The Pleasures of Summer (9 page)

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Authors: Evie Hunter

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Pleasures of Summer
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Someone with her talents and connections should be out there working in the real world. But the way she acted, it was hard to believe that there really was a working brain under the cloud of blonde hair. Could one bad experience have really had such a devastating effect on her?

Despite the fact that she acted like a first class airhead, he had to admit that she was stunning. Those eyes, beautiful as a dark sky, and usually fluttering flirtatiously at every man except him, occasionally gleamed with intelligence.

Out of habit, he watched the perimeter as he helped Eleanor pack up the targets. The security system was good, but nothing could replace a pair of watchful eyes and an alert brain.

His phone rang. He checked the number and winced – it was his personal phone, the one only his family used. He answered anyway. ‘Hi, Mum. What’s up?’ he asked.

‘Flynn, you bad boy. Why haven’t you rung?’ His mother’s voice, thick with a Scottish burr, was the sound of home.

‘Come on, Mum, I rang last week.’

‘No, I haven’t heard a word from you for three whole weeks. And I doubt I would have heard then if the hospital hadn’t rung me. Were you planning to tell me you were injured?’

No, he hadn’t planned to tell her a single word, and
cursed the meddling hospital pen pusher who had taken it upon herself to ring his ICE numbers. Flynn resolved to put Niall Moore in as his In Case of Emergency contact in future.

‘Of course I would, Mum, but it was nothing, just a scratch.’

There was a brief outraged silence on the other end. ‘You consider getting your ribs broken and spleen ruptured a scratch?’

‘When you say it that way, of course it sounds bad, but it was minor. A quick keyhole op and I’m good as new.’ Except for the pains that hit him when he twisted in certain directions and the fact that he was lifting half his usual weights in O’Sullivan’s well-equipped gym.

Eleanor finished packing up. He waved goodbye to her and missed his mother’s next words. When he paid attention again, he heard, ‘Isn’t it great about David?’

Flynn went on high alert. ‘What has he done now?’ he asked warily.

Anything involving his half-brother was rarely great. David had a unique ability to get into trouble. When he was younger, it had been cars, gangs and the police. When he grew out of that phase, it had been women. Flynn still shuddered when he remembered David’s last terrible choice. It was one reason he had not been home in a long time.

‘He’s getting married. Isn’t it wonderful?’ There was no mistaking the joy in his mother’s voice.

He clutched the phone tightly. ‘Who is he marrying?’ Surely David wouldn’t –

‘Lorna, of course.’

Of course it was Lorna. Flynn closed his eyes for a second. Of all the women in Scotland, in the world, David had managed to pick the most unsuitable one. The one woman guaranteed to break his heart and tear the family apart.

‘They’re getting married?’ He tried to keep his feelings under control but his mother had no trouble hearing the lack of enthusiasm.

‘Now Flynn, I don’t know what you have against her. Give her a chance. Lorna is a lovely girl.’

‘I know.’ And he did. But how could he watch her marry his unsuspecting brother?

Lorna, his former sub. The woman who had smashed his heart when she had walked away from him. He had always known that she would, that she needed a full-time Dom, someone who was there for her all the time, not a Ranger who was away for months at a time and who came home with injuries he couldn’t talk about. She had asked him to tear up her contract and he had. He hid his broken heart and wished her well.

That had been hard enough. Watching her when she started to date David had been a special kind of torture, especially when he was certain that there was still a spark between them. Now he waited, wondering when David would find out that his angelic new girlfriend was a submissive with a need for what she called ‘Lovely ouchies’. And that Flynn was the man whose collar she used to wear.

‘When is the wedding?’ Please let it be a long engagement, one that would give David time to come to his senses.

‘The thirty-first of July, in the Canongate. You’re best man. Don’t think you can get out of it by saying you don’t have a tux, David said you can wear your kilt.’

He murmured something incoherent before he hung up. Fuck, what a disaster. He had no idea what to do about this.

With an effort, he dragged his attention away from his personal problems and back to the professional ones. He dialled a familiar number.

‘Hey Niall, check out a Robert Fielding for me, would you?’


‘Girly day?’

Summer watched as Flynn gave an almost imperceptible shudder.

‘Yes. You know, salon, waxing, facial, nails. Molly is coming with me. You’re welcome to tag along if you want.’

‘Which salon?’

She rattled off the address and the phone number. Flynn would check. Summer was counting on it. She had booked the works. A range of appointments which would last an entire day. It would give Molly enough time to slip out and buy her something suitable for the club. And by the time she was finished, none of the paparazzi would recognize her.

‘I’ll drive you there.’ Flynn’s expression reflected his suspicion. His desire to keep her within his sights warred with his aversion to spending the day hanging about a beauty salon.

‘Great,’ she agreed readily. ‘I’ll grab my bag.’

Flynn didn’t look happy but she pretended not to notice. At least he hadn’t tried to prevent her from leaving the house. As she hurried up the stairs, she could hear him on the phone to the salon. He didn’t trust her an inch.

He was quiet on the drive into the city. Flynn was back in bodyguard mode. He kept within the speed limit and
checked his mirror constantly. Her dad had said that he was used to looking after important people but he wasn’t like the other men her father had employed. There was a quiet sense of efficiency about Flynn that made her feel protected.

‘Give me your phone,’ he said as they pulled up outside the salon.

‘Why? I’ll need it for later.’

He gave an impatient sigh. ‘I want to programme my number into your speed dial. If anything, and I mean anything, unusual happens, you will phone me immediately.’

She almost said ‘Yes, sir’. ‘Fine, I promise.’ Handing over her phone, she watched as he flicked through the menus.

‘All done.’ He smiled and returned the phone. ‘I’ll call you later.’

Summer tugged a sunhat from her bag and pulled it over her hair.

‘Good idea.’ He nodded approvingly. ‘Your hair is very distinctive.’

Summer suppressed a smile. If her day went according to plan, no one would recognize her at
tonight. Flynn waited until they entered the salon before moving away. She was willing to bet that he wasn’t going back to the house. In fact, he was probably heading to the nearest coffee shop.

‘I thought he was never going to go,’ Molly giggled. ‘Are you sure this is going to work?’

Summer crossed her fingers. ‘It better. Now, go find me something to wear and make sure you’re back before 3 p.m. for your facial.’

It was almost 5 p.m. when the stylist sprayed enough hairspray on her to put another dent in the ozone layer, before spinning her chair around to face the mirror. Summer touched her hair. Her long mane had been replaced by a sleek, shoulder-length style in her natural brunette.

‘You like?’ he asked as he ran his fingers through it, smoothing the strands until he was satisfied.

‘Yes, I like.’ She really did. Gone was the blonde bombshell. She looked almost like her old self again. The way she was before she met Adam. Her dad would be pleased.

Her phone buzzed and she checked the display. It was a message from Flynn.
I’m outside.

No greeting. No please or thank you. She was tempted to type something rude in response, but there was no sense in annoying him. She tapped the display.

Molly was waiting for her in the lobby. Her mouth dropped when she saw her. ‘I almost didn’t recognize you. Wait till you see what I’ve bought for you. You’ll wow them at

She wished she was so sure, but she couldn’t back out now. ‘Are you ready for the next part of the plan?’

‘Absolutely,’ Molly agreed. ‘I can’t wait.’

Summer pulled on her hat. Operation
Defeat the Bodyguard
was on.

‘Have a good day, ladies?’ Flynn was remarkably cheerful for someone who had spent the day hanging around waiting for them.

‘It was okay,’ Summer shrugged, ‘but I think I’m coming down with a migraine.’

Flynn was all concern. ‘Do you need medication?’

‘No. I’ve got some at home.’

‘It’s such a pity you’ll miss the show,’ Molly said.

‘What show?’ Flynn asked, darting a suspicious look at Summer.

‘Robert called. He has tickets for the theatre –
. He’ll be so disappointed that you can’t come with us.’

Summer did her best to look disappointed. ‘I’ll have an early night. I’m sure I’ll be fine tomorrow.’

Back at the house, she picked at her dinner silently before disappearing up to her room. She pulled the heavy drapes across the window and hurried into the bathroom to try on the clothes that Molly had bought for her.

Sweet mother of god! It was lingerie! But not like any she had ever worn. The electric blue latex tube was designed to cover her butt or her boobs, but not both simultaneously. She would be more decently covered in a swimsuit. Summer tipped the contents of the bag onto the floor. Hold-up stockings and some leather cuffs with studs. There was a length of silver-coloured chain with a clip on one end like a dog leash. And a tube of her favourite lipstick, called ‘Vamp’.

Summer carefully applied her make-up, paying particular attention to her eyes. The girl who stared back at her looked as if she belonged in a fetish club, even if she was shaking inside. Hearing a knock on the bedroom door, Summer hastily pulled on a bathrobe. She was relieved when it turned out to be Molly, already wearing her coat.

‘Well what do you think?’

Summer slipped off the robe and adjusted the dress, trying to cover her nipples. ‘I think I’ve worn more clothes to the beach.’

‘Oh don’t be silly. You’ll be wearing more than anyone else there. It’s sexy, but modest.’

‘Modest? I’d hate to see your idea of outrageous,’ she muttered. ‘Where is Flynn?’

‘He’s downstairs watching TV. I’ve told him that you usually sleep for hours when you have a headache and that I’d check on you before I went. Robert’s already moved the car to the front of the house and he’ll distract Flynn while we leave.’

They giggled as they tucked the pillows beneath the sheets until they had a body-like figure. Summer produced a handful of hair extensions from the bag she had brought from the salon and put them on the pillow. ‘I knew they’d be useful for something.’

‘Let’s go,’ Molly said. She opened the bedroom door and peeked down the corridor. They could hear the latest Wii battle going on downstairs and Robert’s voice.

They tiptoed down the stairs and opened the front door. The car was parked outside. ‘Get in and stay down. I’ll fetch Robert.’

Heart racing, Summer slid into the back seat and lay down. If she was caught now, Flynn would have a fit. She heard the door opening again and the crunch of gravel underfoot.

‘Please don’t let it be Flynn.’ She could just imagine his expression if he caught her wearing nothing but a trench coat and underwear.

The car doors opened and Robert and Molly climbed in. Summer didn’t stop shaking until they were out on the open road.

‘You can sit up now.’ She could hear the amusement in Robert’s tone. ‘I don’t think I’ve had quite so much fun since I smuggled an ostrich into Eton.’

‘An ostrich?’ Molly giggled. ‘Why an ostrich?’

‘Because it was the most outrageous thing I could think of at the time. I was fifteen,’ he added. He glanced in the rear view mirror. ‘Open your coat, Summer. Let me see you.’

Summer moved instinctively to obey him and then stopped. She wasn’t sure if the dress had stayed in place while she was lying down and there was something weird about flashing her boobs at her best friend’s guy.

‘Behave.’ Molly gave him a mock slap. ‘You can be so bad.’

‘Of course, my darling. But you can hardly expect me not to be impatient at the thought of bringing two lovely ladies to my favourite club.’

‘Charmer! Ignore him, Summer. He’s just teasing.’

Summer caught Robert’s glance in the mirror. For a brief second his usual urbane expression was replaced by something dangerous. Nonsense, she told herself. He’s Molly’s boyfriend, not an axe murderer.

As they drove through the night, she wondered what Flynn would do if he discovered that she was missing. Send out a search party? Hardly. He would probably give her a stern lecture in the morning. She was an adult. She didn’t need his permission to attend a club.

They turned into a side street and Robert reduced speed. Outside a nondescript doorway, two dark-suited security men wearing earpieces waited. One waved to Robert as he pulled up outside. ‘Good evening, sir,’ he said as they climbed out of the car.

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