The Perfect Game (16 page)

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Authors: J. Sterling

BOOK: The Perfect Game
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I waited for the signal that she was willing to go farther before I attempted anything. Her hips lifted from the bed to meet mine as she pressed herself into me. My hand reached down to her leg before sliding up along her bare skin, bringing her dress with it. I pulled the fabric up to her hip as she wiggled, sensing no rejection to my actions. 

I ran my thumb along the elastic of her thong, sliding underneath it. The feel of her skin made me ravenous. I couldn’t get enough; all my thoughts consumed in what it felt like to be inside her. “I want you,” I admitted, my breath faltering. 

She opened her eyes to mine, her mouth opening slightly as her hands reached for the button on my shorts. Her fingers brushed against me as she fumbled, causing a
oan to escape from my lips. My willpower fading, I reached down to help her remove the fabric that remained between us. 

I flung off my shorts and boxers as she pulled at me, her fingers digging into my exposed skin. I sat up, my breathing erratic as I tossed my shirt onto the floor. Her gorgeous body, half naked with her white dress bunched up toward her breasts, took my breath away, and I peeled the dress from her effortlessly. Then I reached lower and pulled her underwear all the way down to her feet, where she kicked them off. 

The curves of her body called out to me, and I slid my mouth over them, my tongue tasting the salt on her skin. Her breathing was quick and heavy as her fingers slid along the muscles in my back. Every sound that escaped her lips simply made me want her more. “Jack.” Her voice was shaky. “I want you.” 

Her words lit a fire inside me that was hard to contain. I wanted to please her…satisfy her…ruin her for all other guys out there. I wanted this moment right here to be the best part of her day. 

Her hands gripped my body as I slid into her. She let out a sigh and I almost lost it right then. I bit down on my bottom lip as I rocked in and out of her, trying to focus on anything other than how amazing she felt. 

Her eyes opened and closed as my thrusting continued. No matter how many girls I’d slept with at Fullton, none had ever come close to feeling like this. Nothing had ever felt like this.
Not even baseball. “I’ll never get over how incredible you feel,” I admitted without shame.

She looked into me. “You too. Don’t stop, Jack.” She panted the words and I crushed her lips against mine. My hips moved with hers, my shoulders burning from the weight of my body, but refusing to falter. She moaned and shuddered as she sucked in a deep breath, her eyes flying open in wonder as her body trembled in spasms. My pace quickened; I knew wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. 

Her head thrust back and I kissed along her neck, before finding the sweet taste of her lips. My mouth covered hers, my tongue exploring while I continued working in and out of her. “Cass,” I said as my lips pressed against hers. She sighed as her teeth grazed against my ear. I groaned without control and released myself into her. 

I gently pulled out of her before falling onto my back, my breathing loud and uneven. She turned to lay her head on my chest and I wrapped my arm across her bare, damp back. 

“I love you, Jack.” Her breath whispered against my skin as I kissed the top of her head.

“Just don’t forget that when I’m gone for three months this summer.”

“I’m not the one who’s slept with half the school.” She laughed, softening the barb a little.

“That doesn’t mean half the school won’t try to sleep with you the second I’m out of the picture,” I informed her, my tone serious. 

I’ve seen the way other guys look at her. I’m not the first guy at Fullton to notice Cassie. I’m just the one who actually got her. 

“You’re insane.” She looked over at me, disbelief written all over her face.

“Let’s hope every guy on campus has the same opinion of me.” 

“I’m pretty sure they do. It’s not like you’re known for your sweet disposition.”

“Good.” I smiled as contentment welled within me.






Things with Jack and me were in a good place after all the chaos at Gran and Gramps’ house. We spent every spare moment together, which didn’t seem like much these days. With the baseball draft nearing, Jack focused more than ever on all things baseball. And I had been working on putting together a portfolio for the internship. 

“Hey.” Melissa leaned against the wall in our kitchen, clearly wanting to talk. “I was thinking about heading home. Did you want to come with?”

I thought for about two seconds before answering, “No way. The guys don’t have games this weekend, just practice.”

She smiled. “Then I’m definitely leaving.”

I laughed, tossing my hair from my shoulder. “Alone time with Jack…whatever will we do?” I placed one finger in front of my puckered lips before tapping.

“I seriously don’t want to know.” She rolled her eyes and turned to open the fridge.

“Yeah, you do,” I teased, raising my eyebrows.

Her lips turned up in a half smirk. “Sorta. But please don’t share.” She shook her head as if trying to shake way a disturbing image. “What did I hear about Jack and the softball team?” 

“Oh.” I shrugged. “Since the guys don’t have a game, they asked Jack to throw out the first pitch tonight.”

“Seriously?” Her head cocked to one side.

“Apparently it’s good publicity. I don’t know. Whatever, it’s not like he has a choice. He can’t really say no to another team at the school, you know?” 

“That’s still sort of weird.”

“I think so too, but whatever. I’ll be there.”

“You’re so supportive,” she teased, cupping her hands together.

“Oh, I do try,” I said with a fake Southern accent as I fanned my hand in front of my face.

She laughed. “I’ll see you when I get back. Want me to check on your car?” 

“Oh, yeah. Can you make sure it’s still sitting in my driveway collecting dust?” I giggled at the absurdity of the situation. 

You don’t need it,
” my mother had told me during one of our many arguments. “
It just gives you a way to leave school when you should be studying or doing homework.”
I had tried to tell her that maybe I’d need to leave school for a photography project, but then she’d just insist that I take Melissa’s car. No matter how many times I tried to tell her that she made no sense, she refused to budge. So there my car sits. At home. Waiting for me. And the truth is, I’m not sure I ever want to go back for it. 

“Don’t have too much fun with Jack this weekend. Call you later, ’K?” Melissa gave me a squeeze before grabbing her things. 

K. Drive
safe. Tell your parents I said hi and I miss them.” I smiled and waved as she walked out our front door, almost crashing into Jack.

“Have a good weekend, Jack.” Melissa winked and he turned to me, his eyebrows raised.

“Uh, you too, Melis,” he responded with a half grin before closing the door. “What was that about?” 

“She’s leaving for the weekend.” I tried not to blush but felt the heat rising to my cheeks.

He dropped onto the couch next to me. “The whole weekend?” 

“The whole weekend,” I said, dragging out the words for effect.

“Sweet. Listen, before I get distracted, Matt wants us to come over before the softball game and hang out at his place. I told him I’d check with you first.” Jack rested his head against the pillow on my couch, his hat flopping to one side. 

“Fine with me. Who’s gonna be there?” I asked absentmindedly, tossing the hat aside and running my fingers through his soft, dark hair. 

“A few of the guys from the team. Dean and probably Jamie. I don’t really know.” 

“I like her,” I admitted with a smile. “She’s funny.”

“She is funny. And she’s good for Matt,” Jack added, alluding to things I knew nothing about and frankly wasn’t sure I wanted to.

“Everyone’s going to the game, right?” I asked, changing the subject.

He pushed himself up with one arm until he sat facing me. “Why won’t you just come with me when I go?” He slid his thumb down my cheek.

“Because you have to be there an hour before the game starts. For what, I have no idea, but I’m not going that early.” I pouted, eyeing him with my best puppy dog impression.

He put his hand behind my neck and pulled me to him, his mouth meeting mine halfway as the overgrown scruff on his face scratched at my bare cheeks. “Seriously, when are you going to shave?”

His lips pulled up into a slight smile. “You know I can’t shave until we lose, Kitten. And we’re not losing, so probably not ever.”

I rolled my eyes. “You guys and your superstitions.”

“You love it,” he whispered into my ear before sucking at my lobe softly with his mouth, causing my senses to disappear.

“Yep, sure do,” was my only response as he continued working down my neck.

He gently pushed me onto my back and leaned on top of me, his dark brown eyes boring into mine. “You are so beautiful. You know that?”

I let out a small breath before pulling his head down and arching toward his lips. His tongue pushed its way into my mouth with intensity. I ran my hands down his back and slipped my fingers into the waistband of his shorts before lifting his shirt up in succession with my own. 

A slight sound escaped my lips at the feeling of his bare skin hot against mine. Chills coursed through me, appearing up and down my legs and arms. His breath was warm on my neck, small kisses being delivered around my ears and cheeks until meeting my mouth once more. 

“Cassie.” He mumbled my name, his breath ragged. 

Without a word, I slipped out from under him and stretched out my hand. He laced his fingers with mine and I led him away from the living room and into my bedroom, where I closed the door behind us. 




Jack opened Matt’s front door without knocking and led me inside. I watched as five baseball players with hairy faces turned their heads in our direction and smiles instantly appeared on all their faces.

“Carter! What’s up, buddy! Hey, Cass,” Matt yelled from the round table where they were playing a drinking and card game.

“Hey, Jack. Hey, Cassie.” Ryan greeted us without looking up from his hand, his forehead creased in concentration.

Dean picked up his cell phone, checking the time. “Finally! Where have you two been?”

“Not sure I’ll ever get used to you holding some girl’s hand,” Brett added, his blue eyes locked pointedly on our intertwined fingers.

“Get used to it, BT, she’s not just some girl.” Jack planted a kiss on the side of my face and gently squeezed my fingers. 

“I like that you’ve finally found someone, Jack. And I especially like that she isn’t some stupid skank.” Matt’s girlfriend Jamie walked out from the kitchen with a smirk.

I laughed. “Love you too, Jame!”

“You have to admit my worry was valid!” She pursed her lips together, her brown ponytail bouncing. “Now get in here and help me,” she called out, after disappearing back behind the wall.

I looked at Jack and smiled as I untangled my hand from his. He smacked me on the backside when I walked away.

“I love that girl,” he said to his teammates before sitting at the table. “Deal me in.”

I entered the kitchen before giving Jamie a quick squeeze as I glanced back at the group of guys. “Their facial hair is killing me. They look freaking horrible.”

“Please don’t remind me. I try to pretend it’s all a bad dream,” Jamie said, rubbing her palm against her cheek.

“Ahem, ladies.” Matt pretended to clear his throat. “We can hear you, ya know!”

“Like we care!” Jamie said with a huff.

“Hey! Don’t curse our winning streak!” Cole answered back before slapping his hand over his mouth.

“Jesus, Cole, who raised you? The first rule about the winning streak is
you don’t talk about the winning streak
!” Ryan punched him in the shoulder.

“You guys are just lucky we keep kissing you,” Jamie said, attempting to steer the attention from poor Cole.

“I second that,” Jack belted out, his eyes meeting mine briefly before settling back on his cards.

“Pussy,” Brett teased, his eyes focused on the deck of cards in his hand.

“I’ll knock you into the middle of next week if you don’t shut up, BT,” Jack threatened, his jaw rigid.

“He’s just jealous ’cause no girls want to go anywhere near him,” Cole teased as he removed his baseball hat and tossed it on the floor.

“I can’t keep the girls off me. It’s you no one wants,” Brett chipped back.

The card game continued until Jack checked the clock on the wall and rose from the table. He slammed back a shot of tequila before speaking. “Kitten, I gotta go. Get out here and give me some loving.”

I eyeballed Jamie. “Seriously? Do you hear this guy?” I said with a nod in Jack’s direction. 

Jamie laughed and gave me a hearty shove. “Get out there.”

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