The Power (18 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Byrne

Tags: #Mind, #Body, #Spirit

BOOK: The Power
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Your Life – Your Story

You are creating the story of your life, so what story are you telling about yourself? Do you believe there are things you can and cannot do? Is that the story you are telling about yourself? Because that story is not true.

Don’t listen if someone says you are less than anyone else. Don’t listen if someone says you are limited in any way. Don’t listen if someone says you can’t do what you love to do and earn a living from it. Don’t listen if someone says you are not as valuable and worthy as the greatest human beings who’ve lived. Don’t listen if someone says you are not good enough now and you have to prove yourself in life. Don’t listen if someone says you can’t have what you love or do what you love or be what you love. If you believe it, you put limits on yourself, but more importantly, it is not true! There is not a single thing that is too good for you, or too good to be true.

The force of love says, “Whatever you give, you receive back.” Does that say you’re not good enough? The force of love says, “Give love for whatever you want to be, do, or have and you will receive it.” Does that say you’re not good enough? You are worthy and deserving just as you are. You
good enough now. If you feel you have done something that wasn’t right, understand that your
of it is absolution for the law of attraction.

The Real World

“In the beginning there were only probabilities. The universe could only come into existence if someone observed it. It does not matter that the observers turned up several billion years later. The universe exists because we are aware of it.”

Martin Rees
(b. 1942)

I want to take you behind the scenes of the world you see, because much of what you see is not as real as you may think it is. A few adventurous steps into the invisible will change the way you look at the world, and it will set you free to receive an unlimited life.

Most of the things you may currently believe about the real world are not true. You are much more than you may realize. Life and the universe are much more than you may realize. You may think there is a limited amount of things in the world. You may think there’s a limited amount of money, health, and resources, but it isn’t true. There is no lack of anything. Quantum physics tells us there are infinite planet Earths and infinite universes that exist, and we move from one reality of planet Earth and a universe to another, every fraction of a second. This is the real world emerging through science.

“In our universe we are tuned into the frequency that corresponds to physical reality. But there are an infinite number of parallel realities coexisting with us in the same room, although we cannot tune into them.”

Steven Weinberg
(b. 1933)

You may think there’s a shortage of time in the real world, and because of that you may live your life rushing against time, but the great scientist Albert Einstein told us that time is an illusion.

“The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

Albert Einstein

You may think that the real world is made up of living things and dead things. But in the universe
is alive and
is dead. The stars, sun, planets, earth, air, water, fire, and every object you see is seething with life. This is the real world that is emerging.

“There is a sense in the tree which feels your love and responds to it. It does not respond or show its pleasure in our way or in any way we can now understand.”

Prentice Mulford

You may believe the real world is everything you can see, and that everything you can’t see isn’t real. And yet the color you see when you look at something is in fact
its real color. Each thing absorbs all the colors that it really is, and reflects the color it is not, and that’s the color you see. So the sky is actually every color

There are many sounds you can’t hear because their frequencies are beyond what your ear can perceive, but they are real. You can’t see ultraviolet or infrared light, because their frequencies are beyond what your eye can see, but they are real. If you imagine all the known frequencies of light as the size of Mount Everest, then all that you can see is smaller than a golf ball!

You may believe the real world is made up of all the solid things you can see and touch. But actually nothing is solid! The chair you’re sitting on right now is a force of moving energy, and it’s mostly space. So how real is your chair?

“A wise man, recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it is real, so (therefore) he escapes the suffering.”

Gautama Buddha
(563-483 BC)

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