The Pleasures of Summer (33 page)

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Authors: Evie Hunter

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Pleasures of Summer
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Summer was now more relaxed and clearly enjoying what she was doing. Flynn guided her down again, with her head on his stomach and her body aligned with his. This way, he could enjoy caressing her as she worked. ‘I think you’re ready to go to proper sucking now,’ he said, proud that his voice still worked.

Without another word, Summer obliged, sucking the head of his penis deep into the hot recesses of her mouth. Again, he had to hold her head to slow her down. ‘This isn’t a race and I’m not going to come in your mouth.’ Even if it killed him. And it just might. ‘Forget that idea.’

He guided her into a slow, easy rhythm, one that she could maintain and which he loved. No doubt about it, having a beautiful woman sucking his cock was one of the best things in the world. Having Summer do it was mind-blowing.

For a while she was content to go at his pace, relaxing in the fire-lit dimness of the croft. Then she upped the ante and tightened her lips, sucking harder and speeding up. She had obviously decided that she could ignore what he had said.

Flynn allowed himself to enjoy the tightening of his balls and the feeling of his juices gathering itself for release. It would take very little to tip him over the edge.

Summer sucked harder and caressed his balls. So close. It would be so easy to come between her luscious lips. But as his orgasm swept over him, he pulled her head back and away from his cock.

He tilted his hips, and watched the semen pulse from the
end, spurt after spurt, and land precisely in the fire. It was a stupid trick, one he had perfected as a randy teenager, but it was effective. Summer’s eyes were as round as saucers.

When the sixth spurt had found its mark, he allowed himself to relax.

‘That was naughty,’ he told her.

She had been watching the fire hiss, but that jerked her attention back to him. ‘You’re kidding, right? I just gave you a great BJ.’ Indignation had flushed her cheeks and she looked adorable.

He shook his head. ‘Now you have to start again. This time under my direction.’ He poured her another glass of Baileys. She took a couple of sips. He stood up. ‘We’ll try it my way this time.’ And he urged her to her knees.

His cock had softened, but just the sight of her kneeling in front of him, looking up with that combination of submission and rebellion, sent the blood surging to it again.

‘Go on, lick it and get it hard again.’ Her hands were so much softer than his, but he enjoyed the difference. She licked her way up and down, fascinated with the way it hardened under her touch. ‘Pay particular attention to the point where the head joins the stem,’ he told her and she obeyed.

God, this was so good. He locked his knees to make sure he didn’t fall over.

He caught a handful of her hair. ‘Now open your mouth and let it slide in.’ He guided her as he moved, being carefully not to go too deep. He didn’t want her gagging. He let her set the pace for a few minutes, and then stopped her.

‘Have some more Baileys.’

‘Are you trying to get me drunk?’ Summer asked suspiciously.

‘No, you’re not allowed to swallow it.’ He laughed at the expression on her face, but she took a mouthful. He slid his cock back between her lips. The coolness of the drink hit him first, then the tingle of the alcohol on his skin. The hair on the back of his neck stood up.

He held her eyes with his own as he moved slowly and gently. She tried to drop her gaze, but he told her to watch him. He wanted to see everything she was feeling.

Summer gripped his buttocks tightly. Her nails felt amazingly good digging into him. As he fed his cock into her mouth, controlling the speed and depth, he could not only see her face change but feel the way her nails dug into him. She was almost as aroused as he was. The knowledge made him want to howl with pride – and something else he didn’t want to name.

He stopped, allowed her to take off her top, and to have another mouthful of Baileys. This time he went a little faster, but insisted on keeping control. Summer tried to make him go faster, urging him on with her nails, but he resisted.

He had lost track of time when the juice gathered in his balls. Summer felt it too, and sucked harder. ‘Oh no, you don’t.’ She was going to beg before he’d let her swallow his cum.

He pulled back, out of her mouth. His orgasm hit, just as she grabbed his cock. He wasn’t sure what she had intended, but jet after jet of cum ended up on her breasts.

She had never looked so beautiful as she did now,
kneeling in front of him, her lips shiny and wet, and pearls of cum marking her as his. He wanted to howl with triumph.

Summer looked down at herself, as if surprised. She raised her eyebrows and grinned. ‘I’m pretty sure I read in
that this stuff is good for the skin.’ She rubbed it in, circling around her nipple, and causing his blood pressure to rise again.

She got to her feet. ‘I suppose it’s bedtime now.’ She smelled of him.

Flynn swallowed. How the fuck was he supposed to sleep beside her now?


Summer laughed as she got back to the croft before Flynn. Okay, she had surprised him with a sprint just as they were in sight of the door, but who cared? She had won. ‘Loser, loser,’ she crowed, dancing around the kitchen. She was fitter than she had been for years, and that was just her daytime exercise.

Flynn mock-scowled at her, but she wasn’t fooled. He was delighted at her progress. As well he might be. If there was a degree in Creative Kink, she reckoned she deserved a Masters.

She had finally got her Kindle back and had read all the books she had downloaded. It was interesting to see which ones held up to the sensual education she was getting.

He nuzzled her neck. ‘You smell delicious.’

‘Are you mad? I’m sweaty and I stink.’

‘As I said, delicious.’

‘Pervert!’ She pushed him away and looked to see what she could make quickly. ‘How about a herb omelette instead?’ she asked.

‘Omelette first,’ he said, but allowed her to cook. She broke some eggs into a small bowl and beat them. They were low on food again. Flynn would have to ring his mysterious source and have some more delivered.

‘Penny for them.’

She hadn’t heard Flynn come up behind her. The man
was as stealthy as a cat. Her arm jerked and she splashed her T-shirt with beaten egg. ‘Now, look at what you’ve done. That’s my last clean T-shirt.’

Summer stuck her fork into the eggs and flung some of the mixture at him. It landed squarely in the middle of his bare chest and Flynn gave her a look that told her she had made a big mistake.

He wiped it away with his hand and she giggled when the egg white clung to his fingers. ‘I believe it’s good for the complexion,’ he said, with an edge to his voice that threatened retaliation.

Summer waved the bowl at him. ‘Oh, yeah? You seem to forget that I’m holding the ammunition.’

Catching another dollop on the fork, she flipped it in his direction. He avoided the oozing missile easily and dived for her. Summer squealed as he put his arms around her and she struggled against him. Holding her against him with only one arm, he took the bowl from her and set it down.

Giggling helplessly, she continued to struggle as he carried her to the table. ‘You brat. You’re asking for another punishment.’

She was torn between letting him do his worst, and seeing how far she could push him. She kicked out in one of the moves she had learned from him during the endless self-defence training and landed a lucky blow on his shin.

Flynn hissed in reaction. Score one for the girl! ‘You little wretch,’ he said.

He deposited her on the table and turned to grab a rope. Summer swung her legs around and dropped to the floor, heading for the ladder.

‘Oh no, you don’t,’ Flynn said and caught her before she had made it halfway up.

She struggled, knowing it wouldn’t work, but enjoying the feeling of his strength holding her captive. ‘I’ll get away. I swear, you won’t be able to keep me.’

Something changed. Flynn’s eyes darkened dangerously and the atmosphere shifted. He was no longer playful and seductive. He was grim and determined. ‘No, you won’t.’

Without warning, Summer found herself face down on the table. Memories of the last time she had been in this position flooded back, and she looked around at him, wondering if he was going to do the same again. She wasn’t sure what she hoped, but the hard slash of his mouth excited her as much as it made her nervous.

‘You’re staying with me,’ he told her. ‘Get used to it.’

His hand slid into her hair and grabbed a handful. He used it to pull her head back so that she couldn’t avoid his eyes. They bored into her, fierce and demanding. The combination of that direct, commanding gaze and the hand in her hair did something to her.

Her breath caught as a twist of arousal tightened her insides. She wanted to do whatever he told her.

‘Fuck me.’ They weren’t the words she had planned to say, but she meant them. Pinned down like this, her pussy flooded, and when she pushed back, she felt his erection straining the front of his jeans. It had been far too long since she had felt it inside her. She needed it or she would die. ‘Please, fuck me.’

She heard a muttered, ‘God help me’, then the hand in her hair was released long enough for him to strip her
shorts down her legs and open his own jeans. The sound of a condom packet ripping open was a further boost to her arousal. She widened her legs and tilted up her hips. Hurry, hurry, please hurry.

Flynn slammed into her without finesse or subtlety. A tiny part of her was astonished that the man who had been so self-possessed all through her lessons in kink was now so out of control, but she didn’t have time to worry about it. In this position, his cock felt huge, and every movement in or out made her nerve endings shriek with excitement. At each hard thrust, she gasped and pressed back against him.

His hand was back in her hair, holding her head up so that her hips were more firmly planted against the table. ‘You are not going anywhere. Do you hear?’

‘Yes, Sir.’ She had no idea why she said that, it just seemed the natural answer. And it was true, the last thing in the world she wanted to do now was leave him. His other hand held her hips anchored and her arousal ratcheted up another notch.

She was aware of wetness running down her thighs and the sound of flesh meeting flesh. But all her attention was concentrated on the feel of Flynn holding her hair and his cock slamming in and out.

Her gasps were getting louder and higher, but she didn’t care. There was no one to hear, and she could not contain the ecstasy that tore through her with each stroke. The hand on her hips shifted, moved under her and brushed her clit, and she exploded. With a wail, she blasted apart, her insides doing something they had never done before.

Flynn roared as he followed her over and she allowed
him throbbing inside her to push her into another mind-shattering climax.

Summer lay on the table, gasping for breath with Flynn half on top of her, his big body shuddering in the aftermath, when a polite cough from the door alerted her.

The door of the croft was open and the shock on the stranger’s face mirrored her own.

Flynn’s reactions were startlingly fast. He pivoted, grabbing a chair as he moved and then swinging it at the intruder.

‘David?’ The chair dropped from his hand and clattered noisily on the flagstone floor. ‘You almost gave me a heart attack.’

‘Me? I came to check on the croft. I wasn’t expecting to find a … to find you …’ He darted another look at her, half-naked over the kitchen table, and his face flushed. ‘I’ll be outside.’

He closed the door again. Summer leapt up and was surprised to find her legs wobbled under her.

She had never felt so utterly exposed or humiliated. How could she have agreed to this? She scrambled off the kitchen table and grabbed her clothes. Her shorts were soaked with her pussy juice, her T-shirt was covered with beaten eggs and she desperately needed a shower. Ignoring his attempt to speak to her, she picked up Flynn’s shirt from the chair and raced out to the spa, slamming the door behind her.

She scrubbed away the traces of her arousal and his, cursing men in general and Flynn in particular. When she returned from her tepid shower, the men were sitting at the table drinking tea. Flynn stood up, a sheepish grin on his face. ‘Summer, this is my brother, David.’

David offered his hand. He looked like Flynn around the eyes, but there the resemblance ended. He was smaller and stockier and there was a hint of red in his hair.

‘How do you do?’ Summer spoke in the same polite tone she used for meeting her father’s business colleagues as she offered her hand to David. His grip was warm and friendly.

‘I’m sorry for earlier. I should have knocked, but we get the occasional squatter. You know how it is.’

Summer nodded, as if patrolling for squatters was something she did on a regular basis.

He released her hand and smiled. ‘I was just telling Flynn that there’s no way you should be staying in this place when his house is on the other side of the loch. Anyway, Mam will kill me if I come back without you.’ He shot his brother a look of pity. ‘And Flynn is in enough trouble as it is.’

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