The Pentagon's Brain (56 page)

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Authors: Annie Jacobsen

Tags: #History / Military / United States, #History / Military / General, #History / Military / Biological & Chemical Warfare, #History / Military / Weapons

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Dr. Ken Alibek: Virologist, former deputy director Biopreparat, USSR

Dr. Jorge Barraza: Social psychologist, Claremont Graduate University

Colonel Doug Beason, Ph.D. (retired): Physicist, former chief scientist U.S. Air Force Space Command

Chris Berka: Co-founder of Advanced Brain Monitoring, Inc.

Major David Blair: Technologist, MQ-1B instructor pilot, AC-130 gunship pilot

Dr. David A. Bray: Information technologist, chief information officer, FCC; former information chief for Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response, Centers for Disease Control

Rebecca Bronson: FBI records administrator

Dr. Susan V. Bryant: Regeneration biologist, former dean of the School of Biological Sciences and vice chancellor for research, UC Irvine

Colonel Julian Chesnutt (retired): Former program officer, Defense Clandestine Service, DIA

Colonel L. Neale Cosby (retired): Former SIMNET principal investigator, DARPA

Bernard Crane: Lawyer, Washington, DC

Dr. Tanja Dominko: Biotechnoengineer, stem cell biologist, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Allen Macy Dulles: Student of history, Korean War veteran, son of Allen Welsh Dulles

Dr. Jay W. Forrester: Computer pioneer, founder of system dynamics

Ralph “Jim” Freedman: Former nuclear weapons engineer, EG&G

Dr. David Gardiner: Regeneration biologist, professor of developmental and cell biology, UC Irvine

Colonel John Gargus (retired): Former special operations officer, U.S. Air Force

Lieutenant Colonel Peter A. Garretson: Transformational strategist, U.S. Air Force

Dr. Marvin Goldberger: Former Manhattan Project physicist, founder and chairman of the Jason scientists, science advisor to President Johnson

Dr. Michael Goldblatt: Former director, Defense Sciences Office, DARPA

Dr. Kay Godel-Gengenbach: Academic, daughter of William Godel

General Paul F. Gorman (retired): Former commander in chief, U.S. Southern Command (US SOUTHCOM), special assistant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Richard “Rip” Jacobs: Former engineer, VO-67 Navy squadron

Dr. Garrett T. Kenyon: Neurophysicist, Synthetic Cognition Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Paul Kozemchak: Special assistant to director, DARPA

Edward Lovick Jr.: Physicist, former Lockheed Skunk Works stealth technologist

Sherre Lovick: Engineer, former Lockheed Skunk Works stealth technologist

Robert A. Lowell: Radiation scientist, satellite technologist

Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Ph.D. (retired): Former squadron operations officer, Battle of 73 Easting

Master Chief Petty Officer Craig Marsh (retired): Former master explosive ordnance disposal technician, Combined Joint Counter-IED Task Force Troy, Iraq

Montgomery McFate, J. D., Ph.D.: Cultural anthropologist, former senior social scientist, Human Terrain System, U.S. Army

Cullen McInerney: Former military contractor, former U.S. Secret Service

Eugene McManus: Former technician at BMEWS J-Site, Thule, Greenland

Timothy Moynihan: Pastor, former soldier and operations officer, U.S. Army

Dr. Walter Munk: Oceanographer, former Jason scientist

Captain C. N. “Lefty” Nordhill: Former aircraft commander, VO-67 Navy squadron

Alfred O’Donnell: Former nuclear weapons engineer, EG&G

Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Ph.D.: Neurologist, Harvard Medical School, director of the Berenson-Allen Center for Non-invasive Brain Stimulation

Dr. Robert Popp: Former deputy director, Information Awareness Office, DARPA

Dr. Leonard Reiffel: Nuclear physicist

Robert E. Reynolds: Former air crewman, VO-67 Navy squadron

Michael E. Rich: Assistant U.S. attorney, Department of Justice

Jeremy Ridgley: Former soldier, Eighteenth Military Police Brigade, U.S. Army

Rob Rubio: Business director, Advanced Brain Monitoring, Inc.

Colonel Jack W. Rust: Commander, U.S. Navy, NRO

Dr. Charles Schwartz: Physicist, former Jason scientist

Dr. Noel Sharkey: Emeritus professor of artificial intelligence and robotics at the University of Sheffield, England, chairman of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control

Brigadier General Andrew Smith (Australian Army, retired): Former director, Combined Planning Group, Headquarters, U.S. CENTCOM

Colonel Edward Starbird (retired): Son of General Alfred Starbird

David J. Steffy: Former air crewman, VO-67 Navy Squadron

Lieutenant Colonel Hervey Stockman (retired): U-2 pilot, CIA and U.S. Air Force

Clifford Stoll: Astrophysicist

Robert Surrette: Former senior acquisition executive, CIA

Joan Dulles Talley: Jungian analyst, daughter of Allen Welsh Dulles

Lieutenant Colonel Troy E. Techau (retired): Former biometrics technologist, Identity Dominance Operations, U.S. CENTCOM

Elizabeth Terris: Neuroeconomics researcher, Claremont Graduate University

Kip S. Thorne: Theoretical physicist

Colonel Jack Thorpe, Ph.D. (retired): Creator and founder of SIMNET

Dr. Charles H. Townes: Inventor of the laser, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1964

Andrew Tudor: Nanofabrication and nanoscale researcher, physical intelligence, UCLA

Dr. Richard H. Van Atta: Senior research analyst, IDA

Eric Van Slander: Archivist, National Archives

Jim Wagner: Former co-pilot, VO-67 Navy Squadron

Captain Barney Walsh (retired): Former co-pilot, VO-67 Navy squadron

Tom Wells: Former engineer, VO-67 Navy squadron

Dr. James M. Wilson: Virologist, former special assistant to the director for weapons of mass destruction, U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command

Dr. Paul J. Zak: Scientist, neuroeconomist, Claremont Graduate University

Dr. Joseph J. Zasloff: Social scientist, former RAND analyst for the Viet Cong Motivation and Morale Project

Dr. Alan Zelicoff: Epidemiologist, former senior scientist in the Center for National Security and Arms Control at Sandia National Laboratories


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