The Peregrine Omnibus, Volume Two (22 page)

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Authors: Barry Reese

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Peregrine Omnibus, Volume Two
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Gustav nodded, knowing the basics of this but not the specific details. More and more, the Peregrine intrigued him.

The Warlike Manchu set down the photograph and searched through the papers, his long fingers moving quickly through them. “He eventually returned to America, fashioning the identity of the Peregrine to protect his friends and family. First in Boston and later in Atlanta, he overthrew gangsters and protected the sheep of humanity from threats that they could never conceive of. He is aided by several allies, but his wife Evelyn is the most frequent of them.” The Warlike Manchu held up a photograph of Evelyn, showing her in a seductive pose. It was a promotional picture from one of her B-grade films.

The effect on Gustav was immediate and obvious. His eyes widened and he snatched the photograph away from the Manchu, staring at it. “What did you say her name was?”

“She was born Evelyn Gould. Do you know her?”

“I… no. She just looks like someone that I once knew. In another life.” Gustav handed the photograph back to the Warlike Manchu but it was obvious that his attention was now elsewhere. “I must go and feed. We will talk more once we have arrived.”

The vampire left without another word, leaving the Warlike Manchu to wonder what it was about that photograph that had so disturbed his benefactor. “Something that could be used against you, perhaps?” he wondered aloud. A dangerous smile touched his lips then. He would not be long a prisoner of anyone. He would eventually turn on this vampire and his heathen followers, and then the power that was soon to be gained would belong to the Warlike Manchu

* * *

Gustav cursed himself for showing his weakness so clearly. He stood in the hallway, the whine of the zeppelin’s engines echoing all around him.

That woman… the Peregrine’s woman… she looked just like Justine, the only woman he had truly loved. She had died in 1652, the victim of an angry mob. Justine had died trying to protect the grave of her lover, the vampire who would one day lead his own unit of the SS. Since then, he had looked at humanity as cattle, as toys to be used for his amusement and hungers. But Justine… she had been different. Lovely skin, auburn hair, and full pink lips… she looked just like this Evelyn, down to the last detail.

Was it coincidence? Or had she somehow been reborn? Was that why fate had linked Gustav and the Peregrine together? The vigilante had been involved in the event that had brought Gustav back to the world, and his actions had slowly led them both on a collision course. And now Justine—or Evelyn, as she was known in this time—could be his once more. It was almost too wonderful to be believed. Would she remember him? Would the sight of him bring back the old memories? Or was all of this just a cruel trick being played upon him by the gods?

“I will find out, my love,” he whispered. “After the Warlike Manchu and I have secured what we need, I will come back for you.”

Through the skies they soared, their jet-black zeppelin carrying them out of the United States and over the sea.


Death on the Menu

Jimmy Cho had been in Atlanta for over five years. He was a middle-aged man with a slight paunch and a receding hairline, but he had a ready smile and a sharp handle on the English language, which made him popular with his neighbors in the heart of Atlanta. Jimmy ran a small restaurant which mixed American-style dishes with foods from his native country. He was unmarried, though he had two young girls who sometimes spent the night with him in exchange for free food and board.

All in all, he thought he had a good life.

But there was a side to Jimmy Cho’s life that very few people knew about. Before moving to the United States, he had been associated with the Ten Fingers, a violent arm of the Warlike Manchu’s criminal cartel. Jimmy had helped with information gathering and the occasional bit of smuggling. In America, he’d hoped to go completely straight, but the Warlike Manchu had recently contacted him and directed Jimmy to hire some men to help break into a storage building and transport the objects contained there to another site. He had done so, and thankfully, there didn’t seem to be any fall-out from his actions. Living in Atlanta, home to the fearsome Peregrine, had a way of making criminals jumpy.

Jimmy locked up for the night, turning off the last of the lights in his small business. He was tired and was actually glad that neither of the girls was there tonight. He wanted to crawl into his bed upstairs, listen to a little bit of radio, and drift off to sleep.

“I thought you were going to keep your nose clean, Jimmy.”

Cho froze. The words had come from behind him… but he’d checked the place before locking up. He should have been alone. He looked over his shoulder, peering into the darkness. “Who is there?” he asked, trying to keep his fear from leaking into his voice. He failed.

A bright light suddenly shone in his eyes and Jimmy raised a hand to ward off the glare.

A man moved into view, holding a powerful flashlight. He turned it off as he got close enough for Cho to see him in the gloom. “I’m called the Peregrine,” the stranger declared.

Cho let out a cry and sprang into action. Over the years, he’d learned to fight from the Ten Fingers, and though his bulk didn’t show it, he was a dangerous man. He threw a short punch that caught the Peregrine in the chest and followed it with a kick to the man’s hip.

The Peregrine’s surprise faded quickly—too quickly for Jimmy’s good. The Peregrine caught the man’s foot and held it in place. He then drove his elbow down in Jimmy’s knee, breaking the leg.

As Cho fell to the floor, sobbing in pain, he began to babble in his native tongue. The Peregrine placed a foot on the criminal’s chest, holding him in place.

“That wasn’t very smart,” the Peregrine hissed. “Haven’t you heard? If you’re lucky, all I’m going to do is push this against your forehead.” The Peregrine held up his right hand, showing off a blood-red signet ring on his ring finger. “It’ll burn my symbol onto your forehead. You’ll be scarred for life. That’s if you’re
. If you act like a fool, then I’ll just have to kill you.”

“No!” Jimmy begged. “Just let me go, please. I’ll tell you whatever you need to know… Just don’t hurt me. I need a doctor!”

“Are you still working for the Warlike Manchu, Jimmy? Tell me the truth.”

Jimmy whined, knowing that no matter what he did next he was doomed. The Manchu did not suffer traitors, but at least he could live another day by telling the truth. “All I did for him was find some men to move his things. That’s all! I don’t know where he is.”

The Peregrine drove his foot harder into Cho’s chest, eliciting another squeal. He’d have to thank McKenzie for the information he’d given him. The police chief was Max’s best friend and a definite advantage in his war on crime. “What is he after? I bet you know. You’re a smart guy.”

Jimmy looked up at the Peregrine and chewed his bottom lip. When he began speaking, the words flowed out in a rush. “He is going to Africa… the books he had stored were all dealing with various objects of power. He seemed very pleased with one of the books we found specifically. It dealt with the original magician’s wand. I didn’t get to look at much of the book before turning it over to him but I couldn’t help but flip through all of them… and the one he seemed to covet the most was that one.”

“The original magician’s wand…? Tell me what that is.”

“It is known by different names, but the Rod of Aaron will do as well as any. It belonged to the brother of Moses and was carved out of almond-colored wood, with Aaron’s name written in Hebrew along its shaft. With it, Aaron summoned the plagues to Egypt and parted the Red Sea. It is believed that there are many other powers it possesses, as well.”

“What part of Africa were they going to? Where is the Rod hidden?”

“It was once buried with the Ark of the Covenant, but it was stolen during the Middle Ages. But about ten years ago it showed up in the hands of a man named Esteban. He has an estate just outside the nation of Bordia.”

That almost brought a smile to the Peregrine’s face. Bordia was protected by the Revenant, a supposedly immortal jungle champion. Only a few months ago, Max had helped his former assistant Sally Pence become the latest person to wear the mask of the Revenant.

The Peregrine took his foot off of Jimmy’s chest and knelt at the man’s side. “You did really well,” he whispered. “Because you were such a good boy, I’m going to call a doctor to fix that leg of yours.”

Jimmy smiled hopefully. Was he really going to get away with his life? He silently said a prayer.

The Peregrine’s next action wiped the smile from Jimmy’s face. Max slammed his ring against the criminal’s forehead, causing the flesh to sizzle. The image of a bird in flight was etched there forevermore. “It’s your lucky day,” the Peregrine said, holding his prey down on the floor.

When the deed was done and Jimmy had passed out, the Peregrine stood up and activated his radio receiver. “Evelyn, you listening?”

His wife’s voice answered immediately. She was back at the house, watching over the couple’s two children. “I’m here, Max. Did you find out anything?”

“Yes. The Warlike Manchu is headed to Africa. I’m going straight to the airfield and warm up the plane. I’ve tweaked its engines so that it’s faster than just about any other airship in the world. With luck, I might beat them there.”

“Sounds good,” she replied. “I’ll meet you there.”

“No.” The Peregrine exited the building, frowning. “You just had a baby a little over two months ago. You’re not ready for this.”

“You thought I was ready enough to play bait for the Six-Fingered Demonness,” she reminded him.

“That’s different. That’s not the Warlike Manchu. Besides, he tried to kidnap little William once before… what if he decides he wants him
Emma? You need to stay here to protect them.”

“I’m already packed, Max. I don’t want you facing this man alone.”

“I won’t be alone. I’m flying to Bordia. I plan to send word to Sally that I’m coming.”

“Oh, yes… I’m really going to let you take off to face the most dangerous enemy you have, with that cute little angel as your only protection? No thank you.”

Max sighed, knowing she didn’t really think he’d do anything untoward with Sally, but he also knew that when she set her mind to something, it was damned near impossible to dissuade her. “Fine,” he relented. “But you’re going to follow my lead, understand?”

“Of course, darling. See you soon.”

Max couldn’t help but laugh as he slid behind the wheel of his car. He’d married one hell of a woman.


African Nightmare

“Twelve men, women and children. All dead.”

Beneath the mask of the Revenant, Sally Pence felt a sense of growing revulsion. Knowing that it wouldn’t do to show such weakness before one of Bordia’s greatest warriors, she maintained a mask of stoicism. She was standing beside the Bordian warlord G’banna, looking at the strewn bodies of several dead tribe members. The sun in the sky was still shining bright, but it had begun its descent, meaning that night would be coming soon.

“When did you find them?” the Revenant asked, moving to examine the bodies. Each had tiny holes in the sides of their necks, and even without a forensic analysis it was clear that they’d been completely drained of blood.

“First thing this morning. Then I sent word for you. Last night several of our men said they saw a massive shape in the sky, like the moon itself was coming down to earth.”

Sally, who had just returned from an adventure outside of Bordia when the call had reached her, paused thoughtfully. In addition to this matter, there had been a transmission from Max, warning her about the Warlike Manchu… and a possible horde of vampire Nazis. “I think I may know what did this,” she said, standing up again. “I want your men to take these bodies and burn them. Quickly. Before night falls. Then all of you should huddle together, with any of your animals that you want to protect. Do not go outside at night until you have heard back from me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Revenant, I understand.”

The Revenant turned and sprinted back into the jungle, moving with an animal grace. It had scarcely been three months since she had adopted her fallen father’s mantle as guardian of these people and already she felt she had earned their respect… but this threatened all of that. Twelve people had died on her watch, and more could follow.

Sally returned to her private lair, a cave whose natural formation had led it to resemble a human skull. It was her family’s ancestral home, dating back to when the first Revenant prowled Bordia’s jungles. As she approached, she immediately sensed that she was not alone. A quick scan of the grounds confirmed this. There were footprints of at least four men with heavy treads.

The Revenant drew the pistols she wore at her hips and moved closer, cautiously looking about. She froze, raising her weapons, as a man moved into view. He held up his hands, a smile frozen on his face. He wore a white suit, a yellow handkerchief tied about his neck. His beard was sparse, giving him a rat-like appearance.

“Esteban,” she murmured with distaste. “What are you doing here?”

The Spaniard pushed his hands into the pockets of his jacket as his companions joined him. They were two husky brutes with bulges in their coats, where their handguns rested. “I know you have no love lost for me,” Esteban began, “but seeing as how you have changed genders since last we met, I thought perhaps you would more willing to hear me out.”

Sally said nothing. Her father had clashed with Esteban more than once and believed the man to be behind a thriving slavery ring. Unfortunately, the previous Revenant had never been able to prove anything.

Esteban took her silence as a cue to continue. “Late last night or early this morning I received a threat. A note pinned to my front door, along with the dead body of one of my bodyguards. His throat had been ripped out. It was quite a nasty way of waking up for me. My delicate sensibilities are still strained.”

“What did the note say?” the Revenant asked, thinking back to what Max’s message had said:
They’re coming to Bordia looking for a local collector. They think he has an occult artifact called the Rod of Aaron.

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