The Perfect Clone (8 page)

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Authors: M. L. Stephens

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: The Perfect Clone
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At the risk of sounding doubtful, but curious to know, Igor had to pose the question, “How am I able to accompany you without tripping an alarm when you haven’t collected and entered my data yet?”

Appearing to have fully anticipated the question, Matt turned to face Igor. “Your data was collected and sent to us from our company plane this morning, Dr. Hamstein. It was then entered into Delta clearance, with some restrictions of course. Your initial entrance into this facility had to be accompanied by my scan. The door would not have opened if I had not been with you. Of course, now that I have introduced you into Delta via our combined scans, you are an individual within the system. Your introduction into Delta has been made and you have access to the facilities that were allotted to you during our meeting earlier this week. As you will soon discover, our work is too important for trivial time delays.”

That sealed the deal. New World Laboratories, or NWL, had captured Igor—hook, line, and sinker.

Trying to pay attention to the direction they were going, the doctor followed behind Matt. He was still reeling over the high end technology that was being implemented in the facility. If it hadn’t been brought to his attention, he probably never would have spotted the scanners that opened several steel doors along the way. From listening to his tour guide, he gathered that certain doors didn’t open for all Delta clearance holders. The doctor found that to be an interesting detail.

Making their way down a long hallway, they passed several large control centers. Very few people were coming and going outside of those rooms. Because these areas were situated behind glass walls, it was possible to see the human activity taking place inside the centers. Mr. Kincade explained that all the activities needed for everyday life was made possible within these rooms. Sewer, water, temperature control, lighting, and everything else, all took place here.

Attracted to the flutter of activity, Igor stopped to admire the employees as they sat at their work stations, walked around monitoring control boards, or glanced up at monitors.

“There is still much more to see. Please, let’s continue.” Matt wanted to finish the tour as quickly as possible. There were other matters that required his attention.

At the end of the hall, another steel door opened, revealing the unexpected. Behind this door, was what Dr. Hamstein could only describe as a small underground
? Complete with a coffee shop, gym, cafeteria, medical facility, bowling alley, movie-theater, garden center, and many other amenities that veered off in other directions.

Matt escorted his guest to the elevator and pressed the single button on the casing. When the elevator came to rest, Matthew guided Igor inside, and then pressed the number 3 button. There were only five numbers on the panel; GL thru four. Ground level was the level they had entered on.

As they made their way down to the third level, Igor couldn’t help but ask, “Why the need to enter underground? Aren’t the upper levels accessible above ground?” A distinctive ding followed as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

“This elevator works on a reverse numbering system. Ground level, as you know, is the level we entered on. Levels one through four, are located below. It takes getting used to, but makes perfect sense in its application. The GL, or ground level, is where most social activity takes places. It acts as a lobby, if you will. Rather than going upward to accommodate for work and living space, this facility goes down to serve the same purpose. Quite a clever idea if you ask me. We are located underground and the city is completely self-contained. This allows our facility and hence our work, to operate unimpeded by the weather or the natural curiosities of governmental agencies. Our public lab facilities are located above us but we are completely separate and independent from them. Access from the upper facilities to this one is only possible via the parking garage, and vice versa.

We find it necessary to keep the curiosity of main stream society away from the intricate processes that take place here. Unfortunately, we can’t risk exposing our most important endeavors to the general population. Fear of the unknown and all that… I’m sure you understand.”

Yes. He definitely understood. This just kept getting better and better. Igor dug his nails into his forearm to ensure himself that he wasn’t dreaming. No. This was the real deal.

Exiting the elevator, Igor followed the attorney along the grey carpeted hall as he passed doors resembling those in an apartment complex or hotel.

“Here we are." Matt stopped in front of door 332. Luke approached them from the opposite end of the hall carrying Igor’s bags. Unbeknownst to Dr. Hamstein, the luggage had gone through a security search.

As Luke set the luggage down by the two men, he turned to Mr. Kincade. “Everything’s in order. Will there be anything else?”

“No. Thank you Luke." Both men watched as the driver walked to the elevator and pressed the up button.

“To avoid the use of keys, which can clutter the pockets and be so easily misplaced, thumb print scanning is used to access the living quarters. Simply place your thumb against the area that the key hole would normally be. Iris scan technology is a bit too sophisticated for this area. By using a print scan, we alleviate accidental unlocking of doors. Because of that, you’ll also notice that the need to lock the doors from the inside becomes unnecessary as well. I’d like to wait as you open your door. Even with our superior technology, I hate to leave anything unchecked.”

Igor heard the door unlatch as he placed his thumb against the keyhole scanner. Opening the door to his room, and taking a brief look inside, he was not disappointed at the furnishings. “I believe I’m going to enjoy my time here, Mr. Kincade. The accommodations appear to be impeccable.”

“I’ll inform Mr. Avery, that you’re settling in. Any contacts that you might have immediate need for are located next to the phone in your room. Please buzz me or Luke, if you have any questions or concerns. Since it’s been a long day for you, I took the liberty of ordering a meal that will be delivered to your room. I hope you don’t mind.”

With the excitement of the day taking a toll on his emotions, Igor was more than pleased that Matt had been so thoughtful. “Thank you. It’s been a rather intense day.”

“You’re welcome. We are pleased to have you join our elite scientific community, Dr. Hamstein. I’ll send someone in the morning to give you a more inclusive tour of our facility.”

“I’m assuming I’ll see my work quarters tomorrow?” After witnessing everything he had, Igor couldn’t wait to get a look at his new clinic.

“Just the type of enthusiasm we like around here. You’ll fit right in. I imagine you’re ready to get started.”

“That I am.” Feeling suddenly exhausted as the remnants of his adrenaline rush wore off; Igor held the door open with his foot, as he lugged his bags into the room. The influx of information was overwhelming. Never in a thousand years, would he have pictured himself in such a remarkable scenario.

Watching as door 332 closed behind its new occupant, Matt entered the elevator that Luke had been holding for him. “These are exciting times we live in, Luke.”

“Yes Matt, I believe you’re right.”


Chapter 8


Richard lightly held Laura under the elbow and stepped out of the elevator. He watched as the elevator closed behind them.

“I know you have questions, but I’ll ask you to save them until we’re in my office.” Still guiding her under the elbow, he led them to a security counter.

The guard behind the desk addressed him, “Good morning, Mr. Avery.”

“Good morning, Tom.”

He let go of her elbow long enough to produce his I.D. and security badge so the guard could scan it for company audits. Then they were on their way down a carpeted hall. Floor length tinted windows provided a view of the city as they continued past closed doors. When they reached a large set of double office doors, she stared at the chrome name plate next to the scanner. The name on the plate read Avery. This couldn’t be his office, she was sure that wasn’t his last name. Or maybe it was. Laura realized that she didn’t know his last name. Apparently there was a lot about her friend that she didn’t know. Feeling like the outsider she was, Laura crossed her arms as he scanned his badge for access. Richard held the door open as he guided her through. When the door closed behind them, he made his way across the room to the wet bar and poured two tequilas. He offered one to her, “Drink?”

Forgetting her manners, Laura snatched the glass and gulped the liquid down.  Without a word, she handed the glass back and signaled for another one. She downed it with equal enthusiasm.

Richard studied her with concern. He’d expected her to be flustered. Instead, she was down, right mad. Trying to give his female friend time to process her thoughts, he remained silent.

Laura stood still, staring at him, not saying a word. A few quiet minutes passed. When she was certain the liquor had numbed her senses, Laura slammed the glass down on the bar, turned to face her friend and slapped him square across the jaw.

“How long did you think you could keep this going?” The agitation in her voice threatened to break over into a shout.

“Honestly? I’m not sure. I didn’t enjoy keeping it from you, if that’s your concern.” He needed her to remain focused.

Falling into a nearby chair that faced the picturesque view of the city, Laura looked as if a huge part of her life had been drastically changed.

“You knew we worked in the same building—that you were my boss—and it never occurred to you to mention it to me?”  Standing up, she started pacing, trying to put things together in her mind. Walking back to the bar, she poured another shot, and immediately returned to her pacing. “But I met with Mr. Avery, in the board room three years ago to sign papers.”

“That was my attorney, Mr. Kincade. He stands in for me when necessary.”

The uncontrollable shaking in her chest moved up to her throat, allowing a muffled sob to escape.

Richard strode over, wrapping her in his arms. “Laura, you got the job of your own accord. I swear I had nothing to do with that.” Stroking her hair as she trembled, he felt a great weight lift from his heart. He’d wanted to tell her for years now, but he knew her pride. He knew how hurt she’d be, if for one second, she thought she’d landed the job because of him. He couldn’t afford to lose her. Not now, not when everything was coming together. Richard needed her. He had forced himself to stay away from her, hoping that his feelings would change. They hadn’t.

With the calming effects of the alcohol kicking in, Laura looked up. Her eyes threatened to overflow with tears. “You lied to me. You, of all people Richard, you lied.”

Caressing the lines of her cheek with the back of his hand, he shook his head. “I’ve never lied to you. Not once did I tell you what I did for a living. You made your own assumptions. I’m tired of hiding from you, Laura. That’s why I brought you here, so I could show you.”

Laura stepped out of the arms that embraced her and slowly walked the perimeter of the room, taking everything in. As the drama unfolded around her, she felt like she’d stepped into someone else’s life. A life of make believe. Laura thought of running from the room and pretending that this was a bad prank, but she needed to see how the movie played out.

With liquid courage, she took a deep breath, and asked, “So is
, what you wanted to show me?” She spread her arms around to indicate the office area.

“There’s more, but maybe now’s not the best time. I’ve tossed you a major curve ball and I’m not sure you’re ready for another surprise.”

Nothing could be more shocking than finding out that the person she’d considered her best friend, for almost her entire life, had been her boss for the last seven years. Not only that, but he apparently had the same romantic feelings for her that she had for him. Taking in a deep breath and reigning in her emotions, she replied, “Give it to me. I’m a big girl.”

With a renewed feeling of excitement, Richard walked to one end of the bar. Pressing against a section of the raised paneled cabinetry, it snapped open to reveal a safe. His fingers slightly shook with anticipation as he entered numbers on the key pad, revealing a small object wrapped in gold woven tapestry.

Removing the contents, he took a seat on the mahogany couch that also served as a sitting area near the bar. Richard slowly unfolded the metallic fabric to reveal a golden rectangular box. Although the package was only the size of a bracelet gift box, the contents were of more value than any piece of impractical jewelry. Richard had specially ordered the gold hand crafted box, to serve one purpose, to cradle the contents within.  Sitting the box gently on the table in front of them, he looked mesmerized as he asked his question, “Do you remember my trips to Italy?”

Feeling nervous about the gravity in Richard’s tone, Laura was only able to utter one word, “Yes.”

“I discovered this on my last trip and brought it back.”

“That’s where you were when Cliff died. I remember dad saying that you’d flown in for the funeral.”

Nodding in reply he briefly hesitated, “I acquired it several days before Cliff’s accident. With just loose ends left to tie up, I was able to fly back right away.” He put his hand over hers, remembering the pain she had been though. He would have given anything to have been the one to comfort her during that time. Even though his heart wanted to console her while she had grieved, he had known that he could
have trusted his body. Richard hadn’t been willing to take that chance. He had much bigger plans. There were times when it was just best to stay away. 

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