The Portrait (24 page)

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Authors: Hazel Statham

BOOK: The Portrait
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Seeing his discomfiture, Sinclair moderated his step so that
his agent appeared at ease. "What is it you found so difficult
to say at the inn?" he asked. "I take it from your note that
you've achieved an outcome?"

"I have, my lord," Randall assured him, appearing much
pleased, "and it is a most favorable one. Master Perry is quite

The tension appeared to seep from Sinclair's frame. "I
knew as much," he declared triumphantly. "Now you must explain all to me. Though I never doubted the outcome, the boy
will be vastly relived to have his name cleared."

The lane led them between high hedgerows, and they appeared most secluded, the earl suggesting that they rest for a
moment against a stile to make conversing easier.

"You may wonder at my sojourn at The Star," began Randall, assured of his employer's full attention, "but I assure
you, sir, it was necessary, for it's within its portals that the resolution of my inquiry lies. Indeed, the information was easy enough to come by, once I became aware of the situation. As
you've no doubt noticed, it's far enough away from the college to be thought not to pose a threat to the school's inhabitants. However, in this, the school authorities are sadly
mistaken. Each Friday night a certain group of students leave
their rooms to steal away to The Star to engage in illicit gambling...."

"Perry gambles?" interrupted the earl incredulously.

"No, sir, not Master Perry, but Compton and Jameson do"

"Then what has this to do with the disappearance of the

"It's quite simple, and I will state it as baldly as I am able,
sir. Compton fell heavily into debt and pawned the weapon to
help pay the score. He involved Jameson in the deed when he
realized the enormity of his actions and how his father would
survey the saber's loss."

"What need was there to involve Perry in the plot?"

"A scapegoat needed to be found to account for its disappearance, and apparently Compton often used Perry's name
to avoid detection when he placed items into hock. So who
better to take the blame in the form of theft? It's not until you
see the boy that you realize the description given by the pawnbroker also matches Compton exactly. Neither boy was brought
before him for identification; therefore, the description and
name were all they had to go on"

"Have you made the Dean aware of your findings?"

"I have, sir."

"Good. Then our meeting is assured. I would not wish further unpleasantness on Perry's behalf. The boy's suffered
enough" Rising up from the stile, the earl extended his hand
to Randall and smiled. "It appears I am once more indebted to

Randall took his hand. "There's no need for gratitude, sir. I
but do my duty by you and Master Perry."

"Your duties do not include rescuing my recalcitrant
brother from schoolboy scrapes"

"This was no schoolboy scrape, sir. It was a serious accusa tion, and one I would be loath to subject the young master to
if I was able to put it to rights."

"Most admirable sentiments," approved Sinclair, laying his
hand on Randall's shoulder. "I am indeed fortunate to employ
such a loyal retainer."

They started back along the lane, and the earl saw that
Randall was grinning.

When questioned on the source of his mirth, Randall replied,
"It's just occurred to me, sir, I will now be at liberty to remove
myself from The Star and its delightful landlady."

"If the thought does not find favor with you"-Sinclair
chuckled-"arrangements can be made that you remain a while

Randall laughed. "That will definitely not be necessary.
Unless, of course, it's your wish to join me there, my lord?"


Not wishing to leave its occupants in uncertainty, Carlton
was dispatched hotfoot to Fly Hall with the news of Perry's
exoneration. After conferring with the Dean, the two brothers
traveled to London for a few days so that Sinclair could introduce Perry to some of the sights of the city. He also thought it
time that Perry be initiated into some of the more innocent
forms of entertainment available to young gentlemen on the

Though too young to be proposed for membership, he was
made known to members of the few exclusive clubs to which
the earl belonged. They visited Jackson's Boxing Salon, drank
in only the most fashionable coffeehouses, and shot wafers at
Manton's Shooting Gallery. Perry, who was given a lesson in
the masterly art of fencing at one of the most select galleries,
found he had a decided flair for the sport, and badgered his
brother for membership to the hallowed school. Being granted
this, his final triumph was to tool Sinclair's curricle around
Hyde Park at the fashionable hour. Sitting beside him, the earl
showed an obvious pride in his ability, even going so far as to promise him an equipage and team of his own once he had
completed his schooling.

Carlton and his news had received a rapturous reception.
Flora, finding recourse to her handkerchief, declared she knew
that her beloved Perry would be vindicated. Indeed, she'd
never doubted it, and she blamed not Edward for indulging the

Freddie would have immediately gone to join them in London if Jenny hadn't prevented it. He declared it most shabby
that he was not allowed to go. Nevertheless, he consoled himself with the thought that his friend would be returned in but
three days. He'd grown tired of none but female company and
declared himself as having enough of petticoats, for, as he confided to Caesar, "They do naught but chatter about the inconsequential. They have no interest in the more important things in
life, whereas Perry is top-rig. He knows where you might find
the best sport, or buy the best horse, or indeed anything that a
chap might desire, and whatever he's not familiar with, Sinclair can always be relied upon to know." Caesar regarded him
with doleful eyes, not knowing his meaning, only that he was
required to bear him company in his master's absence.

"You are sure your wish is to return to Oxford?" asked the
earl as he and Perry left the confines of London to return to

"I'd prefer to take a commission, sir," came the reply.

"You will not!" stormed Sinclair, causing Perry to draw
back into his seat at the fury on his brother's face. "If you hold
hopes that I will pay your commission, I tell you now, you
may as well forget them!"

"Thought you'd say that," said Perry, heaving a heavy sigh.
"That's why I've resigned myself to returning to Oxford,
though I must admit, a cavalry post is what I most desire."

Sinclair appeared to hold himself in check, but the darkening of his countenance proved the ferocity of his feelings on
the subject. "While you are under my guardianship, you may forget all thoughts of the military," he ground out through
clenched teeth. Then, as an afterthought, he added, "And don't
think yourself able to enter into the Navy either. I know youyou'll try by whatever means you may to get your own way in
the matter, but I will not allow it. You must put all such thoughts
out of your head. It's but a phase you go through"

"Father never stopped you," complained Perry hotly.

"No, he did not," replied Sinclair, "and what further proof
do you require?"

They fell into silence that was broken only by the sound of
the horses' hooves on the cobbled roadway, but an unease still
existed between them.

After some reflection, Perry said thoughtfully, "Perhaps,
then, I will try the Law."

"You may try whatever else you wish," was the earl's relieved reply. "Though there's no need for you to find employment of any kind, as you well know."

"But I want to be of worth," cried Perry earnestly. "I want
to achieve something rather than waste my youth"

"Your sentiments are very commendable, but we will see
what thoughts you have on the subject once you've completed
your stint at Oxford and spent a season on the town. Then will
be the time to evaluate your future. When you are master of
Fly and all it entails, you will find more than enough to occupy your time."

"Surely Fly will go to your heir," said Perry, much perplexed.

"I have no heir, save you."

"Perhaps not at this moment, but surely you will have,
given time."

"Humph!" was Sinclair's only reply.

From the window of her apartment, Jennifer watched with
mixed emotions the approach of the chaise containing Sinclair and Perry. She knew that their return to Fly heralded her
own return to London and Hawley, but her desire to see the
earl overruled that, and she hastened to the hall below to join
the others in a welcoming committee. All were gathered there with the exception of Estelle, who remained in her apartment,
unaware of their arrival.

While his brother lingered a moment longer in conversation with his groom, Perry was first into the hall and couldn't
keep the wide grin from his countenance when he saw everyone awaiting him.

"Knew everything would be right and tight." He grinned as
they flocked around him to offer their congratulations on the
outcome of the dealings. To his profound discomfiture, he
found himself taken into a warm embrace by Flora, who, with
tears in her eyes, declared herself most relieved to have him
returned to the fold.

"I couldn't have borne it if you'd been taken into custody,"
she cried.

"I was never in any danger of that," he scoffed, disengaging
himself from her hold. "If they had found me guilty, the most
that would have happened was that I would have been expelled."

"A more stupid remark I've yet to hear you make," admonished the earl, entering the hall. "Who knows what the outcome
would have been? It's as well we were able to resolve the matter before it was taken further. There was none more apprehensive of the outcome than you, so don't disparage Flora's fears"

Perry looked uncomfortable at his brother's words, but
Carlton came to his rescue.

"You mustn't be too hard on the boy, Edward" He laughed.
"Despite all, he remained calm and handled the whole extremely well."

"And so he should," returned Sinclair. "With such support,
he couldn't fail to have confidence in his acquittal."

Carlton shook Perry's hand. "And how did you fair at Manton's?" he asked. "When last I saw you, you were about to be
introduced to the gallery."

As Perry would have given an enthusiastic reply, the earl
interrupted. "He did tolerably well, but 'tis not a pastime I
wish to encourage. He wants to join the military, and I will not
have it."

"Neither will I!" cried Flora, once more gripping her younger brother's arm. "I will not have it that you follow in Edward's

Looking considerably discomfited, Perry assured her he'd
put all thoughts of it from his mind.

Carlton took Sinclair to one side. "It doesn't necessarily follow that if the boy shoots, he will want to take up arms," he said.

"I know you are right," replied the earl, "but I'm sure you
can understand my way of thinking."

"In boys of his age, it's the military this week and something totally different that takes their fancy the next," Carlton
assured him. "I think you need have no fear of his taking a

"I can guarantee it, as I will not supply the funds," stated
the earl.

Over his brother-in-law's shoulder, the earl caught sight of
Jennifer standing to one side as if awaiting his notice. She'd
not come forward with the others, deeming it only right that
family should be the first to greet them, but, as Sinclair turned
from Carlton, she made toward him to add her congratulations
to those of her fellows. However, as she would have taken his
outstretched hand, a cry was uttered from the stairs, and Estelle, suddenly aware of their arrival, came running down to
warmly embrace the earl. He appeared somewhat taken aback
by his reception but nonetheless returned the embrace. Jenny
fell back, her welcoming smile fading, her hand dropping to
her side as she stood transfixed by the whole.

Suddenly realizing how it must appear, Sinclair raised his
eyes to hers, and, seeing the hurt there, he gently put Estelle
from him.

"It's most gratifying to be received as the conquering
hero," he said, smiling flippantly, holding Jenny's gaze and attempting to lighten the moment. "It almost makes the whole

She turned away. "I'm sure that's not how Perry sees it,"
she snapped. "One would suppose he would have preferred it
not to have happened in the first place."

"Steady on, Jen," interpolated Freddie hastily. "Sinclair only makes light of it. No one is more conscious of Perry's
sensibilities than he"

"You are right, of course," she said generously, coming forward and once more extending her hand to the earl. "You must
forgive me, Edward. It was not a tactful remark to make"

He took her hand and pressed her fingers lightly, smiling
down at her. "'Tis I who should've had more tact," he said
quietly so that only she could hear.

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