The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (41 page)

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Authors: Robert Spencer

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Reference, #Philosophy, #Religion, #Politics, #History

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5. “Swiss arrests over Saudi attacks,” BBCNews, January 9, 2004; “Muslims in Switzerland fear ‘witch-hunt,’”
, April 22, 2004.

6. Stuart Jeffries, “Coming to a small screen near you,”
, January 13, 2005.

7. Victor Davis Hanson, “Cracked Icons,”
National Review
, December 17,2004.

8. Abu Dawud, book 32, no. 4092.

9. Bukhari, vol. 7, book 77, no. 5825.

10. Council on American-Islamic Relations, “CAIR Calls on Wiesenthal Center to Repudiate ‘Islamophobia,’” December 11, 2004.

11. Council on American-Islamic Relations, “About CAIR,”

12. Pam Easton, “Terrorism Ruled Out in Oil Refinery Blast,” Associated Press, March 25, 2005.

13. SITE Institute, “Qaeda al-Jihad in the United States Claims Responsibility For Texas Refinery Bombing,” March 25, 2005; “Terror cover-up in Texas City?”, April 5, 2005.

14. “Terror cover-up in Texas City?”, April 5, 2005.

15. “Multiple blasts struck refinery,” Associated Press, April 29, 2005.

16. Uriel Heilman, “Murder on the Brooklyn Bridge,”
Middle East Quarterly
, Summer 2001.

17. Daniel Pipes, “Denying Terrorism,”
New York Sun,
February 8, 2005.

18. “Gunman shoots 7, kills self at Empire State Building,” CNN, February 24, 1997.

19. Pipes, “Denying Terrorism.”

20. Daniel Pipes, “Terror & Denial,”
New York Post
, July 9, 2002.

21. Michelle Malkin, “Lee Malvo, Muslim hatemonger,”, December 10, 2003.

22. Andrew Tilghman, “Saudi pleads guilty to killing Jewish friend in Houston,”
Houston Chronicle
, January 12, 2004.

23. Pipes, “Denying Terrorism.”


Chapter 17:


Criticizing Islam May Be Hazardous to Your Health


1. E-mail to author, March 31, 2005.

2. Dana Parsons, “‘24’s’ Latest Plot Twist Pains Some Muslims,”
Los Angeles Times
, January 12, 2005.

3. Adam Wild Aba, “Fox Features ‘Muslim Terrorists’ in ‘24’ Drama,” IslamOnline, January 10, 2005.

4. “Muslim-rights voice indicted in jihad plot,”, July 9, 2003.

5. Joe Kaufman, “A Night of Hamas ‘Heroes,’”, March 8, 2004.

6. “Religious Hate Law: A Threat to Free Speech?” Barnabas Fund, April 6, 2005.

7. Michael Higgins, “Summary of Reasons for Decision,” Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Human Rights Division, December 17, 2004.

8. Mark Durie, “Daniel Scot’s (in) credible testimony,”, February 1, 2005.

9. Patrick Goodenough, “Verdict in ‘Vilifying Islam’ Case Exposes Christian Fault Lines,”, December 20, 2004.

10. Toby Sterling, “Dutch Filmmaker Theo Van Gogh Murdered,” Associated Press, November 2, 2004.

11. “Dutch Filmmaker Killed, Muslims Condemn,”, November 2, 2004.

12. Sterling, “Dutch Filmmaker Theo Van Gogh Murdered.”

13. Andrew Osborn, “‘I shot Fortuyn for Dutch Muslims,’ says accused,”
March 28, 2003.

14. Bukhari, vol. 9, book 88, no. 6922.

15. “Thousands remember slain van Gogh,”
, November 2, 2004.

16. Ashok K. Behuria, “It is Election Time…,”
Asian Affairs
, October 2002.

17. Amy Doolittle, “Muslim peril in a new faith,”
Washington Times
, September 6, 2004.

18. Bukhari, vol. 9, book 88, no. 6922.


Chapter 18:


The Crusade We Must Fight Today


1. Daniel Williams and Alan Cooperman, “Vatican Is Rethinking Relations With Islam,”
Washington Post,
April 15, 2005.

2. “Europa wird am Ende des Jahrhunderts islamisch sein,”
Die Welt
, July 28, 2004.

3. Steve Harrigan, “Swedes Reach Muslim Breaking Point,” FOX News, November 26, 2004.

4. “100 percent immigrants at Danish school,”
DR Nyheder
, September 9, 2004.

5. “Islam part of core curriculum in Danish schools,”
DR Nyheder
, September 13, 2004.

6. “Bin Laden backer on his way to Oslo,”
, August 9, 2004.

7. “Qazi Hussain Ahmed refused to comment on capital punishment on blasphemy and homosexuality during visit to Norway,”
Pakistan Christian Post
, September 9, 2004.

8. “Secret arrests as Dutch terror threat ‘worse than thought,’”
, September 14, 2004.

9. “Row as Muslim prisoners take on governors,”
, September 9, 2004; Giles Tremlett, “Spanish jail wing ‘run by inmates,’”
, September 10, 2004.

10. Bat Ye’or, “How Europe Became Eurabia,”, July 27, 2004.

11. Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi [here, Mawdudi],
Towards Understanding the Qur’an
, Zafar Ishaq Ansari, trans., The Islamic Foundation, revised edition, 1999. Vol. 3, 202.

12. Bukhari, vol. 1, book 2, no. 13.

13. Warren Vieth and Edwin Chen, “Bush touts technology to help solve energy troubles,”
Los Angeles Times
, April 28, 2005.

14. Régine Pernoud,
Those Terrible Middle Ages! Debunking the Myths
, Anne Englund Nash, trans., (Fort Collins, CO: Ignatius Press, 2000), 135.

15. Mahmood Mamdani, “Inventing political violence,”
Global Agenda
, 2005.






al-Aamer, Aamer bin Abdallah

Abbas, Ibn

Abdullah, Jabir bin

The Abolition of Man


abrogation (

Abu Ghraib prison scandals

Adams, John Quincy

‘Adi, Yahya ibn



Afghanistan; child marriage in; jihad in; Taliban government in; women in; Zoroastrians in



Ahmad, Omar

Ahmed, Leila

Ahmed, Qazi Hussain


al-Akwa, Salama bin

Alamoudi, Abdurrahman

Al-Anfal (“The Spoils of War” or “Booty”)

Alayed, Mohammed Ali

Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt


al-Basrah, Iraq

Alexandria, Egypt

Alexius I Comnenus

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf

Ali, Hussein Qambar

Al-Jabr aw-al Muqabilah

Allah: dhimmitude and; jihad and; lying and; as merciful; Muhammad as man of war and; murder and; music and; Paradise and; Qur’an and; rape and; science and; theft and; women and.
See also
Islam; Muhammad


al Qaeda

Alwan, Sahim

Amnesty International

‘Amr, Suhayl bin

Analects (Confucius)

Annan, Kofi

Ansar al-Islam


Antioch, Asia Minor


Aquinas, Saint Thomas

Arabia: child marriage in; Islamic conquest in; pagans of

Arab League

Arabs: Muslims vs.; in Persia

Arghun, Mongol ruler

al-Arian, Sami



Armstrong, Karen

art, Islamic

al-Ashraf, K’ab bin

As-Salat (prayers)


Assem, Shaker

Assyrian International News Agency


Assyrian School of Nisibis

Ataturk, Kemal

al-Athir, Ibn

Atta, Muhammad

Attar, Farid, ud-Din


Aucbur, Sidik

Augustine, Saint

Australia, criticizing Islam in



Awad, Boulos Farid Rezek-Allah

Awad, Nihad

Ayat al-Sayf (Verse of the Sword).
Verse of the Sword (Ayat al-Sayf)




Aziza, Majid

Azzam, Abdullah




Badr, Battle of

Baghdad, Iraq

Bakhtishu, Jabrail ibn

Bakr, Abu

Bakri, Omar


Balian of Ibelin

al-Balik, Abd

Balkenende, Jan Peter


al-Banna, Hasan

Banu Hawazin

Baptist General Association of Virginia

Bara’ah, Sura

Battle of Badr

Battle of Hunayn

Battle of Mut’ah

Battle of Tabuk

Battle of Trench (627)


Baz, Rashid

de Beert, Gaston

believers: distinction between unbelievers and; religion and
See also

Belloc, Hilaire

Bernard of Clairvaux

Bhagavad Gita

Bible; Crusades and; desecration of; New Testament; Old Testament; Qur’an vs. violence in

bin Laden, Osama; Crusades and; fanaticism of; goals of; Islam and; jihad and; Qur’an and; September 11 and

Blair, Tony





Boxer, Barbara

Brethren Church of Assiout

Britain; criticizing Islam in; Islamophobia in; Muslims in; religious vilification laws in

Buddha, Buddhists:

Budge, Sir E. A. Wallis


Buraid, Sulaiman b.

Buscarel of Gisolf

Bush, George W.

Byzantine Empire: Crusades and; death of;

Islamic conquest of






Council on American-Islamic Relations

Cairo, Egypt

Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (1990)

Calcutta, India

caliphate: abolition of; in Britain; democracy and; jihad and; restoration of; Sunni Islam and; in United States

Caner, Ergun Mehmet

capital punishment


Catch the Fire Ministries

Catholic Church: Crusades and; just-war theory of; West and


Chicago, Illinois

Chirac, Jacques

Chosroes, King of Persia

Christianity: adultery and; defense of; forced conversion and; Islamic tolerance and; Islam vs.; Judaism and; moral equivalence theory and; science and; spread of; West and.
See also

Christians: Coptic; evangelical; Islam and; jihad and; moral equivalence theory and; Muslim persecution of; Ottoman; Qur’an and
See also
Christianity; dhimmitude

Christian Science Monitor

Churchill, Winston

Church of Calvary

Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Church of the Jews

Church of the Resurrection


circumcision, female

Clinton, Bill

Cohen, Job

Columbus, Christopher


The Conference of the Birds (Attar) “Confronting Islamophobia: Education for Tolerance and Understanding”

(United Nations)



Constantinople: Crusades and; fall of; Islamic conquest of; Turkish invasion of

Coptic Christians

Council of Clermont (1095)

Council of Florence

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)



Crusades: accomplishments of; Assyrians and; beginning of; Catholic Church and; as chance for gain; European colonialism and; failure of; Fifth; First; forced conversion and; Fourth,; Hollywood and; Islam and; Islamic conquest of Europe and; Jerusalem, Israel and; Jews and; jihad and; John Paul II and; Mongols and; Muslim agreements and; Nestorians and; PC myths about,; purpose of; religious imperialism and; Second; Seventh; Sixth; Third; as unprovoked Urban II and; West and; Zoroastrians and

The Crusades: The World’s Debate (Belloc)

The Crusades Through Arab Eyes (Maalouf)


Cyril, Saint





Daily Times (Pakistan)

Daimbert, Archbishop

Dajkot, Pakistan

Dallas, Texas

Damascus, Syria

Dar al-Islam

Dar al-Kufr

al-Darazi, Muhammad ibn Isma’il

Dark Ages

Dashti, ‘Ali

al-Daulah, Iftikar

al-Dawla, Saif

Dawood, N. J.

Day of Discrimination

Dearborn, Michigan

death penalty “Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places” (1996)

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon)

The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude (Ye’or)


Defence of the Muslim Lands (Azzam)


Derbyshire, John

Derwish, Kamal

Desai, Ebrahim

Dhimmah (promise of protection)

The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam (Ye’or)

dhimmitude: Allah and; Christians and; conversion and; dress regulations and; effects of; Islamic law (Sharia) and; Islamic tolerance and; Jews and; jihad and;
jizya (poll tax) and; kharaj
(land tax) and; modern; Muhammad and; PC myths about; Qur’an and; response to; restoration of; spread of Islam and

Die Welt

Dimashqi, Isma’il bin ‘Amr bin Kathir al.
Ibn Kathir

ed-Din, Imad

ed-Din, Nur


domestic violence

Durie, Mark




Edward I

Egypt: Crusades and; female circumcision in; Islamic conquest in; jihad in; modern dhimmitude in

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