The Poisoner's Handbook (48 page)

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Authors: Deborah Blum

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BOOK: The Poisoner's Handbook
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phosgene gas, in World War I
Pickford, Jack
Pickford, Mary
plant alkaloids, detection of
Blue Man case
Creighton cases
Freindlich case
Gross case
Jackson case
lack of punishment for
Mors case
Prohibition and
prosecutions for
Shelbourne Restaurant and Bakery case
Thomas case
Webb case
poison ivy, Gettler’s studies on
poison sumac, Gettler’s studies on
police, Norris’s relationship with
Postal Lunch
The Postman Always Rings Twice
potassium cyanide (KCN)
poudre de succession
(inheritance powder)
enforcement of
Gettler and
government’s poisonous additives to denatured alcohol and
Hoover and
illicit alcohol and
Norris and
official start of
opposition to
repeal of
repeal of New York’s enforcement law and
Roosevelt and
violence and
Prudential Life Insurance
Prussian blue test
Prussic acid
ptomaine poisoning
Racquet Club
“Radioactive Substances in a Body Five Years After Death” (Gettler, Muller, and St. George)
radium, calcium and
radium (Ra)
alpha particles and
Byers case and
consumer products from
detection in human tissue
discovery of
Gettler’s investigations of
Martland and
medicinal use of
as poison
poisoning symptoms
radon gas
Rat Dynamite
Red Hook neighborhood
reduction test, for arsenic
Reed, James
Reinsch’s test
for arsenic
Gettler’s investigations of
for mercury
Republican Party
Rice, William
Rice University
Rinehart, Mary Roberts
Riordan, J. J.
Riordan, Patrick
charges against
as coroner
Hylan’s reappointment of
items left in office
use of chemistry professors for toxicological analysis
Rockefeller Foundation
Rogers, Will
The Room with the Little Door
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
consumer protection laws and
election as president
Prohibition and
as reform-minded governor
Rough on Rats
Runyon, Damon
Ruston, John
salicylic acid, Gettler’s studies on
salt (NaCl)
Schaub, Katherine
Schlink, F. J.
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Schultz, Otto
Shelbourne Restaurant and Bakery
Sherry, Louis
Silent Spring
silver nitrate
Simpson, James Young
Smith, Alfred E., Jr.
Smith, Alfred E., Sr.
Smith, Moe
Smoke (cocktail)
Snyder, Albert
Snyder, Lorraine
Snyder, Ruth
Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children
sodium chloride (NaCl)
sodium cyanide (NaCN)
Southside (cocktail)
cocktails created for
end of Prohibition and
profits of
Prohibition and
risk and
Special Formula One
Standard Oil Refinery
Stas, Jean Servais
Stevens, John Austin
St. George, A. V.
from Asian vomit button tree
Christie and
industrial use of
medicinal use of
Studies in Pessimism
sublimation test, for arsenic
sugar of lead
industrial use of
medicinal use of
arsenic and
carbon monoxide and
cyanides and
economic downturn of 1930s and
illuminating gas and
mercury and
New York Stock Market crash and
nicotine and
Norris’s annual statistics on
sulfates of iron, industrial use of
sulfuric acid
in mustard gas
thallium and
Sunshine, Irving
Symmers, Douglas
Tammany Hall, political influence of
tetraethyl lead (TEL)
thallium (Tl)
in cosmetics
detection in human tissue
discovery of
Gettler’s investigations of
industrial use of
medicinal use of
in pesticides
as poison
poisoning symptoms
potassium and
thallous chromate
thallous iodide
Thomas, Olive
Tiber, Arthur
Townsend Building
advances in
See also
forensic medicine
Travia, Francesco
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory building
tri-o-cresy l phosphate
Twenty-first Amendment
U.S. Brewers Association
U.S. Bureau of Mines
U.S. Public Health Service
U.S. Radium Corporation
U.S. Surgeon General
U.S. Treasury Department
on availability of liquor following Prohibition
Ginger Jake and
illicit alcohol and
poisonous additive to denatured alcohol and
Vance, Morgan
Vargas, Alberto
Volstead Act
Walker, James J.
Wallstein, Leonard
coroner system investigation
Riordan and
Webb, Charles
Webb, Gertrude Gorman
Wheeler, Wayne
white arsenic
Whitman, Charles S.
William’s Fly Paper
Wilson, Woodrow
Witthaus, Rudolph
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
wood alcohol (CH
chemical structure of
detection in human tissue
detoxification of
ethyl alcohol compared to
Gettler’s study of
industrial uses of
methanol replacing
as poison
poisoning symptoms
rising number of deaths from
Woolworth, Jessie
workplace safety
World War I
draft for
Martland and
mustard gas and
Radium Corporation and
use of poison in
Yale Club
Zelio paste
Ghost Hunters
William James and the Hunt for
Scientific Proof of Life After Death
ISBN 978-0-14-303895-5
What if a world-renowned philosopher and professor of psychiatry at Harvard suddenly announced he believed in ghosts? At the close of the nineteenth century, the illustrious William James led a determined scientific investigation into “unexplainable” incidences of clairvoyance and ghostly visitations. James and a small group of eminent scientists staked their reputations, their careers, even their sanity on one of the most extraordinary quests ever undertaken: to empirically prove the existence of ghosts and psychic phenomena.
“Fascinating . . . Blum tells her literally wondrous tale very well.”
—The New York Times Book Review
A New York Times
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