The Power (10 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Byrne

Tags: #Mind, #Body, #Spirit

BOOK: The Power
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The Tipping Point

If you give more than 50 percent positive thoughts and feelings instead of negative, you have reached a tipping point. Even if you just give 51 percent good thoughts and good feelings, you have tipped the scales of your life! And here’s the reason why.

When you give love, it not only comes back to you as positive circumstances that you love, but as it comes back, it adds even
love and positivity to your life! The new positivity then attracts more positive things, adding even
love and positivity to your life, and so it continues. Everything is magnetic, and when something good comes to you, it magnetically attracts more good things.

You may have experienced this when you said you were having a “lucky streak” or you were “on a roll,” when one good thing after another happened, and the good things just kept happening. The only reason those times occurred was because you had given out more love than negativity, and as the love returned to you, it added more love to your life, which then attracted even more good things.

You may have also experienced the reverse happening when something went wrong, and then other things started going wrong one after the other. Those times happened because you gave more negativity than love, and as the negativity returned to you, it added more negativity to your life, which then attracted even more negative things. You may have called those times “a run of bad luck,” but they have nothing to do with luck at all. The law of attraction was working precisely in your life, and those times, good or bad, were simply a reflection of the percentage of love or negativity you were giving. The only reason the “lucky streak” or “run of bad luck” changed is that, at some point, you tipped the scales the other way with your feelings.

“It is thus that you may lead a charmed life and be forever protected from all harm; it is thus you may become a positive force whereby conditions of opulence and harmony may be attracted to you.”

Charles Haanel

To change your life, all you have to do is tip the scales by giving 51 percent love through your good thoughts and good feelings. Once you reach the tipping point of giving more love than negativity, the love that comes back to you then multiplies itself by attracting more love through the law of attraction. Suddenly you experience an acceleration and multiplication of good things! Instead of more negative things coming back to you and multiplying, you now have more good things coming back to you and being multiplied in every area of your life. And this is the way your life is supposed to be.

When you wake up each morning, you are standing at the tipping point of your day. One way tips you into a wonderful day filled with good things, and the other way tips you into a day filled with problems. You are the one who determines what your day will be – by the way that you feel! Whatever you’re feeling is what you’re giving, and with certainty, that is exactly what you will receive back in your day, surrounding you wherever you go.

As you begin your day and you’re feeling happy, while you keep feeling happy, your day will be great! But if you begin your day in a bad mood, and you do nothing to change it, your day will not be great at all.

One day of good feelings not only changes your day, it changes your tomorrow, and your life! Provided you maintain your good feelings and you go to sleep feeling good, you begin the next day with a momentum of good feelings. As you continue to feel good as much as you can, your good feelings continue to multiply by the law of attraction, and so it continues day after day, and your life gets better and better.

“Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today. Inhabit your moments. Don’t rent them out to tomorrow.”

Jerry Spinelli
(b. 1941)

So many people don’t live for today. They are completely consumed with the future, and yet it is how we live
that creates our future. It is what you feel
that matters, because it is the
thing that determines your future. Every day is an opportunity for a new life, because every single day you stand at the tipping point of your life. And on any one day you can change the future – through the way that you feel. When you tip the balance to good feelings, the force of love will change your life so fast that you will scarcely believe it.



  • Everything in the universe is magnetic and everything has a magnetic frequency, including your thoughts and feelings.
  • Whatever you feel, whether good or bad, determines your frequency, and you attract the people, events, and circumstances that are on the same frequency.
  • Change your frequency at any time by changing how you feel, and everything around you will change because you’re on a new frequency.
  • If something negative has happened in your life, you can change it. It is never too late, because you can always change the way you feel.
  • Many people put their feelings on automatic pilot; their feelings are reactions to what happens to them. However, they don’t realize that it’s their feelings that are the cause of what happens to them.
  • To change anything – whether it’s the circumstances of money, health, relationships or any subject whatsoever – you have to change the way you feel!
  • Blame, criticism, finding fault, and complaining are all forms of negativity, and all of them bring back nothing but strife.
  • Throw out of your vocabulary words like terrible, horrible, disgusting, and awful. Use more words like fantastic, amazing, fabulous, brilliant, and wonderful.
  • Even if you just give 51 percent good thoughts and good feelings, you have tipped the scales of your life!
  • Every day is an opportunity for a new life. Every day you stand at the tipping point of your life. And on any one day you can change the future – through the way that you feel.

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