each other as they
did so.

The convulsive spasms, however, speedily approached, and at the moment
they mutually commenced to spend they sank down in the warm water. The
beautiful warmth of the aromatic bath produced most delicious
sensations flowing up their bottom-holes, as busy fingers worked
excitedly to increase their lascivious abandon, while its action around
their still more sensitive organs of generation caused them heavenly

The day before the return of their parents, Frank and Ethel were seated
in the summer house mutually fondling each other's private parts, when
Frank said that the desire he had long felt to see his mother's
glorious nakedness, and if possible to fuck and gamahuche her, grew
stronger every day, and he was resolved to try it by the aid of

Ethel, blushing deeply, was evidently much excited by the idea, and
confessed that the same feeling with respect to her father had
possessed her for some time.

"Then, my darling," continued her brother, "we will do it."

Mabel now entered, and stopped further conversation by frigging herself
before them, while they also performed the same act for each other,
after which they all returned to the house.

Mr. and Mrs. Etheridge arrived the next day about one o'clock. They
embraced their children with great warmth, but little imagined the
libidinous feelings their endearments produced on their children.

It will be well, before relating what subsequently took place, to
glance at Ethel's school experiences, in order to understand her
lustful desires and warm temperament.

The school in Paris at which she was placed was conducted by a lady of
tall stature, Juno-like form, and a manner which, outwardly mild,
concealed beneath it the fire of raging lust, which she gratified in a
peculiar manner.

She received Ethel most kindly, and kissing her affectionately,
consigned her to the care of a young lady some three or four years
older, who would be her special companion and share her bed.

She was afterwards introduced to the other young ladies, and at once
felt thoroughly at home.

When they retired for the night, Ethel's companion, Minette, insisted
on helping her to undress, and although from a natural feeling of
shyness Ethel did not like it much, she did not wish to appear
ill-natured or ungrateful, so she permitted it.

Minette managed in this operation, apparently by accident, to bring her
hands in contact with Ethel's naked body as much as possible, which
caused blushes to mantle her face, as she felt the contact of the soft,
pulpy hand.

Ethel now got into bed, having first rendered similar assistance to
Minette, who did not possess the shyness of her younger friend, but
before putting on her nightdress completely bared her whole body before
the eyes of Ethel, who was somewhat surprised to see such large
prominent breasts and a profusion of hair covering her cunt.

She immediately embraced Ethel on getting into bed and endeavored to
interlace their legs, which somewhat surprised the new pupil, and made
her keep them close together, not knowing the meaning of such

Before sleeping they lay apart, and Ethel, tired out as she was,
speedily sank into a refreshing slumber.

She dreamt that every portion of her body was pervaded by the most
delicious sensations, but could not conceive the cause, and when she
awoke in the morning was surprised to find one of Minette's hands
between her thighs, whilst another rested on her little breasts.

Her companion was asleep, or pretended to be so, and was entirely
uncovered, the bed-clothes having slipped off. She was lying on her
back, her legs widely extended, and her cunt moist, slightly open and
occasionally twitching with a spasmodic throb, whilst she sighed gently
and smiled in her sleep.

Ethel was possessed by a nameless sensation, and actuated by curiosity,
ventured to look closer at the full-blown cunt, which seemed to rivet
her gaze, and saw a little fleshy lump protruding from between the
luscious-looking vermillion lips.

Struck with amazement, as she herself had nothing of the kind, she
touched it gently with her fingers. It throbbed, and Minette sighed
slightly, and said, in a kind of subdued whisper, "Oh, do go on, rub
your finger about, my darling Clara, it is so exquisite!"

She was evidently asleep, and imagined someone else was with her.

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