The Perfect Clone (14 page)

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Authors: M. L. Stephens

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: The Perfect Clone
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It wasn’t fair for him to take advantage of Laura’s vulnerability.

He’d wanted this for too long to risk messing things up now. He wanted it to be right for the both of them. If he took advantage of her, he’d never forgive himself. Not only that, he’d never be certain that she felt the same.

Hell, she’d just suffered the loss of her father, and revealed secrets that she’d kept hidden from her closest friend. Shit—he’d just fired her even—and this was all he could think about, making love to her?

Deciding that she deserved better treatment, Richard laid Laura gently on the bed. Straightening up, he looked down at her swollen mouth and inwardly cussed himself for being so careless.

With unspent passion in his voice and the taste of their kiss still on his lips, he fought the age old battle; the battle that men had fought for thousands of years, the battle against which brain should be in charge. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

Her voice dripped thick with honey as she responded, “Oh yes, you should have.”

Laura positioned herself so that she was standing on her knees at the edge of the bed. Lifting her arms she wrapped them around his neck, determined not to let him leave. She’d fantasized about this moment for as long as she could remember.

Stretching her face upward, she ran the tip of her tongue delicately up the side of his neck until reaching his ear.

The low groan that rippled out of his chest, slowly vibrated down her body, landing in that delicate spot between her thighs. Pulling back, their gazes locked as she lifted her shirt and carelessly tossed it to the floor. The sight of her white breasts pressing against the pink lace bra was enough to convince him which brain had the right of way.

Damn. She was stunning!

Ripping the shirt from his own body and chucking it aside he lowered his mouth to hers. The slow discovery of their kiss quickly turned into heated passion. Richard’s strong fingers locked in the waves of her long hair.

The feel of her small hands against his bare chest sent electricity coursing through his heated veins.

Richard slowly moved his mouth down her neck, sucking at her skin as he worked his way down to her collarbone.

When he reached her bra straps, he used his teeth to slide them over her shoulders while he unlatched the hooks at the back. The sight of her perfectly proportioned breasts caused another low growl to emanate from his throat. He took one of the luscious mounds into his mouth.

Richard kicked off his shoes while Laura’s fingers made fast work of his pants button. Stepping back, he allowed them to fall from his hip. Laura watched with wide eyed fascination as the evidence of his desire for her was fully revealed.

Wrapping an arm around her slim waist, Richard pulled her tight against his body, causing her eyes to shift their focus back to his. Searching the mirrored depths of each other’s souls, they discovered a raw hunger neither of them had ever experienced until now.

Dizzy desire flowed through her body as he smothered her mouth with another powerful kiss. The possessive way his mouth claimed hers, left her hungry for more. Never had a man taken full control of her senses like this. Breaking the kiss, Richard hoisted her off her knees and onto her back.

Years of imagining were nothing compared to the reality.

“I want you Richard.”

“How much of me Laura, how much do you want?”

“I want all of you.”

Positioning himself to the side, he buried his head in the curve of her neck. A low moan escaped into her ear as he tugged at her lobe. “Be sure Laura. Once you say yes to me, there’s no turning back.”

“Then I say yes,” she whispered.

Mounting himself above the sensuous woman, Richard drove himself deep inside. Their bodies fused together, becoming one as they moved in rhythm to a universal song.

He took her to the heights of ecstasy, enjoying the way his name sounded on her lips. Richard had one last thought before allowing himself to join her in climax: there would never be more exquisite beauty or sound in the entire world, than that of this amazing woman lying beneath him, experiencing an orgasm while crying out his name.

Collapsing next to her with the sheen of sweat covering his skin, Richard pulled Laura into his arms.

After their hearts slowed and their breathing returned to normal, he asked, “How do you feel?” Richard worried that she’d make excuses for what had happened between them. He wasn’t about to let her go now. She was his.

Giggling like a school girl, she answered honestly, “Like I’ve been a virgin my entire life up until now.”

Masculine laughter filled the room. “Funny, I feel the same way.”

Lifting up on one elbow, Laura nibbled at his neck. “Well in that case, I say we’d better get busy if we want to keep up with the Joneses.”

“Screw the Joneses,” Richard teased. “They’ll want to keep up with us.” Laura couldn’t agree more as Richard lowered his mouth to hers.



Taking a seat in another clinical waiting room, Sarah thought about the night she’d just had.

She had paced back and forth in her hotel room like a caged animal trying to determine its next move. The unknown details of Phase 2 had played havoc on the nerves. How could she prepare for something if she didn’t know what to prepare for?

She plopped down on the bed at the exact time room service announced its arrival. Bouncing back up, Sarah opened the door, allowing the young man to place a tray on the table. The small break in time proved to be the catalyst needed to pull her from the apprehensive state she’d allowed herself to be in. Enough was enough. No need to drive herself crazy with worry.

She wondered what her brother would have done. Josh would have teased her for being so nervous. She could imagine what he’d say, “Just be you. Be true and everything else will work out.”

“You’re right, Josh. It’s just that I really want this.” They’d never select her if they knew she talked to her dead brother. There weren’t any ocular images of him in the room and she’d never experienced any, just his voice in her head. Still, they’d never accept a lady who conversed with the deceased.

“Consider Phase 2 a stepping stone rather than an interview. It’s a natural progression to the next phase. We all have a purpose Sarah. You’ve chosen to make this one yours.”

He was right, as usual. Josh’s words had given her the strength she needed. Sarah had an edge up on the competition—she had Josh.

She’d been saved from that fire for a reason. She’d seen the research ad for a reason, and she was here now for a reason. This was her purpose, the one she had chosen. Thankfully, she had thought through any remaining doubts last night, and was ready to face whatever challenges there were today.

A well-dressed older lady, whom Sarah guessed to be in her fifties, opened the office door in front of where she sat and stepped into the waiting area.

“Ms. Mariam?”

“Hello.” Sarah stood and shook hands, reminding herself to maintain eye contact while the introduction took place. At this point, she was fully prepared to meet and impress the President of the United States if need be. She had a solid determination to do whatever was feasibly necessary in order to be the one selected for this research. There were just a few questions she had concerning the role, but those could be asked when the time was right.

“I’m Julia, the fertility counselor. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Come in.” The door closed behind them as they walked inside.

This was cycle seven of evaluations. Julia had only recommended one candidate, out of the past six cycles, to pass on to Phase 3. She wasn’t sure what had happened to the girl that she’d recommended, but she’d obviously not made it through Phase 3, hence the need for the interviews to continue.

Mr. Avery was very specific about what he was looking for psychologically from the candidates, and Julia had no intention of disappointing him by sending someone who didn’t meet with those expectations. No matter how many interviews she had to conduct, and how many cycles they had to go through, she would find another candidate.

Julia was ready to get back to her life in the underground community, but for now she had a job to do up here.

Sarah entered the mid-sized office and glanced around at the simple furnishings of the room.

Positioned in the middle of the room, facing each other, were two high back peach colored chairs. Julia took a seat in one and motioned toward the other. “Please, have a seat,” she offered with a professional smile.

Accepting the offer, Sarah sat in the available chair. She watched as the older lady leaned forward and placed coasters on each side of the table. She then lifted up a small recording device. “With your permission, I’d like to record our visit so that I can review it at a later time. I’m afraid my memory isn’t what it used to be.”

Sarah nodded her head. “I’m young and my memory isn’t one hundred percent either, so please feel free to record. I may need to come back and listen to it myself.” 

Laughing at the young lady’s wit, Julia pressed the record button and sat the device back on the table. For recording purposes, she stated the date, time, and the candidate’s name. “Seems formal, doesn’t it?”

Sarah tilted her head as the two women looked at each other. “I find that formality is simply an illusion which portrays itself to the individual on terms level to their own understanding.”

Impressed with the younger lady’s conception of things, she smiled. “I couldn’t agree with you more, Ms. Mariam.”

“Please, call me Sarah.”

“Sarah it is.”

Filling a glass from a rose colored pitcher, Julia placed it on Sarah’s coaster and then poured a glass for herself. After taking a long drink, the older lady sat her glass down and gracefully leaned back in the chair. Julia was quiet while she clandestinely took in the younger lady’s overall appearance. Sarah seemed comfortable, in control, and self-assured. Good. The girl’s outward appearance was promising, but it was time to find out if outward appearances were indicative of the girl’s inner self.

Personally, Julia already liked this young lady. Unfortunately, personal preferences didn’t have a role to play in the decision making process. “Every year my throat hosts a protest against the heating system,” Julia announced. “You would think at my age, I’d be used to the seasonal changes.”

Being from a region that didn’t have a lot of need for indoor heating, Sarah’s own throat had been dry. Now she knew why. Considering the remark, Sarah exclaimed, “What a relief! I thought the dryness was a side effect of interview jitters.”

Smiling, Julia didn’t miss the opportunity to keep the conversation going. “Where are you from?” Naturally she knew the answer, but used the question as a door opener.

Reaching down to quench her own dryness, Sarah immediately warmed up to the lady across from her. “I’m from Florida. We don’t have much need for artificial heating.”

In a dreamy tone, Julia replied, “My throat and sinuses are now officially jealous.”

Sarah laughed. “And my wardrobe is jealous of the cute hats and boots you guys get to wear.”

It was Julia’s turn to laugh. “All you envy are our hats and boots? Cold weather coats can be fashionable too you know? Let’s not forget the fact that they work wonders at covering up various physical flaws.”

The smile on Sarah’s face was genuine. “Then give me warmer weather or confine me to the parching effects of artificial heating and I’ll live with a dry throat. If I am blessed enough to be gifted with the chance of carrying a child in my body, I want the pleasure of seeing my physical changes every minute of every day. I’m pretty sure I’d find it difficult to cover up such an amazing miracle with a coat of any sort, so hats and boots are all I can envy.”

Lifting the water back to her lips, Sarah paused as she voiced a thought out loud, amused at herself for even having it, “Besides, I’m positive I could pull off a toboggan and cold weather boots wearing a simple tube top and maternity shorts, given the appropriate accessories and a beautifully protruding belly, of course.” Sarah was tickled at the image she’d created in her mind.

Conjuring up her own image of Sarah’s description, the older lady laughed. “I believe you could.”

It wasn’t often that such a young, physically fit woman was mentally secure enough or had so little ego that the physical changes of pregnancy were considered a pleasure. Sure, they sometimes tried to convince themselves it’s what they wanted, but their remarks concerning physicality generally stated otherwise. It was her job, as a psychologist, to separate the honesty in the interviewees’ casual conversations, from what their mouths served up as perceived truths when asked direct questions. After that comment, the psychologist didn’t doubt for one minute, that Sarah could possibly be one of the few women she’d interviewed for this position, whose subconscious was in full concordance with her words.

Cycle Seven/Phase 2 was quickly getting underway and Julia had a really good feeling about this Cycle’s first candidate.


Chapter 14


“Did any of the resumes grab your interest?”

“There were two.” Dr. Hamstein slid the papers across the desk. “Do you know them?”

Mr. Kincade picked them up and glanced over them. “I know both these ladies, and either of them would be a fine choice.” Matt knew everyone in the community and he’d also been the one to select the resumes that Igor had been given to review. There wasn’t any need for the other man to know that of course.

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