Read The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set] Online

Authors: C.J. Wells

Tags: #Perfect Plans and Take a Bow

The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set] (67 page)

BOOK: The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set]
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“Yeah, I hear yeah, sister. You’re like legit in love.”

“I guess we are,” I smile, turning back to our men, making their way towards the table.

“Your drinks are served, me ladies,” Thomas drawls, laying our drinks down with an eloquent bow.

“Why, thank you kind sir,” I play in return, smiling as Alex takes his seat beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

Leaning into him, I practically melt as he places a quick kiss to my cheek, quickly noting Stacey’s stink eye screaming ‘CALM THE FUCK DOWN’ from across the table. I stick my tongue out at her in defiance.

“Hmmm, do I detect some rivalry, ladies?” Thomas inquires.

“No, no,” Stacey interjects, flashing Thomas a sweet and innocent gaze, batting her eye lashes theatrically, “I was simply telepathically reminding Aby to keep her vagina in her pants. Or skirt, I should say.”

“Stacey!” I squeal on a laugh, as Alex spews a bit of the beer he just swallowed, pulling his arm from around my shoulders to wipe the dribbles off his chin.

Raucous laughter ensues as Stacey relays her sound advice about the poor form involved in having sex on the table in the middle of a crowded club.

I catch a glimpse of Alex’s intrigued brow, his sexy drunken lips parted as he stares at me amid Stacey’s rant, “So, I told her that if they don’t stop eye-fucking each other across the room, I’ll open a can of whoop ass,” she explains to Thomas, who chuckles and flashes me a quick wink.

Alex’s hand on my bare thigh, inches higher and higher up my leg beneath my skirt, thankfully hidden under the table. My gaze instantly travels to the patrons surrounding us and I breathe a sigh of relief to see that his touches are unbeknownst to prying eyes.

His fingers slide between my thighs, spreading them, leaving a trail of lust-filled goose bumps in their wake. I try like hell to stay focused on Stacey, to control my breathing, but as his teasing touch inches closer and closer to my aching core, my pulse kicks into high gear. It’s a dizzying test of constraint through our silent, avid show of attention towards Stacey and Thomas amid their back and forth quibbles; perfectly displayed interest, despite his fingers having met with my soaked thong.

From the corner of my eye, I note Alex’s chest heave, expelling a large breath, clearly turned on by my avid wetness. I want to turn to him, kiss him, devour him. But I can’t. I don’t want to give away what he’s doing anymore than I want him to stop. Leaving me struck still, having to pretend that his middle finger didn’t just glide beneath the lace shield of my hungry core.

It takes everything in me to hold back my moan as his finger fills me, pushing hard to curl up inside. Inadvertently, I drop my hand to my lap, inconspicuously holding him in place, desperate for him to finish what he’s started.

His molten gaze lures my own, his eyes flashing with mischief, heat, longing. Unable to turn away, I’m entranced, numb to the ability of formulating a single word.

“Thomas, let’s go for a ciggy,” Stacey suggests. “Back in a sec,” she adds, presumably departing with Thomas in tow. Whether they actually left or not is neither apparent nor relevant as Alex and I stare, our gazes locked heatedly.

The sudden silence at our table suggests they have, and I release my held breath, closing my eyes in pleasure as Alex adds a second finger inside me, his movements quickening as his fingers fuck into me, hitting every sensitive nerve. The pounding base from the dance track hits me in the dim, quiet euphoric bubble of our booth, echoing his sinful wrath of pleasure at my core.

“Yes, baby,” he leans in to whisper at my ear, “…let me feel it,” he angles his body slightly to protect our risqué naughtiness from view.

“Oh god,” I moan, dropping my head to his shoulder. His scent alone could make me come, and I inhale deeply, relishing in his masculine essence of this man.

“That’s it. Fall, sweetheart. I’ve got you,” his inviting whispers course through the tensing of my body as I near the edge.

His words are my undoing. I clench and quiver around his digits, my core tightening, plummeting into release.

Pulling my face into his chest, he shields my moans as my orgasm overtakes me, soaking his fingers.

“Home. Now,” his husky growl is like an aftershock as I quiver in his arms.

“INSIDE,” ALEX ORDERS, pushing the door open to crash against the wall inside, his aggressive commanding tone sending shivers along my core.

The sexual need ricocheting between us is palpable, our inebriation fueling our need to fuck, and fuck hard. A burning fire looms just under the surface as he stares at me with lust-fueled eyes, the sheer magnitude of his display effectively stunning me in place, unable to move, staring at the beauty of it.

Like an animal, a ferocious beast of sexual yearning, he grabs my arm, roughly pulling me inside. I sway slightly in my alcohol-fueled stupor, completely overcome by his erotic commanding force.

My thong soaks further as his mouth finds mine, his tongue plunging deep. My pussy clenches and pulses in desperate yearning as he pins me against the wall, his hands aggressively sliding up my thighs to cup my sex, harshly palming my ass.

“Mine,” he spews against my lips, licking the seam, sucking and nibbling his way along my jaw and neck as he kicks the door shut.

Tilting my head at the pleasure of his onslaught, I moan incoherently, shaking to the core in longing. “Alex. please…” I need him to take me to that place. I’m desperate for him, the aphrodisiac effects of the alcohol fueling my desire further.

Lifting his gaze to mine, his stare is molten, burning with a desire like I’ve never seen before, searing me deep with its passion. A rush of breath pours from my mouth, a shiver coursing through me at the sight. The effect of the alcohol is permeating through his want, his eyes heavy with lust, hair disheveled, begging to be pulled.

Our dual need to feel, taste, consume, overtakes us; our mouths meeting in a fury, lips devouring in a ravenous kiss, so hot, so pervasive, it could burn us both alive.

He cups my jaw in his hands, holding me securely in place for his ravaging kisses, my body shaking in need. I’m so unbelievably desperate for him, I would give just about anything, say just about anything, for him to take me here, now - to fuck me up against this wall, on the floor, anywhere, it wouldn’t matter.

Gripping and squeezing his thick arms, I savor the feel of his corded muscles tightening and flexing beneath my palms, the knowledge that he’s about to come undone almost bringing to my knees.

I need him crazed, out of control; my need to spur him on causing me to unleash the dirtiest words I’ve ever uttered into his kiss, “Fuck me, Alex. I need to feel you inside me…fucking me with your big cock. Take what’s yours…my pussy is desperate for you,” the words continue, falling from my lust-fueled euphoria.

He’s as turned on by the images my dirty pleas evoke as I am by having created them. My words fuel his ever-raging fire sending him growling against my lips, his fingers flexing slightly at my jaw before lowering to grip my shirt in his hands, harshly ripping it open, buttons sent spewing, pinging to the floor.

I yelp in surprise at his dominant display, his hands returning to my face, taking me in another searing kiss that melts me from the inside out.

Tongues dueling, devouring each other’s mouths, he frantically slides my shirt off my shoulders, making quick work of my bra before tossing it to the floor. My breasts are heavy and engorged, on fire, desperate for his touch, his mouth.

Swiping his palms along my nipples, my needy whimpers spike his ardor, his hands gliding up, gripping my shoulders, “Take what I want, baby?” his husky words whisper against my lips, before he pulls back, staring into my eyes. “I want you on your knees,” his gentle shove sends a delicious pulse down my spine as I drop to the floor before him.

Savagely, I undo his pants, grasping his engorged cock with greedy fingers, massaging up and down his shaft. Desperate to taste, I lick the slit, the salty essence coating my tongue, driving me wild for more. I trail my tongue along every ridge, leaving no glorious inch untouched, before rimming the tip, taking him deep.

I moan at the feel of his thickness, the masculine flavor that is Alex; his raspy groans urging my hungry lust. I feel frenzied, out of control, bobbing up and down on his cock, swirling my tongue along his hot flesh. Cupping his balls, I massage them in my palm amid my devouring; savoring the delicious feel of him in my mouth.

“Fuck,” he growls, grabbing my hair firmly to secure me in place, his hips undulating into my rhythm. His sexy, dominant hold is thrilling, and I take advantage of it, reaching around to grab his ass, taking him deeper.

On a guttural groan, he pulls back, the head of his cock teasing my lips, before he pushes back inside, brushing the back of my throat, my eyes closing in abandon as he takes control.

Resting my hands on my knees, I’m at the mercy of his demands, his controlled pace, as he maneuvers me along his length.

“Fuck, baby, you feel so good…” he lures my gaze to his, filled with desire as he watches me swallow him whole.

Closing his eyes above his sexy parted lips, I witness the pleasure twist through him as he fights to remain in control - control that threatens to break before he pulls his cock from my mouth on a growl, swiftly lifting me to stand.

Turning me, he reaches around for a quick teasing swipe of my core before wrapping his hands firmly around my waist, walking us the few feet to the living room. “I’m going to fuck you, Aby. Rest assured, I will most certainly take what’s mine,” he growls in my ear, passion and lust evident in his warning.

“Yes…” I reach back, sliding my hands up around the nape of his neck, tugging on his curls in desperation, arching my ass to grind against his hardness.

Placing a hand at the small of my back, he forces my shoulder with the other, bending me over the back of the leather chair. My hands instinctively reach forward to gain measure in the incredibly sexy assault, a warm flush spreading across my skin as his fingers skim under the hem of my skirt to tease the round globes of my ass, bare to his touch.

Pushing the hindrance of my skirt up around my waist, he releases an appreciative groan, reaching for my thong, tugging it to the side, my pussy clenching and quivering in anticipation of his fill.

“Fuck, baby. I need you. I need to be inside you”, he emits on a desperate plea, his fingers gliding along the cleft of my ready sex, grasping the lace of my thong to drag them down my hips.

“Yes…do it”, I urge, arching back for him, taunting him, my panties sliding down my legs, pooling at my heels.

I whimper as his engorged cock slides against my core, squeezing my eyes shut on a moan as he strokes his shaft in his grip, teasing it along the wetness.

“You’re so wet, baby,” he groans.

“Oh god,” I manage, my head dropping forward, unable to contain my desperation to feel him inside me; my need to feel him fucking me senseless engulfing me like an inferno.

Lining himself up, he plunges deep, thrusting his cock to the hilt. His fevered momentum has me screaming out in abandon with every lashing thrust of his ownership; my pussy squeezing him like a tight vice, gripping him greedily.

Reaching aggressively for my hips, he lifts me to the tips of my toes, driving into me over and over again; the pounding, slapping of skin meeting skin melding into my pleas for more. Unabashed, wild love consumes me. Never have I felt so complete with another person. Never have I loved another as much as I love him.

On a harsh growl, he fucks into me with mindless abandon, pulling my ass into the air as I continue to balance myself, shuddering from the rawness of the pleasure.

“That’s it, baby. Come all over my cock,” his demand roars above my shrieks of ecstasy, his forceful thrusts unwavering as my pussy trembles near the edge, squeezing his cock, pushing me closer and closer.

“Oh, god, Alex! I’m coming”, I scream, falling over the precipice.

“Fuck, yes!” he groans, releasing my hips, his large body looming against my back, stiffening rigidly before his cum jets up inside me.

I relish in the feel of his muscular body tightening, his groans of satisfaction as he fills me; whimpering uncontrollably through the remnants of my orgasm quivering through my body with shudders of release.

“I love you, baby,” the sole words I register as I succumb to orgasmic surrender. “I love you so fucking much.”

BOOK: The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set]
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