Read The Pilot Online

Authors: James Fenimore Cooper

The Pilot (48 page)

BOOK: The Pilot
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"He looks abroad, and soon appears,
O'er Horncliffe-hill, a plump of spears,
Beneath a pennon gay."

The sharp sounds of the supper-bell were ringing along the gallery, as
Miss Plowden gained the gloomy passage; and she quickened her steps to
join the ladies, in order that no further suspicions might be excited by
her absence.—Alice Dunscombe was already proceeding to the dining
parlor, as Katherine passed through the door of the drawing-room; but
Miss Howard had loitered behind, and was met by her cousin alone.

"You have then been so daring as to venture, Katherine!" exclaimed

"I have," returned the other, throwing herself into a chair, to recover
her agitation—"I have, Cecilia; and I have met Barnstable, who will
soon be in the abbey, and its master."

The blood which had rushed to the face of Cecilia on first seeing her
cousin now retreated to her heart, leaving every part of her fine
countenance of the whiteness of her polished temples, as she said:

"And we are to have a night of blood!"

"We are to have a night of freedom, Miss Howard; freedom to you, and to
me: to Andrew Merry, to Griffith and to his companion!"

"What freedom more than we now enjoy Katherine, is needed by two young
women? Think you I can remain silent, and see my uncle betrayed before
my eyes? his life perhaps endangered!"

"Your own life and person will not be held more sacred, Cecilia Howard,
than that of your uncle. If you will condemn Griffith to a prison, and
perhaps to a gibbet, betray Barnstable, as you have threatened—an
opportunity will not be wanting at the supper-table, whither I shall
lead the way, since the mistress of the house appears to forget her

Katharine arose, and with a firm step and proud eye she moved along the
gallery to the room where their presence was expected by the rest of the
family. Cecilia followed in silence, and the whole party immediately
took their several places at the board.

The first few minutes were passed in the usual attentions of the
gentlemen to the ladies, and the ordinary civilities of the table;
during which Katherine had so far regained the equanimity of her
feelings, as to commence a watchful scrutiny of the manners and looks of
her guardian and Borroughcliffe, in which she determined to persevere
until the eventful hour when she was to expect Barnstable should arrive.
Colonel Howard had, however, so far got the command of himself, as no
longer to betray his former abstraction. In its place Katherine fancied,
at moments, that she could discover a settled look of conscious
security, mingled a little with an expression of severe determination;
such as, in her earlier days, she had learned to dread as sure
indications of the indignant, but upright, justice of an honorable mind.
Borroughcliffe, on the other hand, was cool, polite, and as attentive to
the viands as usual, with the alarming exception of discovering much
less devotion to the Pride of the Vineyards than he commonly manifested
on such occasions. In this manner the meal passed by, and the cloth was
removed, though the ladies appeared willing to retain their places
longer than was customary. Colonel Howard, filling up the glasses of
Alice Dunscombe and himself, passed the bottle to the recruiting
officer, and, with a sort of effort that was intended to rouse the
dormant cheerfulness of his guests, cried:

"Come Borroughcliffe, the ruby lips of your neighbors would be still
more beautiful, were they moistened with this rich cordial, and that,
too, accompanied by some loyal sentiment. Miss Alice is ever ready to
express her fealty to her sovereign; in her name, I can give the health
of his most sacred majesty, with defeat and death to all traitors!"

"If the prayers of an humble subject, and one of a sex that has but
little need to mingle in the turmoil of the world, and that has less
right to pretend to understand the subtleties of statesmen, can much
avail a high and mighty prince like him who sits on the throne, then
will he never know temporal evil," returned Alice, meekly; "but I cannot
wish death to any one, not even to my enemies, if any I have, and much
less to a people who are the children of the same family with myself."

"Children of the same family!" the colonel repeated, slowly, and with a
bitterness of manner that did not fail to attract the painful interest
of Katherine: "children of the same family! Ay! even as Absalom was the
child of David, or as Judas was of the family of the holy Apostles! But
let it pass unpledged—let it pass. The accursed spirit of rebellion has
invaded my dwelling, and I no longer know where to find one of my
household that has not been assailed by its malign influence!"

"Assailed I may have been among others," returned Alice; "but not
corrupted, if purity, in this instance, consists in loyalty—"

"What sound is that?" interrupted the colonel, with startling
suddenness. "Was it not the crash of some violence, Captain

"It may have been one of my rascals who has met with a downfall in
passing from the festive board—where you know I regale them to-night,
in honor of our success—to his blanket," returned the captain, with
admirable indifference; "or it may be the very spirit of whom you have
spoken so freely, my host, that has taken umbrage at your remarks, and
is passing from the hospitable walls of St. Ruth into the open air,
without submitting to the small trouble of ascertaining the position of
doors. In the latter case there may be some dozen perches or so of wall
to replace in the morning."

The colonel, who had risen, glanced his eyes uneasily from the speaker
to the door, and was evidently but little disposed to enter into the
pleasantry of his guest.

"There are unusual noises, Captain Borroughcliffe, in the grounds of the
abbey, if not in the building itself," he said advancing with a fine
military air from the table to the centre of the room, "and as master of
the mansion I will inquire who it is that thus unseasonably disturbs
these domains. If as friends, they shall have welcome, though their
visit be unexpected; and if enemies, they shall also meet with such a
reception as will become an old soldier!"

"No, no," cried Cecilia, entirely thrown off her guard by the manner and
language of the veteran and rushing into his arms. "Go not out, my
uncle; go not into the terrible fray, my kind, my good uncle! you are
old, you have already done more than your duty; why should you be
exposed to danger?"

"The girl is mad with terror, Borroughcliffe," cried the colonel,
bending his glistening eyes fondly on his niece, "and you will have to
furnish my good-for-nothing, gouty old person with a corporal's guard,
to watch my nightcap, or the silly child will have an uneasy pillow,
till the sun rises once more. But you do not stir, sir?"

"Why should I?" cried the captain; "Miss Plowden yet deigns to keep me
company, and it is not in the nature of one of the —th to desert his
bottle and his standard at the same moment. For, to a true soldier, the
smiles of a lady are as imposing in the parlor as the presence of his
colors in the field."

"I continue undisturbed, Captain Borroughcliffe," said Katherine,
"because I have not been an inhabitant, for so many months, of St. Ruth,
and not learned to know the tunes which the wind can play among its
chimneys and pointed roofs. The noise which has taken Colonel Howard
from his seat, and which has so unnecessarily alarmed my cousin Cicely,
is nothing but the Æolian harp of the abbey sounding a double bass."

The captain fastened on her composed countenance, while she was
speaking, a look of open admiration, that brought, though tardily, the
color more deeply to her cheeks: and he answered with something
extremely equivocal, both in his emphasis and his air:

"I have avowed my allegiance, and I will abide by it. So long as Miss
Plowden will deign to bestow her company, so long will she find me among
her most faithful and persevering attendants, come who may, or what

"You compel me to retire," returned Katherine, rising, "whatever may
have been my gracious intentions in the matter; for even female vanity
must crimson, at an adoration so profound as that which can chain
Captain Borroughcliffe to a supper-table! As your alarm has now
dissipated, my cousin, will you lead the way? Miss Alice and myself
attend you."

"But not into the paddock, surely, Miss Plowden," said the captain; "the
door, the key of which you have just turned, communicates with the
vestibule. This is the passage to the drawing-room."

The lady faintly laughed, as if in derision of her own forgetfulness,
while she bowed her acknowledgment, and moved towards the proper
passage: she observed:

"The madness of fear has assailed some, I believe, who have been able to
affect a better disguise than Miss Howard."

"Is it the fear of present danger, or of that which is in reserve?"
asked the captain; "but, as you have stipulated so generously in behalf
of my worthy host here, and of one, also, who shall be nameless, because
he has not deserved such a favor at your hands, your safety shall be one
of my especial duties in these times of peril."

"There is peril, then!" exclaimed Cecilia; "your looks announce it.
Captain Borroughcliffe! The changing countenance of my cousin tells me
that my fears are too true!"

The soldier had now risen also, and, casting aside the air of badinage,
which he so much delighted in, he came forward into the centre of the
apartment, with the manner of one who felt it was time to be serious.

"A soldier is ever in peril, when the enemies of his king are at hand,
Miss Howard," he answered: "and that such is now the case, Miss Plowden
can testify, if she will. But you are the allies of both parties—
retire, then, to your own apartments, and await the result of the
struggle which is at hand."

"You speak of danger and hidden perils," said Alice Dunscombe; "know ye
aught that justifies your fears?"

"I know all," Borroughcliffe coolly replied.

"All!" exclaimed Katherine.

"All!" echoed Alice, in tones of horror, "If, then, you know all, you
must know his desperate courage, and powerful hand, when opposed—yield
in quiet, and he will not harm ye. Believe me, believe one who knows his
very nature, that no lamb can be more gentle than he would be with
unresisting women; nor any lion more fierce, with his enemies!"

"As we happen not to be of the feminine gender," returned
Borroughcliffe, with an air somewhat splenetic, "we must abide the fury
of the king of beasts. His paw is, even now, at the outer door; and, if
my orders have been obeyed, his entrance will be yet easier than that of
the wolf to the respectable female ancestor of the little Red-riding-

"Stay your hand for one single moment!" said Katherine, breathless with
interest; "you are the master of my secret, Captain Borroughcliffe, and
bloodshed may be the consequence. I can yet go forward, and, perhaps,
save many inestimable lives. Pledge to me your honor, that they who come
hither as your enemies, this night, shall depart in peace, and I will
pledge to you my life for the safety of the abbey,"

"Oh! hear her, and shed not human blood!" cried Cecilla.

A loud crash interrupted further speech, and the sounds of heavy
footsteps were heard in the adjoining room, as if many men were
alighting on its floor, in quick succession. Borroughcliffe drew back,
with great coolness, to the opposite side of the large apartment, and
took a sheathed sword from the table where it had been placed; at the
same moment the door was burst open, and Barnstable entered alone, but
heavily armed.

"You are my prisoners, gentlemen," said the sailor, as he advanced;
"resistance is useless, and without it you shall receive favor. Ha, Miss
Plowden! my advice was that you should not be present at this scene."

"Barnstable, we are betrayed!" cried the agitated Katherine. "But it is
not yet too late. Blood has not yet been spilt, and you can retire,
without that dreadful alternative, with honor. Go, then, delay not
another moment; for should the soldiers of Captain Borroughcliffe come
to the rescue of their commander, the abbey would be a scene of horror!"

"Go you away; go, Katherine," said her lover, with impatience; "this is
no place for such as you. But, Captain Borroughcliffe, if such be your
name, you must perceive that resistance is in vain. I have ten good
pikes in this outer room, in twenty better hands, and it will be madness
to fight against such odds."

"Show me your strength," said the captain, "that I may take counsel with
mine honor."

"Your honor shall be appeased, my brave soldier, for such is your
bearing, though your livery is my aversion, and your cause most unholy!
Heave ahead, boys! but hold your hands for orders."

The party of fierce-looking sailors whom Barnstable led, on receiving
this order, rushed into the room in a medley; but, notwithstanding the
surly glances, and savage characters of their dress and equipments, they
struck no blow, nor committed any act of hostility. The ladies shrank
back appalled, as this terrific little band took possession of the hall;
and even Borroughcliffe was seen to fall back towards a door which, in
some measure, covered his retreat. The confusion of this sudden movement
had not yet subsided, when sounds of strife were heard rapidly
approaching from a distant part of the building, and presently one of
the numerous doors of the apartment was violently opened, when two of
the garrison of the abbey rushed into the hall, vigorously pressed by
twice their number of seamen, seconded by Griffith, Manual, and Merry,
who were armed with such weapons of offence as had presented themselves
to their hands, at their unexpected liberation. There was a movement on
the part of the seamen who were already in possession of the room, that
threatened instant death to the fugitives; but Barnstable beat down
their pikes with his sword, and sternly ordered them to fall back.
Surprise produced the same pacific result among the combatants; and as
the soldiers hastily sought a refuge behind their own officers, and the
released captives, with their liberators, joined the body of their
friends, the quiet of the hall, which had been so rudely interrupted,
was soon restored.

BOOK: The Pilot
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