The Pope's Last Crusade (37 page)

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Authors: Peter Eisner

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Abbott, Father Walter, 222–23, 227

Action Populaire, 81

Adams, Henry, 88, 89

Adrian VI (pope), 205


as French equivalent of, 90

    Hitler visit to Rome and, 15

    Jesuit community residence at, 2–3, 224

    Jesuit founding of, 11

    Kristallnacht condemnation in, 152

    LaFarge 1938 European trip and, 8, 11, 45–46, 131, 141

    LaFarge death and, 225

    LaFarge first assigned to, 11

    LaFarge as foreign correspondent for, 3–4, 11

    LaFarge pseudonym for, 97

    LaFarge as resident at, 2–3, 224

    LaFarge support for human rights and, 221

    LaFarge writing style for, 94

    Ledóchowski-LaFarge discussion about, 79–80

    Ledóchowski views about, 79–80

    reaction to Pius XI death in, 194

magazine: LaFarge articles in

    about Franco, 106

    about Munich Agreement, 131–32

    about 1938 European tour, 161–62

    about Pacelli election/coronation, 213

    about race, 161–62

American Jewish Committee, 222

America's Town Meeting on the Air
(radio broadcast): LaFarge on, 162–63

Andreotti, Giulio, 174

newspaper, 44, 148, 161, 193

anti-Fascists, 156.
See also specific person


    Catholic Church moral responsibility concerning, 51

    Catholic Church as promoting, 93

    of Coughlin, 153–54

    divisions within Catholic Church about, 47

    Eucharistic Congress (1938) and, 47

    Jews-Communism relationship and, 78

    Mussolini and, 101, 102, 103, 109, 135–36

    Pacelli election/coronation as pope and, 211

    Pius XI–LaFarge audience about, 221

    Pius XI–LaFarge encyclical and, 59–62, 75, 91, 92–93, 99, 113, 135–36, 138, 171, 172, 214, 225–26

    Pius XI views about, 31–32, 51, 86, 91, 101, 109–10, 194, 199, 212, 221

    racism in U.S. compared with, 51, 59–62

    rise in European, 8

    types of, 92–93

See also
specific person or nation

appeasement, 103, 118, 130, 141, 166, 168, 217.
See also
Chamberlain, Neville; Munich Agreement

Aradi, Zsoldt, 180, 181


    Catholics in, 13, 33, 105

    Jews in, 9, 46, 47, 151

    Nazi invasion/occupation of, 4, 8, 9, 12–13, 35, 47, 75, 100, 143, 151

    occupation of northern Italy by, 30

Bacht, Heinrich, 94, 100, 111

Barde, Father, 96

Barry, Patrick (archbishop), 218

Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste, 10

Benedict XV (pope), 30, 31

Benedict XVI (pope), 230, 231

Beneš, Edvard, 42–43, 44, 45, 125–26, 130

Birmingham, Alabama: civil rights movement in, 2


    Pius XI 1937 speech about harassment of German Catholics to, 26–27

    Pius XI 1939 speech to, 174–75, 176–77, 178, 188–92, 196, 201, 230–31

blacks, 2, 10–11, 34, 48.
See also

Boetto, Pietro (cardinal), 211

Borgongini-Duca, Francesco, 173

Botticelli, Sandro, 204

Breslin, Thomas, 226

Brown v. Board of Education,

Brüning, Heinrich, 211

Budapest, Hungary: Eucharistic Congress (1938) in, 45–49, 50, 147

Cabrini, Mother, 147, 149

Caccia-Dominioni, Camillo, 182, 183

Calabresi, Guido, 202

Calabresi, Massimo, 156–57, 201–2

Camus, Albert, 229


    age limitation on voting by, 203

    Pacelli election/coronation as pope and, 195–203, 204–7, 210

    Pius XI annual Christmas greeting to, 160–61

See also
College of Cardinals;
specific cardinal

Carrel, Alexis, 158–59

Castel Gandolfo

    history of, 62

    Jews at, 229

    Lateran Accords and, 62–63

    renovation of, 63

    Vatican Observatory at, 64

Castelli, Jim, 226

Catholic Church

    anti-Semitism and, 47, 51, 93

    German conquest of Austria and, 13

    in Germany, 231

    Hitler support by, 13

    LaFarge views about totalitarianism and, 162–63

    Mussolini ban on Jewish-Catholic marriages and, 142–43

    Nazi and Fascist agents within, 98, 99

    Pius XI views about political role of, 214

    rejection of Judaism as religion by, 113

    role in World War II of, 216, 218–19

    Spanish Civil War and, 106

See also
specific person or topic

Catholic Student's Mission Crusade, 34

Catholic University: Kristallnacht reactions at, 152–53


    Hitler persecution/harassment of, 8, 13, 26–27, 47, 75, 130

    Mussolini bans marriage between Jews and, 142–43

    in Nazi army, 229

See also
Catholic Church; Vatican;

specific person, nation, or topic

CBS Radio: Hurley speech on, 218–19

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 218

Cesa-Bianchi, Domenico, 156, 201–2

Chadwick, Owen, 212

Chamberlain, Neville

    Churchill criticism of, 133

    death of, 217

    Hitler and, 117–18, 127, 128, 133, 168

    LaFarge views about, 161

    Masaryk meeting with, 17

    Mussolini and, 166, 167, 168–69

    Nazi Germany invasion of Czechoslovakia and, 112, 117–18, 212

    Phillips (Caroline) views about, 166, 167

    Pius XI and, 129, 167–68

    resignation of, 217

    Rome visit of, 166–69

    Sudetenland and, 117–18

    support for, 166

See also
appeasement; Munich Agreement

Chardon, Heinrich, 38–39, 40–41

Charles-Roux, François, 128, 197–98, 212

Childs, Frances, 140

Church of Our Lady (Koblenz, Germany), 38–39

Churchill, Winston, 73–74, 130, 133, 176

Cianfarra, Camille, 204, 205

Ciano, Galeazzo

    anti-Semitism and, 109

    Chamberlain visit to Rome and, 167, 169

    and German invasion of Czechoslovakia, 120

    Lateran Accords and, 173, 175

    Mussolini comments about Pius XI to, 160

    Nazi-Italian relations and, 121

    Pacelli/Pius XII and, 188, 189, 196, 212–13

    Phillips (William) meeting with, 120–21

    Pius XI death/funeral and, 187–88, 193

    selection of Pius XI successor and, 196

    U.S. plans if war broke out and, 121

    Vatican-Italy relations and, 109, 110, 143

Cicognani, Amleto Giovanni (bishop), 145

Cintra, Sebastiano Leme da Silveira (cardinal), 205

Cittario, Battista, 28

civil rights, 1–2, 11, 223–24, 225.
See also specific person or event

Civil War, Spanish, 78, 90, 105–6

Civilta Cattolica
magazine, 135

code system, of LaFarge, 18, 40

College of Cardinals, 31, 58, 147, 160–61, 194, 203


    Catholic Church views about, 17–18, 31

    Coughlin views about, 153

    divisions within U.S. about, 141

    in France, 79

    German views about Pius XI death and, 193

    Hitler pledge to obliterate, 25

    Jews and, 77, 78, 93

    LaFarge views about, 17, 106

    Ledóchowski views about, 77–78, 194–95

    Pacelli-Roosevelt discussion about, 71–72

    Pacelli views about, 71, 79

    Petacci family and, 199

    Pius XI–LaFarge encyclical and, 113, 159

    Pius XI views about, 77–79, 91, 111, 113, 168, 194

    propaganda about Pius XI and, 129

    Spanish Civil War and, 105, 106

    splits among Roman Catholics about, 105

    Vatican-Italy relations and, 111

concentration camps, 40, 151, 230

Concordat, German-Vatican (1933), 25, 142, 143, 226

Confalonieri, Monsignor Carlo, 20, 34, 174, 175, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183–84, 189–90

Congress, U.S.: reaction to Pius XI death in, 193

Copello, Santiago Luis (cardinal), 205

Coppa, Frank J., 228

Coughlin, Charles, 153–54, 163

Cross, Milton, 162, 163

crosses, crooked: analogy about, 32–33, 160–61, 219

Cushing, Richard (cardinal), 225


    Jews in, 46

    LaFarge planned trip to, 16

    Munich Agreement and, 133

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