The Phantom Killer: Unlocking the Mystery of the Texarkana Serial Murders: The Story of a Town in Terror (56 page)

BOOK: The Phantom Killer: Unlocking the Mystery of the Texarkana Serial Murders: The Story of a Town in Terror
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Tillman Johnson read the first third of an early version before a health crisis led to his death. Billie Hargis House also read the early first half. James Williams, a retired newspaper editor with a special interest in true crime, read the entire manuscript. He was particularly helpful in suggesting shorter chapters. Katie Grimm read the manuscript and offered helpful comments. My son, Dr. John F. Presley, read the manuscript in its entirety twice, resulting in changes in organization and emphasis. John was a mainstay in many ways, throughout encouraging and providing feedback. My daughter Ann and wife Fran, though not devotees of the true crime genre, were supportive and read portions of the book, to my benefit.

Any errors, oversights, or misinterpretations are mine.




A popular postcard in Texarkana in the 1940s.

Jim Hollis in 1947 after his beating the year before.
Courtesy of Diana Burris

Mary Jeanne Larey a few years after the incident.
Courtesy of the Luann Cate Collection

The Rythmaires on the VFW bandstand in 1946, with Betty Jo Booker playing the saxophone second from left.

Betty Jo Booker.
Courtesy of Grace Guier

Paul Martin as a younger boy.
Courtesy of the Tom Albritton Collection

This photo appeared in the
Texarkana Gazette
in 1946 following the Martin-Booker murders. From left to right: Jerry Atkins, band leader; Betty Ann Roberts; Sheriff Bill Presley; Sophie Anne White; and Texas Ranger Captain M. T. “Lone Wolf” Gonzaullas.

Paul Martin’s body at the crime scene.
Courtesy of Tillman Johnson Collection

Betty Jo Booker’s body at the crime scene.
Courtesy of Tillman Johnson Collection

Map of the Booker-Martin crime scene.
Courtesy of Andrew Lusk

Richard Griffin in his Navy uniform.
Courtesy of the David Griffin Collection

Polly Ann Moore, in the last photo taken of her.
Courtesy of the Mark Moore Collection

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