The Perfect Suitor (Bewildering Love Series) (17 page)

Read The Perfect Suitor (Bewildering Love Series) Online

Authors: L. A. Hilden

Tags: #Romance, #Historical Romance, #LA Hilden, #Historical Fiction, #regency romance

BOOK: The Perfect Suitor (Bewildering Love Series)
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What the hell happened?
He wondered if the count had whacked her over the head as well. He was grateful that her hands weren’t tied. Now he merely had to wake her so she could untie him and he could free them from this place. He cursed himself for his first effort to save her failing miserably. He was lying on his back, and he slid his leg over to nudge her. He watched as she smiled with her eyes still closed. “Eve? Eve, my love, wake up.”

She smiled at him dreamily again and his patience snapped. “Eve, damn it to hell! Wake up!” Paxton hollered. When she opened her eyes and smiled again, he realized something was wrong with her. She was looking at him but he could swear she wasn’t seeing him. It was as if she looked through him, and her pupils were enormous. When her hand reached over to caress his chest like an intimate lover, he froze.

“Eve, love, wake up please,” he coaxed gently. “What did Henri do to you?” he asked, knowing she might not respond. Evidently Henri had thought it necessary to drug her.
The bleeding bastard!

“You are so pretty,” she purred, running a finger down his cheek.

Pretty? Ah, hell!


Eve sat up and looked at Paxton. She was so happy they were alone together that she clapped her hands in glee. He was perfect, and although he scrunched his nose when she called him pretty, it was nothing less than the truth. He
pretty, and strong, and masculine with his muscles rippling beneath a thin lawn shirt. Her dream was so vivid she could even smell him: shaving soap, man, and bourbon all mixed together to form the headiest bouquet imaginable.

In her dream, she had tied him up so he was completely at her mercy. The unattainable earl couldn’t run from her explorations.
What a wonderful, inventive imagination I have.
She planned to take advantage of his helplessness. Aretino’s engravings came to mind. Remembering one of the interesting sexual poses, Eve pulled up her dress, and clumsily climbed on top of the earl, straddling his hips. She slowly began to pull up his shirt, teasing herself as she exposed his stomach and chest inch by delicious inch. Her hands seemed to not operate as they were supposed to, though. She was unable to move the shirt up over his arms because they were tied to the bed. Imagining herself with super human strength, she grabbed the v of the shirt and pulled, ripping the fabric so that she could toss the halves open. She sighed happily when his body was exposed to her view.

This is the best dream ever.
Paxton’s well-formed torso was now exposed for her pleasure. She ran her fingers through the light sprinkle of hair on his chest, bringing her head down to place kisses over his honed muscles, circling his dark brown nipples with the tip of her tongue.


Paxton moaned as he tried to squirm away from Eve’s intimate exploration of his body. Despite his demand for it not to, his cock hardened instantly beneath her. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He was powerless to stop her. “Eve, wake up this instant!” he demanded, and then he sucked in his breath as she laved one of his nipples with her tongue. He yanked again on his bonds, but it was to no avail. In fact, they seemed to tighten, cutting into his wrists. She seemed oblivious to him squirming beneath her, and his words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Briefly, he wondered if Henri was going to enter the room and find them like this, with him helplessly tied to a post and half-clad with Lady Evelyn Manning undulating on top of him. But then, he had yelled loudly at Eve to wake her, which surely would have brought the Frenchman rushing forth. The house was silent with the exception of Eve and himself. He assumed the count had left for France. For Eve’s sake, considering her wanton behavior, he hoped this was true. She’d likely be appalled if she were even slightly coherent enough to understand what she was doing.

He couldn’t help but groan as Eve repositioned herself so that she now sat directly on top of his erection. It occurred to him that he wasn’t going to be able to stop her from doing whatever she had on her mind. She appeared unaware of what she was doing, as if she was in a dreamlike state. And try as he might, there was no possible way for him to prevent his traitorous body from responding to her sweet machinations.

Eve began to move back and forth along the shaft of his cock, and Paxton gritted his teeth, trying his best to control his response. But looking up at her as she rocked against him in pleasure was more than he could bear.
Hell, it is more than any man could bear.

Seeming to love her rocking motion, she sped up her pace, and Paxton hissed through his teeth at the friction.

“Are you enjoying this?” she asked Paxton boldly, running her hands over his chest, kneading his muscles, raking nails across his skin.

Paxton stopped fighting Eve’s caresses. He wanted this woman. He had wanted her from the moment he first bumped into her at the theater. He was done denying himself. Besides, she was a woman who, at this moment, could not be denied. “Yes, love. It feels sensational,” he answered, lifting his hips to arch up to meet with her. How he would have loved to have gripped her hips at this point and push her even further into his arousal, but such a maneuver was impossible to manage trussed up as he was.

“I want to give you endless pleasure. I want to love you. Will you let me love you?” Eve asked, her lips hovering above his.

Paxton gulped, not having time to respond before Eve crushed her lips down upon his. He tried to control the kiss, bringing his tongue out to sweep through the moist recesses of her mouth, but she pulled back and then came back for more. She was teasing him, the vixen. He felt completely useless because he was not able to take control as he was wont to do.
If only my hands were free.
He yanked again and Eve moaned as the lower half of his body pushed up against her.

She knew what he was trying to do and smiled at him seductively. “You are at my mercy, Paxton. Don’t try to fight it,” she whispered as she lightly nipped his earlobe.

“I don’t want to fight it, love. I wish to help.”

She looked at him as if she was contemplating untying him, then licked her lips and grinned, shaking her fiery hair all around her shoulders as she said, “No, this is my dream and I happen to be enjoying the fact that I’m in charge.” She shifted herself on his erection to emphasize her point.

Paxton didn’t want the sweet torment to end. It was the most erotic love play he had ever experienced in his life, and it was being carried out by a virgin. Eve was perfect. There was no denying her innate passion. The only thing he could do was lie back and enjoy. “Love, do you think you could bare some of your delectable body to me?”

“Why is it that even in my dream you wish to be in charge?” she asked teasingly, but she lowered the top of her bodice without hesitation.

Her breasts spilled out above the neckline and Paxton’s fists clenched in their bonds. He had never wanted to touch anything more than Eve’s lovely breasts. He quickly closed his eyes as he fought for control but then quickly opened them and took in the glorious sight in front of him. Eve, her eyes closed, head back, and breasts thrust forward stroked herself against his hardened arousal with complete abandon. “I hope you never wake up,” he whispered.

Paxton wished he could remove his breeches and plunge himself deep inside her. The thought of himself buried deep inside Eve’s heated warmth… “Love, if you would kindly remove my pants.”

She quieted him with a passionate kiss. Her lovely breasts pressed against his chest. She moaned again. “Shh!” she said. She started to sit up straight again, and he felt tremors course through her body as he tugged on one of her nipples with his teeth. “Hmm, that feels good.” She leaned into him to give him better access.

Paxton licked and suckled the breast she offered, enjoying the soft mewing sounds escaping from her throat.

“This feels strange yet really wonderful. I’ve never felt like this before, like my whole body is on fire.” Eve moved back and forth, increasing the intensity of these new sensations.

Paxton knew he couldn’t hold back much longer. Eve again increased her rhythmic motion, her breasts bouncing near his face, her thighs squeezing his hips, her ass… Her cry of ecstasy was earth shattering. Her expression was one of wonder and fulfillment and he let go of the thin thread of control he had. It suddenly dawned on him that, for the first time in his life, he had released his seed in his trousers.
I am a mess.

Eve, on the other hand, was so full of contentment that she moved off him, readjusted her dress, and immediately fell back to sleep.

Paxton laid there, staring at the ceiling for what he guessed was hours. He continued to replay the scene that had occurred between them and made one decision. When Eve woke up and untied him, he was going to give her what she craved, but this time without clothes and his cock embedded deep inside her where he should have been the first time.


Madeline felt like screaming the house down. They had questioned everyone they could about Evelyn’s whereabouts without raising too much suspicion. However, although her daughter’s reputation was extremely important, Eve’s safety was paramount and Madeline no longer cared about what others thought. She wanted her daughter back safe and sound.

“Anything?” she asked Charles as he entered the room, interrupting her fretful pacing.

“No. The count hasn’t responded to my message,” he said, disappointment and worry filling his tone. “And he’s not likely to respond since he seems to no longer reside at the address I was given.”

“She did not like the count enough to run off with him, Charles. I know Eve. She has her heart set on the Earl of Devonhurst. Have you contacted the earl?”

“No, I…” Charles paused to contemplate that. “Do you think he would know where to find her?” He shook his head before she could answer. “No matter, it’s worth a try. I’m going there right now.”

Madeline hurried next to him. “I’m going with you. I’ll go mad if I have to stay here. I’ll tell Hamilton where he can find us.”

“Good idea. I’ll ready the carriage and meet you out front.”


At the Devonhurst home, the butler left Viscount Stonehaven and his wife in the parlor while he went to find the Countess of Devonhurst.

Lady Veronica was in the ladies sitting room and quickly turned when James entered. “Has my son returned?”

Although the countess tried to hide her unease, James knew she was worried about his lordship and Lady Evelyn. “No, my lady. However, Lady Evelyn’s parents have come to call and they wish to speak with you.”

“Well, then, why are you still standing there? Show them in. Perhaps they know to where my son disappeared.”

James could tell from the Stonehavens’ countenance that this wasn’t the case, but he knew voicing his opinion would only earn him a reproach from Lady Veronica and so went to fetch the Stonehavens. After showing them into the room, he dutifully went to retrieve them refreshments.


“Please make yourselves comfortable.” Veronica motioned the viscount and his wife toward the sofa and some chairs, seating herself on the sofa.

“We were looking for the earl,” Lady Madeline stated.

“I see,” Veronica said. “I do not know where my son went. Nevertheless, I think you should know that he is probably with your daughter.”

“He’s with Evelyn?” the viscountess asked with obvious relief.

“Can you tell us anything else?” the viscount questioned.

“Knowing my son, I’m sure he found her by now. Paxton can be quite a champion with the ladies when he tries. Unfortunately, he doesn’t feel he needs a wife or offspring, and hence he never tries.” The countess muttered a few other things under her breath that they couldn’t hear.

The butler returned with refreshments and the viscount took advantage of her distraction by turning the conversation back to his daughter. “What do you mean he has probably found her?”

“Please, Lady Devonhurst, I beseech you to start from the beginning.”

“Yes, of course, Lady Stonehaven. I apologize. You’re doubtlessly worried and here I am going on about my son’s lack of urgency to acquire a spouse.” She waved the butler away. “I don’t need you hovering,” she told James, and she waited for him to leave before she began her story.

“You see, I arrived late last night to find neither of my children at home. Your daughter arrived here even later than I. The butler refused her entry due to her appearance and the fact that she was without an escort.”

“What was wrong with her appearance? I saw her before she left home and she never looked lovelier,” Madeline told her.

“I do not mean to be impolite, but your daughter looked far from respectable when she came here. She looked like a ragamuffin. Her gown was filthy and in dire need of a sewing needle.” She saw Madeline’s face go ashen with fear and so tried to assure her that all was fine. “Aside from a little dirt, she was all right. Not a scratch on her as far as I could tell.”

“Please go on,” Charles instructed, seeming to take exception to what she said, but it was only the truth.

“Yes, well, after she broke down the door…”

“She what?” Madeline fairly screeched, but then Veronica was sure to do the same if she found her daughter Lydia was behaving in such an unladylike manner.

Charles put a comforting hand on his wife’s arm and whispered, “Dear, let her continue.”

“She insisted on seeing my son, who, as I said, wasn’t home at the time. I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t believe her to be a lady even after she informed me of her identity.” Veronica looked down at the ground. She was embarrassed by her behavior toward their daughter. “I’m terribly sorry, but I was exhausted from my trip and angry at my children for not being here and I’m afraid I took my ire out on her.” She shook her head. “Although I know that is no excuse.”

“Continue,” said the viscount sternly, clearly angry with her. “What happened after you sent Eve away?”


“You sent her away?” Madeline stammered, and she looked at Charles with tears in her eyes. Obviously, she wasn’t following the story as closely as her husband was, but she was worried sick. And she knew Charles wasn’t much better. “Why didn’t she come home?”

“My son seemed to think she was in trouble. It seems she left him a note. He came home before dawn this morning, read the note, and left. I’m sure he has found her by now. I’m sure you have nothing at all to worry about. He seems to care a great deal for your daughter, and I would like to hear more about her. Where did she go to finishing school? How old is she? She’s not a widow, is she?”

“Countess, please. Our daughter is in trouble. Do you have the note she left?” Charles implored.

“Yes, but I couldn’t make any sense of it. Here, perhaps you can.” She opened a wooden box on the end table and gave him the note.

“That’s her writing.” Madeline couldn’t stop her tears from falling as she saw her daughter’s message. “What does it say?”

Charles read it out loud. “
Don’t know where to go. Serious danger with Count Vernon. Try to reach you again later. Eve

“Do you know someone by that name?” Lady Veronica asked.

“Henri Leverett, Count Vernon. Charles, do you think he has hurt Evelyn?”

“Don’t fret, dear.” Charles was already on his feet. “I’m going to his house, and if he doesn’t answer, I’ll break the damn door down.”

Madeline stood to follow Charles, but he sat her back down. “I think you should stay here, dear.” She opened her mouth to argue. “I’ll be fine,” he said. “I’m bringing the authorities with me.”

“Good idea,” Veronica agreed. “Lady Stonehaven and I will stay here and wait to hear from you.”

Madeline was shaking uncontrollably. The words
serious danger
kept repeating in her head. Why was her daughter in serious danger? How could this have happened? She knew Charles would be able to concentrate better if she stayed behind, and so she didn’t argue further. “Find her, Charles, and please hurry.”

Lady Veronica put a hand on Madeline’s trembling shoulder. “Try not to fret. My son will keep her safe.”

Madeline wished she had as much faith in the Earl of Devonhurst as his mother did. She could only nod in response.

“So tell me about Evelyn. Maybe it will help to pass the time.” Veronica sat down next to her. “My son seems to care for her, as I stated earlier.”

Madeline tried to smile. She was going to remain positive. She had to. Her daughter was fine. Eve had to be fine. “It seems my daughter has an uncontrollable hankering for your son. I do not know his feelings toward her, although he made it clear to her that he does not wish to marry.”

“What my son wants and what he needs are two separate issues. He obviously needs a wife for he needs heirs. I think, if he meets the right woman, he will come to
those things as well. After watching his reaction to the mere mention of your daughter’s name, I realize he has strong feelings toward her, and perhaps, if they both share those feelings, something more may blossom between them.”

“Such as marriage.” Madeline stated Veronica’s obvious thoughts.

“Precisely. Although stubborn when it comes to such a commitment, my son would make your daughter an exemplary husband.”

Both women continued to discuss the many attributes of their children as they tried to wait patiently for news.


From the barred window Paxton could see the sun was setting. Hours had gone by as he lay there waiting for Eve to waken. He knew people had to be looking for them by now, but they obviously had no idea where to look. If he could untie the damn rope from his wrists, he could free them from this place.

Or he could forget escape for a while and lose himself in the sensual morsel next to him. The latter was by far the best plan. He heard Eve moan and stopped his survey of the room. “Eve,” he spoke her name as he maneuvered his body so he could nudge her for the hundredth time.


“Paxton?” Eve slowly sat up, trying to clear her head as she looked around the unfamiliar room.

“We are at Count Vernon’s house. He locked us in this room,” he explained.

“I… I remember trying to run from him. I went to your house and…” She didn’t want to tell him about the horrible encounter she had with his mother. “You weren’t home. Henri finally caught up with me after I was thrown from a moving vehicle, which I had to steal. You don’t think they’ll hang me for committing theft do you?” When Paxton shook his head, she continued, “I think he put something in the lemonade I drank because I don’t remember anything after that.” She rubbed her eyes with her fists.

“How do you feel now?”

“Fine, I think.” Eve suddenly realized he was tied to the bedpost. “Oh, here. Let me help you.” She fumbled with the knots. “They are too tight. I can’t undo them.”

Paxton gave her a wry smile as Eve scrambled off the bed to search for something to help with the ropes.

“They need to be cut off,” he said, still holding on to his smile, which she thought was most peculiar considering their circumstances.

Eve slowly made her way around the room, opening a chest of drawers and the drawers of a small writing desk sitting in the corner.

“So?” He lifted his head to see if she found anything.

She began to give him a list. “An oil lamp, a candle, some pieces of flint, and a dried up inkwell.” She looked at the stuff wondering if any of it could help remove his bindings. “Maybe we could burn the ropes? No.” She shook her head, immediately dismissing the idea. “It will never work.”

“It would work if we burned them a little and pulled them apart. If we keep repeating the process, eventually I’ll be free.”

“No, you’ll end up with burns.”

“I can’t stay tied to the bed!” Paxton had seemingly passed irritation hours ago and he yanked on his bonds. It was obvious the poor man did not like feeling helpless.

“There has to be another way.” She scanned the room, her eyes coming to rest on the ceramic washbowl and pitcher perched on the small nightstand. “I know. I’ll break the bowl and use the shards to cut through the ropes.”

“Sounds like a good plan. Since my arrival in this room, I’ve come to appreciate how creative your mind can be.”

Eve wrinkled her nose at him, knowing that something further hid amongst his words but she had no idea to what he was referring. “It wasn’t that ingenious.”

Paxton smiled again. “Well, shall we?”

Eve grabbed the bowl with both hands, but as she hefted it above her head, she stopped. “This noise is sure to bring Henri in here.”

“I think Henri left as soon as he locked us in here.”

Eve threw the bowl down on the wood floor as hard as she could. Pieces flew all over, some cutting the burgundy wainscoting on the nearest wall but most scattered under the chest of drawers. She bent and picked up a hand-size piece. She crawled across the bed and jumped back when Paxton groaned. “Are you in pain?”

“Only when you crawl across the bed.”

She frowned. “What is that supposed to mean?”

He smiled devilishly at her. “A beautiful woman crawling toward me on her hands and knees across a gold velvet coverlet has a tendency to make me groan. Sorry.” He laughed as she colored with embarrassment.

She gave him a smirk. “Yes, well, I must say, it is nice to have you at my mercy…” Eve stopped in mid-sentence.

“Something wrong?” His smile widened as if he knew the images of them together that just flashed through her mind. “A sovereign for your thoughts?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Only a dream I had. Nothing of import.” She didn’t look at him as she sat cross-legged, bunching her skirt around her legs in a ladylike manner while trying to ignore sexual images that seemed so real.

“In your dream, was I tied up?”

“Of course not. I don’t know why you’d even assume
were in my dream at all.” She felt her cheeks heat with more color at her lie and put her head down to focus on his bonds. “Now, please be quiet so I can concentrate.”

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