The Perfect Prom Date (20 page)

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Authors: Marysue G. Hobika

BOOK: The Perfect Prom Date
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My Prom was everything I ever imagined and more! And I know yours will be all you dreamed too.


Brennan came to pick me up in his dad’s sports car – a Mercedes SLK. I watched from my bedroom window as he walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. He looked so handsome in his tux that my heart stopped. His hair was damp and it curled up around his collar. His eyes stood out in contrast to his dark features and attire, making them even more irresistible.

I looked at my reflection one last time before going to greet my own prince charming. I was pleased with how I looked. I had spent hours shopping for the right dress - nothing too revealing but still sexy, and in a color that wouldn’t clash with my bright red hair. I chose a white evening gown by La Femme. It was flirty and elegant at the same time. The flowing skirt made me feel like a princess, but the long slit kept it contemporary. It showed off my back, one of my best features. I had on more makeup than I usually wore, but it looked natural. My hair was in an up-do with soft tendrils escaping to frame my face. I’m not one to compliment myself, but I had to admit I looked gorgeous.

My mom called up to me just as I opened my door. I couldn’t wait for Brennan to see me, but out of necessity I carefully made my way down the stairs. I didn’t want to trip in my heels or on the long skirt. I felt like it was all happening in slow motion. Brennan looked up at me and gave me a smile that left little doubt about his feelings. I smiled lovingly back at him. He reached out his hand and helped me down the last remaining steps. And I vowed not to let go his hand for the rest of the night.

“You look amazing, Rubylocks,” he sighed, pulling on a loose tendril and watching it spring back up.

“Thank you,” I blushed. “So do you.” I reached up and stroked the side of his cheek.

My dad cleared his throat. “Ahem…it’s time to take pictures.”

“Oh, wait. I got you something,” Brennan said reaching around and placing a corsage made of white m
iniature cymbidium orchids
with matching wispy white feathers
on my wrist. He then brought my hand to his lips and lightly kissed it.

“It’s beautiful, thank you,” I sighed, admiring my wrist. “I have something for you too.” I walked over to the coffee table and picked up the boutonnière I had bought. I pinned in on him and reveled in the joy of being so close to him. His woodsy cologne took over my senses, and I closed my eyes while breathing in his scent. He bent down, kissing me on the forehead.

“Pictures,” my dad stated loudly, completely interrupting my fantasy.

My dad was relentless with the camera for the next twenty minutes. First he arranged us on the stairs, then on the front porch, then by the flowers outside. He snapped pictures continuously until my cheeks began to hurt from smiling so much.

I couldn’t take it anymore, “Okay, dad. I’m sure you’ve got enough good ones,” I pointed at the camera.

He began to review the pictures, “Yeah, I guess I do,” he chuckled.

“We have a dinner reservation at 6 p.m.,” Brennan said, trying to hint that it was time for us to go.

“Of course,” my mom gushed. “Have fun, you two. And be careful. No drinking and driving. If you need a ride later, call me. Any time, it doesn’t matter.”

“Mom,” I said, rolling my eyes. Didn’t she know me at all? I never drank alcohol, and I especially wouldn’t tonight – the most important night of my life!

“Okay, okay,” she said.

I took Brennan’s arm and we were almost to his car when Ellie came bounding out of the house, startling everyone. I never told my parents what Ellie had done. However, Mr. Richardson asked around at school like he promised, and even though he couldn’t prove it, he called my parents and told them his suspicions. They grounded Ellie, forcing her to call Trent and tell him that she couldn’t be his date to the prom.

“Wait, Josie,” she yelled.

I automatically stiffened. Brennan lightly squeezed my arm, and I relaxed.

“Why don’t you talk to Josie tomorrow. Let her be,” our dad said.

“No, I have to talk to her now. Tomorrow will be to late.”

I looked up at Brennan, and he gave me the okay.

“What, Ellie?
What do you want?” I was going to kill her for real this time if she did anything to spoil this perfect night.

She slowly approached me with her head down, reminding me of a scolded puppy. “I wanted to apologize. I’m so sorry I pulled that prank on you. I should never have tricked Adam into letting me into the school to hang up the photocopied pages from your scrapbook. I should never have crossed that line. You’re my sister, and you didn’t deserve what I did to you. I was just jealous of you. I know that’s no excuse, but that’s why I did it. I’m sorry.” She finally looked up at me.

“Jealous of me?”

She nodded. “You’re smart, athletic, and kind. Look at you,” she said, pointing at me, “you’re so beautiful. And on top of all that, you have the best boyfriend in the world.
I couldn’t help feeling jealous. I know it’s wrong for me to feel that way, but when I heard you telling mom that Brennan had invited you to go to Florida with him, I snapped. And that’s when I came up with the idea. Anyway, I hope you can forgive me. Someday.”
Ellie sounded completely sincere. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t ever remember a time when Ellie had apologized. I was thinking things over when she added, “Like maybe when you’re away at college, you could forgive me.” She smirked, “Then I could come to visit you.” She was back to sounding like her self again.

“I’ll think about it,” I said, smiling. It felt good to hear her confession and to know that Ellie wasn’t as confident as she wanted everyone to believe.

“Ready?” Brennan asked me.

“Oh, there’s one more thing I wanted to say,” interrupted Ellie.
“I never got the chance to tell you how truly beautiful you look tonight.”

I could barely believe my ears. “Thank you.” I knew it wasn’t easy for her to say that, and it meant a lot to me.

“You two make a perfect couple.”

I smiled. Ellie and I actually agreed on something.

Brennan opened the car door for me, and then we sped off toward the restaurant.
We enjoyed a romantic dinner, just the two of us.
We planned to meet up with friends at the prom. Even though Brennan and I liked each other’s friends, we rarely hung out with them as a couple.

We arrived at the prom just as things were getting under way. The hotel reception room was completely transformed, tiny white lights were strung everywhere and bowls with floating flowers and candles adorned every table. It was truly magical. As I walked in on Brennan’s arm, it felt like every eye was focused on us. I looked up at Brennan and smiled my ridiculously happy smile. Then I pulled Brennan out onto the dance floor, where we stayed until the music stopped.

“I just want to remind everyone to vote for tonight’s Prom King and Queen. The crowning ceremony will take place shortly,” announced the prom committee chairperson.

“I wonder who will be named this year?” I said absentmindedly.

“I don’t know.
Let’s go vote before it’s too late,” Brennan suggested.

On our way back we ran into Rachel, so we found a nearby table and sat down to compare notes on the evening so far. Also I needed to put my feet up because they were starting to throb after all the dancing we just did.

“I never could have imagined all this,” said Rachel, sweeping her arm to encompass the whole scene before us. “Even though our scrapbook did come close,” she chuckled, spotting a girl wearing one of the exact outfits I had put together.

“If things don’t work out for me in Boston, maybe I’ll move to New York to take on the fashion world by storm.” I laughed. After a few days the snickering regarding what Ellie had done died down and ironically girls started asking me questions - like where could they get a one-of-a-kind clutch or did I think that it would look okay to wear a short flapper-style dress with leopard print pumps.

I saw Rachel glance at Brennan who was a foot away talking to one of his friends. “My intuition tells me that everything is going to work out just fine in Boston next year.”

I smiled my happy grin. I was thrilled that Brennan and I were going to be in the same city next year.

“What about you? You and Kyle looked pretty cozy out there on the dance floor.”

Rachel blushed. “This has been an amazing evening so far – thanks to you and your brilliant 10 steps to getting the perfect prom date. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“What are you talking about, girlfriend? You did this all by yourself.
As I recall, you didn’t even need all 10 steps,” I chided.

“Yeah, but I needed the self-confidence it gave me. Thanks.” She flashed me a smile.

“You’re welcome.”

Rachel looked deep in thought as she continued, “I think what surprises me most is how quickly our relationship has become serious.” I raised my eyebrows, wondering if there was something Rachel hadn’t told me. She leaned in close and whispered, “We haven’t had sex yet, but I think that tonight might be the night. I can’t believe I might actually lose my virginity on prom night; that sounds so cliché. I thought I would wait until I was much older, but because Kyle and I have been friends for years, everything is moving so fast. We didn’t need to spend the first two months we were dating getting to know each other like most couple do. Our first date was more like a tenth date. What about you and Brennan? You never did tell me what really happened when you went on vacation with him and his family.”

“Nothing happened. We had a great time and enjoyed each other’s company, but we didn’t have sex. Brennan agrees that there’s no hurry; we have lots of time. And he’s right, we do.
You have lots of time, too. You don’t have to rush into anything.”

“I know. Thanks.” She squeezed my hand, and then leaned back in her chair.

Brennan and Kyle both joined us, carrying drinks.

Just then the chairperson spoke into the microphone, “Can I have everyone’s attention please?” He waited for the room to fall silent. “The ballots have been counted. It’s time to announce this year’s Prom King and Prom Queen. We’ll begin with the third runners-up.” He opened an envelope and read, “Katie Ford and Mike Tuttle.” The crowd cheered, and then the chairperson announced the second and the first runners-up. I was surprised when Tracy Berry and Trent Gordon were named the first runners-up because I thought since they were the most popular kids at school that they would win. As soon as the crowd quieted down again, the chairperson announced, “Now without further ado – I give you this year’s Prom King and Queen,” he paused to open the sealed envelope, “Brennan Fisher and Josephine McCall.” The crowd cheered louder than they had all night.

OMG – did he just announce my name? I sat stunned. Could this be a joke?

Rachel nudged me. “Josie, you won. Josie, you and Brennan won,” she screamed in my ear.

Brennan stood up and extended his hand to me. I was suddenly nervous, and I wasn’t sure if I could move. “Relax,” Brennan whispered in my ear, tickling me. “You look beautiful. Everyone here loves you because of the pictures from ‘Everything Prom.’
You’re their hero. You gave them the confidence that they needed. Come on, we can’t keep your fans waiting.”

At first I was shocked by what Brennan had said, and then I took a closer look around me and saw that he was telling the truth. Everyone was cheering me on. And many girls were wearing outfits I had put together. Suddenly, my anxiety disappeared. I took his hand and we walked to the stage. Being crowned Prom Queen was beyond my wildest dreams.

The chairperson placed the crowns upon our heads, “And now the royal couple will share a slow dance.” He extended his arm to indicate the open dance floor.

Brennan faced me, and I reached my arms up, encircling his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. The music began. Even though I knew everyone was watching us circle the dance floor, I felt as if it was just Brennan and I.
The music played softly, the lights twinkled around us, and I reveled in how wonderful it felt to be in his strong arms. There was no place else I’d rather be.

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