The Posse (25 page)

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Authors: Tawdra Kandle

BOOK: The Posse
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“Come on. I have an idea.”
Logan tugged her hand and led her down the porch steps and around
the side of the house, past the fragrant jasmine that crept up the
side of the chimney, into the backyard. A few people wandered
there, admiring the fountain or the neat beds of flowers, but for
the most part, it was empty.

They crossed to a bench that
sat secluded among the trees, and Jude sat down with grateful

“Better?” Logan pulled her
feet onto his lap, removed her shoes and began rubbing her

“Much. Ahhh. Keep that up,
we might have to kick guests out of one of those beds after

Logan quirked an eyebrow at
her. “Sounds like a plan.” He massaged up her legs, tantalizing as
he reached further onto her thigh.

Jude leaned her head back
and hummed in appreciation.

“Speaking of rooms, I have a
surprise for you. One I hope you’ll like.”

“Really?” Smiling sleepily,
Jude captured one of his hands, held it in her own.

“I told Abby to put aside a
room for us for two nights in October. For our wedding night, and
to kick off our honeymoon.”

“Oh, Logan, really? That’s
perfect.” She swung her legs down and scooted closer to him. “Thank
you. I couldn’t imagine any better place to spend our first night
together. Married, I mean.”

“And then, a week in New
Orleans. You’ll love the city. Think of it, a week with nothing to
do...but me.” He waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively, and Jude

“I can’t promise I won’t
call Joseph every day to check on the Tide, but I will try to be
carefree. How’s that?”

“As long as it’s you and me,
together, I don’t even care.” He brought his mouth down to hers
again, this time deepening their kiss, coaxing her even closer.

“I have a surprise for you,
too.” Jude spoke against his lips.

“Right here and now?”
Logan’s eyes gleamed and Jude pushed against his chest.

“No, that comes later. This
is different. But since we’re talking about plans and the
future...” She shifted to see him better. “I listed my house with a
rental agent.”

Logan blinked. “You did?

“This week. She already has
some interested renters. I know we talked about selling it, but if
I don’t have to, I’d rather not.”

“Are you trying to keep your
options open?”

She rolled her eyes. “Not at
all. I was thinking, though, that at some point, if Joseph and
Lindsay stay in the Cove, that apartment might become too small for
them. They might want a bigger place. And since you and Daniel
designed and built that house for me, I’d like it to stay in the
family. Does that make sense?”

“Absolutely.” He drew her
in, kissed her forehead.  “So that just leaves one more

Jude tilted her head. “Which

“When are you moving in with

She smiled, her eyes
inviting. “I was thinking tonight.”






They gathered on a perfect afternoon in
late October. The sun was still strong, but a cooling breeze from
the ocean made the air just right. Above the gleaming white sand,
the sky was deep blue, without even one cloud to mar its

The old dance pavilion had
been decorated with draped cloth in green and yellow. Bunches of
sunflowers filled vases at one end, and there were seashells
scattered on the tables that surrounded the narrow aisle.

All the chairs that circled
those tables were filled. On each table sat a tall clear bottle of

The posse sat front and
center, beaming in happy expectation. Janet wiped at her eyes as
Eric held her other hand. Samantha grinned smugly as Sandra and
Matt exchanged secretive smiles. Cooper sighed as he watched his
daughter gaze around with starry eyes.

At the table behind them,
Emmy kept her children quiet as she chatted with Abby.

Violin music played as first
Meghan and then Lindsay walked down the aisle. They wore green, in
different shades and styles, and Lindsay carried Daniel Joseph,
dressed in an adorable little tuxedo. He looked around with wide
eyes at all the people who ohh’d when they saw him.

Logan stepped to the front,
wearing a simple gray suit. Mark stood up with him as his best man,
representing the entire posse.

At his nod, the violin music
ceased, and the opening strains of
Crazy For You
began to
play. Sadie, in her role as mother of the bride, rose to her feet,
yanking Mack up to join her. Everyone else followed.

Jude stepped over the dunes,
holding onto Joseph’s arm. She wore a simple long dress in a deep
green that nearly matched her eyes and complimented the dark hair
that fell in waves around her shoulders.

Her eyes never left Logan’s
as she walked toward him. Years of friendship and love seemed to
converge in this place where both past and future met and

When they reached the front
of the pavilion, Joseph kissed her cheek before he stepped back to
join Lindsay and the baby.

Logan took her hand, laced
his fingers with hers. As they turned to face the minister who
would join them in the eyes of God, an oddly soft breeze swept
around them, offering a blessing and a benediction of its own.

Jude smiled up at Logan, and
they began their forever.



The Crystal
Cove Books




If you enjoy
spending time in

Cove, Florida

You’ll want
to visit Burton, Georgia

and follow
Jude’s daughter

on her

The One

The Last

The First

The Only


Jude loves music, especially
tunes from her teenage years—which would be the 1980’s. It was a
pleasure to enjoy some of these songs again while writing her
story. Lots of memories there!

And Jimmy, I still always
look for you when
Crazy For You
begins to play.


1985 …
For Soup

If She Knew What She
The Bangles

Let’s Go

Our Lips Are
The Go-Go’s

We Belong…

The Glamorous
Sheila E.

The Tide is

Dancing in the
Bruce Springsteen

Come On,
Dexy’s Midinght Runner

Billy Idol

David Bowie

Only the Good Die
Billy Joel

Rock the
The Clash

Crazy For





Stepping into a new genre is
a scary proposition. One day, as I worked on finishing
, the final book of The King Series, I was driving
home from the beach, and
The Posse
fell into my lap, fully
formed. This is very unusual for me; generally, I meet a character
and slowly discover her history, her story. But with Jude, I felt
compelled to write her book, and I knew the details from beginning
to end.

Since I have a fairly full
publishing schedule, choosing to drop a new book into the lineup
wasn’t easy. I did it anyway, and I am so glad I did.

I could not do what I do
without the support and encouragement of my business partner and
friend, Mandie Stevens. She tells me hard truths and keeps me on
the straight and narrow, and she has taught me more about the
business of being an author than I could ever imagine. Plus she
lets me whine, gripe and vent whenever the need arises. I love you,
my friend!

And the rest of my PBT
family—particularly Amanda Long, Jen Rattie and Stacey Blake—you
are fabulous. I love you all. We have the best team in the world,
and I can’t imagine doing any of this without you.

Our bloggers are amazing.
They are professional, encouraging and some of the best people I’ve
ever met. Thank you for your support.

I mentioned Stacey Blake
above, but I have to give her even more kudos. She has jumped into
proof-reading, editing and formatting in addition to all the work
she does for us at PBT. I truly believe there is nothing she cannot
do. She also has taken on many of my admin tasks, freeing me to
write. This book would not exist if not for her hard work.

Stephanie Nelson of Once
Upon A Time covers has completely outdone herself with this one.
You blow my mind!

The fearless and feckless
ladies of Romantic Edge Books are the most sharing, wonderful,
words-cannot-describe-them group of writers in existence. Ready to
take on the world?

Up until the publication of
my first book, I was always Mommy first. Consequently, my family
has had to learn a new normal, as I am not always around, and even
when I’m physically here, I might not be mentally present. They
have handled it with grace and humor, and I love them for it, as
well as for their constant cheerleading and support.

My husband inspires me each
and every day. He has always been the first one to believe that I
can do anything. Sometimes that’s a little frightening, but most
days, it’s just the push I need.

To my readers ...your
messages, your love for my characters and stories, have been life
changing. Thanks for going with me into this new world. I promise
we haven’t abandoned King.

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