The Peoples King (69 page)

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Authors: Susan Williams

Tags: #Non Fiction, #history

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First World War
Great War Fisher, Sir Warren 91-2, 93, 103 Fitzgerald, Helen 42 FitzHerbert, Lady Nora 163 FitzHerbert, Sir William 163 Flanders 54, 57, 58, 223 Flanner, Janet 35, 234, 253 Floud, Sir Francis 266 Folkestone, Kent 73, 97, 98 Fomenter, Majorca 25 Foreign Office 61 Forster, E. M. 44

Fort Belvedere, Windsor Great Park
2-3, M-5> 35. 36, 75)
4» 85,
93, 96, 112,114, 118, 128, 129, 139, 150, 159, 175, 181, 190, 192, 196, 210, 211, 212, 230, 233, 262 four-leaf clover 270 Foyle's literary luncheons 256-7 France

Great War 54, 55, 57, 78, 187, 223, 270

Wallis visits Mrs Scanlon 97-8 Wallis stays with the Rogers

family 150, 192 the Windsors in exile 277-8 Franco, General Francisco 108 Friends of the Duke of Windsor in

America 279 Frisco's nightclub, Soho 212 Frogmore royal mausoleum,

Windsor 281
Front Populaire
(Blum) 108 Fry, Geoffrey 177 Furness, Thelma, Lady 23-4, 38,

44, 46, 88, 213
, HMS 253

Gallipoli, Battle of 43, 54, 270 Game, Sir Philip 95, 98, 274 Garbo, Greta 159 Garn-yr-Erw 16-17 Garvey, Marcus 49, 244 Garvin, James 197-8 Gateshead British Legion and United Services Fund 225 Gaumont-British News 47 General Strike (1926) 120-21 George, Prince, Duke of Kent (Edward's brother) 99, 210, 262, 275 relationships with married women 38

proposes to Poppy Baring 39 bisexuality 39 addiction to cocaine 39 marries Princess Marina 40, 80

at the Embassy Club 73 personality 80-81 told of Edward's abdication decision 106

witnesses Edward's abdication 219

devastated by the abdication 247-8

final meal with Edward 253 George III, King 178 George V, King (Edward's father) 5, 162, 177, 263 and the working classes 9 as a parent 10-11 worries about Edward's size 30 and Sheila Loughborough 38 and Edward's popularity 52 fails to understand war veterans

rigid time-table 72 love of shooting 72 approves of Elizabeth 99 relationship with Albert 116 Christmas broadcasts 153, 156 refuses to shelter the Tsar and his

family 229-30 personality 230 death of 63, 68 George VI, King 266 the new king 219, 228, 230-32,

237-8, 246 final meal with Edward 233 proclaimed king (12 December

254-5 and Edward's wedding 275, 276 and Wallis's status 276 determined to keep the Windsors

out of Britain 278, 279 coronation 250-51, 273
see also
Albert, Prince Germany 189, 265 Gillett, Sir George 12, 60 Glamorgan 2, 6 Glasgow 15

Globe and Mail
Goddard, Theodore
216-18, 267
Goebbels, Joseph
Gold Standard 121 Granard, Lord and Lady
Great War
(i9i4-i8) 5,6,14, 52-5,


Greece, King of (Georgios II)
Grenadier Guards
52, 53, 55, 73,

121, 270
Greville, Mrs Ronnie
45, 189, 264
Grigg, John 51,
Grosvenor House, London
Guinness, Mr and Mrs Lee
Gunther, John
28, 31-2, 72, 148,

242, 251, 257

Gwynne, 'Foxy' (later Lady Sefton) 43, J

Gwynne, H. A.
19-20, 128-9,
47 gypsies

Hailsham, Lord
Halifax, Lord
76, 93, 102, 105
Hall, George
Hamilton, General Sir Ian
Hamilton, Jean, Lady
40-41, 45-6,

80, 81^ 163
Hamilton of Dalzell, Lord
25, 247
Happy Valley set
Hardinge, Major Alexander
99, 140, 147
sympathy for George V's sons
Edward's Private Secretary
3, 5,

89, 91,
94 South Wales royal tour
5, 94
and Edward's interest in housing

Wallis feels uncomfortable with

the Hardinges 36 love of shooting 72 warns Albert that abdication is

loyal to George V's court
discusses the divorce issue with

74-5, 194
discusses the crisis with Lang
and Alice Keppel
friendship with the Yorks
warning letter to Edward

101, 117
and the morganatic marriage plan

the start of the new reign
flourishes under the new regime

Hardinge, Helen 36,
76, 79, 87, 89,

104, 116, 152, 240
Hardinge of Penshurst, Lord (father

of Alexander Hardinge)
Harewood, Earl of
Harmsworth, Esmond
86, 111-12,

117, 172
Harriman, Margaret Case
Harrisson, Tom
Hartington, Lord
Harvey, Oliver
Hatfield House, Hertfordshire
Headlam, Cecil
68, 69, 104, 136,

145, 166, 168, 222, 257-8
Heap, Anthony
Hearst, William Randolph 85 Heath, Edward
Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort

Henry, Prince (Harry), Duke of

106, 219, 253, 263
Hertzog, General

Hewett, Sir Stanley 2.30 High Court, London 74 High Lodge, Durham 58 High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

newspaper 205

Hindus 206

His Master's Voice 242

Hitler, Adolf 24, 45, 108, 109, 189,

195, 196 Hoare, Sir Samuel 51, 102, 105,

-4, 221 Hobart, Tasmania 251 Hoesch, Leopold von 196 Holt, Harold 203 Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh 99 Home Fleet 51, 63, 89, 93 Hong Kong 30 Hore-Belisha, Leslie 279 Home, Sir Robert 106 Hotel de Paris, Bray, Berkshire 85 Hotel Majestic, Cannes
House of Commons 64, 84, xoi, 106, 119, 122, 124, 133, 158, 159, 161, 173, 174, 183, 192-5, 198, 200, 201, 217, 219, 220, 221, 226, 235, 236, 259, 281 House of Lords 78, 229, 235, 236

housing 6, 12, 14, 43, 48, 50 Houston, Lady 180-81, 255 Hughes, W.M. 176 Hunter, George 84 Hunter, Kitty 84

Hyde Park, London 57, 122, 180

Illustrated London News
Imperial Conference (1926) 118 India 31, 205-8, 244

Inskip, Sir Thomas 124 Instrument of Abdication 218-19, 226

Invergordon 121

Ipswich Assizes 74, 75, 84, 85, 188 Irish Free State 117, 124, 131, 132, M5

Irish Government 202 Ismaili sect 54 Italy 189, 225

James II, King 175
Japan Advertiser
Japan Times
23 5 Jardine, Reverend J. A. 275 Jarrow 66

Jarrow Crusade
(British Movietone) 67

Jarrow marchers (1936) 66-7
Jarrow Marchers

Movietone) 67 Jockey Club 71 John, Prince 80-81 Jones, Lewis 123 Jones, Thomas 114, 177, 251 Jowitt, Lord 276-7 Jutland, Battle of 55

Kaneko, Shigeri 235 Kennington, London 14, 50 Keppel, Alice 35, 79, 80, 163, 234 Keynes, John Maynard 44, 165
General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
164 Keynes, Lydia 165 Khan, Aly 24 Kingston, Jamaica 255 Kirkwood, David 119-20 Kit Kat club, London 73 Kitchener, Lord 53

Kurunegala Urban District Council, Ceylon 244

Labor Daily
249 Labour Party

and Lady Colefax 44 Edward's attitude to 49 and the royal crisis 113, 249 growing influence 122 ruling class's fear 123 Ladbrook (Edward's chauffeur) 151 Lambe, Charles 69, 75, 94

the South Wales visit 4,11, 15, 16 on Edward's devotion to Wallis


on Lady Colefax 44 and management of the royal staff

and Wallis's divorce petition 75 tensions in the royal household 126

at the Opening of Parliament 229 in George VI's Household 263 Lang, Cosmo Gordon, Archbishop of Canterbury 70, 72, 76-7, 99-100, 103, 137-8, 146, 165-6, 169, 190, 269, 271 'The pity of it' speech 256-60 Langcliffe Hall, Yorkshire 146 Langtry, Lillie 79 Lascelles, Tommy 66, 228 League of Nations 160, 199
concept 108 Leeds 170

Peace Congress (1936) 97 Legh,Joey 4, 263 Legh, Colonel Piers 274 'Levantie' (Lavente) 225 Leveson-Gower, Lady Rosemary Millicent 78

Lewis, Sinclair 143 Lewis, Wyndham 264 Leyland, Morris 166 Liberal National Women's

Committee 144 Liberal Party 49 Lincoln, Bishop of 275 Lindbergh, Colonel and Mrs 98 Linlithgow, Lord 104-5,

205-6, 207 Literary Society 40 Liverpool Disabled Ex-Service Men's Protection Association 223

Llanfrecha Grange 13 Llanidloes, Mayor of 243 Llantwit Major station 2, 5 Lloyd George, David 9, 49, 54, 57, 172, 183, 198-9, 228, 229, 230, 241, 249, 255, 272 Lloyd George, Gwilym 249 Lloyd George, Megan 183 Lobamba Kraal, Swaziland 205 Lockhart, Bruce 40, 44, 86, 139,

*44-5> "3>
London County Council 243 London Irish Rifles 227 London Social Credit Club,

Westminster, London 180 Londonderry, Charles, Lord 39, 87,

166, 168, 182, 189 Londonderry, Edith, Lady 4, 87-8, 127, 166, 189, 224, 263
159-60, 189 Londonderry House, Mayfair,

London 4, 87, 189 Loos, Battle of 53
Los Angeles Times
21 Lou Viei, Cannes 150, 152, 191, 240, 265, 267

Loughborough, Lord 38 Loughborough, Sheila, Lady 38 Lowndes, Marie Belloc 32, 192 Lyons, Joseph A. 118, 126, 130, 202

MacDonald, Malcolm 124 MacDonald, Ramsay 14, 105, 215 annoyed at Edward's South Wales

visit 60-61 on courtiers' disapproval of

Edward 69 and Alexander Hardinge's letter

to Edward 93 on Baldwin's ebullience 104 and the public's reaction to the

royal crisis 129 on Edward's final broadcast 240 Mackenzie, Sir Compton 123 Mackenzie King, William Lyon

130-31, 204 McMahon, George 178 Macmillan, Harold 55, 58, 200 Macy's department store, New York 242

Madame Tussaud's, London 267 Madison Square Gardens, New

York 106 Magdalen College, Oxford 5 2, 61 Mainbocher (originally Main

Rousseau Bocher) 32, 43, 275
Manchester Guardian
Maoris 130

Mare Nostrum
(Mussolini) 108 Margaret, Princess 87, 100, 228 Marina, Princess, of Greece

(Duchess of Kent) 24, 40, 73, 80, 97, 99, 262, 280 Marlborough, Duchess of 99, 258, 263

Marlborough, ninth Duke of 39, 99, 258, 263

Marlborough House, London 105, 137

Martin, Kingsley 40 Marvell, Andrew: 'An Horatian

Ode' 233, 234 Mary, Princess 81, 105 Mary, Queen, Queen Consort (Edward's mother) 9, 46, 72, 137, 158, 162, 165, 246 as a parent 10-11 personality 35 dress sense 3 5 and Poppy Baring 39 teaches Edward embroidery 73 meets Princess Marina 81 told of Edward's decision to

abdicate 105 refuses to meet Wallis 105, 279 paternal grandparents'

morganatic marriage 112, 115 view of morganatic plan 115 sorry for Edward 219 Queen Regent proposal 230 tries to dissuade Edward from a

farewell broadcast 233 final meal with Edward 253 congratulates Lang on his speech

256, 260 Lady Cunard ostracized 262 and Wallis's status 276 Mass-Observation 250-51, 280

the Twelfth
250 Maugham, W. Somerset 264-5 Maurice, Sir Frederick 224 Mayor of Merthyr Tydfil's

Distressed School Children's Fund 3 Mbabane, Swaziland 205

Means Test 122., 123 Melbourne 202

Merryman, D. Buchanan ('Bessie', Wallis's aunt) 21, 28, 33, 34-5, 93, 112, 126, 128, 150, 152, 269, 275
Merthyr Express 6
Merthyr Maternity and Child

Welfare Clinic 6-7 Merthyr Tydfil 1, 6-7, 59, 111, 122 Metcalfe, Edward ('Fruity') 275 Metropolitan Police 95, 98, 273-4 Meynell, Francis 196, 210, 219 Milner, Violet, Lady 91, 101, 104, 114, 136, 139, 152, 172, 194, 211, 216, 239-40
Milwaukee Journal
251 Miners' Relief Fund 121 Miners' Welfare Institute, Garn-yr-

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