The Penny Parker Megapack: 15 Complete Novels (70 page)

Read The Penny Parker Megapack: 15 Complete Novels Online

Authors: Mildred Benson

Tags: #detective, #mystery, #girl, #young adult, #sleuth

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“Your explanation isn’t very satisfactory, I’m afraid. Tillie Fellows is staying at our home now.”

“What of it?”

“She was robbed that night on the boat.”

“We discussed it before,” Miss Judson said in exasperation. “You insult me by suggesting that I may have snatched the girl’s pocketbook! Why should I steal when my father is wealthy? I’ve always had everything I want.”

“I should like very much to believe you,” said Penny quietly. “But unless you are willing to offer a complete explanation, I am afraid I can’t.”

“Very well, if I must, I’ll tell,” Miss Judson replied angrily. “You may have read in the newspapers that I am engaged to marry Major Howard Atchley?”

“The story escaped me.”

“I admire Howard very much,” resumed Pauletta, still in an icy tone. “He comes from an excellent family, is well-to-do, and in Father’s opinion will make me a good husband.”

“Your opinion differs?” Penny inquired softly.

“I do not love Howard, and I never shall. On the night you saw me aboard the
I had gone with another friend of mine, Carl Feldman, intending to enjoy the excursion trip.”

“Your father knew nothing about it?”

“I told him I was going with another girl.”

“Oh, I see.”

“There was nothing wrong about it,” Pauletta said irritably. “But I’m fairly well known. I realized that if I were recognized, Father or Howard might learn about it. Then there would be trouble, for Howard is a very jealous person.”

“So you resorted to the wig and glasses?”

“Yes, that was my sole reason. Major Atchley met me at the boat. Before joining him I threw the bundle of clothing into the river. Now are you satisfied with my explanation?”

“I am,” said Penny. “In fact, I never believed that you had robbed Tillie.”

“You certainly acted that way.”

“Perhaps, I only wanted to learn the truth.”

Miss Judson did not reply. Her cold stare made it evident that she disliked Penny and regarded her as a meddler.

“Is there anything else you wish to know?” she asked after a lengthy silence.

“Nothing, Miss Judson. I was only thinking that I would like to help you and your father.”

“Thank you. We don’t require assistance.”

“Perhaps you don’t,” said Penny, “but your father needs friends. He admitted to me that if it weren’t for you he would be tempted to end everything.”

The words stunned Pauletta. “Father never said that!” she exclaimed.

“He did.”

“I can’t believe it. Why, Father’s the most cheerful person in the world!”

“In your presence, possibly. The loss of the
Morning Press
must have been a heavy blow to him.”

“Father wasn’t forced to give up the paper,” Pauletta protested. “He did it because he was tired of working so hard.”

“Was that what he told you?”

“Why, yes. I know of no other reason.”

“The general belief seems to be that your father speculated on the stock market, losing large sums of money.”

“That can’t be true,” denied Pauletta. “To my knowledge Father never gambled. He may have bought a few stocks from time to time, but only for investment.”

“Then you feel sure he did not dispose of the
because he needed money?”

Pauletta hesitated before she answered. “It never occurred to me before, but Father has been rather close the past year. I thought it was sheer carelessness when he let this place run down. He always gave me everything I wanted.”

“Why does he favor your marriage to the Major?”

“Perhaps money does enter into it,” Pauletta said slowly. “Many times Father has reminded me that I would have every luxury as Howard’s wife.”

“Your friend Carl is poor?”

“He has a fairly good position, but not much money. Father always seemed to like Carl. That was why I couldn’t understand when he asked me not to see him again.”

“I am sure your father thinks only of your welfare.”

“But I would rather marry Carl and be poor always than to have riches with Howard.”

“You’ve not told your father that?”

“Why, no. It never occurred to me that money had influenced him.”

“There’s another rumor,” said Penny. “I suppose I shouldn’t mention it.”

“I wish you would.”

“I’ve heard it said that your father disposed of the
because he had been blackmailed.”

“By whom?”

“I haven’t the slightest idea. It was only a rumor.”

“There may be truth in it,” Pauletta replied in a low voice. “You’ve opened my eyes, Miss Parker. I’ve been very blind.”

“Then you think someone may have forced your father to pay money?”

“I don’t know. But Father has acted strangely ever since he gave up the paper. Once a month, on the fourth, he receives a visit from a queer looking man. Always he tries to get me out of the house before the fellow comes.”

“Don’t you know his name?”

“No, Father has never told me. The man seldom stays longer than ten minutes.”

“Can you describe him?”

“Not very well because I never saw him at close range. I should say he’s middle-aged, dark and cruel looking. Not at all the sort Father would choose for a friend.”

“Your father offers no explanation as to why the man comes?”

“None. He refuses to discuss the subject. I’ve noticed, though, that for days after the fellow leaves he’s very nervous and uneasy.”

“Excuse me for asking so many questions, Miss Judson, but do you know of any reason why your father might be blackmailed?”

“No, I don’t. I am sure he’s never been involved in anything dishonorable.”

Penny had no more to tell, and she was convinced that Pauletta had given a truthful account of the situation. Feeling that she was not particularly welcome, she arose to leave.

“I am glad you came,” Pauletta said, extending her hand. “Please excuse my rudeness. There were so many things I failed to understand.”

“You must forgive me, too,” replied Penny. “I didn’t mean to meddle. I truly want to help your father.”

“I wish I could help him, too,” said Pauletta in a troubled voice. “In the past I fear I’ve been very selfish and inconsiderate.”

“There’s a way to help if you’re willing to do it.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You say that on the fourth of each month a man comes here to see your father. If you tried could you learn his name?”

“I might drop in upon them at an awkward moment, compelling Father to introduce me.”

“Are you willing to do it?”

“Why, yes, but I fail to see what will be gained.”

“Perhaps nothing, perhaps a great deal,” replied Penny. “If the man is a blackmailer, it should help for us to know his name.”

“I’ll learn what I can.”

“Then until the fourth, good-bye. And please, not a word to Mr. Judson. We must work secretly.”

Reflecting upon the information given her by Pauletta, Penny drove on toward Peter Fenestra’s home. A quarter of a mile away she parked the car, and set off afoot, hoping to attract no attention should the owner be at home.

It was well that she took the precaution. She was three hundred yards from the grounds when suddenly she saw a man emerge from behind the barn. At a glance she observed that he was too short to be Peter Fenestra.

As Penny paused to watch, the man moved stealthily across the yard to the front door of the farmhouse. His face turned slightly in her direction, and she recognized Anchor Joe.

“What can he be doing here?” she thought in amazement.

The question soon was answered. Glancing quickly about, Anchor Joe dropped a white envelope on the front porch. Then he pounded several times on the door before darting to the shelter of the lilac bushes.



Several minutes elapsed before the door was opened by Peter Fenestra. He glanced alertly about the yard, and then his gaze fell upon the envelope. Penny heard him mutter to himself as he picked it up.

Fenestra’s face became convulsed with rage as he tore open the flap and saw the message. Still muttering, he crumpled the paper and thrust it into his pocket. Entering the house, he slammed the door.

With Peter at home Penny dared not try to see Mrs. Weems. As she hesitated, debating, Anchor Joe came from his hiding place. He did not see the girl.

“Joe!” she called softly.

The sailor turned. Recognizing her, he ran in the opposite direction across the yard. Keeping low behind a hedge, he started toward the river.

“Joe! Come back!” Penny called again.

Paying no heed, the sailor fled through the fields. Soon he was hidden by tall trees and bushes.

Penny felt deeply disturbed, wondering if Anchor Joe made a practice of watching the Fenestra home. She was inclined to believe that this had not been his first visit there.

Unexpectedly the farmhouse door swung open. Penny barely had time to step behind a large maple before Peter Fenestra came down the path. He went directly to the barn, and a few minutes later backed out his automobile.

“Good!” thought Penny. “He’s likely driving to Riverview. Now I can talk to Mrs. Weems without fear of interruption.”

As soon as the car had disappeared down the main road, she ran to the kitchen door and knocked. When it was not opened immediately, she thrust her head inside and called the housekeeper’s name.

“Here I am,” answered Mrs. Weems, hurrying from the dining room. “I hope you’ve come to take me home, Penny Parker!”

“No, only to receive your report.” Penny sank into a chair beside the stove. “You don’t act very pleased with your new job.”

“It’s a dreadful place. I was crazy to say I would stay here.”

“Haven’t you learned anything?”

“I’ve learned that Peter Fenestra is one of the most disagreeable men I ever met in my life! There’s no satisfying him. He requires a slave, not a housekeeper!”

“But what about the storm cave?” Penny asked. “Were you able to find out what Fenestra stores in it?”

“Of course not. The padlock always is locked, and he keeps the key in his pocket.”

“But he does have something hidden there?” Penny questioned eagerly. “He goes down into it at night?”

“I’ve seen him enter the cave once since I came here.”

“When was that?”

“Last night after I had gone to bed. I heard the door close, so I went to the window and watched.”

“How long did he stay there, Mrs. Weems?”

“About three hours I’d judge. It was after two o’clock when he returned to his room.”

he have hidden in the cave?”

“Nothing in my opinion,” declared Mrs. Weems. “I think he cooks something. At least he builds a fire.”

“What makes you think that?”

“I could see smoke seeping out from the cracks of the cave door.”

Penny frowned. “I can’t guess what he could be cooking,” she said. “Surely he doesn’t have a still down there.”

“I doubt it very much. Probably you’ve built up a great mystery about nothing.”

Pouring hot water over the dishes, Mrs. Weems began to wash them. Penny picked up a towel and automatically wiped and stacked them away.

“I didn’t imagine that this house was being watched,” she replied. “Only a few minutes ago I saw Anchor Joe steal to the door and leave a letter for Mr. Fenestra.”

“Anchor Joe!”

“Mr. Moyer never caught him it seems. But why should the fellow come here? What message did he leave Fenestra?”

“I heard a knock on the front door,” Mrs. Weems admitted. “Fenestra answered it, and when he came back into the kitchen he was in a dreadful temper.”

“The letter upset him?”

“I didn’t know he had received one.”

“Yes, Anchor Joe left it on the doorstep. It may have been a threatening note. I’d give a lot to know.”

“Fenestra has been very nervous since I came here,”Mrs. Weems contributed. “If he hears any unusual sound in the yard he immediately becomes alert.”

“As if he were afraid for his life?”

“Yes, he does act that way. I doubt if he’ll stay here much longer. His clothes are all packed in suitcases.”

important information,” declared Penny. “Oh, dear, if only we knew why he’s being threatened, and why he intends to leave! I believe I’ll go upstairs and inspect his room.”

“You’ll learn nothing there,” responded Mrs. Weems. “Fenestra is a careful man. He leaves no papers lying about.”

“It will do no harm to look.”

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