The Peoples of Middle-earth (35 page)

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Authors: J. R. R. Tolkien

BOOK: The Peoples of Middle-earth
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End of the North Kingdom

Here follows the rail of the Chieftains of the Dunedain of Eriador, heirs of Isildur

Little is preserved of the tale of their wanderings and deeds, until the end of the Third Age.

The Chieftains of the Dunedain.

26. (and 24th heir of Isildur)

1. Aranarth. born 1938 lived 168 years died 2106

27. 2. Arahail 2012 165 2177

28. 3. Aranuir 2084 163 2247

29. 4. Aravir 2156 163 2319

30. 5. Aragorn I 2227 100 +slain 2327

Aragorn was slain by wolves which infested eastern Eriador.

31. 6. Araglas. born 2296 lived 159 years died 2455

32. 7. Arahad I 2365 158 2523

33. 5. Aragost 2431 157 2588

34. 9. Aravorn 2497 157 2654

35. 10. Arahad II 2563 156 2719

36. 11. Arassuil 2628 156 2784

In his time there was much war with Orcs that infesting the Misty Mountains harried Eriador. The chief battles were in 2745-8. In 2747 the Periannath (Halflings) defeated a westerly ranging force of the invaders that came down from the north into their land west of Baranduin.

37. 12. Arathorn I. born 2693 lived 155 years died 2848

38. 13. Argonui 2757 155 2912

39. 14. Arador 2820 110 +slain 2930

He was slain by trolls in the mountains north of Imladris.

40. 15.Arathorn II. born 2873 lived 60 years +slain 2933.

He wedded Gilrain daughter of Dirhael, a descendant also, but by a younger branch, of Arathorn I. He was slain by an orc-arrow when hunting Orcs in the company of Elladan and Elrohir, the sons of Elrond. He wedded in 2929. His infant son (aged 2 at his father's death) was fostered and brought up at Imladris.

41. 16. Aragorn II. born 2931 lived 190 years died 3121

or the Fourth Age 100

Aragorn became King of Arnor and Gondor in the name of Elessar. He played a great part in the War of the Ring in which at last Sauron and the power of Mordor was destroyed. He wedded Arwen Undomiel daughter of Elrond and restored the majesty and blood of the Numenoreans. The Third Age ended with the departure of Elrond in 3022 [> 3021]; and the descendants of Elessar through Arwen became also heirs of the elf-realms of the westlands.

The Heirs of Elendil

The Southern Line of Gondor: the Anarioni

1. Elendil.

born S.A.3119 lived 322 years +slain 3441 = T.A.1

2. Anarion. 3219 221 +slain 3440

3. Meneldil. 3318 280 died T.A.158

[added: 4th child]

4. Kemendur. 3399 279 238

5. Earendil. T.A. 48 276 324

6. Anardil. 136 275 411

7. Ostohir [> Ostonir]

222 270 492

He rebuilt and enlarged Minas Anor, where afterwards the kings dwelt always in summer rather than at Osgiliath.

8. Romendakil I. born 310 lived [231] years f-slain 541.

His original name was Tarostar. In his father's time wild men out of the East first assailed Gondor. Tarostar defeated them and drove them out, and took the name Romendakil, East-slayer. He was, however, later slain in battle with fresh hordes of Easterlings.

9. Turambar. born 397 lived 270 years died 667

He avenged his father, and conquered much territory eastwards.

10. Atanatar I. born 480 lived 268 years died 748

11. Siriondil 570 260 830

12. Falastur 654 259 913

He was first called Tarannon. He took the name Falastur, on coming to the throne, to commemorate his victories that had extended the sway of Gondor far along the shore-lands on either side of the Mouths of Anduin. He was the first childless king. He was succeeded by the son of his brother Tarkiryan.

13. Earnil I. born 736 lived 200 years

+drowned 936.

He began the building of a great navy, and repaired the ancient havens of Pelargir [added: and seized and fortified Umbar, 933].

He was lost with many ships and men in a great storm off Umbar.

14. Kiryandil. born 820 lived 195 years f slain 1015

He continued to increase the fleets of Gondor; but he fell in a battle with the Men of Harad [who contested the designs of Gondor to occupy Umbar and there make a great fort and haven. >] They contested the designs of Gondor to occupy the coast-lands beyond R. Harnen; they therefore tried to take Umbar, where Gondor maintained a great fort and haven.

15 Hyarmendakil I.

born 899 lived 250 years died 1149

At first called Kiryahir, he avenged his father, defeated the kings of Harad, and made them acknowledge the overlordship of Gondor, 1050. Gondor occupied all the land south of the Mouths of Anduin up to [Umbar and the borders of Near Harad; >] the River (Poros >) Harnen and the borders of Near Harad; and also all the coast-lands as far as Umbar. / Umbar became a great fortress and haven of fleets. After his victory Kiryahir took the name of Hyarmendakil 'South-slayer'. He reigned 134 years, the longest of all save Tarondor (twenty-seventh king).

16. Atanatar II. born 977 lived 249 years died 1226.

Surnamed Alkarin, the Glorious. In his time, owing to the vigour of the 'Ship-kings', the line from Falastur onwards, Gondor reached the height of its power. This extended in direct rule as far north as Celebrant and the south-eaves of Mirkwood, east to the Sea of [Runaer >] Rhunaer, and south to Umbar, and westward to the River Gwathlo or Greyflood. In addition many other regions were tributary: the Men of Anduin Vale as far as its sources, and the folk of Harad in the South. But Atanatar in fact did nothing to increase this power, and lived mostly in splendour and ease. The waning of Gondor began before he died, and the watch on the borders was neglected.

17. Narmakil I. born 1049 lived 245 years died 1294.

The second childless king. He was succeeded by his younger brother.

18. Kalmakil. born 1058 lived 246 years died 1304

19. Romendakil II. 1126 240 1366

20. Valakar 1194 238 1432

In his time there broke out the disastrous civil war called the Kin-strife. After the death of Atanatar the Glorious the Northmen of Mirkwood and the Upper Anduin, who had increased much in the peace brought by the power of Gondor, became powerful. Though these people were ultimately related in speech and blood to the Atani (and so to the Numenoreans), and were usually friendly, they now became restless. Romendakil was forced to withdraw his northern border east of Anduin to the Emyn Muil. He there built the Gates of Argonath with images of Isildur and Anarion beyond which no stranger was allowed to come south without leave. But Romendakil being at this time much troubled by assaults of Easterlings sought to attach the Northmen more closely to his allegiance. He took many into his service and gave them high rank. His son Valakar dwelt long among them in the house of [added: Vidugavia] the King of Rhovannion. Romendakil permitted him to wed the king's daughter. The marriage of the heir to a woman of an alien people and without any Numenorean blood had never occurred before, and caused great displeasure. Before Valakar died there was already open rebellion in the southern fiefs. Various claimants to the crown appeared, descendants of Atanatar II. The most favoured especially by the fleet, and ship-folk of the southern shores, was the Captain of the Ships, Kastamir [great-grandson >] grandson of Kalmakil's second son Kalimehtar.

21(a). Eldakar. born 1255 deposed 1437.

When Valakar died his son, who had the alien name of Vinitharya, took the name Eldakar, and succeeded. At first he held Osgiliath, and Minas Anor, but he was driven out and deposed by Kastamir, and fled to the north. In this war Osgiliath suffered much damage, and the tower of the palantir was destroyed and the palantir lost.

22. Kastamir. born 1259 seized throne 1437 +slain 1447.

After ten years Eldakar defeated Kastamir with the help of his mother's kin. Kastamir was slain [added: by Eldakar in battle in Lebennin, at Ethraid Erui], but his sons and many of his kin and party fled to Umbar, and long held it as an independent realm at war with Gondor.

21(b) Eldakar

regained the kingdom 1447 lived 235 years died 1490

After Eldakar's return the blood of the kingly house and kindred became more mixed, for many Northmen settled in Gondor, and became great in the land, and high officers in its armies. But the friendship with the Northmen, which continued as part of the policy of the kings, proved of great service in later wars.

23. Aldamir. born 1330 lived 210 years +slain 1540.

He was the second son and third child of Eldakar. His elder brother Ornendil was slain in the wars of the Kin-strife (1446).

Aldamir fell in battle with the rebelling kings of Harad allied with the rebels of Umbar.

24. Vinyarion. born 1391 lived 230 years died 1621.

He later (1551) took the name Hyarmendakil II, after a great victory over Harad in vengeance for his father.

25. Minardil. born 1454 lived 180 years +slain 1634.

The rebels of Umbar had never ceased to make war on Gondor since the death of Kastamir, attacking its ships and raiding its coast at every opportunity. They had however become much mixed in blood through admission of Men of Harad, and only their chieftains, descendants of Kastamir, were of Numenorean race. Learning through spies that Minardil was at Pelargir, suspecting no peril since the crushing of Harad and Umbar by his father, Angomaite and Sangahyanda, leaders of the Corsairs of Umbar, great-grandsons of Kastamir, made a raid up Anduin, slew the king, ravaged Pelargir and the coasts, and escaped with great booty.

26. Telemnar. born 1516 lived 120 years died 1636.

Telemnar immediately began to fit out a fleet for the reduction of Umbar. But a deadly plague or sickness, coming with dark winds out of the East, fell on the land. Great numbers of the folk of Gondor, especially those that dwelt in Osgiliath, and other cities and towns, took sick and died. The White Tree of Minas Anor withered and died. Telemnar and all his children perished. The crown was taken by his nephew.

27. Tarondor. born 1577 lived 221 years died 1798.

He was the eldest son of Minastan, second son of Minardil. He removed the king's house permanently to Minas Anor, and there replanted a seedling of the White Tree in the citadel. During the plague in Osgiliath those folk that survived fled from the city to the western dales or into the woods of Ithilien, and few were willing to return. Osgiliath became largely deserted and partly ruinous. Tarondor had the longest reign of all the Kings of Gondor (162 years), but was unable to do more than attempt to re-establish life and order within his borders. Owing to the fewness of his people the watch on Mordor was neglected and the fortresses guarding the passes became emptied.

28. Telumehtar. born 1632 lived 218 years died 1850.

He took the title Umbardakil after the storming and destruction of the haven and stronghold of the Corsairs of Umbar (1810).

But this was later reoccupied and rebuilt in the troublous times that later befell Gondor.

29. Narmakil II. born 1684 lived 172 years +slain 1856.

In his time it is said that the Ulairi or Ringwraiths re-entered Mordor, owing to the ceasing of the vigilance, and there they secretly prepared in the darkness for the return of their Dark Lord. Men out of the East appeared of a new sort, stronger, better armed, journeying in huge wains, and fighting in chariots.

Stirred up maybe by Sauron they made a great assault on Gondor, and continued to be a great peril for very many years.

Narmakil was slain in battle with their host beyond Anduin, north-east of the Morannon.

30. Kalimehtar. born 1736 lived 200 years died 1936.

He continued the War of the Wainriders, and in 1899 won a great victory over them on Dagorlad, which checked their attacks for some time. He built the White Tower in Minas Anor to house the palantir.

31. Ondohir.

[> Ondonir) born 1787 lived 157 years +slain 1944.

War continued with the Wainriders. In 1940 Ondohir [> Ondonir] gave the hand of his daughter Firiel (born 1896), his third child, to Arvedui heir of Araphant, King of the North-kingdom; but he was unable to send any help to the north against the evil realm of Angmar, because of his own peril. In 1944 Ondohir [> Ondonir] and both his sons Faramir and Artamir fell in battle against an alliance of the Wainriders and the Haradrim. The king and his sons fell in battle in the north and the enemy poured into Ithilien. But in the meantime Earnil Captain of the southern army won a victory in South Ithilien, destroyed the army of Harad, and hastening north succoured the retreating remnants of the northern army, and drove the Wainriders off. In the great rout that followed most of the enemy were driven into the Dead Marshes.

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