The Penny Parker Megapack: 15 Complete Novels (110 page)

Read The Penny Parker Megapack: 15 Complete Novels Online

Authors: Mildred Benson

Tags: #detective, #mystery, #girl, #young adult, #sleuth

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“My heart—” Mrs. Marborough whispered. “An attack—last night.”

“Rhoda, run as fast as you can and get Doctor Hamilton,” Penny said tersely. “I’ll stay here.”

As soon as her friend had gone, she busied herself trying to make Mrs. Marborough comfortable. She rearranged the disordered blankets, and fanned air toward the woman, making it easier for her to breathe.

“My pearls,” Mrs. Marborough whispered after a moment. “They’re gone.”

Penny thought little of the remark, deciding that the widow was not entirely rational.

“Oh, you have the necklace,” she said soothingly. “Don’t you remember? We found it yesterday.”

“Gone—” Mrs. Marborough repeated. “It gave me such a shock—I had hidden the pearls in the teapot. This morning—”

Penny bent closer, suddenly realizing that the old lady was in possession of her faculties and was trying to disclose something of great importance.

“I went there this morning,” Mrs. Marborough completed with difficulty. “The pearls were gone. They’ve been stolen. Now I have nothing.”



Penny tried to quiet the old lady by assuring her that the pearl necklace must be somewhere in the house.

“No—no, it is gone,” Mrs. Marborough insisted. “A thief entered the house during the night. The shock of it brought on this attack.”

Spent by the effort required to speak, the widow closed her eyes, and relaxed. Thinking that she had gone to sleep, Penny left the bedside for a moment. A quick glance assured her that the kitchen window was open, and far more alarming, the screen had been neatly cut from its frame. An empty China teapot stood on the kitchen table.

“It must be true!” Penny thought with a sinking heart. “The pearls have been stolen, and the shock of it nearly killed Mrs. Marborough! But who could have known that she had the necklace here in the house?”

Louise and Rhoda were beyond suspicion, and for a moment she could think of no others who had knowledge of the pearls. Then, with a start, it came to her that the story had been told the previous night at the Breens.

“Ted knew about it and he was interested!” she thought. “But I can’t believe he would do such a contemptible thing—even if he did once steal a chicken.”

Penny’s unhappy reflections were broken by the arrival of Rhoda with Doctor Hamilton. For the next half hour the girls were kept more than busy carrying out his instructions.

“Mrs. Marborough, in a way you have been very fortunate,” the doctor said as he finally prepared to leave the house. “Your attack has been a light one and with proper care you should be on your feet again within a week or two. I’ll arrange to have you taken to the hospital at once.”

The widow tried to raise up in bed. “I won’t go!” she announced. “Hospitals cost money—more than I have to spend.”

“It won’t cost you anything, Mrs. Marborough. I’ll arrange everything.”

“I refuse to be a charity patient,” the widow declared defiantly. “I’ll die first! Go away and take your pills with you!”

“Then if you refuse hospital care, I must arrange for a nurse.”

“I can’t afford that either,” the old lady snapped. “Just go away and I’ll get along by myself. I’m feeling better. If I could only have a cup of tea—”

“I’ll make it for you,” Rhoda offered eagerly.

Penny signaled to the doctor, indicating that she wished him to follow her into another room. Once beyond the hearing of the old lady, she outlined a plan.

“Mrs. Marborough likes Rhoda very much,” she said to the doctor. “I think she might be perfectly satisfied to be looked after by her.”

“The girl seems sensible and efficient,” Doctor Hamilton replied. “But would she be willing to stay?”

“I think she might for she has no home of her own.”

Relieved to have the problem solved so easily, the doctor declared that the plan could be tried for a few days at least.

“I’ll drop in again late tonight,” he promised, picking up his bag.

Consulted by Penny, Rhoda said at once that she would be happy indeed to remain with Mrs. Marborough as long as her services were required. The widow too seemed pleased by the arrangement.

“It’s very good of you,” she murmured to Rhoda. “I can’t pay you though. Not unless my pearls are recovered.”

“Your pearls?” the girl echoed in astonishment.

Penny drew her friend aside, explaining what had occurred. Rhoda was shocked to learn that the necklace had been stolen.

“How dreadful!” she gasped. “Who could have taken the pearls?”

Apparently it did not occur to her that her own brother Ted might be regarded with suspicion. Penny was much too kind to drop such a hint, and kept her thoughts strictly to herself.

However, later in the day, with Mrs. Marborough’s permission, she made a full report of the theft to local police. An officer visited Rose Acres, but aside from establishing exactly how the house had been entered, obtained few useful clues. Questioned at considerable length, Penny disclosed that so far as she knew only Louise Sidell, the trailer camp family, Ted, Rhoda and herself had known that the pearls were in the mansion.

“We’ll keep that Breen family under surveillance,” the officer promised. “I’ll let you know if anything develops.”

Another problem immediately confronted Penny. An inspection of the cupboards of the Marborough home had revealed that there was barely enough food to last a day.

“Buy whatever you need,” the widow instructed. “You’ll find money in the top bureau drawer.”

By diligent search, the girls found four dollars and twenty-four cents which they felt certain was all the money the old lady possessed.

“Why, the medicines Doctor Hamilton ordered will take almost this much!” Penny said in dismay. “Something must be done.”

Both girls respected Mrs. Marborough’s desire for secrecy, but they knew it would not be possible to help her and, at the same time, prevent the townspeople from learning of her dire poverty. Deeply troubled, Penny placed the problem in Mrs. Weems’ hands.

“Why, that poor woman!” the housekeeper explained. “To think that she is sick and hasn’t the things that she needs. I’ll send a basket of food at once. I am sure many people will be eager to help.”

Mrs. Weems busied herself at the telephone, and within a few hours, all manner of useful gifts began to arrive at Rose Acres. Neighbors came to help Rhoda with the housework and to care for the widow.

As was inevitable, the entire story of Mrs. Marborough’s poverty, including the loss of the pearl necklace, circulated throughout Riverview. Since there no longer was any excuse for secrecy, Penny disclosed to members of the Pilgrimage Committee what had become of the old lady’s furniture and why she had refused to open her house during Festival Week. To her delight, a fund immediately was raised for the purpose of re-purchasing the valuable antiques. Mr. Butterworth, pleased to cooperate, agreed to sell the furniture for exactly the price he had paid.

The days drifted slowly along. Under Rhoda’s faithful care, Mrs. Marborough soon was able to sit up in a wheel chair. Much subdued since the heart attack, she had little to say even when a moving van arrived with her household furnishings. But one afternoon while Penny was inserting new candles in the glass candelabrum she so much admired, the old lady watched her from her chair by the window.

“You and Rhoda have fixed the house up so nicely,” she said. “You’ve been very kind to me, and so have all the folks in Riverview.”

“You have a great many friends, Mrs. Marborough,”Penny replied, smiling. “You never gave them a chance to show it before.”

“Perhaps I have been unfriendly,” the widow acknowledged. “I didn’t mean to be. Now that I’d like to show my appreciation, there’s no way to do it. If only the police would get busy and find the rascal who stole my necklace—”

Penny did not reply immediately, for she could think of nothing encouraging to say. She and Rhoda both believed that the thief who had taken the pearls never would be apprehended.

“Mrs. Marborough,” she said at length, “there is a way you could show the people of Riverview how you feel—but I’m sure you wouldn’t care to do it.”

“By opening my home for the Pilgrimage?” the widow asked, smiling.

“That’s what I had in mind, but of course—”

“When is the Festival?” Mrs. Marborough broke in. “I’ve lost track of time since I’ve been sick.”

“It starts day after tomorrow.” Penny drew a deep sigh. “I’m afraid the Festival may be a failure, for not half enough tickets have been sold.”

“Would it help to include this house in the Pilgrimage?”

“It would save the Festival!” cried Penny. “You’re not well enough to go through with it, though!”

“Fiddlesticks!” Mrs. Marborough snapped, her spirits reviving. “I’d like nothing better than a big party. What pleasure is it sitting in a wheel chair staring at a cracked wall? Now you go ahead and plan it just the way you like.”

With time so short, Penny flew into action. She contacted members of the Festival Committee and immediately a new publicity campaign was launched. It was announced that Rose Acres would be included in the Pilgrimage and that a grand costume ball at the mansion would be open to the public.

“The affair is certain to be a success,” Penny told her father enthusiastically. “I wish though that the Indian Show wasn’t playing Riverview at the same time. By the way, have you made any further progress in proving that Jay Franklin’s record stones are fakes?”

“Not very much,” Mr. Parker ruefully admitted. “A report came back on that tool you picked up at Truman Crocker’s shack.”

“What was the verdict, Dad?”

“Professor Anjus, the expert who examined the chisel, says he believes the stones could have been marked with it.”

“Then Truman Crocker may be the guilty person!”

“It’s not at all certain. In all events, I still hold to my original theory that the hoax was planned by Bill McJavins of the Indian Show.”

“I certainly hope Mr. Franklin fails in trying to sell the stones to the museum.”

“So do I,” agreed the editor. “Unfortunately, unless I dig up evidence very quickly, the transaction will take place.”

Penny did not give a great deal of thought to the affair of the record stones for Mrs. Marborough’s illness had centered her interest at Rose Acres. In truth, she was far more concerned about the missing pearls. The police had made no progress in tracing the necklace and held scant hope the thief would be captured.

As for Ted Wiegand, Penny was unable to make up her mind whether or not he was the guilty person. Although he still worked for Judge Harlan, she seldom saw him. Occasionally, reports of his progress were given to her by Rhoda.

“Ted isn’t provoked at me any more,” she assured Penny. “He’s beginning to think as I do that Mr. Coaten has been up to something crooked. I know for a fact that he gave Mrs. Breen money to force me out of the family.”

“Are those two men still in town?” Penny asked thoughtfully.

Rhoda nodded. “They’ve been here to see me twice. Mrs. Marborough sent them away the last time. She dislikes them both because they once came here to ask if they could rent rooms.”

“That must have been the night I overheard them talking at the wishing well,” Penny returned.

She remained silent a moment, thinking. Suddenly, she glanced up, her eyes dancing. “Rhoda, I have an idea!”

“What is it, Penny?”

“It might not work, but if it should, we’d learn why Mr. Coaten is so eager to adopt you and Ted.”

“Tell me what you have in mind.”

“It’s like this, Rhoda! If we could induce Mr. Coaten and his friend to come to Rose Acres on the night of the costume ball, I know how they might be made to talk!”

“Strong arm methods?” Rhoda asked, slightly amused.

“Indeed not! The old wishing well will turn the trick.”

“You certainly have me puzzled, Penny.”

“Getting those men here will be the most difficult,”Penny went on, thinking aloud. “But I can sell them a ticket to the ball. Failing that, I’ll give them one free.”

“There’s still no guarantee they would come.”

“I know how we can make sure of it! Rhoda, you can write Mr. Coaten a note, asking him to meet you here at ten o’clock. The ball will be in full sway by that time. If you hint you’ve decided to sign the adoption papers, he’s certain to come.”

“And then how will I get out of it?”

“Leave that part to me,” Penny chuckled. “We’ll get Mr. Coaten here, and you’re to talk with him beside the wishing well.”

“Why in that particular place?”

“I can’t tell you now,” Penny said, smiling mysteriously. “Just accept my word for it that it’s of utmost importance. As soon as you get the men at the wishing well, make an excuse and run into the house, leaving them together.”

“And then what?” Rhoda asked, completely bewildered.

“From that point the old well and I will take over!”Penny laughed. “I can’t tell you another thing. But if my scheme works—and I think it will—Mr. Coaten’s little game will be exposed in a most dramatic way!”

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